

  • Why sould that be stupid if you want to try. Take your time to train and increase slowly. On the day do your best and hopefully you will manage but if you don't well at least you will have tried. Good luck HWG :happy:
  • You need this is wrong!!!! :angry: I hate those site saying: don't eat and you will lose weight.... well yes you will the first week then your body will go in starvation mode, you will stay the same or gain and then discouraged you will decide that it is not worse starving and you will eat and regain more than what you…
  • Yes I know there are not supposed to be the best for you and I should cook my little portions myself but I use them all the time for lunch: all my colleague are eating a sandwich for lunch while I heating my little prepared low cal in the microwave, eat less calorie than they do with their sandwich and definetly feel…
  • Really good answer. Always ask yourself this question: why have I put on? 3500cal over your maintenance is 1lbs so have you eatn 17500 calories ovr your maintenance this week? Well I don't think so................... It is just your body reacting to perhaps the salt in your broth or perhaps evn the pain killers or other…
  • Ok then I had disapeared from the site but I am back. Updating my weight and lost 1lbs So 5lbs to go before the end of the month :) Tiarapants - 5 pound down - 0 pounds to go (starting 165 lbs) Cnbethea - to lose 10 pounds SW 165.2 - 1=9lbs to go Ifychudy - to lose 10 lbs SW 215.4 Tattoodfreek- lose 3 pounds and HIT GOAL!!…
  • Hello Everybody, I am IN. Been on MFP for 2 months now and lost 4lbs. I had a bad month in August and lost 3lbs that I put back, so no loss for August. I am going for -6lbs in September which should take me to a total for -10lbs in 3 months (that would be a good start for me). So here I come and I added myself to the list:…
  • OMG!!! :noway: I did not read the whole thread but has any European MFP user reacted to this thread??? I am chocked! :noway:
  • I am sure it is really hot and can be difficult for some people but I kind of envy you: South West England, rain rain rain and more rain and only 55 degrees, tell m if I am wrong but I thought we were in August! HWG :happy:
  • I am not critizing anything that people said but hre is my view: Rather than taking pills precribed by your doctor, rather than stopping eating all together full groups of food, why don't you try to eat reasonably and simply (you should be able to see how much, fat, protein, sugar... you are eating every day and how much…
  • All I can say about this thread is :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Hoo god! nothing best that starting the day with a good laugh HWG :happy:
  • I just though I would update this message for myself: it has been two weeks and............... i have finished week 1 but have not started week 2. Problems at home and work and then once all that solved well the rain arrived. I was really motivated today, I had all my sporty gear clean and ready to be put home after work…
  • Everytime I have bad days that really show on the scale despite being only a blip in a good long run, here is what I tell myself. "Ok I have been good for 2 weeks, had a two days blip and the scale show me 5lbs extra" 1st I curse the scale :tongue: Secondly I think to myself: 5lbs that is an extra 17500 calories, that…
  • Yes I know this advert. How stupid do they think people are. The 1st time I saw this advert for flat belly with a before after where the before the girl is at least 7 months pregnant!!!! :noway: I could not believe it HWG :happy:
  • Thank you for all your messages. I agree with you, I am going to go for week 2. If I see it is too hard, I might do another week 1 but I have to try anyway. loulouBell72 : I am actually quite lucky as I am living in the countryside (edge of a village), so I run surrounded by th beautiful somerset landscapes. balfonso: Good…
  • And again "The average portion of fish and chips contains 595 calories and 9.42g of fat per 100g while the average pizza contains 871 calories and 11g of fat and the average chicken korma has 910 calories and 15.5g of fat. " Chip shop chips are fatter but have less fat than fries. They are also among the healthiest fast…
  • Hooo just found that on a site, "Calorie Facts: Fish and chips have around a third less calories than other popular take-away meals and represent only 30% of a female adult’s recommended daily intake and less than 25% of a male’s." So according to that Women should eat an average of 2000cal/day so 30% of that is: 600 cal…
  • Thank you. It really does not seems much but the entry with the most confirmation (2) is the generic one and it is 650 (or something). This seems to correspond to onedeep suggestion. Yet I have my doubt on a small fish and chips being less than 700 cal. I will see what I do. But I might put a 1 and a half portion of it in…
  • :laugh: Welllll ............ I assure that French Women Do Get Fat................. or I would not be on this site. HWG :happy:
  • Ok, I know that continuing my thread I answer to myself and I will only have messages from me but if that helps me to keep motivated, then what :tongue: Right then 1st session of week 1 of C25K done on Sunday. God that was hard, of course running was hard but the breathing was worse (hooopss forgot to say I am a smoker,…
  • OK, I am awake (well kind of), dressed in sporty things. Had my coffee. In a few minutes I am starting my 1st session of the first week C25K. I have not exercice in years........... Wish me luck! HWG :happy:
  • Hi, I don't think if you should if your "lifestyle" is put properly in the MFP. I am sat a desk all day long so I put myself as sedentary but there are other options that take into account if you have an active job. HWG :happy:
  • I have always been obsessed with th scale and I think this is one (amongs many) reason so many people ar failing with their diet (you get discouraged easily). I cannot weight only once a week so since I started MFP I have decided to weight twice: on Monday (which is my start of the wek diet wise) and on Thursday. Why…
    in Weigh In Comment by Herewego July 2010
  • Living in Bristol, South West England (UK) but 100% French :heart: - might be the only one on MFP.... HWG :happy:
  • The issue is: I love both: Cheese and wine............. and they go so well together (with bread of course)........... :tongue: Yep remember I am French. HWG :happy:
  • :angry: harrrrrrrrrrrrrgggg :angry: Not going anywhere is it? If tomorrow there is a new medical team saying that eating Mars Bars is the best diet in th world, I am sure that a few people will agree with that. I won't. Eating choices in very personal, but common sense should prevail (especially when it comes to trying to…
  • Completly agree with you. And I don't critize anyone but we would not be here if we were nutrition experts would we? :) HWG :happy:
  • Well done for what you already lost. That is amazing and so good to hear for some of us (like me) who are starting. You can do it! HWG :happy:
  • Hello, My advice is: stick with your calorie allowance and don't starve yourself. Many of us are taking this journey to feel better in our body, we all know that to have the right nutrition is essential but our first aim is to lose weight. We already have so many issues when it comes to making the right choices to stick to…
  • Hi Natalie, Dont take my opinion for a medical point of view but I also think that I have a big bone structure, so if my bones were lighter I would also be lighter. Might be kidding myself to though :tongue: HWG :happy:
  • Well done! How amazing, we always doubt our scales when they show how good we have been. HWG :happy: