

  • jaks97
    jaks97 Posts: 179 Member
    I enjoy that I found this site and I can use my iphone at work to log food. I still cant seem to hit my calorie mark at 1200 I was over now I have changed it to BMR and am still not eating all my calories. Any Suggestions?
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    I hope all is going well. Great to read your posts. We went to see the movie The Artists tonight (its about a silent movie and it is a silent movie). I wasnt' sure I would like it but my husband really wanted to see it and to my surprise, I really liked it. After we went out to a cafe and had a cappacino with skim milk. Nice night with my husband and our friend.

    Suz…Glad the shopping trip went well. It is hard to be with people who don’t understand. 1 pound down is a great thing!
    Robin…I loved reading the description of Ritter and Bodi…so happy for you! Isn’t it amazing to see a puppy’s energy level.
    Mary…. I feel your pain. I retired from my teaching job (6 years ago wow) and I do three different jobs now and love it. I tutor and this week I started a new student a school at 8am---it was an eye opener. My hat is off to you!!
    Debbie…love your new motto!
    Cathy…. I hope your migrane has subsided. Your poor best friend!! What a scary accident!! Thanks for your kind words about my progress…there are times when I really feel like giving up and I am kind of surprised that I keep sticking to this…I think it has to do with this group. I have been working at this for two years as of January 19th and I am down about 45lbs. It’s a slow journey. Thanks for your words of encouragement…keeps me coming back!!
    Barbie…. How cool about the fitness center in your new neighborhood! I am sure you’ll enjoy that!
    Jane…I hope this is a wonderful year for you and your family!
    Pam….I hope you are feeling better. Good for you that your got in your workout and your food was good.
    Virginia..I remember the Sweatin’ to the Oldies DVD… Definitely enjoy that trip down memory lane!
  • readytofeelgreat
    Hi All,
    I'm new to mfp and happy to see a 50+ board. I work lots of hours currently so doubt I can check in daily, but hope to do so every few days. There are so many young'uns out there, it feels supportive just to see that there are others 50+! I've had a good first 10 days, lost a little over two pounds and am finally exercising some again, despite some physical barriers. Best to all , "Ready"
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Just a quick reply before I go to bed.

    Michele - I had the injection of Prolia, Denosumab which is used to treat bone loss in women who are at high risk for bone fractures after menopause. My problem isn't really osteoporosis which I have very mildly, but I have osteogenesis imperfecta which is a genetic defect with the bones. One of the side effects is causing low calcium levels, so I had to have a blood test before I got the injection. They'll let me know if I need to boost my calcium intake which is already quite high and vitamin D, too.

    For the next little while, I have to go back to see him in 6 months and then again in a year - after that if he is happy that everything is ok, then my GP can do the injections and I'll just have to see him once a year.

    It is still snowing and tomorrow morning we are supposed to get freezing rain back for a while before it turns back to snow again. Have a dentist appt in the morning and will need to do some grocery shopping. So we'll see what the morning brings.

    And so to bed...
  • westernjoy
    westernjoy Posts: 175 Member
    Yeah Me lol - I finally found the second page :happy: after I lost my previous post though :grumble:

    @ yellowrose532 - thanks for the info regarding changing the amounts - didn't know you could do that. Now figuring out how to do it might be a challenge but I love a good challenge.

    @msh0530 - 25 mph winds and -5 wind chill? that's nothing for us in WINTERpeg lol - we're at -20 right now with winds gusting to 60kmh and our wind chill is something like -37 .... and the begining of the week was +5 ! I can't keep up with the climate this year!

    This is day 12 for me and I've been on everyday and logged EVERYTHING that's passed my lips for the first time in two years! I'm enjoying this site - wish I had found it earlier :wink: could have saved me the 42lbs I put back on this year. Having an iPhone now and the app on there makes it alot easier to stay on track too!

    I'm limited as to the exercising I can do because of my knees but I am doing what I can - slowly but surely - I WILL get there again! I have a wedding in March and would like to be comfortable in my own skin again. And hopefully will be going to Victoria this summer to see my parents and the rest of the family that I haven't seen in a couple of years so I WILL BE thinner by then for sure! I'm hoping to go back to the gym soon - I've been paying my dues for over a year now and not gone once! What a waste of money and NO I don't have it to burn lol...

    A big THANK YOU to everybody here - I love MFP and this group! :heart:w
    I too have bad knees. I find that I have to keep moving. Slow is better than nothing.
  • scompton54
    It was my birthday yesterday so I blew my calorie total but that's okay. Today is a new day and I have a X country ski day tomorrow as we are finally getting some snow. My birthday present to myself was a Heart rate monitor and I used it yesterday. I think it's really going to keep me motivated.
  • mukamom
    mukamom Posts: 207 Member
    Just a quick note..this group is great!! It is cold here in Alabama, 20 something degrees this morn and I'm off to the gym. :smile:
    Very motivated as the scale finally showed a 3 lb loss. Looking forward to chatting with y'all (southern twang)

  • debloves2ride
    happy Friday 13th! Just catching up on everyone's posts. Sounds like everyone is getting a blast of winter! In North Florida we are going to have freezing temps for the next couple of nights, but at least no snow. have to bring in my tender plants and cover up some others.

    Has anyone tried the Sensa stuff? i am really stuck, haven't gained or lost in a month. I can't try it now because I am having my second knee replacement next month, but i was thinking after that is done I might try it. What do you think?

    Anyway - wishing everyone a good weekend, stay warm :happy:
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    It was my birthday yesterday so I blew my calorie total but that's okay. Today is a new day and I have a X country ski day tomorrow as we are finally getting some snow. My birthday present to myself was a Heart rate monitor and I used it yesterday. I think it's really going to keep me motivated.

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!hope you had a great day:flowerforyou:
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    I enjoy that I found this site and I can use my iphone at work to log food. I still cant seem to hit my calorie mark at 1200 I was over now I have changed it to BMR and am still not eating all my calories. Any Suggestions?

    could it be that you are eating too little....1200 is just too low....peanut butter, cottage cheese, plain greek yogurt with fruit(i add a little sweetner)almonds, off hand i cant think of other snacks ...but maybe look at your diary maybe more protein will help as well...good luck, keep us posted:flowerforyou:
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Went hiking with a friend & the dogs yesterday, over 4 miles of cross-country ups and downs for about an hour and a half. We were pulling hills non-stop like a couple of well-shod mules. Even the dogs were tuckered out. I feel it in my fanny this morn, I'd better get dressed and head to the track to work out the kinks. Yoga would be smart. Down a pound today and I guess that's what it's all about! Eat less, move more.

    :^) jb
  • JamCubeChi
    JamCubeChi Posts: 378 Member
    Hello all, glad to see some other folks in the 50 range. (55 here and struggling with the weight) Just signed on this week-next monday will complete my 1st week-still trying to learn my way around the site and the program as well. Won't be able to check in every day due to heavy work schedule and long hours but good to konw you are all here.:smooched:
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: TGI Friday! (even if it's the 13th)

    WOW two nights in a a row of my hubby fixing dinner:bigsmile: and last night it was exactly what I would have fixed, he knows how determined I am and how I did it in 2010 to lose the weight and this time he's really helping me. Last night we were invited to friends for Birthday cake ( speaking of which "Happy Birthday scompton54) and hubby told them we probably wouldn't make it as he KNEW how I am when I get really focused on losing:bigsmile:

    Virginia- I too used to do Sweatin to the Oldies (60's edition), I used it to get in shape after having my sons back in the 80's....I think I will pull it back out....600 calories? THAT WOULD BE GREAT:wink:

    jaks97- I think someone already said it but peanut butter, nuts and the like are good to eat to get in more calories.

    Rebel - Mexico:drinker: enjoy, it's been quite a bit of time since we were there but it sure was relaxing, makes me want to look at old pictures and remember......

    Only a half day at work so I'd best get to my payroll and see what we need to get into the bank.

    Everyone have a good day, remember to drink your water:drinker: that can make the difference in a good or bad day.

  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Happy Friday, everyone! Seems like I have been counting the hours to Friday this week. I just found out that I will have a 3 day weekend. We don't have school Monday for Martin Luther King Day, but the staff was to have inservice. With budget cuts, they decided not to pay some of us on Monday, and I was on that list. I'm not particularly wild about the pay cut, but will enjoy the weekend, as my husband is also off work.
    Those of you who have been around a while have heard my laments about being stuck in detention. I work at a high school, and have recently been stuck supervising detention. I was supposed to have a break from it after Christmas, but a coworker had a death in the family, and I am covering for her. So - today will be the end of 11 weeks of supervising detention. And I truly hope that it is done until my next scheduled day of March 12th. After that, it should just be Mondays and some Tuesdays until the end of the year, instead of every day, which I really detest. My biggest complaint is that detention happens during the time that I had always managed to exercise, and I have had difficulty finding time to work out since then. This means that next Tuesday, I should be able to make it back to the pool to swim laps. I am trusting you all to bug me if I don't post any swimming next week! Getting back into a routine is always an effort for me.
    Hope you all have a great weekend, and here's hoping that I behave well enough to steer clear of detention for a while! Mary
  • shmogo9
    shmogo9 Posts: 31 Member
    Good Morning everybody - Happy Friday the 13th :drinker: It has always been a good luck day for me and my family - my sister and my youngest son were both born on a Friday the 13th :love:

    I'm really enjoying reading everybody's posts - not getting alot of work done in the mornings now though since I'm loggin on at work :blushing: hope the boss isn't on here lol

    Virginia - I love the music from the "sweatin to the oldies" really helps me move - and I loved Richard Simmons when he was on General hospital years ago - that was fun.

    topaz2986 - congrats on the two days in a row at the gym - hopefully I'll get back there soon - baby steps

    uts52 - congrats on 60 min run on the treadmill - I always thought you HAD to eat more to lose weight especially since you're exercising so not sure about eating less than your 1200 daily - I don't always eat my exercise calories but always TRY to get the minimum recommended for the day - just my 2 cents :wink:

    Michele - I absolutely LOVE my ME time too - hubby works 12 hours shifts - 2 days and 2 nights - love my husband too but love my nights alone to do what I WANT :laugh: Also - I used to do acqua sizes every morning before work but I'm short and always got the shallow end because the taller people took up the deep end - never tried it in the deep end and yeah the shallow end proved to be too hard on my knees - hoping to get back to the pool soon though.

    kckramp - enjoy your 3 day weekend with your family :heart:

    Joyce - thanks for the encouragement - slow is 'good for now' but I'm impatient and want to BE BETTER NOW lol but going to take it easy and get better FOR GOOD and not JUST FOR NOW :happy:

    scompton54 - Happy belated Birthday - as long as you enjoyed yourself yesterday - don't worry about it - it's passed and today is another day like you said.

    okay back to work before I get caught :laugh: Have a great day everybody - check back later :drinker:
  • shmogo9
    shmogo9 Posts: 31 Member
    Happy Friday, everyone! Seems like I have been counting the hours to Friday this week. I just found out that I will have a 3 day weekend. We don't have school Monday for Martin Luther King Day, but the staff was to have inservice. With budget cuts, they decided not to pay some of us on Monday, and I was on that list. I'm not particularly wild about the pay cut, but will enjoy the weekend, as my husband is also off work.
    Those of you who have been around a while have heard my laments about being stuck in detention. I work at a high school, and have recently been stuck supervising detention. I was supposed to have a break from it after Christmas, but a coworker had a death in the family, and I am covering for her. So - today will be the end of 11 weeks of supervising detention. And I truly hope that it is done until my next scheduled day of March 12th. After that, it should just be Mondays and some Tuesdays until the end of the year, instead of every day, which I really detest. My biggest complaint is that detention happens during the time that I had always managed to exercise, and I have had difficulty finding time to work out since then. This means that next Tuesday, I should be able to make it back to the pool to swim laps. I am trusting you all to bug me if I don't post any swimming next week! Getting back into a routine is always an effort for me.
    Hope you all have a great weekend, and here's hoping that I behave well enough to steer clear of detention for a while! Mary

    SORRY - not sure how you quote a post and reply - anyway - just wanted to see if you had a 'set format' for detention? if not, get them all doing jumping jacks, push ups, planks etc. and work out with them during detention - teenagers - if nothing else - they won't want detention anymore lol....just a thought....
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Still lousy weather here in Ottawa, but I still have a dentist appointment this morning so have to go out in the freezing rain. Will do my grocery shopping while I'm out.

    Will check back in later - need to go and brush my teeth now and get going.
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    SORRY - not sure how you quote a post and reply - anyway - just wanted to see if you had a 'set format' for detention? if not, get them all doing jumping jacks, push ups, planks etc. and work out with them during detention - teenagers - if nothing else - they won't want detention anymore lol....just a thought....

    Actually, there is a format. They are required to work on school work the entire time, and if they don't have school work, I have to give them a work packet that has to do with whatever behavior caused their detention. Anyway, although it is a good idea, exercise is out, because I pretty much am tutoring the entire time. (And by the way, your quoting was fine!) Mary
  • vypeters
    vypeters Posts: 475 Member
    Good morning all! It was high of 59 degrees here yesterday, not supposed to get above freezing today. My thermal regulation system doesn't know how to act.

    Starting to recognize a few "faces" here!

    It's Friday. Hooray! So far no "Friday the 13th" manifestations at this end, hope it's the same for all of you. Richard Simmons' "Sweatin' to the Oldies" DVDs arrived today according to hubby, so tonight's workout should be a blast! I had to quit the gym due to hubby's continued unemployment, so I can now mix up my workouts between "Walk Away The Pounds" and "Sweatin' to the Oldies". My teenage daughter isn't familiar with Richard Simmons - can't wait to see how she reacts to his lovable over-the-topness.

    My calves have finally stop hurting, so hooray for that too!

    kckramp - Woohoo for a weekend with the kids, but remember to find time for yourself and that exercise!

    jacks97 - Can you give us an idea what you ARE eating? That will help us make some suggestions.

    scompton54 - Happy extremely belated Birthday to you!!

    jb_2011 - Your hike sounds grand. Are you in a warm weather location? I simply cannot bring myself to do outdoor stuff this winter. I had been hot natured at 319 lbs, but at 179 I'm finding I've gotten very cold natured. But I loved hiking last summer & fall!

    Laura8011 - Enjoy having hubby cook! My hubby generally does since I'm working and he's looking but he had minor surgery this week and I've been doing the cooking. Haven't poisoned anyone yet, but just between us girls he's a MUCH better cook than me.

    msh0530 - Please DO try to stay out of detention (I give that same advice to my teenage daughter LOL). Glad you're getting back to swimming. I'm a little jealous as I'd love to have a good place to swim laps. Even in the summer when the pool in my community is open it's too busy for lap swimming.

    Edited because apparently I can't spell.

    Happy Friday,
  • WilliamsYaYa
    Hi All
    I'm a newbie to fitness pal and this topic. Thanks to Mary for inviting me. I've been checking out the recipie blog everyday and it's great but I like the idea of this one, sharing and chatting. Seems like fun.
    I will be 60 in November (OMG) and have been down this weight loss road many many times. This august, my first grandchild was born -- a wonderful little boy (hency my User name) and he is now my reason to get healthy and STAY healthy. I want to be a part of his life for a long long time.

    So thanks for listening. Have a great day and LONG (Whoo Hoo) weekend!

    Cathy (aka William's YaYa) :love: