Do you need to lose 60 pounds too?



  • Mirlyn
    Mirlyn Posts: 256
    Yes, add me as a friend!!! Questions: how do you get the goals below your ticker? I'm sore today, but going to do the 30 Day Shred!!!

    Just go to the signature option under community and type your goals in under your ticker.
  • Mirlyn
    Mirlyn Posts: 256
    Last night, we went to Golden Corral for dinner, sounded like a terrible idea, but I think I did pretty well actually. Had chicken, baked potato, salad, and cornbread. I just couldn't walk away from a little bit of banana pudding though. Luckily for me, I left my walking Buddy in the house all day and he demanded a walk when we got home so I came out exactly even on my calories. Luck and a little self control went a long way and I am uber proud today.
    This morning we went for another 25 minute walk, baby was pooped and went right to sleep so I jumped right into my cardio pilates video on Netflix, totaling 65 minutes cardio... in a row even. I'm thinking its time for lunch pretty quick now, as I have now have more calories to eat than I started with before breakfast lol.
    Rhaeven~ I agree its good that you are hungry, it shows that your metabolism is catching on to your schedule!
    Welcome to our thread newbies too :) Can't wait to get better aquainted with ya and follow your success.
    I'm gonna go eat something now ... Peace!~

    Nice job on the cardio and golden corral! I'm terrified of places like that (and chinese buffets) because I don't know if I could have that kind of restraint with so many options! Good on ya!
  • mamaDaisyJ
    mamaDaisyJ Posts: 395
    Thanks Mirlyn, it was a challenge and it still is. Got mad at my man this morning cause he wanted to go to breakfast and apparently I just couldn't say no. Biscuits and gravy at least 400 calories and yadayada. I shouldn't have got mad at him though I guess, I coulda just made him go alone and had my Kashi. I need to remember that part of learning how to eat is gonna be learning to say no to him and resist the temptation to give in just so he can eat what he wants....

    30 day shred... anyone do it? I been thinking about, borrowed it from Netflix, then read other reviews and decided I wasn't ready for the jumping, but it was already being sent. Tried it out this morning, and it wasn't so bad. Even though the moves were difficult and I did miss a couple reps here and there, each move is only done for 30 seconds, then ya move to the next. So, just when the jumping got too much, we went to the floor for abs. I'm thinking about going through the program, though this was just one workout at level 1...

    Hit my first goal of onederland! Ended up changing my reward though. I just couldn't find a pair of jeans that would fit for a price I was willing to pay for the amount of time I am going to fit them (given future success). So, I got me some workout clothes instead. Kinda cool... hehe made ofsome dry weave fabric that keeps ya cool when ya sweat, seemed to work well today.

    So, that's where I'm at. How are you ladies doing?
  • Mirlyn
    Mirlyn Posts: 256
    Did you get the champion duo-dry gear? I have a workout outfit in that brand and it's my favorite thing to workout in for sure.

    Mmmmmm now I want biscuits and gravy. Must resist! We almost got BK yesterday because we wanted a drive through and there were no healthy options but before we even got to the ordering window my husband saw I was having a battle in my own head on what I was going to order that would not make me feel too guilty so he suggested subway and he'd just run in and order so we could eat it in the car on the way to our destination :). <3 him!

    CONGRATS ON ONEDERLAND!!!!!! Can't wait to hit that milestone! My whole family (husband, dad, cousin) are all excited for me to hit Onederland too, oddly enough. Every time I talk weight loss with my cousin she asks if I'm there yet, dad too.

    I hit my first mini goal today - 215 by 7/22 which is my son's birthday. I exceeded it! 213.6 this morning when I weighed in. Woot woot! I bought a new pair of jeans 2 days ago so I'm just going to let that be my goal instead of a mani-pedi. Money is too tight for too many rewards :P.
  • mamaDaisyJ
    mamaDaisyJ Posts: 395
    That is awesome! You made it a full 20 days ahead of schedule too. Your husband sounds so supportive, give him a big hug (or more). And yes, that is the exact stuff I got, duo-dry. It was quite comfortable. Short and sweet, Saturdays are busy around here.
  • Rhaeven
    Rhaeven Posts: 123 Member
    Sounds like you ladies (Mirlyn and MamaDaisy) are doing EXCELLENT!!!! You girls are doing wonderful. So exciting to get on here and see/hear successes. Congratulations ladies.

    As for me. Well this has been an incredibly long, long and exhausting week. I have had an up and down eating week. LOL Made potato sour cream soup for my ex (kids dad, we have an amazing relationship), and of course couldn't resist the yummy-ness! Not only the potato soup but not the best food choices because of lack of money. We don't eat much crap, but...this week has been on the less than healthier side. So combine that with the lack of walking...this week just sucked for weight loss. So, I'm back on the wagon so to speak on Monday. No point in even trying tomorrow since its my long work day where I don't get any breaks to no food from 4:30am to 4pm or so. I always try to take some apples, but I never have time to eat even one, so Sunday's usually end up looking like I'm trying to fast.

    With my wild and crazy house, I have put myself on the back burner for the last...almost 2 weeks. Old habits of making sure everyone else is taken care of before I take care of myself. That stuff has to stop or I'll be fat forever. So I'm concentrating on clearing out my room (yup still working on that) and closet so I can get to all my exercise the resistance bands, yoga mat and...the small ball for crunches. I'm making room so I can have a spot to work out, and come is going to be a whole lot of eating right (as I usually do) and a whole lot of exercise. I've got at least 60lbs to go and I don't want to be stuck here anymore.

    Hahaha Just venting again. I've had my mind going probably a million miles today with how stressed out I have been and over loaded with my alcoholic brother and 7yr old niece living with me. I'm so angry at myself for putting ME on the back burner yet again. Thanks for "listening" ladies. I'm gonna reclaim myself, yet again. LOL
  • mamaDaisyJ
    mamaDaisyJ Posts: 395
    You can do it Rhaeven. Getting that focus, or any kind of focus, back to ourselves can be difficult. The fact that you want to shows that it will happen. Sundays don't sound good, though the apple is a good idea. Have you tried slicing it up before you go to work? Might have a better chance of getting to munch if you can just grab a slice on the way to the copier than if you are trying to sit down and have a whole apple at once. I know you have finally got where you feel hungry, and I would hate to see you at work without getting to nibble on something.
  • Rhaeven
    Rhaeven Posts: 123 Member
    You can do it Rhaeven. Getting that focus, or any kind of focus, back to ourselves can be difficult. The fact that you want to shows that it will happen. Sundays don't sound good, though the apple is a good idea. Have you tried slicing it up before you go to work? Might have a better chance of getting to munch if you can just grab a slice on the way to the copier than if you are trying to sit down and have a whole apple at once. I know you have finally got where you feel hungry, and I would hate to see you at work without getting to nibble on something.

    Slicing up the apples is a good idea. I'll have to try putting them in little ziplock bags in my pocket or something. When I have the chance and extra money, I go shopping for protein bars to keep in my pockets so that I can grab a bite while I'm running from one room to the next. I'm a CNA (nursing assistant) and I work in a very poorly run nursing home right now. I usually don't stop moving from the second I get there until I plop exhausted into my car at the end of the shift. Usually by the time I make it to the car I'm so ready to be home...that even the thought of eating makes me ill. So....its get home, take all the dogs out, chat with the kids and THEN I'm settled enough to eat. LOL I guess if I was an intermittent faster Sunday's would be perfect for me. Today...its just 4pm and I'm finally eating after getting home from work at 2:30.

    I'll have to try slicing up apples with some lemon juice and put them into little snack sized bags or something to shove in my pocket. Why I never thought to cut the apple up is beyond me...jeez. Brain is

    Hope everyone has a wonderful 4th!!!
  • Rhaeven
    Rhaeven Posts: 123 Member
    Well...Here it is Monday. My first day "back on the wagon." I've done an ok job with food. For lunch I had a BLT on multigrain at Truffle Hunter restaurant near my house, it was half of their sandwich, which is like eating an entire sandwich. Also had a decent salad with the dressing on the side..of which I didn't even make a dent in the little dressing cup. One of my close friends wanted to go to lunch. I also got out and walked/jogged for 70mins today... I did weigh today and am back at 219...I keep playing with this 2lbs over and over again for the last month. Hopefully now that I've pulled my head out of my *kitten* I will be able to drop these 2lbs and keep'm going. (*its also TOM so I'm thinking that may have a large part in the 2lbs gain this week!!! I always gain 3-5lbs).

    This weeks goals:
    Walk at least 60mins 5 days this week
    Eat right!!!!
    Finish my room so I have a place to work out.
    Not get discouraged because the last few weeks were stressful.
    Lose those pesky 2lbs!!!

    I hope everyone has a wonderful week!!!
  • toridorey
    toridorey Posts: 30 Member
    I'm in!! I thought it 50-60 was a good idea but it's more like 70! Oh well, you have to get to 60 before 70 so this will be good!! First day on MFP and hopefully the excitement and will power will stick!! :-)
  • mamaDaisyJ
    mamaDaisyJ Posts: 395
    Welcome rettazzo! You are gonna love this site and the community.

    Rhaeven ~ sounds like a yummy day around your house. Once you get over that 2 lb. hump, its gonna come off easily.

    I suffered a near sabotage to my eating plan today, ended up comprimising... at least they were egg noodles and not flour right. Lots of exercise, think I got a total of 70 minutes in. Classes start back tomorrow, a little nervous that I will lose focus, but I got a plan ~
  • Rhaeven
    Rhaeven Posts: 123 Member
    Welcome Rertazzo!! This place is awesome. I'm blessed I fell onto this site :)

    Good luck

    @mamadaisy Man, oh Man was the sandwich YUMMY...probably not worth the calories, but it was good :) and the walking/jogging with the dogs was even better..

    Its supposed to be hot today, so I'm thinking its laps in the pool with the kiddos today. I've got a 4yr old that I can tow around on her floaty. So extra calories to be burned today. YAY. Maybe those 2lbs will go, and a few more this week.
  • Mirlyn
    Mirlyn Posts: 256
    Hope everyone is doing well. I have had little to no energy this past week and a half but I have still tried to go out and at least walk for 30 minutes a day. My headaches have gone away so I'm not sure what's draining my energy.

    We're hoping to go out of town on Friday but we're waiting for our leave to be approved so we probably won't know if we're actually going until that morning. We're going to throw my son's 1st birthday party while we're out of town with our relatives since we do not live close by them. I'm going to make sure to exercise that day so I can afford to eat a piece of cake with him! I'm most worried about my sushi night. I have already stated that I am going to allow 1 cheat day while I'm visiting my family so we can go out to my favorite sushi place and I don't have to be full of inhibition. Sushi is such a weakness for me *duck*.
  • Rhaeven
    Rhaeven Posts: 123 Member
    Hope everyone is doing well. I have had little to no energy this past week and a half but I have still tried to go out and at least walk for 30 minutes a day. My headaches have gone away so I'm not sure what's draining my energy.

    We're hoping to go out of town on Friday but we're waiting for our leave to be approved so we probably won't know if we're actually going until that morning. We're going to throw my son's 1st birthday party while we're out of town with our relatives since we do not live close by them. I'm going to make sure to exercise that day so I can afford to eat a piece of cake with him! I'm most worried about my sushi night. I have already stated that I am going to allow 1 cheat day while I'm visiting my family so we can go out to my favorite sushi place and I don't have to be full of inhibition. Sushi is such a weakness for me *duck*.

    Glad your headaches are gone....killer headaches are good for ruining just about everything.

    I'm with you on the exhaustion!!! Its pretty dang warm here right now, and with a ton of kids during the day, I'm just wiped out. I walked Monday, but have missed last night and its way too warm tonight to walk and its only going to get warmer. Swimming with the kids would be good if the pool wasn't so overcrowded. So until I get to bed early enough to get up early, or the weather changes a bit...I'll be sticking to eating well, drinking a ton of water and trying to swim with the kiddos.

    1st birthday parties are always the best! I hope you and your family enjoy every minute of it...and the cake too.
  • mamaDaisyJ
    mamaDaisyJ Posts: 395
    Ohhh! I want another first birthday party! Well, I don't want to have another baby though...
    Anyway~ have fun and enjoy. Don't stress too much on calories, just look at your portions. Add it up at the end of the day and I bet you will be surprised at least once or twice.
    Eating healthy like this has made me more aware of when I am full, I no longer nibble off the kids plates after I have eaten mine and they say they are full. If my kids can pay attention to that feeling of full, so can I. And yes, sometimes I am full before my plate is empty! Feels good....(Rambling)

    Boo! to the heat~ The last few days here got under 90, but half the state flooded.
    So Boo! to the rain too~
    Lucky for me I'm doing the 30day Shred, but I have to go for at least one walk, so I been watching the weather for the right time. Most of our town sits on a hill, well my side of town, lucky again.
    We gotta think of a good, short, simple, low-space-required sort of cardio for you Rhaeven. Besides burning calories, it is good for your heart, lungs, and something else I can't think of, but basically cardio is good for the body ~ oh, circulation. I'm gonna think on this one, should ask your boyfriend.

    Think I am moving on to homework now ~ g'night!~
  • GooBeGone
    GooBeGone Posts: 439 Member
    hey every1. i've been MIA for a while & just wanted 2 say hiya. i was sick as a dog last wk :sick: (strep-ish??? wasn't strep but had all the symptoms & the dr even checked the coulture... w/e...) & still just recoverin. hopefully i'll b fully recovered by next wk & back doin exercisin. WHOOHOO! lol. :tongue:
  • Mirlyn
    Mirlyn Posts: 256
    I'm a glutton for sushi so I don't know if I can stop once I'm full but I will try lol. I'll order a cucumber salad and try to fill up on that before the sushi even comes since I know c salad is really low on calories (it's my go to snack when i'm low on cals for the night.)

    We're excited for the 1 year party but it's going to be very small and not the extravagance that some people put towards a 1 year party since we will only be in town visiting the family for a few days so it doesn't give me much time to get all of the supplies. He'll still have fun, he gets to smash a cake, who wouldn't enjoy that?

    I hear ya on the heat, it's been really hot here too. The worst part is it is always humid heat so it feels a lot hotter than it is and when your temp before humidity is 100 degrees then the heat index is CRAZY! I know some people like to really sweat when they work out but I hate sweating. It burns my eyes, makes me feel gross. I need a bike, I think I could go bike riding in the heat a lot easier than I could walk in the heat since riding the bike would cause wind to blow in my face and dry the sweat :P.

    GooBeGone -Glad you're recovering! Why does sickness have to jump in and ruin our momentum when we're really getting into the swing of things?
  • cmak8
    cmak8 Posts: 14 Member
    I need help to, I am post back surgery and needing to shed 30 pounds. I am looking for support and motivation and I am willing to offer the same back! We can do this!!!!
  • GooBeGone
    GooBeGone Posts: 439 Member
    GooBeGone -Glad you're recovering! Why does sickness have to jump in and ruin our momentum when we're really getting into the swing of things?

    it officially sucked!! i didn't really eat a lot & then when i could eat i binged!!! plus it was the holiday wknd & i gained 6lbs back!! OMG! :sad:

    but i'll get back on track. everythin is just piling up this wk. i'm back in school also so it's like no time 4 the wicked! (yes i'm a wicked one HAHAHAHAHA :laugh: )
  • Rhaeven
    Rhaeven Posts: 123 Member
    Happy Thursday everyone!!!

    Its supposed to get to be around 100 today...jeeeeeezzzzzzzz......with no air conditioning in my apartment, we are gonna be a bit uncomfortable.

    @mamadaisy.....Unfortunately for me, my boyfriend is a HUGE fan of weight training not cardio for weight loss. I think its the ex-bodybuilder in him that gets stuck on this. He used to P/T for bodybuilders...not short fat girls LOL So I take a bit of what his advice is, and then wrap it around what I know to be correct for me as well. I need a fair amount of cardio, especially since having some nasty lung infection a few years ago that left scarring and damage on my lungs. I get some serious attacks that look/feel a lot like asthma attacks when I put out much exertion in exercise. The lungs are a million times better now, but still have some flare ups fairly often when jogging or swimming too fast. The cardio I have done the last 2 years has helped to greatly improve my lung function. I also know that weight training is also one of the best ways to increase muscle which increases calorie burn and makes ya look better. Now its just finding the time and space to work it all in. LOL I'm blessed that the BF doesn't argue with me about cardio, he knows its good for me. LOL I'm also blessed that even though I'm fat, and having a hard time getting up and running (so to speak) I KNOW exactly what I need to be eating and doing to lose weight. LOL The information is all here in my head, its more the exhaustion and lack of space that gets me. Cannot wait for things to work themselves out so I can actually join the gym. :)

    Barring any disasters room should be fully completed and I will have my work out space ready to go for tomorrow. I'm going to get in the pool and swim laps with the kiddos today and then break out the work out videos tomorrow morning. Need more money for newer videos though. I have the entire set of (they are old now) Yoga Booty Ballet dvd work outs. They are fun and used to kick my *kitten* a few years ago. I've also got some yoga and Pilates dvds to work with. My ultimate goal is to actually be able to run/jog again. There is nothing quite like the feeling of freedom and strength that comes from being able to just run. PLUS with 2 very active pit bulls and one insanely active Boston Terrier...running is an excellent activity for us. :) Now to just get rid of this exhaustion so I can move my butt. LOL

    @GooBeGone Very happy to see you back and on the road to recovery!!! Hate, hate, hate when getting ill screws everything up!!! Hopefully getting back on track and losing what you gained happens fast and easy for you!

    @cmak8 Welcome :) Everyone here is absolutely wonderful, full of great ideas and support. I love this place, and this group, more and more each day!!

    Hope everyone has a good day today!!! Good luck with achieving today's goals.