360 minutes a week exercise challenge



  • a1schwei
    a1schwei Posts: 617 Member
    monday: 30 minute run
    tuesday: 60 minute walk
    wednesday: 45 minutes elliptical
    thursday: 35 minute run/walk
    friday: nada
    saturday: 40 minutes rollerblading :) plus playing in the pool this afternoon with 3 kiddos under 5...should be a workout in itself :)
    total: 210
  • Neeti1021
    Neeti1021 Posts: 43 Member
    Monday - nothing
    Tuesday - nothing
    Wednesday - 60 minute fast walking
    Thursday - 32 minute fast walking
    Friday - 40 minutes (started the 30 day shred then walked for a brisk 15)
    Saturday - 74 minutes (a lot for me!!) I did a 4 mile walk then the 30 day shred again (It's hard but I feel it!!)

    206 total / 154 to go / Doesn't look good considering I only have Sunday :sad:

    Happy 4th of July everyone!!!! :drinker:

  • Shy1979
    Shy1979 Posts: 75
    Mo - 95 min cardio (gym)
    Tu - 60 min cardio (gym)
    15 min walking (outside - slow pace)
    Wed - 65 min cardio (gym)
    15 min walking (outside - slow pace)
    Thu - 90 min walking (outside - slow pace)
    Fri - 330 min walking (we went on a sight seeing trip around prague)
  • a1schwei
    a1schwei Posts: 617 Member
    monday: 30 minute run
    tuesday: 60 minute walk
    wednesday: 45 minutes elliptical
    thursday: 35 minute run/walk
    friday: nada
    saturday: 40 minutes rollerblading :)
    sunday: 25 minutes rollerblading, 35 minute walk/run
    total: 270 and i am definitely okay with that :)
  • Neeti1021
    Neeti1021 Posts: 43 Member
    Ok, off to a slow start, it's just so hot!!!

    Monday - 38 minutes cardio/shred

    Thank God theres a whole week left!!!

    Good luck everyone!

    Neeti :flowerforyou:
  • toridorey
    toridorey Posts: 30 Member
    I love this website!! I'm in on this!! My name is Tori and I'm 23. My weakness is accountability and boredom eating(thats a big one!)!! No strengths when it comes to being healthy but it's never too late to start!!!
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    Mon - 27 mins shred
  • mrsfloisand
    mrsfloisand Posts: 254 Member
    Last week:
    Sunday- 35 min of Burn Circuit 3
    Monday- 30 min of Fat Blaster & 20 min workout-am
    40 min of Burn Circuit 1
    Tuesday- 45 min of Cardio Party 1
    Wednesday- 40 min Burn Circuit 2
    Thursday- 45 min of Burn Intervals & 10 min of Ab Burner
    Friday- 45 min Cardio Party Mix 2-am & 40 min Burn Circuit 3
    Saturday- 80 min swimming

    Total for last week- 430 min!!!!!!

    This week so far:
    Sunday- 60 min Burn It Off! & Recharge & 100 min of Hiking
    Monday- 40 min of Burn Circuit 1

    So far- 200 min remaining- 160 min

    Sunday we had a BBQ with our good friends at our house. It was fun. Then, Sunday night we went with our good friend Tyler up to these hot springs. Its about 2 1/2 miles in, and once we were almost there, Cody remembered he forgot the flashlight in the truck! So we ended up hiking back out in the dark with no light. Both me and Cody fell on this huge rock and got all cut up. We ran into these two guys that had an extra flashlight and let us borrow it. It was a fun adventure.

    Didn't get a long workout in yesterday like I usually do, but it was my husband's day off too due to the holiday, so I slept in with him and relaxed a lot of the day with him.

    Today I am determined to get a long workout in, we'll see how it works out. I don't have to stay at work as late this week since I got paid for Monday, and usually don't work Mondays, so less hours at work for me! YAY!
  • blackchick85
    Monday - walked for 50 minutes
    Tuesday - Walk 40 minutes and Taebo 20 min
  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,533 Member
    Actually did make it in minutes last week.. since we walked for 5 1/2 hours Thursday on gravel pushing a stroller.. and 3 hours on Saturday shopping.

    In laws left yesterday so I can get back to it!

    Tuesday 61 min zumba (finally!!!)

  • Neeti1021
    Neeti1021 Posts: 43 Member
    Ok, even though it's so hot, I am trying my very best. Tori, I'm totally at fault when it comes to boredom eating but we can all get through this, I feel good about it!! Welcome :happy:

    Monday - 38 minutes cardio/shred
    Tuesday - 77 minutes cardio/shred

    115 total / 245 to go

    Let's do it!!! Neeti :bigsmile:
  • mrsfloisand
    mrsfloisand Posts: 254 Member
    This week so far:
    Sunday- 60 min Burn It Off! & Recharge & 100 min of Hiking
    Monday- 40 min of Burn Circuit 1
    Tuesday- 30 min of Fat Blaster & 20 min workout

    Total so far- 250 min, remaining- 110 min

    As for last night being a night of working out longer, didn't exactly happen. Me and my hubby spent a lot of time together yesterday when I got home since I got home earlier than usual. But at least I got two tough workouts done.

    Tonight is strength training, and I usually am so burnt out by the end of that I don't want to do anything else, but if I'm up to it I might try to go for a run before hand.

    I'm trying to convince my husband that we need to go for a good hike again this weekend. We don't have any other plans so I think for us to go out and spend time in nature would be fun. We'll see how it goes.

    Great job to everyone out there trying so hard to achieve the 360 min a week! You guys are doing awesome!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    I made goal last week...all the gardening was what pushed me over...the front of the house looks normal again...hubby was impressed.


    Monday, layed around all day drinking beer in the hot tub...super naughty...does boiling count?
    Tuesday, nada, worked a 12 hour day (almost should count for something, I'm a nurse and move all the time)

    This week will be hard to met...ball tournament from 8:00 in the morning until dusk on Friday, Saturday and Sunday...lots of sitting

    What do you all think about starting a July thread...I know it's a few days late...it would be nice to stay month to month???
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Double post....oops
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Sunday we had a BBQ with our good friends at our house. It was fun. Then, Sunday night we went with our good friend Tyler up to these hot springs. Its about 2 1/2 miles in, and once we were almost there, Cody remembered he forgot the flashlight in the truck! So we ended up hiking back out in the dark with no light. Both me and Cody fell on this huge rock and got all cut up. We ran into these two guys that had an extra flashlight and let us borrow it. It was a fun adventure.

    Sounds like an adventure...LOL
  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,533 Member
    Kim I think all of that counts! Especially the boiling! :wink: :drinker:

    Hmmm can you stand during the ball game? I guess it would draw a lil too much attention to be doing squats or lunges while watching, lol. Hot dog in one hand beer in the other! :bigsmile:

    I'm for a new month thread.
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    I'm game for a new month thread...whatever works. I have had a slow start this week, migraine last night, and will be gone this weekend so I'm probly out this week anyway. But, Monday is a new week and a renewed effort!!
  • mrshwallace
    mrshwallace Posts: 7 Member
    I'll start on Monday! I love a challange! 1hr a day, I can make that happen, challanged ACCEPTED!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    OK....here's the link for the new challenge...time to get moving

  • Neeti1021
    Neeti1021 Posts: 43 Member
    Hi Kim! I am totally in....should we stop posting on this thread or are we starting the 12th?