Do you need to lose 60 pounds too?



  • Robin1109
    Robin1109 Posts: 231 Member
    A little over 70 is my goal but I'd be very happy to get to the 60 mark! Count me in if possible!
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    I have about 70ish left to go. I am definitely down for some extra support (and providing extra support) for others in the same boat!

    Today I had some baby carrots as my afternoon snack and OMG (yes I use that phrase) they were so not tastey after watching another girl walking around with a MCD ice cream sundae. Now I really want one, but I know I shouldnt. I am fighting the urge hardcore.
  • Robin1109
    Robin1109 Posts: 231 Member
    I have about 70ish left to go. I am definitely down for some extra support (and providing extra support) for others in the same boat!

    Today I had some baby carrots as my afternoon snack and OMG (yes I use that phrase) they were so not tastey after watching another girl walking around with a MCD ice cream sundae. Now I really want one, but I know I shouldnt. I am fighting the urge hardcore.

    Hmmm....if you have a sweet tooth maybe try buying Special K Chocolatey Delight cereal and snacking on that. Also, Special K has bars that might be tasty too. Just watch the sugars!
  • GooBeGone
    GooBeGone Posts: 439 Member
    so question. & u can c my food diary to confirm this.

    i ate lunch a little over 2hrs ago. in a few min i'm suppose 2 have my snack. the thing is, i STILL feel FULL from my lunch. albiet, it was only 377calories, plus i'm drinkin a LOT of water 2day (i had a sausage biscuit for breakfast & didn't realize the sodium content until AFTER i ate it :blushing: :sad: )

    so hopefully a lot of water will help flush that out (idk how long it'll take 2 flush out my system tho. :frown:

    well i've drank 8glasses of water by now but the thing is ever since lunch i feel FULL. i mean almost like i stuffed myself. is this normal? when i remember lookin at the food i know that it wasn't a lot but i guess it was fillin?

    & yes my calories r in red but i'll b workin my patookis off later 2nite when i work out :smile: so hopefully that'll help with the salt as well. (i'm so worried abt this sodium intake....)

    have any of u experienced feelin full like this?
  • Mirlyn
    Mirlyn Posts: 256

    For lunch, I had a mini-bagel with hummus, lettuce, tomato, and bell pepper with an apple on the side. I forgot how much I liked hummus. So yummy and filling too.
    Mirlyn - yesterday was my first day with absolutely no Dr.Pepper. Two days before, I had to have half a can due to migraines. I'm hoping today will be pain free. Dang caffeine!

    I love hummus! Have you had bagel thins? I like them a little more than mini bagels because there's not as much bread but it takes more bites for me to eat it so it's a good snack. LOVE hummus, if you have a trader joe's nearby try their jalapeno cilantro hummus.. it's pretty amazing with carrot sticks. I stopped drinking soda back on April 2nd so I completely feel ya on the caffeine headaches! My migraines are infrequent but they hit suddenly and don't usually go away until I've slept for the night and wake up the next morning, I think I was low on sugars because eating a bowl of cereal really did help.

    For lunch today I had egg salad on a sandwich thin (1 whole hardboiled egg and 1 hardboiled egg white, light mayo, cucumber, red onion, and a sprinkle of mrs. dash table blend) and I had some egg salad left over in the bowl that wouldn't fit on my sandwich so I tossed some baby spinach leaves in and finished it off and it was absolutely fulfilling. Will be a repeat recipe for sure :).
  • Mirlyn
    Mirlyn Posts: 256
    so question. & u can c my food diary to confirm this.

    i ate lunch a little over 2hrs ago. in a few min i'm suppose 2 have my snack. the thing is, i STILL feel FULL from my lunch. albiet, it was only 377calories, plus i'm drinkin a LOT of water 2day (i had a sausage biscuit for breakfast & didn't realize the sodium content until AFTER i ate it :blushing: :sad: )

    so hopefully a lot of water will help flush that out (idk how long it'll take 2 flush out my system tho. :frown:

    well i've drank 8glasses of water by now but the thing is ever since lunch i feel FULL. i mean almost like i stuffed myself. is this normal? when i remember lookin at the food i know that it wasn't a lot but i guess it was fillin?

    & yes my calories r in red but i'll b workin my patookis off later 2nite when i work out :smile: so hopefully that'll help with the salt as well. (i'm so worried abt this sodium intake....)

    have any of u experienced feelin full like this?
    I feel ya, some days I can barely hit 1200 calories even before exercise calories come into play and some days I feel like I can't eat enough. Your lunch yesterday looked like a great combination of carbs and protein so perhaps that's why you felt full longer. I have been trying to not eat just because it's time to eat but listening to my body (within reason) - if I'm not hungry for a snack until later then I won't eat it until later. Sometimes I snack more at night which I know is bad but my husband and I tend to stay up until 11-11:30pm so an 8pm snacktime doesn't seem to hurt my metabolism (yet.)

    PS. I miss sausage biscuits :(. I used to eat 2... yes 2 of them every morning on my way to work.. with cheese and jelly. No wonder I'm so fat.
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    Hmmm....if you have a sweet tooth maybe try buying Special K Chocolatey Delight cereal and snacking on that. Also, Special K has bars that might be tasty too. Just watch the sugars!

    My Dr told me to avoid all refined sugars, so I have been avoiding a lot of stuff. I am not saying I am perfect (cause I cant help but have a little sometimes). I did find some ripe strawberries today which were exactly what I needed for my afternoon sweettooth.
  • mamaDaisyJ
    mamaDaisyJ Posts: 395
    Mirlyn ~ haven't tried bagel thins and don't think we have a Trader Joe's. I had thoughts of making my own hummus, but apparently making the Tahina is more complicated than it sounds. I was at a cookout yesterday and I had some great pita slices that were perfect for a couple slices of turkey. I'm planning on getting some of those in stock. Last night I picked up some flatbread (stone-ground whole wheat), only 90 calories and they are bigger than a typical tortilla. I was able to stuff so many veggies in today that I felt spoiled eating it!

    Oh, and my weigh in this morning ~ lost five pounds!
  • Mirlyn
    Mirlyn Posts: 256
    WOW! Congratulations on the 5 lb loss! Man I can't wait for another large loss week. Seems my body does it randomly but as long as I eat right and keep exercising I know that I'll hit another big loss week soon enough :). This week was small (0.8lbs) but I had some alcohol and a large dinner last night due to my anniversary so I'm going to reweigh in tomorrow after drinking tons of water today and see if I can't add a little bit more to that loss :).

    That flatbread sounds good, I'll keep my eyes open for it. I haven't seen the jalapeno cilantro hummus elsewhere but you may be able to find a similar flavor if you go to a few different groceries. It really is my favorite of all I've tried so far.
  • mamaDaisyJ
    mamaDaisyJ Posts: 395
    Thanks, it was my first week losing so I know not to expect 5 lbs every weigh in, but it was nice seeing that number :) Any loss is a good loss and always better than a gain :)
    If there was ever a time to spoil yourself, its your anniversary! Congratulations~ How long have ya been married? My boyfriend and I have been together about 4 and a half years, but we can't even tell ya an anniversary date, so eventually we may have to get married so we have one lol.
    The wrap is made by Flat Out, I got it at Crest Foods if you have one. I got roasted garlic hummus this week, I might try something spicier next week though.
  • Mirlyn
    Mirlyn Posts: 256
    Thanks, it was my first week losing so I know not to expect 5 lbs every weigh in, but it was nice seeing that number :) Any loss is a good loss and always better than a gain :)
    If there was ever a time to spoil yourself, its your anniversary! Congratulations~ How long have ya been married? My boyfriend and I have been together about 4 and a half years, but we can't even tell ya an anniversary date, so eventually we may have to get married so we have one lol.
    The wrap is made by Flat Out, I got it at Crest Foods if you have one. I got roasted garlic hummus this week, I might try something spicier next week though.

    We're the same way. Can't give you a date on the day we started dating but we've been married for 3 years and lived together for 2 years before getting married... Dated for a while before that but I've lost count :P.

    I reweighed myself this morning hoping I'd lose a little water weight or something to give me a bigger loss but it seem 0.8lbs will be my total this week because the scale didn't budge. Oh well, going to change a few things up this week and see if I can stir up a bigger loss this week, I've been in the same routine for a month or so now so maybe my body is craving a little deviation from the norm.

    Do you eat carrots with your hummus too? I loveeeeeeeee carrot sticks and hummus. Baby carrots don't taste as good as fresh carrots cut into sticks either. Hummus is also great in a salad mixed with baby spinach and cherry tomatoes. YUMMY!

    Good luck this week everyone!
  • mamaDaisyJ
    mamaDaisyJ Posts: 395
    Carrots and hummus does sound yummy, and prolly healthier than ranch too. I will try it tomorrow
    Today, I ate crap~ pancakes for breakfast and pizza for dinner. Wrap at lunch prolly saved me. Still under on my calories after just walking the dog, so I guess I did good on my portions :)
    Short post ~ it's still father's day and the daddy of my house is staring me down ;)
  • Rhaeven
    Rhaeven Posts: 123 Member
    Got room for another 60lbs to go soul??? I've been on MFP for about 2 weeks or so, and trying to lose weight for a while before that. Losing 60lbs is my first major goal. I'm only about 5'2 and 160 USED to be a good weight for me, but I was working out and lifting weights at the time. So that is my reassess myself weight. From there I will decide now much lower to go I guess.

    I'm amazingly lucky that my new boyfriend is an ex body builder and a personal trainer. He very grudgingly helps me because "Being a personal trainer doesn't lend to a loving relationship." His words not mine. LOL However he is exceedingly supportive and encouraging and always willing to answer any questions or just willing to listen or offer up advice if I'm having a particularly rough time with cravings or something else.

    My major food goal is to eat as cleanly as possible most of the time. With a teenager, a 10yr old and my 7yr old niece, sometimes eating great is hard to do. Eating clean is fairly enjoyable for me though, so other than sheer exhaustion or lack of motivation, eating clean is easy for me.

    Tomorrow (Monday 6/21) is my next weigh in. I've had a crappy food week, though I've stayed under my calorie goal, so I am hoping to see the scale go down but not putting any money on it.

    Excited to have a 'support group' to join.

    Good luck everyone
  • anij67
    anij67 Posts: 21
    Hey guys!
    I need to lose about 100 but I'll start with 60!
  • jez838
    jez838 Posts: 216
    Can i Join. i've got 65lbs to lose. I've just started today. I left it a bit late. Going on holiday on the 17th July.
    The upside is after the holiday I'll have loads of pictures to motivate me. I'm getting married. We haven't set a date yet.
    I'll set a date if I lose half my goal weight!!!

    This site is brilliant!!!!
  • GooBeGone
    GooBeGone Posts: 439 Member
    hi every1!! i weighed myself this morn & lost 3.6lbs!! YIPEE! so now i've lost 8.6lbs & only hae 69lbs 2 go lol (only, hehe)

    maybe i can reach my goal weight by dec! :noway: maybe? i was thinkin march of next yr so i'll hold on 2 that but it would b awesome if i could b at goal weigh sooner rather than later :tongue:

    i'm actually havin fun lol. i :heart: workin out. i :heart: the way i feel after i work out. (altho durin the insanity program i wanna throttle ppl hehehe) feels like i've accomplished somethin. it's the best feelin ever!

    good luck ya'll! & we got this! :drinker:
  • Mirlyn
    Mirlyn Posts: 256
    Hey welcome to the newcomers!

    @GooBeGone - GO YOU! 3.6lbs? WOOOOOT! That's a great loss! I hope you hit your goal sooner than later too. I'm like you, love the way I feel after my workout but during the workout I want to kill someone lol. Last night I did the elliptical for almost an hour while watching Family Guy and The Cleveland Show so I was laughing the whole time and the only time I wanted to kill someone was during commercials :P.

    I just got done eating my midmorning snack. I made a salad with baby spinach leaves, baby portabella mushrooms, cucumber, and red onion and fork-dipped my fat free ranch. Very filling!
  • Rhaeven
    Rhaeven Posts: 123 Member
    Kind of frustrated today. :( I gained the 2 pounds I lost. I know I'm doing all the right things and that it will work eventually. But it is still kind of discouraging. I had a stressful week though I did stay under calories and did exercise. Some of my food choices were pretty crummy but I always was way under my calorie goal. I wonder if the stress has anything to do with the weight gain.

    I worked my butt off yesterday cleaning the house, shampooing carpets, cleaning cages and the fish tank so I'm super tired today. I am going to set some goals for this week and hopefully sticking with them will help me keep losing the weight... hehe though the goals are the same ones I've had the last month, keeping them in my head helps to keep the goals though. :)

    1. Eat near my calorie goal
    2. Exercise/Walk every day
    3. Drink more water.

    My BF is still sleeping and when he is up I will ask him what else he may suggest. I don' want to stall at just under 220 like I did at 220....

    Hope everyone has an excellent day
  • Mirlyn
    Mirlyn Posts: 256
    How often do you weigh? Last week I weighed a day early on Friday and only lost like 0.6lbs but then my husband told me to wait a day and reweigh and sure enough, I lost 1.6lbs total for the week so 1 day made a whole lb difference.

    How much sodium did you intake? That's my huge downfall, I retain water bad with sodium so I try to drink tons of water and I no longer salt my food and try to buy low sodium options when they're available to cut it down a little bit. I still go over MFP's set goal amount often but I'm aware of it and trying to take steps to change it so hopefully one day I'll be under more often than over :). Dang prepackaged foods are evil sodium monsters and boy do I love my cottage cheese (mega sodium.)
  • susiewusie
    susiewusie Posts: 432 Member
    I`d like to join in as well , first day in the morning :)