

  • astrosnider
    astrosnider Posts: 151 Member
    Thanks for keeping this thread going, Barbie. I can't say I made my goals for November or December, but January should be a better month. No holidays devoted to food consumption. I am seriously committed to losing 5 pounds this month and to lose 20 by May 16, when I leave for Rome and a cruise to the Greek Islands. I went to my spinning class today and tomorrow will go to a newer class called Booty Barre. Plan to do at least three classes a week at the gym and work out on my own or walk with my husband on the other days. It's hard to lose weight once you have reached the advanced age of 66 as I have, but it's not impossible.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,392 Member
    Boy, miss even one day and I'm so far behind.

    First, let me welcome all the newcomers. What a wonderful thread you've joined! So happy to have you!

    Suz - thanks so much for the comparison of sweet potatoes to white potatoes! Whenever I've logged my food, sweet potatoes always seemed to be so high in calories but they're really not when you start comparing them to white potatoes. Thanks, especially since I LOVE sweet potatoes. "If you can grown your own veges and eat them the same day, they are healthier"....may I add that they taste better, too??

    Nancy - I take a bag of chickpeas, (I prefer the dry ones to the ones in a can since the canned ones are higher in sodium, and even if you rinse them, there will still be some sodium that soaked into them so I get the ones in a bag), let them soak overnight, then put them in the oven at about 450 for about 15 minutes (I check to see that they are brown and not burned so sometimes the time is a little different). Then I portion them into 1/2 cup servings, and that's IT. Good snack, high in fiber, high in protein, makes you want to drink water (I usually have about 24oz) so it's filling, and not high in calories. Win all around!

    I'm so proud of myself, I went to WalMart today and looked in the bakery section, they had samples, but I had absolutely no desire for any. I'm so happy

    I don't know what it is...but during dinner tonight, suddenly I got so very tired! I couldn't even finish my dinner (not that I had that much anyway)

    genalace - I sure hope everything works out for you. Let us know what they say at the ER, OK?

    yellowrose - I remember one time when I made this spinach manicotti. I thought it was good. But Vince wouldn't eat it unless it had meat in it, no spinach. So I made some with beef for him and the rest with spinach for me. Do you know that he expected me to cook them in separate pans??? I just said "it's bad enough I have to cook two different dinners, but I will NOT use two separate pans." Another time I was roasting mushrooms in one pan and in another I was making something for Vince. He SAID he could taste the mushrooms -- but I doubt it highly.

    Susan - I'm in the same boat as you. Ever since Vince retired, we don't have dental insurance. Long story short -- I had a root canal (that I don't think I needed, but that's another story), to the tune of a few thousand dollars. Just what I needed! Then the tooth got infected so I had to have it extracted and a bridge made. I, too, started my day off in the dentist's chair! Not fun, that's for sure!

    Question for anyone (especially the "gadget" people) - is there any type of item that you can take with you when you go for a walk that tells you how fast you are walking? The treadmill does that, but I'd also like to walk outside but I want to be sure I'm walking at a decent pace.

    Pam - PJ became diabetic and it got to the point where he'd actually come up and meow for his insulin! He had no problem with getting it. Hope Roscoe turns out to be the same way. I think PJ somehow understood that getting the insulin made him feel better. At least that sounds good to me!

    Robin - good luck on those interviews!

    Susan - good for you not getting into that ice cream!

    Cathy - happy birthday

    mixdouble - I do a mixture of pre and post logging of my food. I find that at times it's really good to log my food BEFORE eating it as sometimes I will go over and not even know it. By logging before eating the food, I can adjust and either eat something different that's lower in calories or not have that item at all.

    Did 50 min of Jillian Michael's Shred It with Weights DVD today, then went to the dentist, stopped at WallyWorld, came home and logged in, but before I knew it I had to leave for the Newcomer luncheon. I just had the soup. Well, part of that was because I had just been to the dentist and my gums were somewhat sore from the cleaning. The other part was that I really couldn't find anything that was decent, everything had all this cheese or dressings on it. Tomorrow I'll do an hour of deep water aerobics, then go play mahjongg.

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • Harmony14
    Wow - what a start to the new year and quite the kick off to my desire to have "gains and losses" in 2012 that were opposite to those of 2011.

    I will be leaving a long term job to start a new one (Omy - what on earth was I thinking taking on a huge new challenge at this stage of my life :smile: ) that I was offered yesterday and that I am so excited about! It will be very challenging but the environment and my new coworkers are so positive,and the best thing is it seems like the right path for me. It just feels like such a happy place to work.

    Had a teensy bump down on the scale putting me below the weight I have been carrying for the first time in several years and have done well with keeping away from emotional eating the last few days despite the tension in my current workplace, so I am feeling grateful and positive about that.

    No change with my stepdad - the waiting game continues, but I am at peace with the what the future brings for him. Although it sure has bumped up the phone calls with my mom as she is dealing with his care (with the help of a home care nurse) and he is very cantankerous and often doesn't know who or where he is - we are also pretty sure he hasn't grasped the little time he has left which I think is a blessing for him in a way.

    I was delighted to see all the posts that happened in the few days I was unable to check in to this thread - although I don't have time right now to make specific comments, I did read each and every one !! Wow - what an amazing group and so much support, caring and sharing. I am so happy I found you all.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: to everyone.
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Had a nice evening out with my knitting friends. I was looking for what to take because I've been making socks and I'm right at the toe on two of them so knew that wouldn't be enough to keep me busy. I was rooting through a bag to see what was there and came across a bit of knitting so pulled it out. It is a little bolero that I was making for my great niece. I counted stitches and found it was size 2-3. She is now 5 so I pulled out all that was done and took it with me and started it again doing size 6 because I won't see her until next year when I go to UK.

    Tomorrow I need to spend some time and read the instruction book to download some stuff on to my MP3 player that I got for Christmas, then I'll have something to listen to when I manage to get on to my treadmill.

    And so to bed.
  • yellowrose5321
    yellowrose5321 Posts: 111 Member
    @Exermom - if you have an ipod/iphone/mp3 player, there are albums available on which the music has been recorded to a fairly consistent beat for walking or running. I got 2 from iTunes -- one has 50s hits, one has 60s. Since I have used them while walking on my treadmill, I know approx how fast and how far I go during the song list.

    Another option -- if you walk a regular route and know the distance, or have a pedometer that will track your distance, and you know how many minutes you walked, a little math would tell you how fast. Distance divided by time = rate (speed) (sorry, I teach math :happy: those formulas just pop into my head!)
  • tabwrn
    tabwrn Posts: 9
    Well I should fit in with you all just fine. I am 54, almost 55. I am new to MFP, joined in Dec 2011. I never had a weight problem until I went through menopause and now I am fat!! I could stand to lose at least 30 lbs. My goal for January is to lose 5 lbs and become more consistent with exercise. I tend to give up easy, so I need the group motivation. I am not real good at figuring out how to stay under my daily carbs/proteins/fats yet. I tend to stay under calories, but sometimes go over in these other areas. I hope this gets easier with time. I want to thank whoever started this group...the graphics are adorable!! I am excited to get to know everyone. Terri E :flowerforyou:
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :heart: Hi Started to read all the post, but so many that I'll have to catch up with you all later or I'll be late for work!

    :drinker: Just wanted to say to you all thanks for being here, it's a good way to start the day reading how you are all doing, hope the inspiration stays with me for the rest of the day.

    :ohwell: must dash.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Happy Birthday Cathy hope it was a good one.

    :flowerforyou: Barbie - looking good!!!

    Really must dash.....
  • 1960lisa
    1960lisa Posts: 193
    Question for anyone (especially the "gadget" people) - is there any type of item that you can take with you when you go for a walk that tells you how fast you are walking? The treadmill does that, but I'd also like to walk outside but I want to be sure I'm walking at a decent pace.

    Michele... when I started doing my C25K thingy I was running outside and using the C25K app with gps... at the end of my session it told me my average speed as it could work out the distance I went.... if you have a smartphone there are apps to track your walk and tell you the speed, etc.... like this one for iphone http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/imapmywalk-walking-running/id307860824?mt=8
  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    Morning everyone. Headed out to take a walk with my daughter. She's in her last month of pregnancy so it won't be a cardio workout. Lol have a great day!
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    G'Morning, up n adam here since 4am. Dang dogs woke me up, lol. That's ok, it's not out of the ordinary and although my eyes are a tad scratchy, I'll be fine as the morning wears on. Going hiking with a friend around noon, I think we'll attack the steep trails over at Tryon since it hasn't rained overnight and the ground won't be too muddy. Hiking in NW Oregon can be a mucky trek this time of year.

    Salad Sistas Day 4. It's paying off.....I'm down a pound this morning. 1200-1250 cals a day since starting the challenge on Tues, big salad for lunch, decent daily exercise. Stomach is on "E" this morning and grrrrrrrowling.

    Happy Friday!
  • Benji49
    Benji49 Posts: 419 Member
    Good Friday morning all! I'm back to my pre-Christmas weight! Tawny is starting to feel better, and is eating again! I've actually done my 30 mins/day in activity but I can't really track the last 2 days. Wed night was spent going up and down stairs getting son ready to go back to uni. 14 stairs down/14 up x about a gizillion! Yesterday we had sewer backup at work and I had to move filing boxes and clean and wash and it was not pleasant - did remember to lift with my legs not my back though! :bigsmile:
  • Benji49
    Benji49 Posts: 419 Member
    Wait a minute - back up the bus!

    I've been reading posts and a few of you have mentioned weight gain during/after menopause. I've just started this lovely process. Do you mean to tell me that on top of everything I'm going to gain weight????? :noway:
  • FitnessBarbie99
    FitnessBarbie99 Posts: 283 Member
    Started every single workday this week with a quick morning mile! Love it. Easy, quick and a great way to start the day. Doesn't really burn a whole lot of calories -- 100 or so -- but it feels great.
    I am still shedding holiday weight, but I am getting quite close to my MFP low from before Christmas/New Years.
    Got the gym on both Tuesday and Thursday. Plan to get there after work today as well.
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Wait a minute - back up the bus!

    I've been reading posts and a few of you have mentioned weight gain during/after menopause. I've just started this lovely process. Do you mean to tell me that on top of everything I'm going to gain weight????? :noway:

    YOU may not. But many women do.
  • cathys01
    cathys01 Posts: 221
    HI Ladies:

    Happy Friday, Everyone!!! Thank heavens the weekend is in site!! My bosses did not come in this week so I have been very busy but the upside is the commute has been a little easier, which has been nice as lots of people are still on vacation. Come Monday, it will be back to normal, unfortunately :grumble:

    I don't think I have lost any of my Christmas gain but I am trying. I will just have to work harder next week, won't I :laugh:

    Truly, who would have thought that being post menopausal would have this kind of affect on your body :noway: Isn't it that women have to go through enough in life anyway, now we get hit with this whammy as we should be able to sit down and maybe relax after raising families and taking care of everyone but ourselves?? No, now we have to worry about our hips spreading to the size of a bus all because our bodies are slowing down :sad: I swear that is why God made men go bald, is to pay them back for some of the nonsense we have to go through :wink:

    Anyway, I am down with a rotten migraine, yet again. So, since we have so many new members, I wonder if I could throw this out to you all; if anyone has any suggestions for migraines? Now, take into consideration that I have suffered with them since my teens (decades - ewww how awful to say that). I have been to a Naturopath - didn't work out, I have tried many OTC products, no luck and I am currently being treated by a neurolgist for years and I am taking 350 mgs of Topomax a day and we keep trying new meds to add to the Topomax but I keep going off them as the side effects of each and every one is weight gain and the doctor understands I do not wish to gain weight. I am allergic to ASA and NSAIDS so some products I cannot take. We are trying to get the number of headaches per week down (I am currently having 2-3 per week) and then when they come, I am having a problem finding meds to take now because apparently the best ones to take are aspirin based and I cannot take aspirin. It is terrible, I hate the nauseau and light/sound sensitivity that I have with it. We have tried increasing the Topomax but that made me dopey (not a good thing :laugh: )

    So, Ladies, that is your mission, should you wish to accept it, see if you can help me find some way to conquer these damn headaches, even if after I get them :flowerforyou:

    By the by, thank you for the birthday wishes and Barbie, thank you so much for the lovely graphic, that was adorable!!!

    Well, I better run, I think I have to go and take some Gravol, the nauseau is staring to get to me :sick:

    So, My Friends, I will check in later and see if any of you brilliant Ladies have any ideas for me....

    Love, Cathy xx
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: HI ALL,

    It's been along time and I'm hoping to get back all the time.

    I see that several of you are asking about the 17 day diet...this I had in my files from last year:

    The 17 day diet is basically as follows....

    You eat Turkey, chicken as your proteins, eggs in the morning (2) (or egg beaters), veggies if wanted (make an omelette), green tea and fruit
    You can have 2 yogurts (fat free) a day and 2 fruits (eaten before 2 PM)
    This goes on for 17 days, then you start adding carbs back into your diet...

    It's pretty simple and anyone can do something for 17 days...right:wink:

    You will see that my ticker has been adjusted...last year was a year I NEVER want to repeat. I thought 2010 was bad with all I had to deal with the multiple trips to Oregon to take care of my Mom and then her passing....but I am convinced that 2011 was worse..;husband no job...my work not getting paid(yes I'm still at the same job...I'm just too loyal)...work audits from just about everyone (I'm on a first name basis with an IRS agent...THAT's pretty BAD:grumble: )....my Mom's home not selling ...our #1 son's home going into forclosure (we co-signed with him...)so now our credit is in the tanker....and to top it all off I GAINED a bunch of my weight back:sad:

    All of last year I kept saying I know what I'm doing wrong and just couldn't seem to stop the bad habits...I'm determined to return to my 2010 self and posting is a start....I KNOW HOW TO DO IT:tongue: and I WILL.

    Hope all are well and will look forward to getting to know all of you newbies.

    Happy Friday to All~Laura:drinker:

    Let's all drink our water and get off the couch and move:wink:
  • etremoi53
    etremoi53 Posts: 45 Member
    Hello and Happy New Year to you all. I am also very glad to find this group. When I started mfp it was my aim to find this demographic so I could share the unique issues of weight loss. The frustration of having to lower my caloric intake so much and the thought that it will have to remain so low probably for the rest of my life is a little depressing. I am getting used to eating less though and the person in the mirror is starting to look a little thinner. Shopping for clothing was a little bit more fun yesterday.

    I wish all of you a happy and laughter filled year. I have a very busy three weeks ahead of me. I am pretty nervous about an event that I am planning so I hope I can stay on track. That is where I am at right now.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I sort of scanned through the post. It is amazing how many there are already this month. too many to keep up.

    Happy Birthday to Cathy and all of our other January Ladies! May 2012 be a good year for you.

    My "green" goal for 2012 is to not use the elevator at work unless I am carrying something heavy or pushing something. Our center is spread over 2 buildings, so from where I sit to the furthest point is up and down 5 flight of stairs.

    Have a great day everyone,

  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    good morning all, got back from a spinnig class and a 30min bike ride, now to run some errands....roscoe is feeling better and eating again:love:

    @exermom/michele...there are a couple of apps that i know of , that track distance, time ect...one is ENDOMONDO and the other is RUNKEEPER, both are free apps that can be downloaded to your smart phone...or as another poster suggested ....if you have distance, the time, then its a math equation....good luck:flowerforyou

    oh BTW...i found this recipe which i am planning on doing this weekend and thought i would share.....

  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Just got back from my grocery shopping and I tried to keep it under control. BUT there was raisin challa on at half price and I really love it. So I bought a loaf and had some for lunch. I had a new scale for Christmas, so I carefully weighed the slices and then tracked it. The rest I'm going to cut into weighed slices and put them into the freezer, then I can have a package whenever I feel like it as long as I track it.

    We had some snow overnight and I had to clear out where the plough had gone by before I went shopping. When I got back the person who clears my drive had been and cleaned off all the snow. I expect he'll be back later to be paid.

    Welcome to all the newcomers - so good to have you all aboard. The more the merrier and the more good ideas we have.

    Cathy - have you tried acupuncture for your headaches?