Concerned advice I was given



  • recipe4success
    recipe4success Posts: 469 Member

    With high blood pressure you were told to add more fruit, which will in turn drive up your Triglycerides, which starts leading the way to get heart disease????

    Why would fruits ( a carbohydrate) drive up triglycerides ? This would only be if you consume an extreme excess of fruit (much as an extreme excess of any food), where the excess calories are converted to triglycerides. It is misleading to say fruit turns into triglycerides, when in fact carbohydrates are the first calories to be used in your body.

    And since I follow a very low carb eating plan, my body is burning fat first.

    There is a book called Eat Fat to Lose Fat by Dr Mary Enig that explains the science behind in great detail.

    Good Calories, Bad Calories by Dr Gary Taubes is another good book to read that explains how the research over the past 50 years is all wrong............

    Fat always gets burned last. The order is alcohol-carbs-protein-fat
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member

    With high blood pressure you were told to add more fruit, which will in turn drive up your Triglycerides, which starts leading the way to get heart disease????

    Why would fruits ( a carbohydrate) drive up triglycerides ? This would only be if you consume an extreme excess of fruit (much as an extreme excess of any food), where the excess calories are converted to triglycerides. It is misleading to say fruit turns into triglycerides, when in fact carbohydrates are the first calories to be used in your body.

    This is not really true. About the carb thing you said at the end, 1st, fruit contains plenty of carbs, and 2nd, fruit contains sugar (both sucrose and fructose) and thus can be a contributor to triglyceride production.

    Fructose is actually used faster for the replenishment of glycogen substrate than glucose, and as such moderate quantities of fruit are a good post intense cardio workout food. But As with any saccharide, fructose is cleaved and remade into glucose, and with all glucose, if there is not immediate need for it (if the muscles or liver don't need any replenishment of glycogen) then it's sent into the blood in the form of free fatty acids (triglycerides) or it is stored as body fat (usually some of both. Now, fruit is usually full of fiber, and does not break down in the stomach (almost all fructose digestion is done in the intestines) which means it takes longer to transport from your mouth, to your blood, which means more time to burn fuel in the interim.
    BUT, you can, in fact raise your triglyceride levels if you eat a lot of fruit. It's not as easy as say, chowing down on lots of white breads and white flour pasta, but the possibility is there.
  • Gerkenstein
    Gerkenstein Posts: 315 Member (blog by a Doctor)

    Thanks for the info! I'll definitely have to check those websites out more in depth later, but looks like good sources.

    lreed- I was thinking the exact same thing when I put in the calories of my salad!!! Of course, it didn't help I forgot my protein (tuna) at home. Now I just feel hungry and the only snacks I have here at work are carb-y snacks (granola, nutri-grain bars, etc.). Oh well, tomorrow's a new day and all-in-all I still feel like I did well today. So far, I'm not a big fan of no/low-carb either. lol :drinker:
  • abricklin
    abricklin Posts: 156 Member
    While everyone IS different and DOES react differently to different combinations of fat, protein and carbs, 300grams of carbs in one day is A LOT for just about anyone, unless you just finished a marathon and really need to replenish. That, and you have nearly 120 grams of carbs from GRANOLA and HONEY. Neither is really that good for you in such large quantities. While granola sounds good in theory, its frequently very sugary and that, IMHO defeats the purpose. Make your own or switch to a low sugar cereal instead.

    Cutting those 2 items alone from your day and you would be more on the ball, IMO.
    And this advice comes from someone that has lost 40 lbs and has played all the various carbs game you can imagine.
  • recipe4success
    recipe4success Posts: 469 Member

    Article 1: This is about fructose in drinks, not about fruit.

    Article 2: This is about excess fructose consumption from sources other than fruit.

    article3 : Just because a Dr. wrote it doesn't mean it is correct. I know several dunces who made their way through med school

    Article 4: I would have to see the original research article to see what they are fed, but i bet it was a bunch of high sugar drinks.
  • recipe4success
    recipe4success Posts: 469 Member

    This is not really true. About the carb thing you said at the end, 1st, fruit contains plenty of carbs, and 2nd, fruit contains sugar (both sucrose and fructose) and thus can be a contributor to triglyceride production.

    Fructose is actually used faster for the replenishment of glycogen substrate than glucose, and as such moderate quantities of fruit are a good post intense cardio workout food. But As with any saccharide, fructose is cleaved and remade into glucose, and with all glucose, if there is not immediate need for it (if the muscles or liver don't need any replenishment of glycogen) then it's sent into the blood in the form of free fatty acids (triglycerides) or it is stored as body fat (usually some of both. Now, fruit is usually full of fiber, and does not break down in the stomach (almost all fructose digestion is done in the intestines) which means it takes longer to transport from your mouth, to your blood, which means more time to burn fuel in the interim.
    BUT, you can, in fact raise your triglyceride levels if you eat a lot of fruit. It's not as easy as say, chowing down on lots of white breads and white flour pasta, but the possibility is there.

    yes, fruit can contribute to TG production, if consumed in excess, which is exactly what i stated. however so can any food, consumed in excess. We actually said the same thing.
  • Gerkenstein
    Gerkenstein Posts: 315 Member
    While everyone IS different and DOES react differently to different combinations of fat, protein and carbs, 300grams of carbs in one day is A LOT for just about anyone, unless you just finished a marathon and really need to replenish. That, and you have nearly 120 grams of carbs from GRANOLA and HONEY. Neither is really that good for you in such large quantities. While granola sounds good in theory, its frequently very sugary and that, IMHO defeats the purpose. Make your own or switch to a low sugar cereal instead.

    Cutting those 2 items alone from your day and you would be more on the ball, IMO.
    And this advice comes from someone that has lost 40 lbs and has played all the various carbs game you can imagine.

    I do not normally have such high amounts of honey or peanut butter, but I was trying to get in my calories for the day. I posted a status about it and those were 2 items I had on hand that people had suggested.

    I've come to the conclusion to slowly decrease carbs and not take out more than I feel necessary. I do not want to deprive myself to lose this weight. I'm learning a new lifestyle, not just dropping the pounds as quickly as possible.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member

    Article 1: This is about fructose in drinks, not about fruit.

    Article 2: This is about excess fructose consumption from sources other than fruit.

    article3 : Just because a Dr. wrote it doesn't mean it is correct. I know several dunces who made their way through med school

    Article 4: I would have to see the original research article to see what they are fed, but i bet it was a bunch of high sugar drinks.

    Irregardless, fructose is fruit sugar, so fructose is fructose.

    Eating too much fruit and more than several (3-5) servings per week is in excess. That is straight from the mouth of a Metabolic Endocrinologist and a registered Dietician and a Naturopathic Doctor.............

    Plus, I have been reading scientific journals written by Doctors that concur with my doctors.
  • recipe4success
    recipe4success Posts: 469 Member
    While everyone IS different and DOES react differently to different combinations of fat, protein and carbs, 300grams of carbs in one day is A LOT for just about anyone, unless you just finished a marathon and really need to replenish. That, and you have nearly 120 grams of carbs from GRANOLA and HONEY. Neither is really that good for you in such large quantities. While granola sounds good in theory, its frequently very sugary and that, IMHO defeats the purpose. Make your own or switch to a low sugar cereal instead.

    Cutting those 2 items alone from your day and you would be more on the ball, IMO.
    And this advice comes from someone that has lost 40 lbs and has played all the various carbs game you can imagine.

    I do not normally have such high amounts of honey or peanut butter, but I was trying to get in my calories for the day. I posted a status about it and those were 2 items I had on hand that people had suggested.

    I've come to the conclusion to slowly decrease carbs and not take out more than I feel necessary. I do not want to deprive myself to lose this weight. I'm learning a new lifestyle, not just dropping the pounds as quickly as possible.

    exactly. your calorie intake is spot on, since we are the same weight and going for same # calories i can vouch for this. don't are doing well. we all have bad days (check out last sat for me!) but it is the overall trend that matters. :)
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member

    With high blood pressure you were told to add more fruit, which will in turn drive up your Triglycerides, which starts leading the way to get heart disease????

    Why would fruits ( a carbohydrate) drive up triglycerides ? This would only be if you consume an extreme excess of fruit (much as an extreme excess of any food), where the excess calories are converted to triglycerides. It is misleading to say fruit turns into triglycerides, when in fact carbohydrates are the first calories to be used in your body.

    And since I follow a very low carb eating plan, my body is burning fat first.

    There is a book called Eat Fat to Lose Fat by Dr Mary Enig that explains the science behind in great detail.

    Good Calories, Bad Calories by Dr Gary Taubes is another good book to read that explains how the research over the past 50 years is all wrong............

    Fat always gets burned last. The order is alcohol-carbs-protein-fat

    Please research ketogenic eating...............I am in fact burning fat first as in the absence of carbs, fat is burned in its place.

    You don't have to believe me. The proof is in the pudding so to speak and in the books I have read.
  • recipe4success
    recipe4success Posts: 469 Member
    Irregardless, fructose is fruit sugar, so fructose is fructose.

    Eating too much fruit and more than several (3-5) servings per week is in excess. That is straight from the mouth of a Metabolic Endocrinologist and a registered Dietician and a Naturopathic Doctor.............

    Plus, I have been reading scientific journals written by Doctors that concur with my doctors.

    In my experience, you can find 'trained professionals' who will agree with all sorts of bad diet claims. I have no doubt you are reading scientific journals, however I feel you may be misinterpreting the results.
  • recipe4success
    recipe4success Posts: 469 Member

    With high blood pressure you were told to add more fruit, which will in turn drive up your Triglycerides, which starts leading the way to get heart disease????

    Why would fruits ( a carbohydrate) drive up triglycerides ? This would only be if you consume an extreme excess of fruit (much as an extreme excess of any food), where the excess calories are converted to triglycerides. It is misleading to say fruit turns into triglycerides, when in fact carbohydrates are the first calories to be used in your body.

    And since I follow a very low carb eating plan, my body is burning fat first.

    There is a book called Eat Fat to Lose Fat by Dr Mary Enig that explains the science behind in great detail.

    Good Calories, Bad Calories by Dr Gary Taubes is another good book to read that explains how the research over the past 50 years is all wrong............

    Fat always gets burned last. The order is alcohol-carbs-protein-fat

    Please research ketogenic eating...............I am in fact burning fat first as in the absence of carbs, fat is burned in its place.

    You don't have to believe me. The proof is in the pudding so to speak and in the books I have read.

    I am quite confident I know more about ketogenic eating than yourself. Yes, you are burning far more fat with a ketogenic diet than you would with a normal diet, since your body has to convert fat into ketones to fuel your brain. However, you STILL burn alcohol first, carbs second (yes, you are intaking less, but they get used up first), protein third, and fat last.
  • Gerkenstein
    Gerkenstein Posts: 315 Member
    Thanks, shygal! It's nice to find someone else with similar calorie intake and see how they "spend" it.

    As for the other debate, doctors and dietitians (among other professionals) disagree on the "best" all the time. I'm sure we could all find credible sources to back up our opposing views. Let's just say we're all different and thank God for free-will so that we don't all have to eat the same things! :bigsmile:
  • atynk
    atynk Posts: 400 Member
    Low Carb = miserable me lol! I lost 45 lbs and ate carbs at every meal... and def ate lots of fruit.
    You need to remember this is YOUR weight loss journey, you can lose weight on any diet or program, but its keeping it off that is the hard part. Find something that works for you and you feel like you can live with or else your journey will be a downer !

    Some people on this site think that their way is the only way, and they even think that whether they have lost 5lbs or 50 lbs. So just be open to different opinions but do what you think is right for you!

    Good luck!
  • recipe4success
    recipe4success Posts: 469 Member
    Low Carb = miserable me lol! I lost 45 lbs and ate carbs at every meal... and def ate lots of fruit.
    You need to remember this is YOUR weight loss journey, you can lose weight on any diet or program, but its keeping it off that is the hard part. Find something that works for you and you feel like you can live with or else your journey will be a downer !

    Some people on this site think that their way is the only way, and they even think that whether they have lost 5lbs or 50 lbs. So just be open to different opinions but do what you think is right for you!

    Good luck!

    i heart this post.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Irregardless, fructose is fruit sugar, so fructose is fructose.

    Eating too much fruit and more than several (3-5) servings per week is in excess. That is straight from the mouth of a Metabolic Endocrinologist and a registered Dietician and a Naturopathic Doctor.............

    Plus, I have been reading scientific journals written by Doctors that concur with my doctors.

    In my experience, you can find 'trained professionals' who will agree with all sorts of bad diet claims. I have no doubt you are reading scientific journals, however I feel you may be misinterpreting the results.

    In fact you are right about the trained professionals, but I have lowered my trigs drastically by following Atkins and then switching over to the Primal Blue Print.

    I know for a fact that I am not misintrepreting the results. I have seen for my own eyes for me and my husband, just 2 examples.............
    Causes of High Triglyceride Levels

    Some of the main culprits of High Triglyceride Levels are:

    Birth control pills or any other progestin-containing drug
    Sweets like:

    Fruit juice
    High fat diet
    Lack of physical activity
    Skipping an early meal and compensating in the evening
    Soft drinks
    Too many carbohydrates
    Too much fruit
    White bread
    White flour
    White sugar
  • unknownndoll
    unknownndoll Posts: 161 Member
    I think that is perfectly reasonable advice. I am set at 40/30/30 and don't often go over 30g per meal. I do make sure to have protein at every meal. 20-30 g of carbs PER MEAL is not really low carb at all!! (low carb is like 5 or less per meal, or under 20-30 per DAY).

    If i eat fruit with Greek yogurt I’m not over, and get lots of protein with it. if i have a sandwich with cheese and turkey, the thin buns are 21 carbs, oatmeal is only 19g for regular flavor, if I have it with eggs im not over. I eat several smaller meals, but that guideline allows well over 100-200 carbs per day depending on how many meals you eat per day.
  • I've found that eating 40% of my calories from carbs works well for me. (30% protein and 30% fat) I try to get my carbs from fruits and veggies.
  • Herewego
    Herewego Posts: 49
    Low Carb = miserable me lol! I lost 45 lbs and ate carbs at every meal... and def ate lots of fruit.
    You need to remember this is YOUR weight loss journey, you can lose weight on any diet or program, but its keeping it off that is the hard part. Find something that works for you and you feel like you can live with or else your journey will be a downer !

    Some people on this site think that their way is the only way, and they even think that whether they have lost 5lbs or 50 lbs. So just be open to different opinions but do what you think is right for you!

    Good luck!

    Completly agree with you.
    And I don't critize anyone but we would not be here if we were nutrition experts would we? :)

    HWG :happy:
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member

    With high blood pressure you were told to add more fruit, which will in turn drive up your Triglycerides, which starts leading the way to get heart disease????

    Why would fruits ( a carbohydrate) drive up triglycerides ? This would only be if you consume an extreme excess of fruit (much as an extreme excess of any food), where the excess calories are converted to triglycerides. It is misleading to say fruit turns into triglycerides, when in fact carbohydrates are the first calories to be used in your body.

    And since I follow a very low carb eating plan, my body is burning fat first.

    There is a book called Eat Fat to Lose Fat by Dr Mary Enig that explains the science behind in great detail.

    Good Calories, Bad Calories by Dr Gary Taubes is another good book to read that explains how the research over the past 50 years is all wrong............

    Fat always gets burned last. The order is alcohol-carbs-protein-fat

    Please research ketogenic eating...............I am in fact burning fat first as in the absence of carbs, fat is burned in its place.

    You don't have to believe me. The proof is in the pudding so to speak and in the books I have read.

    I am quite confident I know more about ketogenic eating than yourself. Yes, you are burning far more fat with a ketogenic diet than you would with a normal diet, since your body has to convert fat into ketones to fuel your brain. However, you STILL burn alcohol first, carbs second (yes, you are intaking less, but they get used up first), protein third, and fat last.

    I will say that I know more about ketogenic eating than you. I have more than 7 years of experience at this,

    I have studied the science behind the ketogenic diet, I am living it and have had tremendous success with it in terms of health benefits and the bonus of weight loss.

    Most days I do not eat any carbs at all, so there are no carbs to burn either. Some days I do allow myself up to 50 carbs per day.

    By modifying the way you eat, you can trigger your body to burn fat.
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