What made you successful

sweeteme Posts: 18 Member
First, let me begin with a couple of facts. I am BRAND new to mfp. I am married with 3 children. And I am sick and tired of being sick and tired of being overweight.

I have read many success stories and truly enjoyed them. But I feel like I am missing out on what made you successful.
• Did you cut your portion in half?
• Did you work out more? (if so what work out plans did you stick to)
• What DIDN’T work for you?
• What is your daily schedule?


  • OLP76
    OLP76 Posts: 768 Member
    "Dedication, Willpower & Self Accountability is my secrets to my success & I LOVE MYSELF & my new body :) xo"

    About Me

    I have Rhuematoid Arthritis for 23 years & lookin' to start a new lifestyle & to keep it...

    Height: 5'8

    Start weight: Dec 6, 2010: 162lbs.
    DAY 30 results: Jan 6 2011: 157 lbs.
    DAY 60 results: Feb 5 2011: 147 lbs.
    DAY 90 results: Early March 2011

    First Goal Weight: 130lbs.

    Ultimate Goal Weight: 120lbs.

    Double Workout as of FEB 1 2011: 6 days of P90 (Power90) Circuit 3&4 (am ), Circuit 1&2 (pm), with 1 day of rest.

    Diet: Strict diet - NO Alcohol, No weed, No fastfood (not even Subway), No junkfood, No processed foods (Only produce & lean meats), No salt, No sugar, No coffee, No milk, No pop, No fruit juices, No butter, No sauces...(THIS WORKS FOR ME)

    Cheat meal: No Cheat Meal until I get down to 130lbs.

    Why I Want To Get In Shape

    I have future goal of attendin' my first swimsuit fitness competition, if my nerves let me in 2012 - 2013.

    I personally want to feel comfortable within' myself...I was diagnois 'pre-diabetes' in Oct 2010 and I don't want to get to be 'Diabetec'.

    My Inspirations
    My devoted, lovin', supportive Husband - Adam -
    My Beachbody Coach: Barbie Decker
    Myself...& My Haters!
    All of my 'Fitness Pal' close friendships
  • mroper1
    I have been most successful by using mfp daily! By tracking everthing you eat it keeps you accountable as well as shows you where you are wasting calories and that you can eat "more" if you are eating nutritious, healthy food.

    I have also tried to work out everyday. The two things I LOVE are Zumba and PiYo. I really believe they have helped me stay on track and stay motivated. On days I do not do those I walk or run.

    What worked for someone else is not always going to work for you...you just have to find what it is that you can do and build from there. If you have the mindset you will be successful this time!
  • npryor100
    npryor100 Posts: 99 Member
    The key to my success: I focused on one small change each week....I took it one step at a time

    At first it was simply counting calories, not changing my eating at all, just being AWARE of what I ate
    then I substituted....brown rice instead of white, whole wheat bread, making my own salad dressings etc.
    then more veggies and fruit than prepackaged snacks
    then I started integrating healthy hobbies into my life, more walking, doing "active" things with friends and family like bowling, kayaking, hiking instead of movies, etc.
    then I increased my total exercise time, focusing on goals. Right now I'm training for a seven mile run.

    For me, my workout plan had to not be too aggressive. I could not spend 2+ hours at the gym every day at 5AM. Right now, I'm doing what I love and mixing it up so I don't get bored. The single most successful thing for me has be to only make small changes over time and log EVERYTHING.
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    Been using MFP (MyFitnessPal) for a month now, and down 24 pounds.

    Things that I never did on previous weight loss efforts, that I feel have made a difference:

    * Morning Workouts
    - I workout for 35 minutes every morning, mostly cardio. Working in some weights now. I never liked working out in the AM before, but it's helped my metabolism (I think) and gives me more energy during the day. I also feel less inclined to cheat food-wise. Make sure you're getting enough sleep too -- 7ish hours.

    * Tracking What I Eat
    - MFP has made this easier than any other method I have seen. I like the accountability, even if it is to myself. It has also helped me to learn how many calories, carbs, protein, and sodium are in foods. My hope is to eventually gain a sixth sense in this regard, and not have to use a database.

    * Drinking Plenty of Water
    - Helps me feel full at times, and is key in losing the weight. Actually helps you lose any extra water weight you may have (or so they say)

    * Allowing Some Cheating
    - I do not track much on weekends, but don't go overboard. Helps me stay sane.

    On a closing note... I found MFP via 344pounds.com, which is an ongoing record of one person's journey. I have found inspiration and common sense advice there that has been key to my own journey.

    Best of luck!
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
  • andyg54321
    1. Mindset was a big part of it, and it sounds like you're getting there. I just made up my mind: "I'm being healthy. No debate. No excuses." The 'no debate' clause actually helped make things a little easier, because it cut down on the mental dialogs I would have with myself.

    2. Becoming aware of what I was really eating. Food log. And then trying to hit a calorie target on a low-fat diet.

    3. Finding healthy food alternatives. Gave up cheese, mayo, and butter. Found fat-free salad dressings, sour cream, and chips I liked. Tried the healthy stuff on the menu when eating out and discovered lots of new things (actually much more exciting than always having the burger). Lots more fruit and veggies in my meals and snacks. (Not every meal requires meat?!?)

    4. Exercise. Built up to 30 minutes of cardio a day. I use an elliptical, but even running in place works surprisingly well and then you never have an excuse for not doing it.

    Again mindset is the biggest one. It allows you to overcome all the obstacles, solve all the problems, and find what works for you.
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    MFP has stopped me bingeing, along with reading a tiny bit of Fat is a Feminist issue.

    Today my parents called to say my son was hurt and they were taking him to hospital. My first thought? I need some cake. What did I do? Munch on some dried soya beans. I hope keeping aware like that will stop me from putting the weight back on in the long run.

    For me sustainability is essential, so I've not banned any foods or taken on extra exercise (I walk everywhere anyway)., because I couldn't keep that up.

    Basically (cue Sinatra) I did it my way, and so will you! :happy:
  • juliana1977
    juliana1977 Posts: 153 Member
    I am in the process to be 100% successful, but already reached my first goal and drop one pants size!

    1. Working out: Shred! I Love 30 day Shred and it helped me a lot. Swimming, if I could I would swim everyday! I really like Turbo Jam as well. At the Gym I stick to circuit trainning, cant stand the treadmill or elliptical for more than 15 min! lol! I cant stick to one exercise only I need variety.

    2. Eating cleaner and healthier: Lean meats (maily chicken and fish), lots of veggies and fruits, whole grain bread and rice, low fat and mainly good fats (monounsaturate fats). I really avoid fast food, but today for example, we have pizza day and I will eat. Mine has light sauce, cheese, red and greeen peppers. Same with food, lots of variety (feel free to look at my diary).

    3. Most important of all: BALANCE!! It is the key of my commitment. I am not a radical person when comes to my diet and workout, because those changes are the way I will live from now on.

    4. I stick to what works for me! So eating good food (I try no to go over 1200/1300) and working out at least 3 times a week it is my way!

    5. I log in every single thing I eat even when I am cheating. It helps me to be accountable and commited!

    Good Luck!
  • tenessaa
    tenessaa Posts: 105 Member
    my keys to success this time have been journaling everything I eat!! And also cutting out all soda. Water was seriously lacking in my life. I haven't bought soda at the grocery in about 4 months.
  • Thyme4achange
    I agree Mindset is key. Mindset is what made me successful when Iost weight 6 years ago. When my circumstances changed and I was faced with life's unpleasant challenges I turned to food. I have been searching and searching for that Mindset, but it seems so lost. I just want to find it again.
  • Pinoy_Pal
    Pinoy_Pal Posts: 281 Member
    "Dedication, Willpower & Self Accountability is my secrets to my success & I LOVE MYSELF & my new body :) xo"

  • CanToGirl
    CanToGirl Posts: 474 Member
    A mindset is important. What works for me is eating foods in low sugar and carbs. I go by eating 15 grams of sugar and 6 servings of carbs a day. No soda, lots of water. Since I started this, a little over a week ago, I lost 10 lbs. And still eating good filling foods. But you have to find whats works for you, its just trial and error, but don't get discourage. Just take it one day at a time. Good luck to you!!
  • Ida13
    Ida13 Posts: 19 Member
    " No weed,...."

    Hee hee, had a good giggle!

    I'm sure you meant "wheat"?
  • BrownEyedG1rl
    BrownEyedG1rl Posts: 625 Member
    Welcome! Here is what has helped me thus far:

    -Using MFP everyday. Log all of your food and keep track of your calories. I didn't do that before.
    -Exercise 5 days a week. I do cardio and strength training.
    -I finally just had enough of being overweight and it finally *clicked* in my head and I was ready to do it.
    -Support of family and friends.
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