Do you need to lose 60 pounds too?



  • susiewusie
    susiewusie Posts: 432 Member
    Well 2 days in and really enjoying it ,have been doing slimming world for a few months and everytime I do that one I tend to have huge portions with all the "free foods" so its brilliant to be back to filling in an online diary and I love the support everyone gives on here I weigh in on Tuesday morning ,hope everyone has good losses :)
  • mamaDaisyJ
    mamaDaisyJ Posts: 395
    Excellent~ I'm gonna stop tracking mine too then. I go over after an apple and a piece of toast. Try to have a banana later and I feel guilty, even when I'm way under calories. So, I won't look at sugar anymore. I do really good on sodium I think, I haven't noticed it red yet. My boyfriend has always had to add salt to everything I cook. lol guess I can count that as a blessing... well for me, not him though...
  • Mirlyn
    Mirlyn Posts: 256
    @Scarlet - There is a girl that I hang out with sometimes and she used to do weight watchers and she is always trying to offer me some kind of food with the premise that it's, "WW friendly" or "it's 0 points so it's a freebie." She doesn't understand that I can't add a 0 point item (which can essentially mean 45 calories) to my calories if I don't have room or if I don't feel like it's a filling enough item to squeeze in just to taste. Glad you came to MFP where you can actually see each and every calorie for what it's worth! Hope you have a great weigh in too, I bet you do great!

    @mamaDaisyJ - Yeah they say on these forums that fruit sugars can be subtracted from your intake but watch the added sugars so I think you're ok! I don't add salt to any of my food when I'm cooking any more but my cottage cheese sodium and some others of my favorite treats are just loaded with sodium. Thank goodness the FDA is about to start requiring lower sodium in prepackaged foods! I do alot of whole foods but I eat my fair share of prepackaged still and that's where I suffer.
  • Mirlyn
    Mirlyn Posts: 256
    How is everyone doing? Thread died!
  • Rhaeven
    Rhaeven Posts: 123 Member
    Haha Mirlyn... Was going to do the same thing today. The past week or so has been an chaotic whirlly busy mess around here and I've logged on long enough to log my food and any exercise I manage to fit in. Hopefully this week will go a bit more smoothly.

    I decided to change my weigh-in days to Tuesday instead of Monday. Sunday I work a long shift, and NEVER get a chance to eat during work so I usually go from 4:30am till 3 or 4pm without eating. That seems to be throwing off my weight big time. So..that being said...I busted my butt last week and stayed on track with my food, watching my sodium and making sure nearly all my choices were good food choices. Most of my days I'm still coming in WAY under the calorie goal my BF set for me, which irritates him a bit because my metabolism is all messed up from not ever eating. Now I try to eat every few hours or so, but usually manage breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, snack.....sometimes I end up skipping snacks or lunch because I'm just not hungry and cannot force myself to eat. Thank gawd for almonds. :)

    So this weeks weigh in is 217.6...(last week 219.2) Here's to hoping that I can keep the downward trend for weight. :)
  • Rhaeven
    Rhaeven Posts: 123 Member
    So with my new semi-crazy schedule, the warm (sometimes weather) and my brother and his daughter living with me...I am not walking or getting hardly any exercise in at all. This irritates me because yet again I have put myself and my own personal needs on hold to make sure everyone else is taken care of. I get up at 6am and am usually busy with a ton of kids from about 6:30-6:30, then its dinner, cleaning the house, taking kids to the pool....I'm typically running around and busy until at least midnight. YES....I need to change my schedule to fit in some exercise everyday. I have been so tired that even an extra half an hour walk is overwhelming. My dogs and myself are suffering. My dogs are used to walking between 3 and 5 miles a day...sometimes more. I'm frustrated because the lack of walking is definitely going to slow down any weight loss I might see.

    Mostly this is a vent/rant because I'm frustrated, irritated and disappointed in how things are going. I also wanted to pick brains and see what kind of, if any, at home workouts that everyone is doing. My brother and niece sleep in my living room so my only option for in-home workout is to do it in my room (and to go walk the dogs of course), which is possible since I have plenty of room in there. I have some resistance bands, an exercise ball, I have the entire Yoga Booty Ballet exercise set on DVD, some yoga and pilates dvds. Not a bad start I'm thinking...but I have been thinking about purchasing the Zumba Fitness DVDs and wonder if its worth getting. I cannot afford gym membership right now, and I sure as heck don't know when I'll be able to get into the gym with my schedule the way it is right now (my schedule will change again in August). My goal today is to get my bedroom cleaned up so I can have the room to workout in there. Just the thought of getting up earlier is making me tired. lol

    Has anyone tried the Zumba workouts? Are the DVD's worth getting? I know everyone seems to like the Jillian Micheal's stuff as well, and I think I'd like to get her work outs as well. I'm not sure if or when I'll be able to have the extra monthly money to join the gym, and if I can get similar (maybe not as good) workouts at home for a while...then that is a good option for me.

    Sorry for the rambling rant. LOL Its been a long stressful week, and weight loss is, of course, big time on my mind.
    Thanks everyone...hope everyone is doing well this week
  • mamaDaisyJ
    mamaDaisyJ Posts: 395
    Rhaeven ~ don't forget swimming at the pool is great exercise too. There is some debate on the accuracy of MFP on the calories burned, but other sites show me close the same numbers. Personally, I take my workout time during the baby's nap, and I workout on various videos from Netflix instant play. I love the Crunch series. I have some resistance bands too, but haven't used them since I started this journey (they were left from an attempt some 6 years ago). My daughter will exercise with me... or at least attempt to. She has been known to spray my face with water periodically when I get sweating really good. Once I explained to her that it wasn't healthy for my belly to be this fat, she wouldn't let me skip a day when I was feeling particularly lazy!
    Depending on the clutter you need moved today, making room to workout may be a workout in itself. Your boyfriend, brother, and niece all love you and I am sure they want to support you. Just let them know you need an hour a day all to yourself, even if not all at once. One hour out of 16 is not too much to ask. You are a priority, don't let yourself or anyone else forget it! If none of that works, find activities that you can exercise, include them, and they won't realize the healthy impact. Like going for a nature walk, swimming, riding bikes to get snow cones, go to the playground and walk around the perimeter while they play, outside running games, ok my brain is picked... be creative and exercise will come easily and feel less like work :)
  • melodieRN
    melodieRN Posts: 49
    I have at least 75lb more to lose but if I meet the 60lb goal that woubld be awesome!
  • mkward62
    mkward62 Posts: 5
    I need to lose 60-70#'s. It hit me a few weeks ago when one of my friends was talking about an individual and how she has just let herself go....and then there was this big silence. I got it! While the conversation was not about me it really hit home. I have let myself go and "why" I don't know. Until recently I saw the old me in the mirror but that conversation made me really look at myself and face the person I had become. I have been preparing myself over the last month by exercising more and this week I began my DIET PLAN. That is the most difficult part because I have to be prepared and not allow myself to be hungry without reinforcements. I used to go all moring and early afternoon without eating and then BINGE because I was starved. I craved the worst possible foods and did not make any healthy choices. Well, no more. I will grocery shop every three days and have a plan for every 3 days so my food will be fresh and taste great. I have to mix it up so my body will shred the pounds!! The only thing I don't like so far is all this water......I spend a lot of time looking for bathrooms as I run errands all day. Oh well, it is all good.:flowerforyou:
  • Rhaeven
    Rhaeven Posts: 123 Member
    Rhaeven ~ don't forget swimming at the pool is great exercise too. There is some debate on the accuracy of MFP on the calories burned, but other sites show me close the same numbers. Personally, I take my workout time during the baby's nap, and I workout on various videos from Netflix instant play. I love the Crunch series. I have some resistance bands too, but haven't used them since I started this journey (they were left from an attempt some 6 years ago). My daughter will exercise with me... or at least attempt to. She has been known to spray my face with water periodically when I get sweating really good. Once I explained to her that it wasn't healthy for my belly to be this fat, she wouldn't let me skip a day when I was feeling particularly lazy!
    Depending on the clutter you need moved today, making room to workout may be a workout in itself. Your boyfriend, brother, and niece all love you and I am sure they want to support you. Just let them know you need an hour a day all to yourself, even if not all at once. One hour out of 16 is not too much to ask. You are a priority, don't let yourself or anyone else forget it! If none of that works, find activities that you can exercise, include them, and they won't realize the healthy impact. Like going for a nature walk, swimming, riding bikes to get snow cones, go to the playground and walk around the perimeter while they play, outside running games, ok my brain is picked... be creative and exercise will come easily and feel less like work :)

    Thanks for the ideas/motivation. :) I kind of already to that stuff with the kids in my house. I have VERY busy 4 and 7yr old girls to watch and my 10 and 14yr old sons. I take the kiddos swimming, and we typically play in the pool for 2-3 hours, sometimes more when its nice out. I don't add in that play time because though I'm swimming with the kids...not sure how to count the calories because I'm not constantly swimming. I also get the girls out and we walk, but its always PAINFULLY slow so I don't count those as exercise moments either. We also have a playground in the complex so I take the girls there to play as well. I know I'm burning up cals but I don't log them in. My biggest worry/complaint/frustration is that I just don't feel like I'm getting enough exercise or working my muscles enough to make a decent impact at the moment. Packing kids, picking them up, throwing them in the the house, moving furniture, walking the dogs and kids...its all great calorie burning exercises, but I'd like to put my muscles to better use and tone up. :)

    My brother is an alcoholic and so its like having another kid around, he would definitely make working out a pain in the butt. He is one of the main reasons its chaotic around here. I'd kick him out but that would leave my niece homeless since he would try to take her with him. Its a crummy situation that I'm working toward finding a solution for, but its not an easy process.

    I am going to have to suck it up and wake up early enough to work out BEFORE everyone is awake and here. I don't live with my BF, but if I did, my life would probably be tons he's also my personal trainer. HE would definitely push me to work out when I needed the extra motivation. We almost always walk somewhere when I go to his house, we talk about his views on nutrition/diet and ideally he wants me in the gym, but knows that just isn't an option at the moment. I pick his brain constantly, but he is a guy, and his solution to my problems would be to just kick out my brother...My BF doesn't have kids so its hard to get him to understand how much grief my niece has been through up to me to find a solution that works.

    Thanks again..this is why I am falling in love with this site and all the people on here :)
  • noneya2010
    noneya2010 Posts: 446 Member
    I want to lose 95 pounds. So far in 3 weeks I have lost 11. Put me down!
  • Mirlyn
    Mirlyn Posts: 256
    Rhaeven - I would count swimming girl. I know you said you don't eat back most if any of your exercise calories so the accuracy isn't all that important but I do think investing in a cheap HRM would do you good so you could count anything out of the ordinary on days that you are running around so much and no time for your own exercise, you may be surprised on what you burn. I count cleaning days on the days that I do deep scrubbing and when I clean the dogs' room (sweep, mop, sanitize their cage etc.) I also count shopping if I shop for more than an hour. Lately I've stopped counting anything unless I wear my HRM though because I'd rather be low on calories eaten than be over my calories because the estimate was way off. Congrats on your 2 lb loss!

    Welcome newcomers!

    I am so fricken hungry right now but dinner isn't for another 2 hours (hour and a half if need be) and I'm trying to not eat anything but TOM is on the way and I know that's why I have the munchies because I've eaten fine today. Steelcut oatmeal for breakfast, some fruit - a cucumber salad - and a lindt chocolate square between meals, and egg salad sandwich for lunch (1 whole egg 1 egg white), so the only thing I can blame my hunger on is TOM! I may have to make another cucumber salad to get through it lol.
  • Rhaeven
    Rhaeven Posts: 123 Member
    @Mirlyn I'm definitely saving up for a HRM. Right now I'm not super worried about calories burned through out the day. I'm fairly active with the kiddos, but I am missing my walks. (Seriously making an effort to walk tonight!!!) I figure if I'm not meeting my calorie goal regularly, then what good is going to do for me to add more calories to eat from working out at this point. lol If I start going over my calorie goal, then I will worry about it and try to eat up extras (well keep track of them anywyay). I just have no appetite most of the time, so what I do eat, gets forced down most of the time. I guess I really need to look at how I can incorporate some weight training/toning exercises into my days. :) Something like tricep dips at my kitchen chairs, squats, lunges and such when its quiet around here.

    Welcome all the newcomers. Just love how friendly and supportive everyone is here. :)
  • Rhaeven
    Rhaeven Posts: 123 Member
    I am so fricken hungry right now but dinner isn't for another 2 hours (hour and a half if need be) and I'm trying to not eat anything but TOM is on the way and I know that's why I have the munchies because I've eaten fine today. Steelcut oatmeal for breakfast, some fruit - a cucumber salad - and a lindt chocolate square between meals, and egg salad sandwich for lunch (1 whole egg 1 egg white), so the only thing I can blame my hunger on is TOM! I may have to make another cucumber salad to get through it lol.

    Gotta love cucumbers, tomatoes and apples..those are my go-to foods when, on the VERY rare occasions, I'm hungry. Today is a hungry day strangely enough. My BF just laughs at me and says its good that I'm hungry. Thank goodness I'm not an emotional or bored eater though. LOL
  • Mirlyn
    Mirlyn Posts: 256
    I'm a bored eater, always have been. Have to ask myself if I'm truly hungry before I eat anything lol.
  • khk2010
    khk2010 Posts: 451 Member
    My goals are similar to yours. My first weight goal is 65 lbs to get into the healthy area. I have lost 19 to date. So happy about that. I could use a team motivation at this point-especially to exercise.
  • diet45
    diet45 Posts: 392 Member
    Yes, add me as a friend!!! Questions: how do you get the goals below your ticker? I'm sore today, but going to do the 30 Day Shred!!!
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    I am in! My 1st goal is to loose 100lbs and I am half way there right now. I intend to loose another 20-30lbs once I have reached my first goal! So, count me in!
  • mamaDaisyJ
    mamaDaisyJ Posts: 395
    Last night, we went to Golden Corral for dinner, sounded like a terrible idea, but I think I did pretty well actually. Had chicken, baked potato, salad, and cornbread. I just couldn't walk away from a little bit of banana pudding though. Luckily for me, I left my walking Buddy in the house all day and he demanded a walk when we got home so I came out exactly even on my calories. Luck and a little self control went a long way and I am uber proud today.
    This morning we went for another 25 minute walk, baby was pooped and went right to sleep so I jumped right into my cardio pilates video on Netflix, totaling 65 minutes cardio... in a row even. I'm thinking its time for lunch pretty quick now, as I have now have more calories to eat than I started with before breakfast lol.
    Rhaeven~ I agree its good that you are hungry, it shows that your metabolism is catching on to your schedule!
    Welcome to our thread newbies too :) Can't wait to get better aquainted with ya and follow your success.
    I'm gonna go eat something now ... Peace!~
  • Rhaeven
    Rhaeven Posts: 123 Member

    Rhaeven~ I agree its good that you are hungry, it shows that your metabolism is catching on to your schedule!
    Welcome to our thread newbies too :) Can't wait to get better aquainted with ya and follow your success.
    I'm gonna go eat something now ... Peace!~

    I agree that its good. It has taken me over a month to actually be hungry during the day. Its an odd feeling since most of the time I'm not hungry at all. Today makes 2 days in a row that I'm hungry. LOL NOW I'm sure I will be getting close to or hitting my calorie goal, finally. Which is good since I'm hoping that I've finally kicked in my metabolism. YAY, now for the hard part, more exercise, more water and keep'n an eye on my food even more closely.

    MamaDaisy...good job at the Golden Corral!!! Sounds like you made some excellent choices. I'm grateful for my dogs that keep me motivated to get out and walk!!
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