tenessaa Member


  • Sirloin Burgers and roasted potato's
  • Totally agree!
    in zumba Comment by tenessaa February 2011
  • I use my HRM with a chest strap and i have been averaging about 800 calories for the hour. The highest I've seen has been 900 the lowest around 740. before the HRM I logged it as high impact aerobics and that was pretty close but a little under what the HRM was giving me.
    in zumba Comment by tenessaa February 2011
  • I love zumba!! I go twice a week and sneak in a third class whenever possible! I agree with the others, you feel awkward at first but then after a couple classes you start to know the moves a little better. Also agree with the fact that everyone is watching the instructor and not worried about how others look. It's great…
  • I bought mine at walmart for 50, I would take it back and get the one with the chest strap. I have one without also and boy is there a big difference in numbers!!
  • I use my HRM and record it that way. But logging it at High Intensity Aerobics before my HRM was actually pretty close to what I was burning.
  • my keys to success this time have been journaling everything I eat!! And also cutting out all soda. Water was seriously lacking in my life. I haven't bought soda at the grocery in about 4 months.
  • thanks for sharing! I can't wait to try some of these out!
  • I love zumba classes. The dvd's are a little slow and boring compared to the live class. 30 day shred is a great workout, but I have knee issues and it totally wrecks my knees. Of course that could be due to incorrect form since I'm not a pro :)
  • My family of four is good on around $600 a month
  • I've finally worked my way backwards through my closet and am having to buy new clothes. I've only been buying when I absolutely need to because I have a lot more to lose and don't want to spend money on a new wardrobe right now.
  • "Unless You Puke, Faint or Die, Keep Going!" — Jillian Michaels
  • Just my family this year but I plan on making hungry girl's pulled chicken and pototao skins! Maybe some of her jalapeno poppers
  • refresh and it should be the right size. I started around the first of October. I've only gained once and it was during Christmas and it was only 2 lbs. Instead of giving up then I jumped back in and started again!
  • I love zumba!!!! I would go every day if i could afford it! I go twice a week and I've tried it at home and it's just not the same! The energy is crazy in an actual class!
  • I splurged for two days and instead of throwing in the towel like I normally would have I got back on the wagon and am feeling great! I was also greeted by a "Hey Skinny" at work lol :P
  • I LOVE feta! Can't wait to try this!
  • splurge and get the 47.77 one with the chest strap! I used my mom's that didn't have the chest strap and compared the results. Unbelievable!
  • Diet hot cocoa! Makes a great Mocha Joe!
  • I average burning about 800 calories per class and do at least 2 classes a week. I just got the dvd's for home and can't wait to try them out. My main exercise has come from zumba and 30 day shred and I've lost 40 lbs!! So yes it will pull the weight off you!
  • I too will go several weeks only loosing a minimum amount of pounds or none at all. I just came through the holidays and only lost 2 lbs in a month, then this week I decided to drop my calories a little and added in an extra zumba class. I lost 4.2 lbs this week! This seems to be a trend for me.
  • My mom gave me a HRM that was wrist only, but I didn't think it was giving me good numbers, so I went to Walmart (i'm on a tight budget) and bought the one they have with a chest strap. You can use it without the strap and I have done both, the chest strap is much easier and I feel more accurate
    in Zumba Comment by tenessaa January 2011
  • I sneak carrots, celery, and red peppers into my meatloaf. and spinach into lasagna
  • Haven't had a problem with them. I rotate between granola bars and this is one I like...glad it doesn't have the same effect lol-
  • I finally broke down and bought a hrm. I'be been burning between 750 - 850 calories. I'm 5'8 and weigh 229
    in Zumba Comment by tenessaa January 2011
  • I've been doing 30 day shred, it has some great arm work. Also my zumba instructor has several "arm' songs. My arms are screaming by the end. I noticed a HUGE difference in my flabby arms lol
  • I do various videos at home. Netflix has a decent selection on instant play plus the ones you can request. Also I LOVE ZUMBA!!! I have so much fun and burn a ton of calories. It's also nice to work out some of the stress of being a mommy!
  • smack it on a tortilla with some black beans and have a quesodilla
  • I just ordered one of the Hungry Girl Cookbooks and am waiting on it to come in! I can't wait I love all her recipes on her site.
  • I make my momma's corn bread and turns out it's only 105 calories for 1/8 of the recipe. It's simple and yummy. 3/4 cup White Lilly Flour 3/4 Cup White Lilly Cornmeal 1 Tbs Oil Mix with enough water to get a cake batterish consistency. I bake in a small iron skillet @ 350 for about 30 minutes or until it is golden brown…