cindyw7 Member


  • Well, my crazy eating caught up with me and the scale moved up 3 pounds. Ouch! But I have noone to blame but myself. We leave in the morning and start our drive to FL. Our son will stay behind and take care of the homefront for us! My goals while we are in FL are to walk and do water exercises since there is a pool where…
  • I just found this at I try to avoid fast food places but we are driving to FL in a few days and I know they will be in my future. I hope this helps. Got to go get ready for choir practice and church! If you're looking for fast food that's LOW CALORIE (less than 350…
  • We had a great evening. We went to the home and builders show at the expo center. They have lots of vendors and stuff to look at regarding ways to improve your home. Did lots of drooling and wishful thinking! We went with some really good friends and had fun. Was very bad at dinner though. I don't seem to be very…
  • Genelace - my 49 year old niece had double by pass surgery a few weeks ago. The doctors and nurses said she probably wouldn't make it but praise God she is at home. At one point when she started to come come out of being sedated she asked where she was and a doctor jokingly said "Don't you know you are in Mexico?" She went…
  • Hi Folks - I'm sorry but I don't have time to read the postings from today. I'm getting ready to head to choir practice. My brother Don had his biopsy today. We won't know the results for about a week. I'm under calories today but ate poorly (lots of fatty foods.) I guess I hoped on the nervous eater train. Will start anew…
  • Hello Friends - My brother's girl friend, Elaine saw the surgeon today. They can do an immediate lumpectomy or they can wait a couple of weeks for the results of a test they took to determine if she has some kinds of gene. If she does have the gene they will want to do a double mastectomy on her. Then they sent her right…
  • Hello Ladies - Thanks everyone for the prayers and well wishes for my brother Don. I will let you know when we find out how the biopsy went. I spoke with my youngest brother, Joe today and found out that his girlfriend Elaine has an aggressive form of breast cancer. He is devastated. When it rain it pours!! On a brighter…
  • Hi Folks! It's been a busy weekend. Friday night we went to the Detroit Institute of Arts to see the Rembrandt Face of Jesus exhibition. It was stunning and quite a prayerful experience! They also had a beautiful young soprano, 2 violinists, a viola and harpsichord player in another part of the museum. It was really a…
  • Nicoleo - Thank you for the suggestions! They are helpful! Cindy:happy:
  • I am 62, TYPE II and recently had hiatel hernia/reflux surgery which leaves me eating softer foods. My sugar was under control prior to the surgery but the recent A1C test went up a few points. I lost 50 pounds over the last 18 months. I need to lose almost that much still. I'm new to MFP. I joined in early January and…
  • Vyppeters - you are a true inspiration to me with your kindness and willingness to share, not to mention your amazing weightloss! JipsyJudy, what is "lsagenix" eating? Laura80111, I'm sorry about your hubby needing a job. Times are tough! I will keep you in my prayers. Cathys01, I'm really new to MFP but I already love…
  • Hi Folks - we went for Chinese food and I only ate 1/2 the meal. I thought I had chosen a safer meal until I got home and logged my food intake. Sigh... This is my first week. I am doing well on logging, reasonably good on the food (excluding today) but need to get more motivated when it comes to the exercise. purk59,…
  • Pam tx for sticky notes idea! Magnolia - Welcome and congrats on the new baby! Susan, Praying for peace in your family & for DH's surgery. Kackie, your trip sounds like it was heavenly! I hope to explore those areas some day. Ngags, congrats on the surgery & lots of luck on your journey. Mazron - Sorry about your game, but…
  • What an inspiration you! You must be extremely proud of yourself for losing that much weight. May God bless you with continue success and the will power to keep it off permanently and with peace, joy, good health and prosperity.
  • Hi Folks - Day 3 for me. I'm walking around feeling like I could gnaw on my arm I'm so hungry. But then I drink some water and it gets easier. Doing great logging my food. No as good exercising, but I'm trying! God bless all of you. You are all in my prayers not only for your weight loss but for the other things you all…
  • Well, I finished my first full day on this plan. I exercised and kept up the food journal. I was a little under on calories & protein but a little over on fats. Still. I'm pleased with what I've accomplished and with some of the new friends I've made already. God bless you all and have a great night!
  • PS I will be asking Jesus to be your son's surgeon and to surround both of you with healing angels during your stay. Peace be with you.
  • Be sure to get some protein in too. Hopefully the cafeteria will be progressive like some of the hospitals in my area have lots of healthy, decent tasting options for you. Packages of unsweetened applesauce are good as well as tuna packs with some low calorie crackers, etc.
  • All of you have inspired me with all of your success stories and efforts. For the first time in months I got on the treadmill for half an hour! My goals for January are to get back on track with proper eating and exercise. We are spending Feb. in FL and I want to have myself in a good routine so I can continue my…
  • I used the food tracking system for the first time this morning. It's really easy! What a blessing. I've got leftovers from the restaurant yesterday so it won't be the most successful diet day but it's a beginning. Baby steps I guess... I'm excited about this group! Thank you everyone for being a part of it.
  • Great will power! Keep up the good work. You CAN do it!
  • How do I become a member of this group so I can find it again? This is my first day on MFP. I have lost about 50 pounds on a different plan. I recently had hiatel hernia surgery and my esophagus will never be the same. It is very difficult for me to swallow raw vegetables and meats without gravy or sauce on them. So the…
  • Black bean dip = zero calories. I use it with low cal crackers or as a dip for celery, carrots or red peppers. Nuke an apple and sprinkle cinnamon on it with some low fat cheese on the side Natural applesauce
  • Allow yourself to grieve. It is normal and to be expected. If you don't it will pop up in inappropriate ways. When you are tempted to eat, drink, do drugs or take it out on someone else, whisper the name of Jesus and he will give you the strength to do the right thing. I'm so sorry for your loss. God bless you!
  • I need friends also. I just joined. Do you how to add friends?
  • What an amazing story and an even more amazing before and after pictures. Thanks for the inspiration, God bless you. :wink:
  • Hi - I just joined too. I hope it works for both of us. God bless you and your journey! Cindyw7