Concerned advice I was given



  • maccabeth
    maccabeth Posts: 111 Member
    This!! Fresh fruit has so many vitamins, minerals and fiber that the (natural, unprocessed) sugar it may contain is irrelevant!

    it's not irrelevant for everyone. for me, sugar in fruit is a big deal. for diabetics, sugar in fruit is a big deal. for people who get migraines, sugar in fruit is a big deal.

    Well, I'm talking about in general. Obviously if you have health issues that's a whole other story. I don't think the OP mentioned being diabetic.
  • Momma_D
    Momma_D Posts: 1
    Hello there;)

    I try to keep my carbs in a range. The biggest loser says 45% of your calories should be carbs. I also looked on a lot of medical websites when I started and most medical experts were saying 60%. (that seemed high to me so....) I try to keep my range between the biggest loser's advice and 1/2 way to the medical experts, about 52.5%.

    I found when I was trying 45%, I went over some each day. Now that I have a range and I have relaxed about the "number", I find I am always in the range and usually at or below 45%.

    I know not everything works for every BODY, but my personal results with these carb amounts is a little over 13 pounds removed in 5 weeks. (Now I need to add torture, uh... I mean exercise, LOL):happy:

    Good luck with your decision about what is best for you!!
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    I don't think the OP mentioned being diabetic.

    i used diabetics and people suffering migraines as examples. i am neither one of those. there are several types of people that can not eat fruit in a willy-nilly fashion.

    just as you're speaking in general so am i.
  • maccabeth
    maccabeth Posts: 111 Member
    I don't think the OP mentioned being diabetic.

    i used diabetics and people suffering migraines as examples. i am neither one of those. there are several types of people that can not eat fruit in a willy-nilly fashion.

    just as you're speaking in general so am i.

    Yes, of course. But sorry, having issues with food because of health is not "in general". The discussion was about the dietary recommendations of fruit servings per day for normal healthy people, not for people with diabetes, migraines or any other health concern. My comment was in response to that, not in a thread about someone with health problems. I'm pretty sure that people who have those issues know what their limitations are and the normal nutrition/dietary recommendations do not apply to them.
  • recipe4success
    recipe4success Posts: 469 Member
    is she trained as a nutritionist (i..e is she a dietitian)? anyone can call themselves a nutritionist.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Maybe she meant 30-40%? Carbs give you energy and are not the evil Dr Atkins and other diets would have you believe!

    I am asking nicely for you NOT to bash Atkins.

    For a LOT of Americans 30-40% carbs in a days time is WAY TOO MANY!!!

    I have my carbs set to between 5-10% of my daily intake.

    We humans DO NOT need grains and if you supplement fat in place of carbs you have way more energy without the carb hangover...........

    Here's to green leafy, non-starchy veggies, FATS and Protein.

    A good book to read is Good Calories, Bad Calories by Dr Gary Taubes.

    He explains it is not the number of calories you eat, but the TYPE of calories you eat that makes the difference. He also explains how the government and Big Pharma has led you believe that we need more carbs and less fat and protein and for the LAST 50 years they have been telling everyone wrong.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Thanks viviakay

    Ok, I’ve done a little googling and it looks like in general terms 2 cups of fruit a day and 2.5 cups of vegetables is what’s recommended.

    2 cups is = 4 servings and I’m definitely getting all my veggies so it’s not one sided and I will make sure to keep it to 2 cups max this week. Other sources recommend 4-5 servings a day (so that’s the same thing) so I think I’m ok. For the op though watching her carbs, just don’t overdo it on lets say apples – try watermelon, much lower in carbs.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    This!! Fresh fruit has so many vitamins, minerals and fiber that the (natural, unprocessed) sugar it may contain is irrelevant!

    it's not irrelevant for everyone. for me, sugar in fruit is a big deal. for diabetics, sugar in fruit is a big deal. for people who get migraines, sugar in fruit is a big deal.

    Yes, it is a BIG deal for everyone. Even people that are so-called "normal"................Leptin Resistance is VERY real!!!
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I do fine eating 50% carbs but have been thinking about going to 40/30/30 as I do fine losing even when I go over on my fats because they're mostly healthy fats like avocado, almonds, olive oil, natural PB, etc.

    I think you should try what she recommended because yeah, in the 200s is way too much, Sarah.
  • Gerkenstein
    Gerkenstein Posts: 315 Member
    I am not diabetic, nor do I suffer from migraines, but 2 servings of fruit per day seems reasonable. I suppose I could cut it down to 1 per day if I keep pursuing her advice on cutting carbs.

    She is not a licensed dietitian, but she has had extensive nutritional education and experience so I trust her.

    I respect people who practice the low/no-carb, but not sure it's for me. I'm looking to make a lifestyle change, not just drop the weight, and I definitely don't want to give up bread, biscuits, pancakes, etc. for the rest of my life. Just not gonna happen, I love my bread (to a reasonable extent) :tongue:

    Thank you everyone for the advice and input. Seems I may have to try it for a while and maybe just cut back a little at a time and see how it goes.
  • recipe4success
    recipe4success Posts: 469 Member
    I am not diabetic, nor do I suffer from migraines, but 2 servings of fruit per day seems reasonable. I suppose I could cut it down to 1 per day if I keep pursuing her advice on cutting carbs.

    She is not a licensed dietitian, but she has had extensive nutritional education and experience so I trust her.

    I respect people who practice the low/no-carb, but not sure it's for me. I'm looking to make a lifestyle change, not just drop the weight, and I definitely don't want to give up bread, biscuits, pancakes, etc. for the rest of my life. Just not gonna happen, I love my bread (to a reasonable extent) :tongue:

    Thank you everyone for the advice and input. Seems I may have to try it for a while and maybe just cut back a little at a time and see how it goes.

    Take a look at my food diary if you want. I aim for around 1800 calories/day, and i think each day i've had over 200 grams of carbs. Carbs are not evil, it is the type of carbs you eat that matters.
  • anthemfamily
    anthemfamily Posts: 24 Member
    The best bet is to see your doctor. My weight journey started with a diagnosis of high blood pressure. I was told to add more fruit, I avoided it because I always heard how bad it was with the calories. Fruit has alot of nutrients and vitamins that our bodies need. If you can, ask your doctor for a health panel and find out what your bodiy needs. I aim for 3-4 fruits a day (don't always hit it though) and have been steadily losing weight.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    The best bet is to see your doctor. My weight journey started with a diagnosis of high blood pressure. I was told to add more fruit, I avoided it because I always heard how bad it was with the calories. Fruit has alot of nutrients and vitamins that our bodies need. If you can, ask your doctor for a health panel and find out what your bodiy needs. I aim for 3-4 fruits a day (don't always hit it though) and have been steadily losing weight.

    With high blood pressure you were told to add more fruit, which will in turn drive up your Triglycerides, which starts leading the way to get heart disease????

    Wow, my husband and I were both told by our doctors to lower the carbs and eat fruit only 2-3 servings PER WEEK, not per day.

    We have been told by Doctors and Dieticians to eat loads of veggies and leave the fruit for treats and dessert as it was intended to be eaten, not as a dietary staple.
  • filergirl
    filergirl Posts: 240
    I agree that the proper balance of carbs/protein can vary from person to person. It looks like you might be eating too many calories, though? 2,000 seems like a lot. Not sure what your personal situation is so I don't want to assume anything.
  • recipe4success
    recipe4success Posts: 469 Member

    With high blood pressure you were told to add more fruit, which will in turn drive up your Triglycerides, which starts leading the way to get heart disease????

    Why would fruits ( a carbohydrate) drive up triglycerides ? This would only be if you consume an extreme excess of fruit (much as an extreme excess of any food), where the excess calories are converted to triglycerides. It is misleading to say fruit turns into triglycerides, when in fact carbohydrates are the first calories to be used in your body.
  • Gerkenstein
    Gerkenstein Posts: 315 Member
    I've had blood work done (less than a month ago) and everything's normal, in fact healthy.

    My doctor told me to eat approx. 1800 calories per day because I weigh 275lbs. Actually if you plug in my weight, height, and age, 1800 is lower than what almost all nutritional calculators compute. But, yes I need to find that balance of carbs/fat/protein. Need to start eating more balanced meals more consistently.

    I'm still learning all the science behind this so can't weigh-in on the fruits/triglycerides debate.
  • Herewego
    Herewego Posts: 49

    My advice is: stick with your calorie allowance and don't starve yourself.
    Many of us are taking this journey to feel better in our body, we all know that to have the right nutrition is essential but our first aim is to lose weight.

    We already have so many issues when it comes to making the right choices to stick to our allowance and feel satisfied and dynamic, I think that to start with that should be our first concern.

    For me who is starting, I have to say that if I fancy a huge plate of pasta, with tomato sauce and cheese and that helps me to stick to my calorie budget for the day because I feel full and satisfied, well so be it if it was too much carb or fat.
    I will be more careful with carb/fat/protein when I have lost a bit of excess weight. The only think I try is to eat a bit more fruit and vegetable, and even that seems difficult sometimes.

    Why make it difficult when this site is all about eating well being an easy thing.

    HWG :happy:
  • lreed
    lreed Posts: 348 Member
    Adding protein, will help with your energy, I am not a big fan of the no carb diet. When I worked with a nutritionist, she goaled me to stay under 200 carbs daily, but to eat the carbs and non processed and fruits and veggies. I.e. whole wheat breads etc. 20 -30 per meal sounds a little low, but if you eat carbs try eating with protein as well. 160 calories for a meal isn't enough (thats a snack!) :wink: Good luck!
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member

    With high blood pressure you were told to add more fruit, which will in turn drive up your Triglycerides, which starts leading the way to get heart disease????

    Why would fruits ( a carbohydrate) drive up triglycerides ? This would only be if you consume an extreme excess of fruit (much as an extreme excess of any food), where the excess calories are converted to triglycerides. It is misleading to say fruit turns into triglycerides, when in fact carbohydrates are the first calories to be used in your body.

    Fruit is carbs.................

    You did not see anything that says that fruit turns into triglycerides. I said it drives the triglyceride numbers higher and higher, which is what sugar does, no matter if it is natural or not natural sugar.

    The research is there. People can choose to ignore it or not. For me, I choose NOT to ignore it as I am going to be the healthiest I can be. (blog by a Doctor)
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member

    With high blood pressure you were told to add more fruit, which will in turn drive up your Triglycerides, which starts leading the way to get heart disease????

    Why would fruits ( a carbohydrate) drive up triglycerides ? This would only be if you consume an extreme excess of fruit (much as an extreme excess of any food), where the excess calories are converted to triglycerides. It is misleading to say fruit turns into triglycerides, when in fact carbohydrates are the first calories to be used in your body.

    And since I follow a very low carb eating plan, my body is burning fat first.

    There is a book called Eat Fat to Lose Fat by Dr Mary Enig that explains the science behind in great detail.

    Good Calories, Bad Calories by Dr Gary Taubes is another good book to read that explains how the research over the past 50 years is all wrong............
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