
  • cathys01
    cathys01 Posts: 221
    Hi Ladies:

    Wow, so many posts again :noway:

    Magda - Congrats on your new Grandbaby :drinker:

    Susan - Wishing well for your DH's surgery :flowerforyou:

    Okay, now I forget what else I wanted to say. I know that some of you say that you compose your answer while you get to scroll the posts - can you tell me how you do that, please :smile:

    Thanks for the answers about my migraines. I will check into some of them. See that is why this group is so amazing :love:

    I put Christmas away today, for another year and it took me hours, but at least I burned calories doing so - going up and down stairs, packing boxes, etc, etc, and then the cleaning and vacuuming etc. Finally the house back to normal, but I miss the tree alreadt :sad:

    Well, This was just a quickie, I still have laundy to do, so I have to go. I was just logging my food for the day.

    So, until later, My Friends, take care.

    Love, Cathy xx
  • Hi all: I've been kind of reading through this thread for a couple of days and I was just thinking it might be time to introduce myself. I'm hoping to become friends with all of you. I'm a very soon to be 50 year old (in March), a wife of 30 years to my very best friend, mother of 2 beautiful women, mother in law of 1 son-in-law who I couldn't have ordered better, and I'm about to be a grandmother for the first time too (my granddaughter is due on January 19th). I look forward to working toward a healthier more energetic lifestyle with all of you. I wish you all a very happy 2012.

  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member

    Okay, now I forget what else I wanted to say. I know that some of you say that you compose your answer while you get to scroll the posts - can you tell me how you do that, please :smile:

    Love, Cathy xx

    hey cathy...i used the sticky notes feather on the windows7...i can pulled up along side the posts as i am reading them and then i can makes notes....

    @magnolia62///welcome and congratulations on your grandbaby
  • pitbullmama
    pitbullmama Posts: 454 Member
    bumping for later
  • Susanpv
    Susanpv Posts: 37 Member

    Okay, now I forget what else I wanted to say. I know that some of you say that you compose your answer while you get to scroll the posts - can you tell me how you do that, please :smile:

    Love, Cathy xx

    hey cathy...i used the sticky notes feather on the windows7...i can pulled up along side the posts as i am reading them and then i can makes notes....

    @magnolia62///welcome and congratulations on your grandbaby
    @Pam3.....thanks for the info about sticky notes, really great to know about. Now I will have to put it to the test!!:flowerforyou:

    I am very happy about my choices of food today. Stayed way under my calorie allowance. Wouldn't you know it, don't have any ice cream left in the freezer:sad: :sad: But the night is young, hope I don't blow it:explode: :explode: :explode:
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Had a baby shower today.Did good with the food.Left the cake and candies alone.
    So exciting to know a new life will be here soon.
    Have a great week-end.
    KJLIII Posts: 225 Member
    Hello everybody! I'm 51, fairly new to this site, and wanting to join in with all you wonderful women in my age group! I've been reading through all the pages (phew!) and although there are quite a few, I'm still loving it. I'd like to lose about 50 lbs., and am thrilled about finding like-minded friends here who can encourage and help me along this journey. I have got about 43 more pounds to go, and am excited that the first bit has gone so well. I guess that's usually the case, right? Any suggestions and helps are greatly appreciated...
  • cindyw7
    cindyw7 Posts: 29 Member
    Pam tx for sticky notes idea!
    Magnolia - Welcome and congrats on the new baby!
    Susan, Praying for peace in your family & for DH's surgery.
    Kackie, your trip sounds like it was heavenly! I hope to explore those areas some day.
    Ngags, congrats on the surgery & lots of luck on your journey.
    Mazron - Sorry about your game, but good for you for being so active!
    JB-2011, I just click on the last page number showing and work backwards.
    Susanpv - hang in there. You can do it!
    Jane - great job with the food at the baby shower!
    KJLIII - I'm new here too and love it!

    I too had a good day even though I went out with a girl friend. I managed to stay a few calories under and got some walking in. Have a blessed day all! Cindy
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Laura…so glad you are back. I read your post and can’t believe the amount of stress that you have had in the past two years. Good for you for getting back and doing this for yourself!
    Pam…. Good news about Roscoe! That is great.
    Cathy….My husband gets terrible migranes and I get hormonal migranes. Finding a med that works can be rough. I take Frova ( it is more gentle than Imitrex and it takes about 2 hour to kick in but I then can function). My husband and I were put on low dose blood pressure meds and that really reduced to number of headaches. I didn’t get a period from May to November and no headaches!!
    Magda…..Welcome and congratulations on your new granddaughter!
    Vypeters… Great to read your post. You are so close to your goal..what a great accomplishment!
    Susan…I hope everything works out well for your husband. Your plan of having the insulated bag really is a great one. Waiting around in a hospital can be nerve wrecking. I like to bring a book, knitting, crossword puzzles too.
    KJLIII ….Welcome..This is a great board and hearing from people who have similar issues is so helpful.

    I am finishing Day 6 of the 17 day diet and feel a better rhythm. I got the workbook and I am finding that helpful.
    I tutored one student this morning and this afternoon I put away most of the Christmas decorations. I still need to pack up the tree and deliver stuff to where it belongs. I also am thinning out our stuff….we have some much stuff. My husband likes to save things…everything. So it was great to be able to consolidate some bins.
    I am going to plan my meals for next week and prepare a grocery list tonight. Tomorrow I will go to my strength training class and prep some meals for the week.
    Have a great night!
  • yellowrose5321
    yellowrose5321 Posts: 111 Member
    I am confident in my self that I will loose 2 lb this next week. I will be playing nurse maid to my husband. Having another surgery Monday, coming home Thursday. I have a plan of attack that I will not eat in the hospital cafeteria. taking a insulated bag with everything I need and eating just what I take.

    Way to plan ahead!! I've come to believe that planning ahead is half the battle -- it really keeps me from being caught somewhere without any appropriate food options.

    Good luck with the hubby-care next week :flowerforyou:
  • deb_rn
    deb_rn Posts: 144 Member
    HI Ladies:

    Happy Friday, Everyone!!! Thank heavens the weekend is in site!! My bosses did not come in this week so I have been very busy but the upside is the commute has been a little easier, which has been nice as lots of people are still on vacation. Come Monday, it will be back to normal, unfortunately :grumble:

    I don't think I have lost any of my Christmas gain but I am trying. I will just have to work harder next week, won't I :laugh:

    Truly, who would have thought that being post menopausal would have this kind of affect on your body :noway: Isn't it that women have to go through enough in life anyway, now we get hit with this whammy as we should be able to sit down and maybe relax after raising families and taking care of everyone but ourselves?? No, now we have to worry about our hips spreading to the size of a bus all because our bodies are slowing down :sad: I swear that is why God made men go bald, is to pay them back for some of the nonsense we have to go through :wink:

    Anyway, I am down with a rotten migraine, yet again. So, since we have so many new members, I wonder if I could throw this out to you all; if anyone has any suggestions for migraines? Now, take into consideration that I have suffered with them since my teens (decades - ewww how awful to say that). I have been to a Naturopath - didn't work out, I have tried many OTC products, no luck and I am currently being treated by a neurolgist for years and I am taking 350 mgs of Topomax a day and we keep trying new meds to add to the Topomax but I keep going off them as the side effects of each and every one is weight gain and the doctor understands I do not wish to gain weight. I am allergic to ASA and NSAIDS so some products I cannot take. We are trying to get the number of headaches per week down (I am currently having 2-3 per week) and then when they come, I am having a problem finding meds to take now because apparently the best ones to take are aspirin based and I cannot take aspirin. It is terrible, I hate the nauseau and light/sound sensitivity that I have with it. We have tried increasing the Topomax but that made me dopey (not a good thing :laugh: )

    So, Ladies, that is your mission, should you wish to accept it, see if you can help me find some way to conquer these damn headaches, even if after I get them :flowerforyou:

    By the by, thank you for the birthday wishes and Barbie, thank you so much for the lovely graphic, that was adorable!!!

    Well, I better run, I think I have to go and take some Gravol, the nauseau is staring to get to me :sick:

    So, My Friends, I will check in later and see if any of you brilliant Ladies have any ideas for me....

    Love, Cathy xx

    Tried to post a reply and my internet connection kicked! Acupuncture sometimes helps with headaches, might be worth a try
  • topaz2986
    topaz2986 Posts: 92 Member
    Evening All!

    Thinking I had left enough time for dinner to settle...I started the Rodney Yee yoga burn. Not enough time. I was 15 minutes into it when my stomach went south. Exercise after dinner isn't a good idea for me. :grumble:

    We bought hubby a rotisserie for Christmas...yes, THE Ronco Showtime Rotisserie n Grill...as seen on TV. It works great actually. I made pork chops in it tonite. The fat drained off but the chops were really juicy! And forgot to tell you earlier...my son gave me a food dehydrator for my birthday a few weeks ago. I've dried apples, pineapple and gr peppers so far. The pineapple is so sweet when it's dried...delicious and can kill a sweet tooth in a couple of bites.

    I'll try to catch up on posts in the am....but I wanted to log in and say hi.
    Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

  • lja20
    lja20 Posts: 54 Member
    Hello, I'm 51 and would like to lose 30 pounds by the end of June, and ultimately 50# down by the end of the year. I've gotten out of a regular exercise routine over the past 4-5 years. Like many busy, working mothers, everyone else's needs have been put ahead of mine. It's by my own doing, I don't begrudge any of it. I just kind of lost taking care of myself.

    So, here I am with 50# I want to shed. I'm in my first week and have been doing well I think. My official weigh in day will be 1/11/12. I'm hoping to see a loss! I've been walking/jogging on a treadmill and using my total gym. My goal is to lengthen my time exercising and increasing from 4days/week to 5-6.

    Losing weight in my 50's is certainly more challenging for me, but I am determined to make it work. Thanks for listening!
  • JipsyJudy
    JipsyJudy Posts: 268 Member
    Welcome KJAIII and lja20. I'm fairly new here myself and just starting to get to know the regulars myself.

    Lja, don't beat yourself up if the weight comes off a little slower than you hoped. After 50 it seems to me it's a whole lot harder. I managed 1/2 pound a week last year. Right at the moment I have joined the Pound-a-Week Club in the Senior Golden Sneakers Group, have lowered my weekly calorie target, and lost one whole pound this week.

    There are a lot of good ideas here. A whole lot of people in this group seem to do line dancing as a low impact way to dance off calories without injuries. I thought that sounded fun. I couldn't find any clubs or classes near me, but I just bought two DVDs.
  • Lisalee15
    Lisalee15 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi Everyone- Happy New Years!

    Well I was doing great with a 23pd loss , I even managed to keep it off during our Aug cruise.
    I'am back and so mad Ive gained about 10 back after all that hard work.

    New Years Resolution:
    Keep a journal of my food
    gym 3/4 times a week
    if no gym walk the dog more
    make a picture book
    post here every day for support
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    :bigsmile: Nancy, thank you for writing about what it feels like to be actually participating in curling......we just started getting Canadian TV stations and I've been watching curling and I love it but I've never done it.

    :bigsmile: for anyone feeling frustrated about gaining weight because of menopause, or cutting back calories, I want to sing the praises of "Younger Next Year for Women".......a book about living healthy, sexy, and fit like a 50 year old into your 80's and beyond.

    :bigsmile: Michele, if you are concerned about whether you are walking fast enough, just get a heart rate monitor......you can look at the watch on your wrist and see your heart rate and if it goes down, walk faster and if it says a high enough number then maintain your pace.........I looked on the internet to find about about pedometer/speedometers and they are very pricey and sounded complicated.

    :bigsmile: we were gone overnight and ate twice in restaurants where I entertained myself a bit too much with food but since I can no longer stand the "stuffed" feeling, I did better than I did in the old days. Without my dogs to walk, I walked less, but the hotel had a fitness center where i walked for thirty minutes on the treadmill at10% incline, did some cool stuff with free weights and the weight bench, and walked up and down the stairs instead of using the elevator.

    :sad: :sad: :sad: the dogs have been boarded and won't be home until after 8 AM on Monday so I'll be walking alone tomorrow and Monday morning.:sad: :sad:

    :glasses: :glasses: there has been some discussion about creating a group, but no clear group conscience yet......I welcome additional comments.....I am currently part of two groups----one of them has many threads on different subjects (chat, pets, recipes, jokes, techie stuff, health concerns) and is doing quite well. the other one has 83 members and only about 10 of them are participating. Thus my personal feelings about group vs thread are mixed.
  • Susan0816
    Susan0816 Posts: 41 Member
    Anyway, I am down with a rotten migraine, yet again. So, since we have so many new members, I wonder if I could throw this out to you all; if anyone has any suggestions for migraines? Now, take into consideration that I have suffered with them since my teens (decades - ewww how awful to say that). I have been to a Naturopath - didn't work out, I have tried many OTC products, no luck and I am currently being treated by a neurolgist for years and I am taking 350 mgs of Topomax a day and we keep trying new meds to add to the Topomax but I keep going off them as the side effects of each and every one is weight gain and the doctor understands I do not wish to gain weight. I am allergic to ASA and NSAIDS so some products I cannot take. We are trying to get the number of headaches per week down (I am currently having 2-3 per week) and then when they come, I am having a problem finding meds to take now because apparently the best ones to take are aspirin based and I cannot take aspirin. It is terrible, I hate the nauseau and light/sound sensitivity that I have with it. We have tried increasing the Topomax but that made me dopey (not a good thing :laugh: )

    So, Ladies, that is your mission, should you wish to accept it, see if you can help me find some way to conquer these damn headaches, even if after I get them :flowerforyou:

    Love, Cathy xx

    I have been on a preventive medicine Propranolol for migraines for many many years. I started getting the migraines again, come to find out my blood pressure was way to low. Mine was staying 80/90 over 60. When you have one, check your blood pressure. I had to discontinue the medication and have no problems since.

  • Patchworkperson
    Patchworkperson Posts: 151 Member
    Oh dear:noway: I didn't do at all well during December but at least I'm not completely back to my starting weight.

    My ticker has been reset after this mornings weigh-in & I've restarted my healthy eating. So onwards & upwards (or should that be downwards:happy: )

    Why isn't my ticker working?
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,581 Member
    Good morning, lovely ladies!

    Couldn't sleep so finally caughtup on the posts.

    Welcome yellowrose532/Linda, noogie98, deethinner, etremoi53, mixdouble, sskcrm, cindyw7, judyporter, JoMFrasca, jinnyjan, janetruppert, kathcurt2, sthrnspirit, Iwannabefit20, nkosky, amflautist, nonie3, ngags, AZnewme, SueScott5plus, candu129, lnygaard, lizwall50, celticmuse, bcgirl55, karenlesley, amckenna, skirchmann2at, dog1128, tabwrn/Terri, deb_rn, Magnolia1962, Magda2016 (Greetings from the other side of the state and conVERYgrats on achieving grandmotherhood, you too Magnolia!), WSEvans1957/Wendy, janbal, KJLIII, lja20, this is the best thread with the wisest, warmest, wonderfullest women!:love:

    jb_2011 & beth, thanks for the quinoa/amaranth correction! Will buy some at the Co-op today and blend with Pam's-red-beans from the freezer for lunch this week.:smile:
    Michele and Rita, thanks for the stationary recumbent bicycle info. Not sure if DH would welcome in the living room :laugh: but it Might be what I need to get off this plateu. :grumble: That and staying within my calories...:noway: it will have to wait til summer due budget.
    Barbie, :heart: loved the pic, you ARE a tiny elf! My vote is to keep current format.
    macmadame taking not-round cakepops and making Santa's reindeer, now thats Lemonade attitude!:flowerforyou:
    reneecooperma Please:heart: find someone to go X-C skiing with you. I used to snowshoe alone but I was dumb.:noway: It is never a good idea to be in the wilderness alone, especially not in winter. Please!
    cathy Have you tried yoga for your migraines? :sick: For composing answers while reading posts, I have a saved NotePad file with my mfp signature and the date of my last post. Make window narrower and put side by side with mfp site, type what I want, then copy/paste into reply.
    Nancy Curling? Like sweeping boulders while iceskating? WOW!:bigsmile:
    SMVQ, Sally, Susanpv, debloves2ride, kackie, (Grand)Dee, Pam, Bea, Jeannie, genealace, robin, aliceLMS, Amanda, debiann58, Cathy, scompton54, suzy, Rita, jane, laniv, Susan0816, kazindahous, chell53, shmogo9, joyce, BellaBaba, Viv, rpphillip, katste48, 1960lisa, nuttyineverso, fitnessbarbie, Desiree, Rebel, Marcelnyh, astrosnider, Harmony14, Laura80111, vypeters, corqueen, kckramp, smwert, susan0816, pitbullmama, jipsyjudy (:heart: the new profilepic), lboyce. . . hugs to you all!

    Joined the 1000 minute challenge but only counting time on the mat doing chiro stretches, knee pt exercises and yoga. Only missed one day so far. Also counting steps, hope to average 10,000/day by end of Jan, then use that as minimum daily goal for Feb. Knee much improved, wore brace at dance class Thursday night, but walked an hour this morning without it.

    DH had Friday off, so I chose to skip square dance to spend evening with him. I picked up a Papa Murphy's thin delite pizza on the way home. Joe greeted me at the door with "I picked up a Papa Murphy's pizza, it's already cooked in the kitchen, have some!" We both chuckled all evening at the "great minds..." Was glad I had the thin delite tho', Joe's was original crust and everything meat. His is gone now, I have half of mine left, hoping to foist it off on him today. We're both pretty pizza-ed out:sick: which might be the best result of all!

    Barbara, who WILL be size 10 one day
    January: mat work and let go a little every day.
    2012: dance more, bark less and CHECK IN!!!
  • uts52
    uts52 Posts: 13
    Hi ladies, I am not good at posting but spend time reading all the posts. Finished the 1 st wk of the new yr. exercised every day- yoga, run, walk, body pump class at the gym. logged everything i ate. Always less calories than my goal but no wt loss!!!.s ad but will keep at it. It is the last 10 lbs I am trying to loose for 10 yrs. any suggestions? I drink a lot of water, no soda ever, i am a vegetarian.