farren_talon Member


  • I think it's wonderful that you're trying again. I'm looking for more accountability partners too, since half of mine dropped off when I stopped logging so much when I had crazy schedule shifts. We can do this!
  • Hello! I'm from Texas, and I'm working on losing 55lbs. Feel free to add me; we can work on this together! :)
  • You can add me, too. April.white08@gmail.com
  • I'm always up for new friends and/or motivational partners on here. Anyone can add me. :)
  • I would like to join, so I can have some accountability partners as I lose weight to help me keep it off.
  • I'm in the same boat, sometimes. Doesn't help that so few people I know care about fitness, and I don't have a gym buddy. I'm trying to up the number of workouts a week right now. :) You can add me, too!
  • I've actually got my kickboxing/mma class twice a week, and I'm doing stick drills while sitting on a stool. I just need something to fill in the other 3-4 days I want to workout.
  • Its's a good idea. I've been trying to focus on my diet, but I also don't want to lose muscle tone while I'm recovering. At least above the waist if I can help it.
  • Thanks, I'll see about looking those up and using them while I'm recovering.
  • It'll heal, it will just take a month or two. 15 min of walking an hour, physical therapy twice a week. I can do whatever, so long as I don't bend my knee or use it to walk too much.
  • Depends on if the rest of the month is going to have more 6hr long bike rides or races. It's awesome that you're already halfway there. :)
  • Generally, I agree that weight isn't necessarily what's needed to determine how healthy/fit you are. I'm overweight (but slimming down), and I know I can out walk/run some of my skinnier friends. They don't eat well or exercise like I do now. I have more energy then them. My MMA/kickboxing instructor tells his students to…
  • Sounds like a great idea. :) Usually I walk 10k a day cause of work (M-F), and I've been going to the gym 2-3 times a week to jog. Just started kickboxing, which will be Wednesday and Friday. My goal is to head to the gym a couple times a week in between Friday and Wednesday so I can keep up momentum, but not overdo it so…
  • That sounds awesome. Only time the weather in Texas is nice this time of year is when the sun isn't out yet :smiley:
    in Run Comment by farren_talon August 2015
  • My instructor is a man, and not only does he not treat me with kid gloves, he pushes me further than I think I can go. He's strong, and it shows, but he knows how much power to use to make me work for it, but not overwhelm me. A lot of the guys in class have solid hits, and they don't treat me like a women, but a sparing…
  • I have about 50lbs left to go til my goal. Been logging on everyday for the past few months. I'd love to talk with others who have the same goals! Feel free to add me. :)
  • Both of my parents (who are in their 60's) are overweight and hardly do anything active, while I know a few people who are 14 years older than me (I'm 27) and do things like run 10-20 miles a week. Also, my best friend since high school used to be the same size as me... I've lost some, while she's gained. Now I'm 3 shirt…
  • Thanks for the encouraging words! This is why I'm on this site. And we can all do it! We have our own motivation, and the support of others (even if it's online, for me). :) It's great you've lost so much weight purpleiris. After losing so much, you can definitely do the rest!
  • As I exercised the first time my mother who sits in the living room (I'm exercising in the dining room/computer room) cautioned me not to push it too hard and my dad made exaggerated huffing and puffing noises today cause of all the heavy breathing I did throughout the video. I still haven't gotten more then a 'Don't push…
  • Here here! With every day seeming to get easier (even still being sore a bit, though that's fading), Day 5 should go much smoother. I find I have not only more muscle definition already, but it's easier to do my normal 'lifting of heavy parts' at work. If I actually got more sleep, I'm sure I'd have more energy at work.…
  • My day 3 went pretty well. About the same as before, little easier, and tried pushing myself more then usual. Still stopped for water a couple times,, tho. I do, however, feel less sore. :) I can actually squat down without being extremely sore. I'm just a little sore instead. ~April~
  • I'm going to be taking Saturdays off. Not only is it a good idea to have a rest day so your not pushing your body too much, but it's my 'off' day for eating within my calorie goal. I tend to hang out with my friends then, and they usually don't care about that sort of thing. :p
  • I'm sore, too. Still, really. I don't think I'm as sore as I was before Day 2, but I still find it difficult to crouch down - which I have to do a lot at my job. Stretching really helps, I've found. And mini rub downs on my legs. Mostly, Ibuprofen and walking around helps me. Still won't be doing my Day 3 for another 5…
  • I'm using 3lbs since that's what I had lying around. Man, my arms are sore, tho. :ohwell:
  • Did my Day 2 workout a few minutes ago, and I could tell the difference. Muscles that were all sore and achy throughout the day got looser and I felt I was able to move around better again as I exercised. I know I was able to make it through and paused it only once, and did nearly every single bit of the exercise, 'cept a…
  • Considering how sore everyone is, I would at least do Day 1 for yourself, and wait til the next day to see if you can also do the elliptical. You don't want to feel so bad the next day that you won't do anything the rest of the week in order to recover. I'm going to find out after work (and after a mile walk) how I'll be…
  • I know what you mean. I had to stop several times so I could catch my breath (a couple times to get my cats to stop pawing at my moving arms) and to drink water. My limbs feel kinda shaky, and I'm not looking forward to how I'm going to feel tomorrow. I'll be walking around 20 min later on today, so I'm hoping that'll help…
  • I was just thinking about this! My thoughts were: cardio. But that could be wrong as well, because I've never done the 30DS before. Either that, or end up splitting up and analyzing what types of exercise there is in the video and try and put it down as that.
  • Can't wait to start tomorrow! I need some motivation to do more than just count calories and walk occasionally, so I'm glad to be in this group! I plan to do this after work (I work at a warehouse) so I'm hoping by having so many people here and going through the same things as me will be good motivation. I seriously want…
  • I'll be starting it Monday with a couple people in my group anyway, so count me in! I'm looking forward to starting this, cause finding a good program to make me more lean is something I'm totally for. I'm all for posting before and after photos (wherever we can do that), too.