

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member

    Happy Birthday, Pam
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I hope everybody finds us on this "Part Two".........we sure are a chatty bunch to have 500 posts so early in the month :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Jane, I’m so happy to hear about husband’s new job. You have been so upbeat during this challenging time….you deserve good news.

    :flowerforyou: Rita, isn’t it fun to talk to the dogs on the phone……congrats on getting to the gym

    :flowerforyou: Sally, congrats on your consistency with the 17 day diet….you are bound to get good results and a lifelong eating plan that you can live with

    :flowerforyou: Robin, thanks for the reminder of the fun of having a puppy----Sasha is four years old and I still remember the challenge of her puppy months. Thanks for the update on the hypnosis journey.

    :flowerforyou: Sissy, your trip sounds amazing and healthy. I’m glad you’re back with us…..yes, there are many familiar faces and a lot of new members who are making our thread even more supportive and encouraging.

    :flowerforyou: Amanda, I am impressed with your ability to run…..you’ve come a long way

    :flowerforyou: Virginia, keep up the walking and your legs will feel great before long

    :flowerforyou: Desiree, where did you take your walk? How often do you walk that far?

    :flowerforyou: Katie, welcome…..I found MFP the same way……I was looking for the calorie count for some food and the minute I found the site I was hooked and I’ve been logging food and exercise and posting on this thread since then (February 2009)

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Hi all, it’s such a pleasure to read your posts and hear a bit about your lives, challenges and joys. It keeps me inspired.

    :smile: HOME ALONE – DH took J’boy to the city to get dental surgery (no big deal) so I am home alone for three days and nights. I have not had any time on my own for ages and it feels great! To celebrate the fact that no one was expecting me home to cook supper or make lunches I went out to the one (yes one and only) women’s clothing store in town (unless you count Mark’s Work Warehouse) and bought a new pair of skinny jeans because my old ones are baggy. :wink: Oooooh, walking on the wild side!

    First day of the circuit training class was tonight, hard work. 6 of the 9 participants are from the staff at my school, so we’re all having fun (?) together. :laugh:

    Jeannetteyvon – hang in there, it’s really just about you, not the others in the challenge. You’re trying to make a big change in your life-style. I think encouragement and companionship are good things but pressure and competition can be more discouraging than helpful. :flowerforyou:

    Pam congrat’s on two great days, it’s starting to be a habit.

    AHealthierSuz: Master Your Metabolism – thanks for the update, I will check for it at our library

    Sissygok: Your cruise sounds lovely, your description made me feel like I was on the South Pacific for a moment too!

    Run a mile, go Amanda! :flowerforyou: That is a goal for me too, I am getting close, can now run at 5.5 mp for ten minutes on the treadmill. J’boy and I agree though, “real” running is a lot harder than treadmill running. I am not going to count it as a real mile until I do it outside in the real world.

    Topaz2986 I hope you get to love your Planet Fitness routine. I feel quite out of sorts when I can’t go to the gym after work. The workout burns off all my tension and makes me feel righteous even if all I do is 20 minutes of C25K on the treadmill.

    I am off to bed :yawn:

    Hey, no one's going to need me to make breakfast or pack lunches in the morning...I think I'll go out to a coffee shop! :drinker:

  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Just checking in for Wednesday. Went to the theatre this evening to see Neil Simon's "Lost in Yonkers". Quite good. The younger of the 2 boys was very good and the grandmother.

    Did my aquafit this morning. Our normal instructor wasn't there today and the replacement was very good. Regular guy had told her to not work us too hard because we were just back after a 3 week break. I'm glad he told her that because it was one of the hardest workouts we've had. Heaven help us if she'd done a regular workout!

    Teaching was busy yesterday afternoon, and a phone call was made to one student who often has a snooze and then misses the start of class, so I phone. Anyway when I called there was a man's voice on the machine. It turns out that it was her son and she had had a stroke on Friday just after leaving her exercise class. She collapsed in the parking lot and luckily someone saw her right away and she got the clot-busting drug within an hour. She is doing better, but is still in an area where she can't have visitors. She was supposed to be hosting our group meeting this weekend, but obviously won't be able to. I've offered to host it but not until the 22nd.

    DBF is going in to hospital on Tuesday and I didn't think he'd appreciate me not being available to go out on the last day he'll have for going somewhere for a few weeks. He is having a knee replacement done, so won't be gallivanting around for a few weeks.

    Tomorrow I have to go to register for the continuation of my Spanish class and in the afternoon I have an appointment with my endocronologist to get the results of my bone density test and to see what drug he want me to take for the coming year to keep supporting my fragile bones.

    In the evening I have 2 things following on from each other - knitting group at 5:30 and Lace Guild meeting at 7:00. One or other might have to go by the wayside if I don't think I have time for both and it will also depend a bit on the weather - snow and freezing rain forecast for tomorrow and Friday.

    And so to bed.....
  • Susanpv
    Susanpv Posts: 37 Member
    Hello all....yesterday started the beginning of having dental surgery for my new bridge. My mouth is sore and could only have soft foods. My DH made a pot of chicken noodle soup, and it was delicious. I went overboard with the Chobani yogurt. The calories add up fast, so I have seen "red" these past two days after logging my foods. Did not do any walking, so new I would be over. At this rate it is going to take me longer to drop the weight I put on over the holidays. I WILL get back on track!!! G'nite.
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    X marks my place until later x
  • Patchworkperson
    Patchworkperson Posts: 151 Member
    Just marking my spot.

    Welcome to so many new friends. You'll love it here.

    Sissy - welcome back. Sounds like you had a fab time!

    Amanda - you are such an inspiration. Well done!

    Me - I'm struggling to get back. I wish I could love to exercise the way I did when I was young.

    Enjoy your day & I look forward to getting to know you all.

    Geri in England
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Sorry not logged on for a few days and phew we are on part 2 already :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Just marking my slot for later, I'll catch up with all the posts tonight when I get home from work.

    Have a great day everyone!

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • westernjoy
    westernjoy Posts: 175 Member
    Haven't checked in for a couple of days. Boy a lot of post.
    Welcome to all the newcomers
    Happy Birthday Pam.
    Jane best wishes to your hubby on his new job.
    Congrats to all the losers.
    My thoughts are with all who are going through some tough times.
  • vypeters
    vypeters Posts: 475 Member
    Good morning all! Happy new thread!

    I haven't got much this morning - calves still very sore but I'm slathering them with Icy Hot and they'll improve.

    I can't possibly be stalled with 4 lbs to go can I? OK, so maybe I can. I've been that way the whole way down - lose great for a few weeks, lose nothing for a few weeks, lose great for a few weeks, lose nothing for a few weeks. The first couple of times it freaked me out a little ("Is this all I'm going to lose?) but now I'm just resigned to it.

    Happy Thursday, everyone. Will try to check in later.

  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Good Morning, Dear Ladies!

    WOW...Part 2 and it's only the 12th of the month! We ARE a chatty, chatty bunch! How wonderful:love:

    Marking my spot for later and hoping everyone finds us again too...I remember when I was new to this thread having a difficult time figuring out what had happened!?!

    I'll check back in soon. Have a great day, everyone:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Kackie
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    good morning dear ladies,,

    thank you all for the wonderful bday wishes, and barbie thank for the bday graphic...loved it.....i had just a great time and enjoy myself throughtly....and kept to the pre logged foods, as suggested.....marking my spot for now and will check later...off to spin class and then weights....till later:flowerforyou:
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Good Morning!
    Thank you Barbie for your inspiration!
    I hope everyone has a great day...I'll be back!
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Down only 1 pound this week. Guess I should have expected it since I lost so much the week before... Today is the acid test of my will power: a girlie shopping trip with someone who doesn't eat the way I do.
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Salad Sistas Challenge mid-week check in.....so far so good and everyone's been piling on the greens & vegs YAY team! It's not a formal "group", just a nudge for all of us to include a large salad each and every day.

    Tried a new chicken recipe last night from cleaneating.com....Orange Chipotle Chicken with Cilantro Rice. Excellent. Kind of smoked up the kitchen on the last go-round of cooking the chicken in the orange-chipotle sauce, probably had the pan too hot, so be careful with that if you make the recipe. The chipotle peppers are super hot and when they burn the smoke makes you cough! Had to open up all the window and doors downstairs LOL

    Good day to all, let's do well.
    :^) jb
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    The four legged fur kids did great yesterday. I am working from home today and I am already exhausted. Ritter has so much energy and spunk. He is very curious, adventurous and fearless. It's a challenge but the rewards are so worth it. Right now Bodi is cleaning Ritters ear. my heart is melting.they love each other so much. I am sooooo proud of what an awesome big brother Bodi is. Chat with you all later.

    Robin, the Bodi boy and the Ritter pup
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Yeah tis Thursday!

    As I work on one day at a time, it's another one down and feel I'm doing okay, it's just that exercise is hard for me this time around. Maybe after I've been back at it for a full month I will be more into the groove. One thing I know is that it's necessary to lose and then it's necessary to maintain, which is what got me back here working on losing these pounds again:sad: I stopped exercising:blushing: and that was necessary to keep the weight off

    One thing nice about having a "house husband" is that this past year my yard never looked so good as well as the laundry was done, floors clean and like last night dinner prepared for me:wink: I still wish it was me being home and him out working as he always made more money than me and I really do love:heart: being home and I miss being there. Then there is the fact that by Friday when I'm getting off work and want to be home, he's ready to get out of the house and I never go shopping alone anymore:laugh:

    Everyone have a good day, :drinker: :drinker: drink your water:drinker: :drinker: and we will talk with you all tomorrow.

  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Good morning from a cold and windy Kansas! The wind is blowing 25 mph and the wind chill is -5 F. I don't know if I will warm up or not after getting to work. I think that it gets harder for me every year. At least the sun is shining!

    Hope you are all having a great day. I'm counting the hours until the weekend . . .
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Very shhhhhitttttty day here in Ottawa - snowing and freezing rain mixed. -7c at the moment. Have to go out to a doctor's appt later - no getting out of it as I've had the date and time for 18 months.

    With regard to the knitting group and Lace meeting, one or both of those might get cancelled as I really don't like going out when the police ask you to keep off the roads unless your journey is really necessary. Have booked my car in to get its emission test done so that I can renew the tax and have called to see if I can register my course by phone. They are to call me back.

    Heard from my student's son this morning - she has been moved into her own room and can now have visitors. Won't be today.

    Sneak peeks have the scale going in the right direction. I'm hoping to make onederland by Valentine's day - been there before so I know I can go there again! The only problem is, as usual, the weekend. Going out for dinner with my GF and DBF and then back to her place to watch a movie.
  • sissygok
    sissygok Posts: 97 Member
    Good Morning to all of you wonderful, motivated and active ladies,:flowerforyou:
    I so admire everyone's zeal...:love:
    Virginia, you may be stuck temporarily with 4 pounds to lose but what an acheivment to have lost as much as you already have...it takes real determination and strenght for one to do that.

    We are having cold and windy weather here today...last night I left Robert in the TV room at 10 to go into our bedroom to watch my chick TV shows and about a half hour later he came in to tell me that it was snowing...completely unexpected....all gone this morning but added just a little excitement to my night...it snowed, covered the ground and stopped within an hour...cleared up and when I looked out it was so beautiful.

    I know this will sound like a totally lame excuse and have to admit it probably is:tongue: ...LOL, we have a few goodies and less than healthy food leftover in the house and just don't want to throw them away so have decided to do a big grocery shopping:drinker: early next week and start back eating healthy, tracking every bite of food and going to the gym then. We cleared a lot of stuff from our cupboards and emptied the fridge and ate almost everything in the freezer before we left on our trip in October...was gone almost 3 months and have yet to replenish everything...It will cost an arm and a leg to shop this time. Have decided that I want to lose 13 more pounds before my birthday in May...this will put me back to my pre knee surgery, pre inactive 2 year period following the knee surgery weight, in other words my normal weight, for a total loss of almost 35 pounds...I want this so bad.

    Time to eat breakfast, oatmeal and fruit this morning. Hope you all have a wonderful day today.:heart: