Concerned advice I was given



  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    listen, if it's working for you and your doctor, then whatever. but this diet you're talking about is not healthy for the average person. maybe you have a superpooper? your pooper doesn't need fiber: okay. whatevs. most people need fiber to sustain proper colonic health.

    i think it's a very dangerous thing to come into a public website like this and spout about how a person only needs fats and water to survive. that's plain nonsense.

    in a world (that we may soon have, thanks, bp!) this may be our only choice - but for now we are lucky enough to have a variety of whole foods to choose from and we should balance it out kindly and effectively, consciously and graciously.

    and then go for a walk.

    It is no more dangerous for me to open people's eyes to other alternatives if they are open to other lifestyles. Don't say it is dangerous just because you don't understand the science behind it.

    I have several friends that do completely ZERO carb, basically live off grass fed beef, water and coconut oil. They are the picture of health and one is a triathalon athlete.
  • maccabeth
    maccabeth Posts: 111 Member
    StudentRn, I love you. :love: :happy:
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    irregardless is not the word you were looking to use; the word you were searching for was simply "regardless"

    adding the prefix "ir" simply negates the word regardless. people use wrong words all the time, for example:

    loose = adjective: to loosen or something is not tight; to lose is a verb meaning (effectively) to lose.

    one loses weight; one loosens a belt. a screw is loose; don't lose the screw.
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    I have just as much right to come on and voice my views on this board as any one else does.

    yes, you do. but you don't have a right to tell people that eating only fats and water is the path to successful weight loss. that is a lie, even if it works for you. it's a dangerous lie.
    Now that I am getting my thyroid, pituitary and adrenal issues addressed through natural means, I am losing at a rate of .6 pounds per day. Which is about 4 pounds per week.

    this seems dangerously high to sustain. i can imagine this being okay for like a week or two, but i think a safe number should be around half that.
    Change in nutrition is coming, the doctors (authors of the books I have posted) are pushing for changes to be made as the way the food pyramid and such is now is detrimental to all of our health.

    the only reason i can foresee the food guides needing to be changed is because our diet consists of garbage in the first place. people ate pretty much whole foods until the 1970s (coincidentally) around the same time food manufacturing came into play, which is also about the same time we started to see an obesity epidemic on the rise.

    the rules are only changing because they have to counteract a defunct system.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    I have just as much right to come on and voice my views on this board as any one else does.

    yes, you do. but you don't have a right to tell people that eating only fats and water is the path to successful weight loss. that is a lie, even if it works for you. it's a dangerous lie.
    Now that I am getting my thyroid, pituitary and adrenal issues addressed through natural means, I am losing at a rate of .6 pounds per day. Which is about 4 pounds per week.

    this seems dangerously high to sustain. i can imagine this being okay for like a week or two, but i think a safe number should be around half that.
    Change in nutrition is coming, the doctors (authors of the books I have posted) are pushing for changes to be made as the way the food pyramid and such is now is detrimental to all of our health.

    the only reason i can foresee the food guides needing to be changed is because our diet consists of garbage in the first place. people ate pretty much whole foods until the 1970s (coincidentally) around the same time food manufacturing came into play, which is also about the same time we started to see an obesity epidemic on the rise.

    the rules are only changing because they have to counteract a defunct system.

    Did you even research or read the Zeroing In On Health website? It is not unhealthy to have an eating plan that consists of protein, fats and water. That is a very purist eating plan...............Just because it is different doesn't make it dangerous.

    It is no more dangerous than anyone speaking on the HCG diet or other crazy plans. At least Zero carb is a whole foods plan and no hormones involved..................

    And my weight loss will slow down as my weight keeps coming down. I gained a lot of weight due to Adrenal Gland Fatigue and Thyroid issues due to the Pituitary tumor I was recently diagnosed with.

    When I was originally diagnosed with Diabetes in 2003 and started Atkins, I had lost 100+ pounds and had maintained that loss for more than 4 years.............then the weight started coming back with no change in my diet due to the Endocrine problems I started having.

    Now diagnosed with allergies to grains and cruciferous veggies such as brocolli, cabbage, etc (some of my most favorite veggies) I have switched to the Primal Blue Print which is a bit more strict than Atkins (Atkins allows grains, Primal does not) .
  • recipe4success
    recipe4success Posts: 469 Member
    I don't think many people here would say the HCG plan is safe.
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    Did you even research or read the Zeroing In On Health website? It is not unhealthy to have an eating plan that consists of protein, fats and water. That is a very purist eating plan...............Just because it is different doesn't make it dangerous.

    no i did not; and yes it is (for most people). you have a magical pooper that doesn't need fiber. okay. your doctor says it's okay? okay. but it is not an advisory plan for most people. most people need fiber and fiber comes in many forms.

    i've always said that as complex carbohydrates really are a brain food, the only way people would move to a fat & water (ie atkins) diet is by removing the brain food that stimulates reason.
  • Herewego
    Herewego Posts: 49
    :angry: harrrrrrrrrrrrrgggg :angry:

    Not going anywhere is it?

    If tomorrow there is a new medical team saying that eating Mars Bars is the best diet in th world, I am sure that a few people will agree with that. I won't. Eating choices in very personal, but common sense should prevail (especially when it comes to trying to give lessons)

    HWG :happy:
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    I don't think many people here would say the HCG plan is safe.

    To be fair about it, Many people say the Vegan and Vegetarian lifestyles are unhealthy also.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Did you even research or read the Zeroing In On Health website? It is not unhealthy to have an eating plan that consists of protein, fats and water. That is a very purist eating plan...............Just because it is different doesn't make it dangerous.

    no i did not; and yes it is (for most people). you have a magical pooper that doesn't need fiber. okay. your doctor says it's okay? okay. but it is not an advisory plan for most people. most people need fiber and fiber comes in many forms.

    i've always said that as complex carbohydrates really are a brain food, the only way people would move to a fat & water (ie atkins) diet is by removing the brain food that stimulates reason.

    To be fair, why do you keep saying fat and water? With Zero carb, there is way more to it than just fat and water. Like Protein.

    And most days, I consume small bits of fruit and lots of veggies. I have some days though where my body does crave protein and I give my body what is says it needs, especially since I am upping my work outs tremendously.

    Also, to be fair, you can not lump Atkins in with Zero Carb. Atkins involves all the complex carbs all the way up and including beans, grains and starchy veggies like potatos.

    And how can someone comment on a topic they don't understand or know nothing about? Personally, I have done the whole low fat, low calorie, weight watchers, Vegetarian, raw diet, etc.................the only thing that works for me (and believe me I am not the only one on this site like this) is to restrict carbs.

    I have books on Veganism and raw foodists, weight watchers, low carb, etc..............I have a plethora of a library of books on different subjects on weight loss. I continually research and read and have applied to go back to school to become a Naturopathic Doctor or at least a Nurse Practicioner.

    I have to laugh at your last comment, as the lower my carbs are, the clearer my thinking is. There is absolutely NO brain fog that carbs cause.
  • scarecrow41
    scarecrow41 Posts: 116
    Maybe I'm missing a post history that would indicate lioness as hostile...but in this thread I see no evidence of such behavior. What I do see are multiple posters speaking in vague generalities attacking one poster who backs up posts with science and evidence.

    Its like you keep ignoring the multiple times she posted that she eats mostly protein and vegetables.

    I don't particularly agree with the Paleo diet but I think there is some very sound science that demonstrates the benefits of cutting down of carbs in our diet.

    Most humans could cut their carbs in half and still be in a relatively high carb area. There are no nutrients that can be found in fruits that can't be found in vegetable sources or low fructose fruit sources like berries, melon, avocado, tomatos, etc.

    There are very few people, scientists, doctors, nutritionists, etc that still cling to the notion that high GI foods don't lead to excess storage of body fat.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Maybe I'm missing a post history that would indicate lioness as hostile...but in this thread I see no evidence of such behavior. What I do see are multiple posters speaking in vague generalities attacking one poster who backs up posts with science and evidence.

    Its like you keep ignoring the multiple times she posted that she eats mostly protein and vegetables.

    I don't particularly agree with the Paleo diet but I think there is some very sound science that demonstrates the benefits of cutting down of carbs in our diet.

    Most humans could cut their carbs in half and still be in a relatively high carb area. There are no nutrients that can be found in fruits that can't be found in vegetable sources or low fructose fruit sources like berries, melon, avocado, tomatos, etc.

    There are very few people, scientists, doctors, nutritionists, etc that still cling to the notion that high GI foods don't lead to excess storage of body fat.


    I read and re-read my posts. I didn't see any where that anyone was being hostile until later last night. I felt that everyone was engaging in a healthy debate on our views.

    As I read and research I just find it scary that others won't at least explore and open up to the opportunities that are there.

    Are people that scared of change?
  • TropicalKitty
    TropicalKitty Posts: 2,298 Member
    I agree with Lioness, a lot.

    Looking to the gov't food pyramid isn't the best idea, given that it didn't change over a long period of time and faced with evidence contrary to what is outlined in it. Grains are not a very good source of nutrition; there are many many better sources of calories, vitamins, and nutrients from vegetables and low sugar fruits. (And I know vegetarians/vegans can be kind of cornered with protein.) Not to mention, we are a very wheat based society. How many people can name 5 other grains than wheat?

    This notion of us needing fiber is messed up. For one, vegetables contain tons of fiber! Additionally, bran can prevent the absorption of vital metals we need. Not to mention fiber can exacerbate some intestinal diseases, not just IBS Crohn's or Colitis, but there is data supporting that fiber can help promote the progression of adenomas.

    With that said, I think we need to be weary of given a catch-all for nutrition. I, too, need to follow a low-carb type diet. I never felt so fantastic as I did once I cut the sugar (natural or added) down. I think clearer and feel generally so much better eating higher protein and higher fat based diet.

    I think a lot of the confusion has happened from poor nutritional information being supplied to us. Sadly, we're kind of out on our own and have to figure this junk out as we go along. So when things like Atkins, low carb, carb, etc are said, not everyone is on the same page with the same understanding. Not all fats are created equal, either. Saturdated fats had been demonized, but they have their place as well. I hope more people start to educate themselves before assuming the answers. :)
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    How many people can name 5 other grains than wheat?

    amaranth, millet, buckwheat, barley, kamut :happy:

    This notion of us needing fiber is messed up. For one, vegetables contain tons of fiber!

    I totally agree that we should not need to supplement fiber when eating enough plant-based materials. However, Lionness said that she was often eating NO carbohydrates in a day. That means that she was eating NO vegetables either.

    (I'm really sick of this thread. I shouldn't have jumped on in the first place. But the fiber talk wasn't about supplemented fiber. It was about naturally occurring fiber in vegetables and whether we even need that. )
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    it's totally cool lioness,

    you can eat whatever you like; it's your life and your body! no problem... and as i stated several times if your doctor is okay with your diet, then who am i to say differently?

    do what you want... no problem.. just don't tell some of the more vulnerable beginners here that you're losing 4lbs/wk on a 0 carb diet because they should check with their doctors too.

    i'm not suggesting a person should cut anything out 100% - that's a decision for each person to make on his own.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    How many people can name 5 other grains than wheat?

    amaranth, millet, buckwheat, barley, kamut :happy:

    This notion of us needing fiber is messed up. For one, vegetables contain tons of fiber!

    I totally agree that we should not need to supplement fiber when eating enough plant-based materials. However, Lionness said that she was often eating NO carbohydrates in a day. That means that she was eating NO vegetables either.

    (I'm really sick of this thread. I shouldn't have jumped on in the first place. But the fiber talk wasn't about supplemented fiber. It was about naturally occurring fiber in vegetables and whether we even need that. )

    It's not like I am following the Zero carb diet everyday................LOL. You are on my friends list and you have access to my diary, you can see what I am eating.

    I like the way I feel when eating either very low carb (eating veggies) and also 0 carb. So what if I have a big juicy steak for supper and that is all. It is not unhealthy for a person to have..............

    And I stand by the statement I made that we don't need fiber, our bodies work just fine without it. Too much fiber causes constipation, scraping and perforations of the intestinal wall, disruption of good bacteria (overgrowth, which leads to candida), there are just too many negatives which makes me question why they try to tout it as being so healthy..........especially fiber from grains and such.
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    Bump- I just feel like reading all the stupid posts. Goodness, everyone is different but some people just can't seem to understand that and try to force their opinion on everyone else. Some things never change.
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member

    It's not like I am following the Zero carb diet everyday................LOL. You are on my friends list and you have access to my diary, you can see what I am eating.

    Ah, I thought you weren't logging. You mean I could have satisfied my curiosity and avoided ever getting caught up in this thread to begin with?! :laugh:
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    it's totally cool lioness,

    you can eat whatever you like; it's your life and your body! no problem... and as i stated several times if your doctor is okay with your diet, then who am i to say differently?

    do what you want... no problem.. just don't tell some of the more vulnerable beginners here that you're losing 4lbs/wk on a 0 carb diet because they should check with their doctors too.

    i'm not suggesting a person should cut anything out 100% - that's a decision for each person to make on his own.

    Well actually, I would not expect any person to begin any type of weight loss program without first consulting a doctor.

    Most times I keep the extreme part of the my eating to myself. This is the first I have ever posted about being times that I eat 0 carbs and it is not everyday..............I have really just started exploring it myself.

    And it is not like the Zeroing in on health website is not in the public domain for anyone and everyone to read. I would trust that anyone else is mature enough on this site to do what is best for themselves.................That is surely what I do.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Bump- I just feel like reading all the stupid posts. Goodness, everyone is different but some people just can't seem to understand that and try to force their opinion on everyone else. Some things never change.

    No one has forced their opinion on anyone else, this thread has been informative from every angle. Obviously there are a couple of people here that felt I was being attacked.
This discussion has been closed.