
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    :flowerforyou: How do I manage to get 23,000 steps on my pedometer????? First, I am retired and have a home based business that doesn’t require long hours at the computer or desk. Second, I don’t have a gang of family members who need me to be there for them in a million different ways and when friends want to get together, I meet them for a walk, not a meal. Third, I get up at 4 AM so I can walk the dogs individually for 15 minutes each, then eat breakfast, then walk them together for two hours. I never sit down when I can be moving. I walk up and down the hall when I’m on the phone. I walk at every opportunity. When I first had my pedometer I struggled to get to 10,000 steps a day. I encouraged myself by putting a sticker on the calendar for any day that I reached 10,000 steps. Now it takes 15,000 steps to get a sticker and I’m thinking of raising the number to 16,000 next month since I started jogging in place while the dogs stop walking to sniff under the bushes.

    :flowerforyou: And speaking of stickers, I need all sorts of evidence of the exercise I do. The pedometer is great for linear walking but yoga, strength training, dancing, squats, etc. don’t register sufficiently on the pedometer so now with the heart rate monitor I can see that my heart rate was elevated and I burned calories even if didn’t get credit for steps. I joined a challenge on MFP to do 100 squats a day for 100 days and even though practically nobody who joined the challenge is still posting, I keep track of my squats every day and post the results to the team. I am constantly on the look-out for new tricks that will keep me motivated and focused.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    January goals:
    *keep walking the dogs for an hour or more every morning no matter how cold, wet, or snowy.
    * do yoga three days a week
    *100 squats a day
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Bump x
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Laura - so sorry about your mom.

    jb - When I make the mini muffins, I've found that about 4 of the minis equals one regular sized one. I'd probably just put in 1/4 if I had one mini muffin. hmmm...you've given me another idea of something to add to a salad. I think I have some pine nuts, so I'll put those out. I honestly did forget to buy croutons, I know Vince would have eaten them. Nope, scratch the pine nuts. I didn't even have enough to cover the bottom of the dish!

    Chicklet - my heart bleeds for you. Be sure to take care of yourself

    Kate - I, too, have to exercise in the a.m. or it just doesn't get done. I did an hour on the stairmaster today. Didn't have time for the taichi. Then played mahjongg (I maj'd twice!) and bowled 4 games. Now I'm getting the preparations for dinner ready. I've washed the lettuce and tomatoes for the salad, steamed the broccoli (I find thata raw broccoli can sometimes be somewhat bitter...next time I need to steam it for less time), cut up the cuke (I scooop the seeds out and cut up the rest of the cuke). I tell you, I have the sorest knees on the face of the earth praying so hard for dd. I just pray that she wakes up . She doesn't need to be abused

    Do you know that I bought a veggie tofu lasagna and that has more calories than this Michael Angelo's Meat Lasagna???

    Tomorrow I'll do a DVD at home of yoga. The Y is having this fitness extravaganza. Basically, what it is is 1/2 hr classes where you can try them out. I really need more than 1/2 hr of yoga, plus I need to check out these DVD's that I have so I'll do one at home. The gal told me today that the Tues class of tai chi has changed time, so I need to check it out. If it's too late, I just can't go.

    magnolia - hearty CONGRATULATIONS

    Going to post this so that I get this thread in my list.

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • scompton54
    scompton54 Posts: 90 Member
    place keeping
  • mixdouble
    mixdouble Posts: 41 Member
    Last message didn't post. Oh well!
    What weekend? So jammed I need to go back to work to rest. Will continue dog/sister walks and am going to try a Barre3 class Sunday morning. It is a combination of Yoga and Pilates with a ballet barre. Hope I can walk when we are done. DH wants to go to auto show. Old red wagon is getting tired.
    Have a great weekend everyone.
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Just wanted to say HAPPY FRIDAY! and to announce an important decision: when my husband gets home from work, I am going to announce that he has a choice for dinner. Yes, indeed, a choice: leftover barbecue pork or leftover pineapple chicken, as this kitchen will serve no food that doesn't start with the letter "L" tonight! :laugh:

    Have a great weekend! Mary
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Just got back from visiting DBF and a quick walk around the mall. Had to mail a letter to my friend's mum who's birthday is tomorrow (I forgot to post it earlier with all that is going on). Then I had to go into the bank because Revenue Canada has screwed up my date of birth on its records and needed a letter signed by me and a copy of my drivers licence to prove it.

    DBF has been moved to the 3rd floor wards, no longer critical and was much better today. He was describing where he had been - a day or two ago he had to go to visit a company and then the lady said he couldn't go home, so he had to sleep on her sofa. He is really convinced it happened even when I explained that it must have been a dream as we had been keeping him very safe in the hospital. His dreams must be very vivid for him to remember all the details - yesterday he was sure we'd been looking at a shop and there was something (I couldn't catch what it was in his mumbling) that was 30% off and he wanted to get one. So I just agreed and said we'd go the next day.

    When I got back the snow plough had ploughed all the stuff from the side street and pushed everytning onto the sidewalk again, completely blocking all the driveways with enormous chunks of ice about 5ft across and 2-3 ft thick. Luckily my neighbours were out there clearing their drive and came across to help me with mine.
  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    TGIF I am with everyone else. this seemed like a long week! at least it is almost February.
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Happy Friday! Just killing time before going to set up for my student recital/concert this evening. I'll be hosting the show and accompanying my students who will be performing guitar, piano and vocal pieces. I'm nervous and all I want to do is eat!!! Two hours 'til set up time, ACK! Can't drink wine yet, either, lol.
    Tried on my outfit for tonight and I must say I was very pleased with how I looked - I don't think I've been able to say that for many, many, many years. Wow, I even impressed myself LOL! I no longer have to wear a big old blouse that covers up my rear end and spare tire. Yay team! My feet are even thinner....my fancy boots are no longer snug. Now if I could only get my hair to calm down...sheeesh, it's bushy and wild today.
    Wish me luck, especially with conquering the urge to stuff my face in the next 2 hours before I head out. You can bet I'll be into the wine the minute I get home tonight!

  • vypeters
    vypeters Posts: 475 Member
    Quick "Hi" everyone!

    DH bought me a Polar FT 7 HRM for an early birthday present (my birthday isn't until March 7 at which point I can call myself legit here as I will actually BE 50 instead of "close enough"). Anyway, the purchase came with an NSV: We went into the store, looked at it, bought it, walked out and not once until I was already back in the car did it even occur to me...I never wondered whether the strap would fit around my chest, I just knew it would. Before, I'd have never bought something in a package like that unless I could see a strap and know it would go around me.

    And I never even thought about it. How amazing is that?

    Also measured myself this evening. I've lost:

    2.5" off my neck
    3.5" off my bicep
    15.5" off my chest
    19" off my waist
    12.5" off my hips
    5" off my thigh

    A total of 58" lost!!!

    Chiclet - {{hugs}} I'm sorry your Mom seems to have given up. Please remember to take care of yourself as well!

    Have a great weekend all. About to test out my HRM, then we'll give it the big test tomorrow if the weather holds.


    PS: What's the best way to find the new thread in February?
  • cindyw7
    cindyw7 Posts: 29 Member

    DBF has been moved to the 3rd floor wards, no longer critical and was much better today. He was describing where he had been - a day or two ago he had to go to visit a company and then the lady said he couldn't go home, so he had to sleep on her sofa. He is really convinced it happened even when I explained that it must have been a dream as we had been keeping him very safe in the hospital. His dreams must be very vivid for him to remember all the details - yesterday he was sure we'd been looking at a shop and there was something (I couldn't catch what it was in his mumbling) that was 30% off and he wanted to get one. So I just agreed and said we'd go the next day.

    Genelace - my 49 year old niece had double by pass surgery a few weeks ago. The doctors and nurses said she probably wouldn't make it but praise God she is at home. At one point when she started to come come out of being sedated she asked where she was and a doctor jokingly said "Don't you know you are in Mexico?" She went back to sleep and woke up in the middle of the night having major fits, screaming and yelling. They called her husband at 2:30 a.m. to come to the hospital to try to calm her down. When he arrived she starting screaming & said "How dare you take me to Mexico to sell my organs?!?!?!" She had read somewhere about folks in Mexico selling organs, woke up and saw her scars and make the leap. He'll be over it in a day or two. Then you can laugh about it. Praying for you! CIndy
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member


    PS: What's the best way to find the new thread in February?

    On the 31st before she goes to bed, Barbie normally starts the new thread. She will post on this thread with a link to February, so it is as simple as a click of the mouse! (but not the kind of mouse our friend in the UK is hunting!) Mary
  • scompton54
    scompton54 Posts: 90 Member
    I am definitely in TGIF mode. I have always felt that September is the new year, and that's even when I wasn't teaching but now, the end of a semester is like a mini new year.

    At the beginning of the week I was in a funk and normally, that might have lasted a few days or months. I believe that talking on here and making myself accountable to all you strangers is making me accountable, not only to you, but also myself. That is a very good thing. I know I will slip but I also know that registering those slips publicly will make me take ownership and pick myself up.

    Chiklet: Your mother is so clearly depressed and you are carrying the burden and I so feel for you. A couple of years ago, my aunt ended up in hospital and I had to deal with all that, a six hour drive away. I had to pack up her apartment, handle all her affairs, and deal with all her anger and confusion which was all directed at me. I live in Canada and we are lucky that GOOD nursing homes are covered by our health care system but even with that, she was incredibly angry at me because she couldn't live like she wanted to, like at home and independently. I don't really know your situation or what resources are available to you but it sounds to me that she needs a psychological assessment and therapy to get her to realize that you are not the enemy. With all the resources I had, including my very supportive daughters, I spent ,any hours in tears. You need to find support wherever you can, what is being put on you is too much and your mum needs to be made aware of that....tough love or outside help is needed, and soon. If she is delusional, she may not get that you are done. If she is aware, she may be being manipulative and controlling and you may have to confront that. Sometimes our loved ones are more angry than loving and they control what they can....if not their health then their loved ones. Just remember, if your health goes, so does hers and she is not likely to thank you.

    As to exercise, I go right to the gym before going home or get on the bike as soon as I walk in, or nine times out of ten, I won't .

    Zumba and yoga tomorrow......yippee!!


  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Wow!!! We are into Part 3 and not to the end of the month yet! How wonderful to have so many chatty women to support each other:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    I did not get any "designated" exercise today, other than some free weights this morning. I had a crazy day of appointments and meetings spread out over the day. And I don't feel quite right without some major exercise! I woke up so early and I am very tired, so will take the day as a rest day and look forward to tomorrow's long walk.

    Everyone have a nice evening! :heart: :heart: Kackie
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Not much to post. Olivia and my DD are doing fine. typical first time mommy struggles but doing well. wish I was there. In due time. had a good week. I was on the dreadmill and hour every day and that has improved my mood tenfold. :bigsmile:
  • jaks97
    jaks97 Posts: 179 Member
    Happy Friday tomorrow I weigh and this has been a bad week, with work birthdays and baby showers, not a lot of healthy to eat, I should just continue to take my lunch. Any good ideas for breakfast on the road, I think that is my hardest

    TGIF SHerry
  • westernjoy
    westernjoy Posts: 175 Member
    Knee better going get busy and do the Wii just dance. Move the arms and the body and just shuffle my feet
  • 1960lisa
    1960lisa Posts: 193
    Wow...onto 3rd part!!

    I am not posting too much lately but still enjoy reading and keeping up with old and new members....just thought I would put a photo of our new dog up for those dog lovers as I know there are a few of us here.... six months after our gorgeous airedale Rio died we have acquired another rescue airedale.... I picked up 6 y/o Curly from the RSPCA yesterday and already he is fitting in perfectly...he is a huge bear (or b'aire as airedales fanciers say)...he needs a big haircut but otherwise he is just wonderful...and actually I quite like the shaggy look.

    I haven't posted a photo before so not entirely sure this will work..but here goes.

  • 1960lisa
    1960lisa Posts: 193
    Ok well that doesn't seem to have worked...back to the drawing board...any tips??:huh:

    Oh sorry I got it but its HUGE...sorry!! Not sure how to fix that yet:blushing: