toridorey Member


  • I'm so sorry the first picture is so big!!! I couldn't figure out how to make it smaller like the other one!! In the first picture I was at my heaviest last May (2011) at about 230-235 and the second picture was taken February 2012 (I think I weighed in right around 180 then). I still have a long way to go but here's my…
  • Good job to you!!! My first (and so far only) NSV is that a shirt I used to wear uncomfortably (it wasn't super tight but it definitely showcased every lump) is now a "sleep shirt" because it is WAY too big!! I agree that slow and steady wins the race and there are days when I have to remind myself of that about every 5…
  • Thanks for the pep talks!! It really helps to have positive support! Thanks again!! =D
    in ugh... Comment by toridorey March 2011
  • ...adding this stuff to my shopping list now!! Looks delish!! =D
  • Dallas!! ...Mesquite to be exact but I like claiming Dallas more =D
  • Jillian Michaels is the devil in the best kind of way! I'm about 2 days away from moving on to Level 3 and it's been an uphill battle the whole way through!!! I always feel so much better when I am done though!! I log it under general circuit training as well but I'm sweating a WHOLE LOT more with level 2 than I did with…
  • I did the exact same thing last summer (and just barely started MFP/working out again a week or 2 ago) and trust me it's only worst if you don't just pick back up and get back to it! (I look back and think of all the time I've wasted and all the weight I could have lost if I would have just picked myself up and started…
  • My profile pic is of my fiance (Ryan) and I! When we met over 3 years ago (working at QuikTrip-hehe) I was probably half the size I am now but he has never stopped loving me! I have said "I'm going on a diet!" more than a few times and every time he has been there 110%! Even when I quit, he still loved and supported me! He…
  • * "Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels!!" =D * "I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I…
  • Ugh!! I've had an awful week!!! *Monday-45 mins (swimming/shred) *Tuesday-65 mins (cardio/shred) *Wednesday-85 mins(outdoor sports/shred) *Thursday-nothing... :-( *Friday-nothing...I went to the Lady GaGa concert and danced alot but I didn't really sweat so I don't know that it counts!!?? *Saturday-120 mins(swimming)…
  • Hope everyone has an amazing week!!...and I don't mean just in exercising <3 *Monday-45 mins (swimming/shred)
  • The week is officially over for me!! *Monday-65 mins (cardio/shred) *Tuesday-65 mins (cardio/shred) *Wednesday-85 mins (cardio/shred) *Thursday-20 mins (shred) *Friday-135 mins (swimming/shred) *Saturday-nothing :-/ I did clean for like an hour but I didn't do a full on work out so I'm not counting it... *Sunday-110 mins…
  • that's awesome though!! :-)
  • I'm going to see her this Friday and I am slowly but surely getting that way!!! :-) I love Lady Gaga and I cannot wait to see her (my first time!!) So I completely understand getting too excited to eat in general but also for her!!! <3, a fellow little monster!! hehe :bigsmile:
  • how are you doing with the Shred?! The lunges get me every time!! It's kind of frustrating watching the same video every time but I'm trying to do 10 days on each level..and I just put on some music so I don't get annoyed with the same pep talk!! :-) Hope you're having fun with it!
  • The week is almost over!! *Monday-65 mins (cardio/shred) *Tuesday-65 mins (cardio/shred) *Wednesday-85 mins (cardio/shred) *Thursday-20 mins (shred) *Friday-135 mins (swimming/shred) 370!!!??? With 2 more days to go! (I almost want to take the next 2 days off but I WONT!!!) Hope y'all are having a good week so far!!! :-)
  • Hope everyone is having a good start of the week!! I love this 360 challenge-its part of my motivation each day!! :-) *Monday-65 mins(cardio/shred) *Tuesday-65 mins(cardio/shred) Good luck everyone!! <3
  • This is amazing!!! You look awesome!! Having a friend hold you accountable makes all the difference!! Congratulations so far-you're doing great!!! :laugh:
  • I actually did it!!! (barely but still!!) *Tuesday-45 mins on treadmill *Wednesday-60 minutes walking outside *Thursday-40 mins walking outside/60mins swimming *Friday-60 minutes treadmill *Saturday-45 mins on treadmill *Sunday-60 mins on treadmill **370 mins total!!!!**
  • I was going to start tomorrow too!! :-) I heard its hardcore but I think I'm ready...or at least ready to
  • you came to the right place!! I've only been here for a little over a week and I'm already addicted to it!!! Biggest tip that's helped me this far..? (normally I have given up by the 3rd day) Don't get super down on yourself if you slip or have a bad day!!! This site has a huge amount of support and help so take advantage…
  • I'm in for July!! Started yesterday!! *Tuesday-45 mins on the treadmill *Wednesday-60 mins walking in the Texas heat!! I'm a little behind and the weekend is coming up but I'm determined!! :-) Good luck everyone!!
  • I love this website!! I'm in on this!! My name is Tori and I'm 23. My weakness is accountability and boredom eating(thats a big one!)!! No strengths when it comes to being healthy but it's never too late to start!!!
  • I'm in!! I thought it 50-60 was a good idea but it's more like 70! Oh well, you have to get to 60 before 70 so this will be good!! First day on MFP and hopefully the excitement and will power will stick!! :-)
  • You look awesome!! Congratulations! This is exactly what I needed to see!! Your start weight and body type is right where I am now and our goals are pretty much exactly the same!! Thanks for posting! It was just the inspiration I needed to really get started and be determined!! :-)