covens04 Member


  • You can do it! Find the reason for "why" you are exercising and logging your foods. For some it's to look great in a bathing suit. For others, it's to be more functional at work. For me, it was for my children and to be a better role model for the people around me. Most people who are successful at losing weight and…
  • McWooey - that double workout on Friday can be tough. What I did was one in the morning and one in the evening. The other thing you could do is just do one Friday and one Saturday. Just a thought!
  • Feel free to add me. I work out from home and log on several times per day!
  • Yeah. I am logging in every day and working out from home. Feel free to add me!
    in Friends Comment by covens04 October 2014
  • So we have tackled the "why" you are doing this. We just need to figure out how you are going to get there! How much weight do you need to lose? If you want to add me and we can come up with a plan to get you to your goals! It can happen. I have seen plenty of people lose over 100 pounds! Keep thinking positive thoughts…
  • Welcome. Let us know how we can help you! Feel free to add me if you want!
    in Hello Comment by covens04 October 2014
  • Exactly, we all here to help. Feel free to add me! I will provide support or any other advice I can offer.
  • I agree. Eating only fruits and some chicken doesn't sound very safe. I would just choose a calorie goal (1400) to start and work in 20-30 mins of exercise 3-5 times per week if possible. I know you have a very short term goal (which is great) but I would also look at continuing your journey for the long-term. Feel free to…
  • I wouldn't get down on yourself. The hard work is paying off. You just happen to have a medical condition that explains some of your slow progress. But working out is still great for the rest of your body and you are forming life-long habits. Hopefully, it won't take more than a few weeks to get your thyroid straightened…
  • I would say if you are doing something so physically challenging, you are going to need more energy! I would say at least 1600 cals. I like 40/40/20 for prot/carbs/fat, but if you are bottoming out of workouts you may need to go 35/45/20. Just keep working with them. Hope this helps! Feel free to add me if you have more…
  • I just finished it and lost about 17 pounds. I loved it! Jumping back into X3 for this round though. Feel free to add me!
  • I would recommend you start at least between 1400-1600 calories per day. Be consistent. Log daily and really focus on hitting your nutrition goals for a few weeks. Hope this helps! Feel free to add me if you need any more help!
  • Well sure. I've lost 30 pounds so far just doing at home workouts and changing my lifestyle. A lot of what has changed for me is my "why." You thought about why you changed the first time around, why you slipped, and why you want to get back there? That might help define your goals. I found a Facebook fitness family with…
  • In general, following the 40/40/20 rule is a pretty good place to start. 40% prot and carbs, and 20% fat. I wouldn't get to bogged down by the macronutrients right now. I would first focus on hitting your calorie goal everyday. Then you can worry about the right amount of prot/carbs/fat. Hope this helps!
  • I use Body Fortress Chocolate Whey Protein. I feel like it's really good. Has about 30 g Prot, few carbs, and 1 g fat. Only 130 cals per 1 scoop with 30 scoops per container. You can find it at Walmart, CVS, or Walgreens for about 16-18 bucks. I mix it with my daily Shakeology for my morning meal, but I also use it with…
  • I agree with the scale. I use it all the time now even though I pretty much can ball park portions. The other thing is that you should take pictures and measurements. The scale can be misleading. It is not always an accurate measurement of progress. If you feel "lighter" then you are obviously making strides towards your…
  • Great success! Keep up the good work.
  • You don't necessarily have to load each exercise. I typically just focus on reaching my calorie goal regardless of physical activity. If you do want to add it, you can just free add an exercise and label it whatever the insanity workout was for the day and the calories burned from your heart rate monitor. I did that for…
  • Feel free to add me. I need to lose 60, but I have already lost around 30 so far. Half-way there!
  • Hmm that's tough, especially if the classes cost money. You are definitely limited. You may either have to break down and pay or find an at-home video you like that incorporates what you like to do. Sorry I'm not much help.
  • Feel free to add me for support. I also use home based workouts because I don't have time for the gym.
  • What are your requirements for home based workouts? What types of things do you like to do?
  • Yes that is what I would recommend. I am in a facebook challenge group, and there was an individual in there who was battling the same issue. He shared his story with us, but mentioned his weight loss didn't really take off until he had someone to talk too about the outside issues. Just trying to help! Keep up the good…
  • Regardless, keep up the good work! Just remember, the goal is lifelong health. I recently passed the onderland mark, but still have 30 or so pounds to go! We can do it! Where in Ohio do you live? Feel free to add me.
  • Wow. You should focus on the fact that you lost 151 pounds. If you can do that, the 65 pounds should be a breeze! Good luck. Keep us updated. How is your mood these days? Are you seeing someone to help that side of things so you can focus on your health and nutrition without all of lives little distractions?
  • Good luck. Feel free to add me. We are all here to help.
  • You could try an at home program. I have done P90X and X3, and those are fairly all-inclusive. I have heard good things about Body Beast, which I own, but I haven't done yet. Just a suggestion. That all depends on whether you like working out from home and have the tools/equipment necessary. Any thoughts on a personal…
  • Actually. I just want to help however I can. Sure, I love beachbody products. But I do there workouts and eat healthy. And pizza, ice cream, burgers is not a life sustaining lifestyle,
  • It depends a lot on your support system. If you have people around you that are generally going to support you, then you can succeed with nutrisystem. Eating the right calories and creating a healthy calorie deficit. What workouts do you plan to do? Good luck!
  • I will tell you what I do, which is purely log calories and don't eat back or log my workout calories. For you, I probably wouldn't go under 1400-1600 cals. I would also try to keep your macronutrients (prot, carbs, and fat) at a 40/40/20 ratio. What type of workouts are you doing? Did you take before pictures? Did you…