360 minutes a week exercise challenge



  • a1schwei
    a1schwei Posts: 617 Member
    i'll try!!! :) i'm at maintanence or just about, but i want to work to keep building muscle :)
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    are we starting this coming up monday (june 7) or now?

    You can start now!!! I was thinking officially Monday, the 7th...I wanted to give people a chance to get on-board...if it works out well...we will keep going...winner can pick the next challenge

    I think we should do it longer than one week, but weekly.

    OK, lets try for 1 month and see who can hang until the end....:bigsmile:
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    ok, I'm not promising anything but I'll try!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    :bigsmile: The point is to count all your activity...change habits from driving to walking or bike riding...start a garden, walk a neighbors' dog, walk on your break at work, do (6) 10 minute segments or 1 big hour...point is to get moving!!!:tongue:
  • KaySaver
    KaySaver Posts: 92 Member
    I think I can do this! I had to slow down this week because of the work schedule but I am ready to get back to it and get moving again!

    SW 215

    My downfall is bad habits that have a tight hold and don't want to let go! I just have to keep fighting for the next seven weeks to break the old habits. The other downfall is pms, that week before sends me into an incredible and powerful hunger overload.
  • jocelyne2
    jocelyne2 Posts: 271 Member
    Im in !!!!!! Hopefully I can keep with it :) Hey Nola looks like Im following you hehehe . Im 35 yr old stay at home mom for now .... I have a 15 yr old daughter and a 6 yr old son . My biggest down falls are not eating breakfast ,alcohol,late night snacking and either not enough cals on some days and way to many on others . Question .... what are everyone's thoughts on cardio only .... I really don't want to bulk up cause my arm and thighs( except the back end lol) already have alot of muscle ( lots...lots ...and lots of construction and reno's) and I really don't want to add on more :)
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    My biggest down falls are not eating breakfast ,alcohol,late night snacking and either not enough cals on some days and way to many on others . Question .... what are everyone's thoughts on cardio only

    You sound just like me with lots of naughty habits!!!...Any exercise counts as long as your moving...yoga, cardio, gardening, walking, DVDs, biking...the point is to move it

    We start Monday; so, plan your week to squeeze it in and make it a part of your life
  • jocelyne2
    jocelyne2 Posts: 271 Member
    I got a head start today because i don't think ill have time tommorrow and im proud that i actually did the breakfast thing well sorta i decided to do a protien shake smoothie.... Think ill try the protien thing twice a day a friend of mine started doing it for breakfast and lunch and lost 5lbs in one week ....Its worth a shot :) so I did 73 mins and burned only 364 cals but i was so sore took my muscles alot longer to losen up hopefully I won't be in a wheel chair tommorrow lol.....good luck everyone and have fun !!!!!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    OK...day 1 of the challenge:happy: Time to get moving:bigsmile:

    I signed up for kettleballs and zumba at the gym today...might go walking around the farm where my daughter boards her horse...the perimeter is one mile...it's pretty out today...I'll check in with Day 1 totals later

    Does laundry count?:grumble: I find when I dedicate myself to exercise...the house is a shamble!!!:cry:
  • kdm9295
    kdm9295 Posts: 126 Member
    I took my walk this morning, 40 minutes, and followed that up with a 20 minute yoga routine. It was great to get out and walk this morning. It's supposed to by 95 today.
  • Shy1979
    Shy1979 Posts: 75
    I did 100 min of cardio training today at the gym!
  • divachris2
    divachris2 Posts: 14 Member
    I went to the gym this morning and went on the bike 25 min. and the treadmill 25 min. So I am still in!:happy:
  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,447 Member
    WHOA! 104 min down already! Beautiful day for a bike ride
  • Hi everyone! I just joined today and came across this thread. If it's not too late I'd like to join in the challenge! I need all the motivation I can get! I still have about 80 lbs to lose. You guys seem to be doing well so far, keep it up!!
  • I did 5 fat burning miles with Leslie. That's 65 mins of cardio for me today! :bigsmile:
  • indyjune
    indyjune Posts: 14 Member
    It is 530pm est and I just read of the 360 a week challenge. I just started here today, but I am gonna do this with you guys! Exercise is my weak spot ... and I think this will challenge me to jump in big time and get my butt moving, too! Thanks for the inspiration!! indyjune
  • jocelyne2
    jocelyne2 Posts: 271 Member
    Didn't think I would have time but I managed 60 mins barely ::drinker: ......Might go for a little walk on treadmill so I can eat some of the good stuff I bought at the store tonight lol ......2 down 4 to go !!!! Holy crap is it just me or does eating healthy start to get really expensive think grocery bill almost doubled in size like my butt !!!!!! Have a great night all :laugh:
  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    Ok...I am in. I will get on my treadmill tonite and walk my butt off! I was just getting ready to look for someone to give me a oush..been slacking the last week. Still counting calories and moving..but not moving enough. We will see if this helps get me back on the horse!
  • jocelyne2
    jocelyne2 Posts: 271 Member
    Didn't think I would have time but I managed 60 mins barely ::drinker: ......Might go for a little walk on treadmill so I can eat some of the good stuff I bought at the store tonight lol ......2 down 4 to go !!!! Holy crap is it just me or does eating healthy start to get really expensive think grocery bill almost doubled in size like my butt !!!!!! Have a great night all :laugh:

    Add on 25 minutes ..... Didn't quite have as much energy as I thought lol
  • indyjune
    indyjune Posts: 14 Member
    Ha! did it. 70 min walking, weeding and picking strawberries(berries were the extra 10) I have been thinking I would ramp up to an hour for a month of 30 to 45 min workouts. Just the challenge I needed to get motivated to sweat!
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