historygirldd Member


  • On my first fit test, I did zero push-up jacks. After only 2 weeks I could do 15. Now, even more. On these workouts, you do what you can do. You push yourself to do Your best. You will get better and while you will see results in your body, you will also know that you really are getting in the best shape of your life. I…
  • check out the reports and look at your weight loss graph every now and then. It can be a great motivator on those days when you feel like it is not working. Like others have said, find what works for you and take what others say with a grain of salt.
  • just another thought... My sister has teens also, but they ate a lot of chicken nuggets and macaroni and cheese when they were small. She got her kids to eat healthy by getting them involved in planning and cooking the meals with her.
  • My mom did too. I sat one night in front of a hamburger for 2 hours. My children are used to the idea of eating what I fix, but my 14 year old daughter just reminded me tonight of how I got her to eat broccoli. I fixed steamed broccoli for dinner tonight and as she sat down to eat she said, "tiny trees!! and I am a giant!…
  • I had a bad sprain in February of 2010 and spent a couple of months on crutches. My ankle still gives me trouble. I was hoping someone had an answer to your question. Sorry I have no advice, I sometimes soak it in epsom salt when it is really bothering me.
  • Go! You will not regret going, but you will regret not going.
  • I love it! I have not lost a ton of weight from Insanity, but it really does tone a lot so that you will look so much thinner. You do have to do the workout and it can be tough some days to follow through, but you just have to be disciplined enough to do it every day. It is a great program, but like any exercise routine,…
  • ^ to check out later at home.
  • I agree with what some above have said. Try eating some snacks. I usually have nuts such as walnuts at one snack a day (usually afternoon to keep my energy up and make it easier to eat well at dinner)
  • New things take time to get the hang of. Get back up and try it again. Focus on what you did right (like you exercised. Great Job!) Sometimes you need to make small changes and then add on to these. I started out only counting calories and I messed it up a lot. Later, after getting into the habit of logging everything I…
  • Today my feet hurt, my ankle hurts and I am exhausted after a very long day at work. I did not want to work out, but I just thought about this old many (at least in his mid 80s I once saw walking on a trail around a lake. He had 2 canes to help him walk and he had a brace on the lower part of one leg. He is my inspiration.…
  • I just had 24 pistachio kernels for a little afternoon snack.
  • WOW! Celiac's alone is a tough one. The good news is that more and more restaurants and grocery stores are beginning to recognize this exists and are making easier to eat. I agree with someone previously. Work on eating for the Celiac's. It takes time for your body to heal from the years of eating gluten. But as you begin…
  • Thanks. I was just stressing about what to fix for a family reunion cookout this weekend. This will help a lot
  • But Doctor Oz had it on his show. Where do I get the socks?
  • original chicken sandwich (no bun) side salad with ranch dressing (I love the sunflower seeds with my salad) and unsweetened tea. I loooooooove their chocolate chip cookies (warm and gooey) but not downing those calories today.
  • I am in SW: 240 CW: 212 GW: 205 Weigh in Dates: 8/1: 212 8/8 8/15 8/22 8/31 Total weight lost: Just for fun: What is one thing you have been wanting to do when you have lost enough weight? I want to zipline. Once I lose 50 lbs, I am going to do it. My husband did a zipline course this past weekend and even offered to let…
  • Once you lose motivation, I think that is where discipline comes in. This is the longest I have stayed at a weight loss program and really I keep telling myself that it is a lifestyle change. I am not motivated to workout and eat right everyday, but IF this is a lifestyle change I must be disciplined. I went on a little…
  • I have been married for 18 years and my husband is one of the least romantic men in the world. Okay guys, don't yell at me, but I have to say, guys don't always get it when it comes to how to get us girls going. A number of years ago, I bought something from a group called Family Life that helped us out. It is called…
  • Great Job! Bet you felt like Super Woman at the top of that hill. This is one of the things I loooove about this site, the NSVs. I think focusing on NSVs (mine and others) is helping me finally stick to a healthier life and weightloss plan. Thanks for sharing.
  • No make-up at the gym. Bad for my skin and I am not there to impress anyone, just to workout and get healthy.
  • such wisdom. Thanks for posting this. I needed this reminder today.
  • Went shopping this past weekend to a regular store, not a large ladies store, but a regular store. Clothes fit!!!
  • I also have 2 very busy children with many activities, a husband that is involved in coaching Recreational ball and I work full time outside of the home with a coaching job as well. Some nights we go until 9:00 or 9:30. What works for me is to fix a big meal on a night when I have time and then have left overs the next…
  • or grill the shrimp. Grilled Shrimp and a salad is a fav in my house. Another favorite in my house is a salad with grilled chicken breast, some pineapple or mandarin oranges and a light honey mustard dressing. Yum!
  • the smell of Doritos gets me sometimes and my son loves them. i don't buy chips and junk often, but when he has friends over, I give in and buy some. But lately I have found 1 or 2 is enough. I take my time and enjoy the 1 or 2 that I eat and I don't ruin my diet. I am actually very proud of this new self-control I am…
  • This is kinda how I eat, but instead of "grains" I prefer things like sweet potatoes. And although I eat plenty of carbs, I just spread them out throughout the day to keep my blood sugar level. I don't usually have more than about 45-50 grams of carbs at any meal but I eat 6 meals each day. I am concerned about blood sugar…
  • My husband works out at night (around 9 or 10) and does fine. I however, cannot workout after 7. I just can't sleep after a good workout and if I do fall asleep I quickly wake up. I think you have to find what works for you. Good Luck
  • WOW! What a difference. Thanks for the very motivational post.