
  • deb_rn
    deb_rn Posts: 144 Member
    Congratulations on your new grandchild Susan!

    Hubby and I had 2 nights of dinner out with dessert so I went to the gym today and burned 550 calories, which is a drop in the bucket compared to the number of calories that I acutally ate! I have to say that I enjoyed every bite!

    I have added back the 2 pounds that I haven't been able to shed since Christmas and tomorrow, I am going to reset my calories to wt loss vs. maintenance.

    Cold and snowy in PA.. I am already longing for spring.

    Time for football, everyone, have a wonderful day!

  • cindyw7
    cindyw7 Posts: 29 Member
    Hi Folks! It's been a busy weekend. Friday night we went to the Detroit Institute of Arts to see the Rembrandt Face of Jesus exhibition. It was stunning and quite a prayerful experience! They also had a beautiful young soprano, 2 violinists, a viola and harpsichord player in another part of the museum. It was really a wonderful evening. Yesterday my sister hung out and we watched a couple of Cary Grant movies then went to my brother's to play with his grandson. LOVE that munchkin! Today was church then I started packing some things for our trip.

    We are going to FL for the month of February, assuming my brother is ok. He is having a prostate biopsy done this Thursday. His name is Don and e has been in tremendous pain. Please say some prayers for him to be ok.

    Saturday was a bad day for food but the rest of the weekend I did ok. As I go through the postings, I say a prayer for those of you who are having problems and thank God for those of you who are doing so well with your weight loss. You truly are inspiring especially when I see that some of you are in the 114 to 130 pound range. It gives me great hope for the future!

    God bless all of you and enjoy what remains of your Sunday. Cindy
  • vypeters
    vypeters Posts: 475 Member
    Hi everyone! Well, the snow and freezing rain stopped this morning and gave us a respite but this evening they're predicting more freezing rain. Nothing I hate worse than freezing rain & ice. On the other hand, I'm safe and warm with a roof over my head and on days like this I'm hugely thankful for that.

    I always took a roof over my head kind of for granted until I adopted my daughter from foster care. She was 9 1/2 and the conditions under which she has lived at different times of her life have been heartbreaking - at one point she and her family lived in a tent, sneaking into people's yards when they were at work to get water out of their outdoor faucets. That year (first grade) she missed more than half of all the school days.

    Thanks all who encouraged me on her school issues. My daughter has some learning challenges and ADHD, but what caps off her school challenges is that the first 4 1/2 years of her schooling were wasted. She was in fourth grade when she came to me, couldn't read AT ALL, couldn't write (she knew how to form the letters, but reading and writing kind of go hand in hand so she couldn't write a sentence for example). She didn't know simple addition or subtraction facts - if she wanted to add 6+3 she'd start at 6 and tick off on her fingers 7, 8, 9. So encouraging her to feel like a scholar and a successful learner is tough.

    My problem is that school IS hard for her. She's pretty much caught up now, but it has been a battle and she still has weak areas. So even moderate school success requires a LOT of work. And the 2 1/2 years she spent in a bad foster care situation the message she got constantly was how bad she was and how stupid and...

    So coming down with a might hammer on this is counterproductive, but she hates school and just isn't motivated.

    Today is an off day on cardio exercise for me - I allow myself two of those each week. I did about 20 minutes of upper body with hand weights and some crunches but that was it for today. Sadly, strength training doesn't burn many calories but I sure need the toning.

    barbiecat or mazaron: What kind of HRM do you use? Does it do calories for every activity? I'd love to use one if I could find one affordably, but there's no way I can put out $100 right now.

    Laura80111: So glad you're starting to feel better! Don't push the exercise too quickly though (I always do that when I'm not feeling well and start to feel better, and I always pay. Apparently I never learn).

    sissygok: I've had to swear off baking. No willpower when it comes to home-baked goods. DH (a naturally thin dude, curse him) can bring in store brought goodies and I'm fine, but home baked - disaster waiting to happen.

    Susanpv: Congrats on the new grandbaby! How wonderful.

    Realpure: Welcome! The conventional wisdom is no evening snacking but I find that either I have a planned snack in the evening or a cheating breakdown many days. Try planning a high-protein snack for your evenings that fits into your calorie plan and see if that helps you. It did me.

    Hope everyone is having a lovely weekend!

  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    barbiecat or mazaron: What kind of HRM do you use? Does it do calories for every activity? I'd love to use one if I could find one affordably, but there's no way I can put out $100 right now.


    virginia ...i used a POLAR F4, i dont remember but i think that F7 is newer....anyways....when shopping for one consider one with a chest strap, they tend to be more accurate.....you can find them an AMAZON, i have heard for around $70....i would be lost without mine....

    edited: i went back to check which polar i have and the verision i have is a t31 or t61...its a bit faded...the f4 and 7 are newer ones
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Congratulation Grandma on the new baby.Enjoy.
    Everyone hope your week-end was a good one.
  • OMG!!!!! I have been out of town for 6 days, and can't believe how many pages of posts I have to read to catch up with everyone's news. Reason for being out of town??? YEAH...am now a grandmother. My son and his wife gave birth to a 6 pound 4 ounce boy. That's the good news....bad news being, there was no limit to what I ate. Got on the scale this morning and was up 3.5 pounds. Going to make sure I log everything that goes into this body!! Really is the only way to make sure I don't go overboard. Now...let me start reading.

    I'm so happy for you Susan. I bet it feels incredible. My little granddaughter was due on January 19th but no one told her the schedule. She'll be here soon enough ... I just can't wait to see her little face :heart:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member

    My son is adopted. Check out reactive attachment disorders. It turns out after years of thinking it was ADHD and other stuff, it is attachment and PTSD. How old is she now? My DS is 16 and he are still working on things. God bless and keep you.

  • vypeters
    vypeters Posts: 475 Member

    My son is adopted. Check out reactive attachment disorders. It turns out after years of thinking it was ADHD and other stuff, it is attachment and PTSD. How old is she now? My DS is 16 and he are still working on things. God bless and keep you.


    Yeah my DD (age 15) has PTSD due to her childhood experiences but is doing fairly well (that wasn't the case at first, we had a lot of things to deal with). She doesn't have reactive attachment disorder. She was very lucky in that she had her maternal grandparents raising her as a baby/toddler and so formed quite healthy attachments in that important developmental time. It was when they died quite suddenly that her world fell apart - neither of her birth parents were capable of maintaining a stable household, and Mom's BF was abusive.

    My daughter was born prematurely and was blue, with her umbilical cord wrapped around her neck. The neurology folks say it's impossible to know for sure that this was the cause of her challenges but recent research indicates a pattern of such disabilities with oxygen deprivation at birth especially in premature babies. So it's a good possibility. She is actually quite good with learning and understanding by doing and I think she'll be fine in life, but anything to do with words on paper is a challenge for her.
  • justkate2
    justkate2 Posts: 33 Member
    Good evening everyone, This is my first post on this site. I joined it last week. Was doing weight watchers but am finding counting calories instead of points easier for me. I'm from St Louis Missouri ( its a nasty rainy foggy day here ). I work full time and decided that I am going to lose the 3 pounds that crept up on me the last few years. I atry to get to the gym at least 3 or 4 times a week and hope that I will see some pounds gone when I weigh in Wednesday morning. Hello to everyone and I look forward to getting to know people in this group Kate
  • vypeters
    vypeters Posts: 475 Member
    Good evening everyone, This is my first post on this site. I joined it last week. Was doing weight watchers but am finding counting calories instead of points easier for me. I'm from St Louis Missouri ( its a nasty rainy foggy day here ). I work full time and decided that I am going to lose the 3 pounds that crept up on me the last few years. I atry to get to the gym at least 3 or 4 times a week and hope that I will see some pounds gone when I weigh in Wednesday morning. Hello to everyone and I look forward to getting to know people in this group Kate

    Welcome Kate! I'm new to this group in January and everyone has been quite welcoming. It'll take you a while to learn who people are but stop by and read every day and you'll feel right at home soon.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    :bigsmile: Hi Kate,

    :flowerforyou: Welcome to MFP and the Women Ages 50+ thread...this is a great group of women who will offer the support and encouragement that we all need to be successful on this weight loss journey

    :flowerforyou: You will succeed if you work hard and don’t lose sight of your goal.
    This site and this thread changed my life and it can change yours

    :bigsmile: Take it one day at a time
    :flowerforyou: Stay open minded to new ideas
    :bigsmile: Take baby steps
    Drink lots of water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    :flowerforyou: Think of this as a new way of life, not just a temporary diet.

    :flowerforyou: It always helps me to log my food first before I eat so there are no surprises.

    :flowerforyou: Read the posts and respond at least a few days a week

    :smile: :smile: Virginia, my heart rate monitor is a Polar FT7.....I bought if from Amazon for about $80.00.:bigsmile: it tells me how many calories I burn for any workout I want to do including yoga.......you program it with your age, gender, weight so it has that information along with heart rate to tell you how many calories you burn.......i like being able to look at the watch/receiver and see how fast my heart is beating at certain times...it tells how long you've worked out, how many calories you've burned, average heart rate, and maximum heart rate.....there are some other features that I haven't figured out yet.....there's a backlight which is useful to me because I walk my dogs before daylight and sometimes I want to know my heart rate while I'm walking them :bigsmile:
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    kc - those seasick patches sound like they'd do the trick, or at least help.

    Did an hour of yoga yesterday, today did an hour of training games on the Wii, tomorrow I'll take the extremepump class.

    Last night my left palm was so itchy. I remeber that meaning that you're going to come into money....lol This morning I looked at my hand and I have these tiny little bumps on it. I probably picked something up, maybe even from a shopping cart. I wouldn't mention to Vince that I may have picked up something from the handles on the elliptical machine at the Y that I used Friday or from the floor at the Y Sat. Better left unsaid. I just told him that it could have been from something like a shopping cart handle. Well...it COULD have been. It's really not that bad, just annoying.

    I'm going to have Ken & Lyunette here for dinner Friday. I have a lasagna that I want to make. As Vince puts it "it's not one of those 'yukky' ones you make from scratch (translation: not a healthy one), but I do have a tofu and spinach one that I'll make for myself. I made brownies but I just realized that it's Lynette's birthday Thursday so maybe I'll also make her a birthday cake. I have some sour cream that I want to finish up so since Ken can't have chocolate, I'll make a sourcream apple pie for him. Just trying to figure out a way in which I can make it so that I can give the rest to them to take home since no one will eat it except me. Oh, since it's apple, maybe Vince will. Whenever I give food to someone, I always try to put it into a plastic container or on a dish that I don't want returned to me. Oh yea, I'll give them some of the pie, Vince can have the rest. And if there's a lot left over, I'll take some to the bowling alley.

    Susan - CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! You know something, as soon as that baby is walking (I should really say running) and you're babysitting, you'll lose a lot more than those 3 pounds....lol

    Virginia - I don't have that DVD. What is the walk belt? When you purchased the DVD, did you have to purchase a band also? If I see that DVD in the store, I just may very well pick it up. I think I never ordered it from collagevideo because it would have come with the band, and I really don't need that, I have some bands and cheapo me wasn't about to pay for something that I didn't need.

    sarah - welcome to a great group! Just jump right in. Don't worry about getting to know everyone, I've been here for over a year now (maybe it's been longer, CRS right now....lol) and I still don't know everyone.

    Nancy - it's really good to do sprints. As you probably know, you can burn as much as three times as many calories when you do sprints. I usually do sprints on the elliptical because it can take a few seconds for the treadmill to start going faster but you can immediately increase the speed on the elliptical. Whatever works, that's what I say. Good for you!

    Here's a question for someone who is computer savvy. We're going to be going away (to FL as usual in Feb). I know the Y down there has body pump equipment, only they don't have a body pump class. I've searched online for the workout routine (it's about an hour long since it works all the muscle groups) but I can't find one. I posted something and someone said that since it's copyrighted the entire workout isn't available for a download. However, they did say that there was probably a pirated download if you searched hard enough. Can someone find it for me?

    barbie - Vince is a big fan of the Chargers. Not sure why, it's not like he ever lived in California. When we went out there for a visit, you should have seen the things that he bought! Bad part was that he got a few t-shirts and he left them in the hotel :(

    I've logged my food so far for today and even my dinner (even tho I haven't eaten yet). So far, so good. SO FAR

    Cindy - prayers for your brother. What part of FL will you be going to? We'll be going to our condo at the end of Feb, too. The bad part of going in Feb is that it can be real warm or it can be so cold that you need longjohns (we go to the race in Daytona, so it's extra cold in the grandstands)

    Virginia - strength straining may not initially burn as many calories as cardio, but you continue to burn calories long after you finish training, whereas when you do cardio you only continue to burn calories for something like only 20 minutes. Don't give up! Oh, you were asking about the HRM. I've had one for quite a while now. The first one I had had a plastic chest strap (a hard plastic). That was just uncomfortable. As I think it was Pam who said, be sure to get one with a chest strap, they're more accurate. Right now I have the Polar FT7, the strap is material and there is a little transmitter that you just pop on (there are clips, not velcro). It's pretty comfortable, and a nice thing is that you can just take the transmitter off and wash the strap. I couldn't do that with the plastic one. I must say, tho, that Polar isn't exactly the best when it comes to consumer support. Their handbook is online, what you get is a really shortened version, not really good for much. Another thing.....be sure that whichever one you get, you can change the battery yourself or at least take it to a jewelr. Some of them you have to return to the manufacturer, and we all know how very speedy the post office can be....lol

    Welcome justkake. I know you'll love it here. Which kinds of things do you do at the gym?

    Virginia - if I don't stop by here DAILY I'd be totally lost and so far behind, it wouldn't even be funny....lol

    Double woop for me. For the first time in a few days, I have actually been UNDER my calories. Plus....I talked Vince into finishing that chocolate mousse. Even tho it's made with tofu, it wasn't exactly low in calories, and I know that if it stayed in the refrig, I would have eaten it. So now I can't. There is one more in the refrig, but I know that I won't touch that one.

    Well, gonna take a shower and then get to bed. Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • vypeters
    vypeters Posts: 475 Member
    Virginia - I don't have that DVD. What is the walk belt? When you purchased the DVD, did you have to purchase a band also? If I see that DVD in the store, I just may very well pick it up. I think I never ordered it from collagevideo because it would have come with the band, and I really don't need that, I have some bands and cheapo me wasn't about to pay for something that I didn't need.

    Michele, the walk belt is just like a resistance tube with handles except that it's two pieces each attached to a belt, one for each hand. I just tie my resistance band around my waist and improvise - it works just fine. All you need is two strands of some resistance thing or another coming out from your waist.

    The band was packaged inside the CD case, I didn't buy it separately. Don't know if you can buy that CD without it.

    ETA: Hooray for back on track with your eating! And thanks for the advice. You rock.

  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Good Evening, All!

    Sissy: You look wonderful in your pretty dress...I can see what you like it. And you and your DH look so handsome! Good for you for cleaning out your closet. It is such a good feeling to have it done!]

    Virginia: I know it felt good to out-last your DD with the exercise DVD! It's a good lesson for her too about what someone can do at any age with some perseverance! :flowerforyou:

    Michele: Glad that you are feeling more like your usual self! I do think that too many carbs...or too much sugar, etc....can make you feel sluggish and out of whack. I am sure that being "under" your calories will rev you back up again! You go at a good pace by anyone's standards!

    Our college couple friends headed home today and DH and I had a rather lazy day today after a walk with all of them this morning. The oyster roast/shrimp boil last night was a huge success and we had 4 other couples from here join us for the evening. After a lovely, sunny day the clouds rolled in and we had to quickly move the oyster table under the porte-carche (sp?) just as the rain poured down. We were still able to be out on the screened porch by the fire to eat. We sat by the fire after dinner until pretty late while the "guys", who have known each other since childhood mostly, told old, funny stories on themselves. I laughed so hard that my stomach hurt this morning!:laugh: :huh: :laugh: :huh: We all agreed that we have to try to do this more often. It is the great thing about being older and having mostly grown children. We get to PLAY again like we did when we were younger!!!:love: I did a good job of tracking and logging on Thursday and Friday but kind of lost it yesterday and went to bed late without checking in. I didn't eat everything, but over did it with some of the snacky things. Similar thing today, so tomorrow I have my day planned and will log every bite. I sent home any tempting things with our house guests, so hopefully, I'll jump right back on board.

    Take care, All!:heart: Sooooooooo tired:yawn: :yawn: Kackie
  • realpure
    realpure Posts: 156
    Good Morning Everyone! Thank you for all the welcome notes...... really means a lot to me!!! I look forward to getting to know all of you. I will have to check out all the great suggestions. I didn't have the greatest weekend. Too much temptation. Kids are home again today for a teacher work day. We need to get out of the house. I always do better with a plan, so I think I'll plug in some meals before we head out so I'm not out of calories when we get home.

    Does anyone here add protein powder to smoothies? I'm finding that I'm hungry going into late afternoon. I want to add protein to my AM snack that will help with my later afternoon munchies. I was looking a isopure? At GNC.
  • vypeters
    vypeters Posts: 475 Member
    Does anyone here add protein powder to smoothies? I'm finding that I'm hungry going into late afternoon. I want to add protein to my AM snack that will help with my later afternoon munchies. I was looking a isopure? At GNC.

    I use protein powder every day. Isopure is a great quality brand but a little pricey. Are you thinking vanilla in fruit smoothies?
  • vypeters
    vypeters Posts: 475 Member
    Tap, tap, tap. Is this thing on?

    May I have your attention, please?

    Actually, half a pound below goal.

    ::shouts for joy::
    ::jumps up and down::
    ::does her Snoopy happy dance::
    ::considers a back flip but decides she doesn't have time for rehabilitation::

    OK, deep breath. In, out, in out. I'm OK now that I have that off my chest.

    Carry on

  • justkate2
    justkate2 Posts: 33 Member
    Thanks for the warm welcome everyone.

    Virginia, CONGRATULATIONS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I,m doing a happy dance for you.

    My weigh in is in 2 days the waiting is killing me. Got up early and went to the gym
    for the 5:30 Core/weight class. Going to eat breakfast and get ready for work.

    Will check back tonight

    Have a wonderful day everyone Kate
  • realpure
    realpure Posts: 156

    I use protein powder every day. Isopure is a great quality brand but a little pricey. Are you thinking vanilla in fruit smoothies?

    Thank you for your post. I thought it was high too. The only one I've tried so far is from Life Time Fitness, vanilla. I'm not going there right now because I am in a walking boot. We have a Costco membership if there is anything there. I want to add it to my steel cut oat too, I don't eat much meat until dinner, I usually have hummus as an afternoon snack. Want to have a smoothie instead. TIA for any thoughts!!
  • realpure
    realpure Posts: 156
    Can't figure out this "Quote" thing. Anyway CONGRATULATIONS Virginia!!! Way to go. So happy for you.