I'm admitting that I need help.

Okay so I went on spring break last week and ate horribly. I am having such an incredibly hard time getting back on track. I'm not eating right, tracking, or going to the gym. I just can't find the motivation, and I'm pointing the blame on to my depression. I need help! Lots of help! It's really hard for me to admit that to an entire community of such driven people. I'm so mad at myself, but I keep making crappy choices. So please, I need help.


  • Allegra289
    I totally hear you..the easiest way for me to get back on track is to start logging...I know it seems obvious but even if you log everything and you went waay over calories and haven't had exercise in weeks....seeing it written down, with the number staring back at you will make you want to make tomorrow better. Just get everything down and go from there.
  • toridorey
    toridorey Posts: 30 Member
    I did the exact same thing last summer (and just barely started MFP/working out again a week or 2 ago) and trust me it's only worst if you don't just pick back up and get back to it! (I look back and think of all the time I've wasted and all the weight I could have lost if I would have just picked myself up and started again instead of waiting a year almost!) Everyone slips, if it's for a meal or a day or a week, but that's what websites like this are here for!! We all know it's hard because we're all going through it together!! It's good that you asked for encouragement instead of completely retreating though!! YOU CAN DO IT!!! It just takes one workout session or one day of watching what you eat to refuel that fire!! And if not, then keep working until you find your rhythm again!! Don't beat yourself up though because we're only human and if we were all perfect at being healthy and losing weight then we'd have gotten there a long time ago!! =D You can totally pick this back up again! It's not easy but it's doable!! Good luck and keep your chin up!!
  • shallo
    shallo Posts: 353 Member
    I'm right there with you. I am logging food only part of the time and not exercising. I am just going to start doing both and hopefully it will become easier again.
  • dian1227
    dian1227 Posts: 122 Member
    I want you to know that each and every day starts the clock again. Each day we are closer to getting it right. I did not have a good day today, did my work out, but ate some "off limits" stuff...a friends wife passed away yesterday and brought me back to when my husband died 16 years ago...But I actually feel better and understand why I ate those things.

    Tomorrow will be better, it is the first day of the rest of our lives, join me in trying to make each day the beginning of a new life.


  • wondergirl1003
    wondergirl1003 Posts: 138 Member
    The same thing happened to me a couple of weeks ago. It started with my bday and I lost a little bit of control for about two weeks and gained four pounds. Im back to eating better now and I did so by making one decision. I would not have a soda that day. The next day I made another, I will not eat out that day. I know it sounds easier said than done, but you've done it before and you can get right back on track. If you need to, go to the store, get some healthy foods and have them ready. If you can't get back into exercising just yet, just try to move around a little more throughout the day. Small changes will make you proud of yourself and motivate you to work harder. You can do it, one good decision at a time.
  • kbloodworth
    kbloodworth Posts: 107 Member
    Do you have any friends nearby that will go to the gym with you? That always pulls me out of my funk, and the more you work out the better your mood will be. But if you are truly suffering from depression, please see a professional. You've got to heal your mindset if you want to heal your body.
  • CCSunlight
    CCSunlight Posts: 249 Member
    Do you have any friends nearby that will go to the gym with you? That always pulls me out of my funk, and the more you work out the better your mood will be. But if you are truly suffering from depression, please see a professional. You've got to heal your mindset if you want to heal your body.

    thanks for the concern! i was diagnosed with clinical depression last semester and i'm currently on an antidepressant that's working wonderfully for me. some days are just still rough, and it's been hard on me coming back from the service trip i did over break.
  • ameaston22
    I have done this so many times myself. I will go off my diet for a few days and then lose all motivation. I think what really helped me was making a magnet of a picture that I absolutely hate of myself (one that really shows my flaws - love handles, double chin, etc) and putting it on my fridge. Every time I go for a snack, it's a constant reminder of why I want to lose weight.
  • pouringraina
    pouringraina Posts: 106 Member
    I totally hear you..the easiest way for me to get back on track is to start logging...I know it seems obvious but even if you log everything and you went waay over calories and haven't had exercise in weeks....seeing it written down, with the number staring back at you will make you want to make tomorrow better. Just get everything down and go from there.

    I think the numbers staring back at me is what motivates me most! At the end of the night, I will want to go out for ice cream, but then I see I only have 20 calories left, and I stop myself.

    Because of this, I would also say to just start logging. I would always find myself in a downwards spiral if I didn't write down what I was eating. There was no accountability. After a few days of the "numbers staring back at you", I'm sure you will get your motivation back and start making healthy choices again. :wink:
  • kbloodworth
    kbloodworth Posts: 107 Member
    Do you have any friends nearby that will go to the gym with you? That always pulls me out of my funk, and the more you work out the better your mood will be. But if you are truly suffering from depression, please see a professional. You've got to heal your mindset if you want to heal your body.

    thanks for the concern! i was diagnosed with clinical depression last semester and i'm currently on an antidepressant that's working wonderfully for me. some days are just still rough, and it's been hard on me coming back from the service trip i did over break.

    Many of those anti-depressants cause weight gain too, so you should be doubly proud that you've been able to lose weight while on them. You'll get there.

    What is a service trip?
  • CCSunlight
    CCSunlight Posts: 249 Member
    Do you have any friends nearby that will go to the gym with you? That always pulls me out of my funk, and the more you work out the better your mood will be. But if you are truly suffering from depression, please see a professional. You've got to heal your mindset if you want to heal your body.

    thanks for the concern! i was diagnosed with clinical depression last semester and i'm currently on an antidepressant that's working wonderfully for me. some days are just still rough, and it's been hard on me coming back from the service trip i did over break.

    Many of those anti-depressants cause weight gain too, so you should be doubly proud that you've been able to lose weight while on them. You'll get there.

    What is a service trip?

    for my spring break i took advantage of my school's spring break alternative program and went down to New Orleans and volunteered in an elementary school for the week. it was amazing, but i'm having trouble adjusting back to "real life"
  • kbloodworth
    kbloodworth Posts: 107 Member
    That's awesome! I also have some trouble getting back to real life after a vacation, although my vacations are much more self-serving, and not filled with volunteer work. I just spend a weekend, plan my food and workouts for the week, and try to avoid any distractions. You can do it!
  • Annie5859
    Annie5859 Posts: 280 Member
    I know how you feel. About a year ago let it all go and stopped eating properly, exercising and my excuse was that it made me feel better - I too felt depressed because there was so much stress in my life. But eating is just a temporary relief to whatever is bothering you. And you are just adding to your depression, not to mention the deterioration of your health. As my weight went up, my back starting hurting immensely my knee started to hurt, I was tired all the time and I felt awful about myself and the way I looked. I am still upset with myself because I am starting over yet again.
    I agree with the other poster, if you can muster up the motivation to at least document what you are eating, that will help you not fully sabotage what you worked so hard to do thus far. I also agree that if you can find a friend to go to the gym or even a walk a couple time a week, you might find it enjoyable. Keep logging onto MFP, talking to friends and hang in there. Baby steps. Don't give up, you will regret it in the future - I know I sure did.
  • Chaos_Residue
    Another thing that I have done is set MFP as my homepage. If you're like me and get on the internet AT LEAST once a day that's a huge reminder to watch what you eat and do your exercises. It's easy to ignore those things when you don't have a friend nagging at you to do them, but when you see MFP pop up everytime you open your browser it puts those healthy thoughts back into your mind.
  • EmmaRankmore
    *big hugs*

    Good on you for admitting that you need help - having had depression issues of my own, asking for help is by far the hardest step. So good on you! :)

    I agree with the other posters, logging stuff - even if you are way over your goal in calories etc - at least puts some perspective on things. I am a teacher too, and you're right - it doesnt feel like real life at all lol. Try and step back and look at things - rather than getting involved and panicking, that helps me too. Little steps are great - log the food, move a little, do some housework which is necessary anyways and log that as exercise - this might help you get back on the bandwagon.

    We all know you can do this and all have faith in you - you can do it! :) Add me as a friend on here if you like and we can help motivate each other :) I have a lot of weight to lose, but am slowly making progress, with the help of some good friends on here and some pure stubbornness lol ;)

  • dian1227
    dian1227 Posts: 122 Member
    Another thing that I have done is set MFP as my homepage. If you're like me and get on the internet AT LEAST once a day that's a huge reminder to watch what you eat and do your exercises. It's easy to ignore those things when you don't have a friend nagging at you to do them, but when you see MFP pop up everytime you open your browser it puts those healthy thoughts back into your mind.

    I've done this too...I am on the internet alot during the day and there is no escaping the MFP!!!
  • sbwood888
    sbwood888 Posts: 953 Member
    Force yourself to log in to this site every single day and log what you eat. Even if you ate over your calories. Eventually just being on this site and immersing yourself in the mindset of it all will help with motivation. I make sure that I spend some time everyday cruising the message boards, looking at other people's food diaries and reading the posts from my friends. It just helps me to "get with it". At first, it might be a drag to force yourself to do it, but eventually the feel good vibes just start to kick in and you want to get with the program. Give it a try.
  • dcdc13
    dcdc13 Posts: 86
    Ccsunlight.. I have been there I. Your shoes and so has a lot of people. We are definitely here for you, but before you become so hard on your self you need to think about what you want out of this. Right down your fitness and diet goals. Start that relationship with yourself where your well being comes first and is priority. I found that when I did a motivational board with a calendar next to it I really held myself accountable for everything that I do. A motivational board is like a cork board of anything that keeps you motivated. I putty goal list on it. My before photos, pictures of fit woman, encouraging words, and a calendar tp keep track of my progress. Then come to mfp to log your meals. Plan your meals 2-3 days ahead so you know what your eating as well as your workout team. Think to yourself if you stayed committed to diet and fitness for 3-6 months, imagine what you would look and feel like when that time passes. Turn that "light switch" on. I've realized I've been addicted to food for so long that I was a miserable person who never wanted to go out bc nothing fit me. Then I saw how good I would look if I stayed committed to my regime and the feeling was wonderful, it was like a light switch for me. You can have all the motivational friends on here and we will cheer you on, we r human and we make mistakes, bit it's all I'm the learning process. I wish you luck on this journey.