
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy tues. all.
    jb-would love the recipe also
    Robin,baby is adorable.
    amanda,sorry for the troubles you are going thru
    Welcome teri.
    Hard to respond to all,but prayers for anyone who is struggling with health issues.
    Waiting on MRI results.
    Have a great tues.
  • FitnessBarbie99
    FitnessBarbie99 Posts: 277 Member
    Happy Tuesday All

    A coworker's DIL had a baby today too! Congrats !

    I had a very sedentary weekend and then a crazy active Monday. Did 1 mile walk with weights with Denise Austin on DVD, went to the gym for strength training at lunch and then did 5 wii Just Dance songs last nightl

    Today all I got is 10 mins of aerobics this a.m.

    DH has been in a horrible mood and I am taking us all (DD-22) out to dinner tonight. It's half price burger night, so I will have to avoid the temptation to go along with the crowd.

    I am going out for a little shopping after dinner with DD just to get out of the house. Plan to go to Target. Just need to get in the bright lights and away from DH's bad mood.
  • Hello everyone!!! :flowerforyou:

    Did my 5 mile walk today and glad to report that my bum right foot is okay and survived the 15 mile walk yesterday !!!:laugh:
    It was a bit sore for the first 2 miles but then everything was back to normal. I insured the foot a couple of years ago at a horse show but it has never worried me in my daily activities! But boy, yesterday it let me know!!! :wink:
    Good day today, logged in food and exercise and hope that by the end of the month I'll see some progress in the weight loss department!! It's about time!!!:grumble:

    FitnessBarbie - hope the burger dinner lightens your hubbies mood!! :wink:
    Jackie - welcome back and you can do it!! :bigsmile:
    rjadams - cutes baby !! Congrats!!:happy:

    Well, it finally started to rain and we have rain in the forecast till tomorrow evening :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    We need it!!!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful evening, :flowerforyou:
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    Hello ladies

    Having written earlier on that being a grandmother is the best, I've suddenly realised why so many people have 'joked' about wishing they could have skipped having children and gone straight to grandkids. My DD#2, who I have always been closest to is shutting me down and out. She is at a crisis in her life and I really want to help her, but she doesn't want my help (not that I could do much for her). The short version of the story is that her and SIL have been married for 11 years and have spent all of that time trying to get pregnant. They have spent thousands and thousands of pounds on IVF treatment - eight rounds in total - all unsuccessful and they have finally decided that it's just not going to happen. So, my daughter has decided to throw herself into her career, move to Germany and separate from her husband.

    It's really difficult to watch someone else's life fall apart - especially when you love them so much. My DH and I love our SIL so much too - he's like an extra son and I feel desperately sorry for him. He just has to go along with what my DD decides.

    For the first time in two years I have felt like eating the refrigerator today! My old demon comfort eating is trying to raise it's fat, ugly head. I will beat it though. My intentions are a stompy walk in the rain; a hot bath and a cuddle with my DH who makes my life so much better.

    Love to you all.
    Amanda x

    amanda, i am so sorry for what you are going through, as parent we alway want to protect our children and shield them from harm(no matter how old they are), i also feel so badly for your daughter and her husband, they both have to be hurting terribly...hopefully they will be able to resolve the issues since 11 years of marriage is a long time together...lots of hugs your way
  • realpure
    realpure Posts: 156
    Dear Amanda,
    Heart wrenching..... so sorry for your daughter and her husband. It is a struggle like no other. Rocks your soul as a woman. Maybe a note would reach her and she could read it on her terms when she is ready. Hope your walk in the rain, bubble bath and cuddle time help.

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    20 hours old and pratically perfect in everyway.:wink:

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Carol - EVERYONE is welcome. As I like to say "you're only as old as you feel, and I feel 39 " (I just don't talk about the days when I feel 69). You've certainly come to the right place for people who have been there done that, and to get good ideas. Congrats on doing the triathelon. With your determination, you won't walk this year, that's for sure!

    Cindy - I'm sure your brother is devastated by the news of his girlfriend. And a big congrats on being able to buy those jeans!

    barbie - I understand what you mean about your neighbor vs. those people driving just to sit all day. Sad to say, most of the Newcomers prefer to play board games or do things that require a lot of sitting (bridge for instance) Yes, I do play mahjongg and mexican train dominoes and bunco, but I also like the bowling league. Not that it's very strenuous, but at least I'm doing something. Mahjongg is good for the mind but bowling is not only good for the mind but also somewhat active. I think that's about the most active activity we have, and I personally think that's sad. Oh, come on, Bernie was just trying to show you "downward cat", that's all...lol

    I don't know if I could get away with giving away my baking ingredients and baking pans. You know, I never had a "dessert" for dinner until I met Vince. We usually didn't have anything. Tonight Vince looked and said "there isn't anything for dessert". I thought there was one more of the chocolate mousse, but he'd eaten that this afternoon (yea!) so he's on the last of the ice cream. I made some fudge for him. I could never get the consisstency of the fudge correct, so I'm trying a new recipe. We'll see how it goes. I'll take it out of the refrigerator tomorrow and probably cut it into large pieces so that it'll fit under the domed cake dish.

    Nancy - you've given me another idea of something to add to my oats. I have some bananas frozen (they're the ones that are ripe and the store usually sells them pretty cheaply). I'll take a frozen one out, thaw it on top of the oats, then when it's thawed maybe I can cut it up. Interesting...gotta give that a try. That rec center is probably losing money on your mother...but that's a good thing

    A question: on my homepage there are a few people who are listed as "under calorie" but yet there isn't a link to their diary. I see others respond with things like "well done, good job", etc. Is there a reason why I can't view the diary?

    Another question: when a food goes into your list of recent foods and then after a while it is no longer there, is there some way you can retrieve that. Like there are times when I make something and put it in the freezer. I don't get around to finishing it up until after it is no longer in the list. When I go to search for it, I find lots of other things like it, but I'm not sure of my exact item. For example, say I make a meatloaf. There are lots of meatloaves in the database. If I don't eat it in a certain time, it gets deleted from my "recent" foods list. And then I'm not sure which meatloaf that is in the database is the one that I'm having. Does this make sense?

    Terri - welcome! Don't get frustrated. A loss is a loss. Better slow than not at all.

    jb - I hope you find that recipe for the muffins. Does it have the nutritionals on it? I'd be interested. I have this recipe for a key lime cake. It's good, but to me it has a lot of oil in it. I don't think I can substitute applesauce for it. Does anyone know of anything else that can be substituted without changing the taste of the cake. I do want the lime to stand out.

    Salad Sistas - give me some ideas of things to add to a salad. I've added egg whites and mushrooms today along with carrots and romaine lettuce. If I have a red pepper, I add that (or a green or even yellow). I just don't think that bacon bits do anything for the flavor, and I know that I wouldn't like nuts in the salad.

    Virginia - actually, Vince got the step for me, my bet is that he probably got it on amazon. As far as a step DVD, it kind of depends on you. I like Gin Miller's Step Classic. It's pretty basic but it does get your heart rate up. I just tried two step DVD's by Petro Kolber and I don't like them. She says things like "over for five". Well, in every class I've ever taken, that meant you went over the board five times. What she means is that you go over in five STEPS. I got so screwed up that I think I'm going to return the DVD's if I can.

    Well, going to take a shower, watch some TV, then get to bed. Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member

    Another question: when a food goes into your list of recent foods and then after a while it is no longer there, is there some way you can retrieve that. Like there are times when I make something and put it in the freezer. I don't get around to finishing it up until after it is no longer in the list. When I go to search for it, I find lots of other things like it, but I'm not sure of my exact item. For example, say I make a meatloaf. There are lots of meatloaves in the database. If I don't eat it in a certain time, it gets deleted from my "recent" foods list. And then I'm not sure which meatloaf that is in the database is the one that I'm having. Does this make sense?


    michele, i know what you mean...what i do is use the recipe calculator and save my recipe there(i dont save it to the MFP database)......hope this helps.....oh i think that persons diary must be private...if not it would say "view...."
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    @rjadams....your granddaughter is BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!:love:
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Robin your grandbaby is precious.
    Got the MRI results.Lots of damage,arthritis,acl damage,inflammation,tears,have appt with a n ortho dr on thurs.
    Possibly surgery.just had knee surgery 1 year ago on the rt knee.
    Could use prayers and support.
  • Terri (Bettelovr) I can empathize. I just turned 50 and I find that I am always asking the fitness instructor for alternate exercises because my joints seem to take turns swelling and hurting - all the more reason to get into better shape. Two years ago I lost 40 lbs over the summer (by walking and eating healthier), but now I find I struggle to get my pound a week. I think it is partly because I am not visualizing like I was - mind over matter.
    Hang in there, and just strive to be the healthiest you you can be!
  • cathys01
    cathys01 Posts: 221
    Hi Ladies:

    Here we are Tuesday, almost Wednesday already - where does the time go??

    Desiree - I am amazed at the amount you walk, you are incredible :drinker:

    chicletgirl - You sexy thing, you!! I am so happy to see you acutally having some nice, special time with your man. Enjoy :laugh:

    rjadams - Gramma, your baby is gorgeous. What a lovely name too and such a nice size. Congratulations :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Laura - good luck with your audit tomorrow :smile:

    Cindy - hope the health issues with your brother and your other brother's GF get worked out :flowerforyou:

    Nancy - I have to say, you DO sound like a very good teacher, I second what chicletgirl was saying about you. Some people have a true calling and you sound like one of them :flowerforyou:

    genealace - hope your DBF is doing a llittle better :flowerforyou:

    Jeannie - when I hear a story like yours, I count my blessings that I live in Canada and we are lucky enough to have universal health care so every Canadian is covered by unlimited health care (at least that is where we are right now, but who knows how long it will continue for :frown: )

    Amanda - I am so sorry for you are going through. You are right, you want to protect your kids forever. Probably the best you can do, is be there for both of them. I honestly hope they can work it out. In the meantime, it will be very hard for you all :cry:

    Jackie - we are here for you :happy:

    Susan - how is your new baby doing???:love:

    Well, I better go and start getting ready for work for tomorrow. Morning (5:00 a.m.) comes pretty early :laugh:

    So, take care and talk again soon.

    Love, Cathy xx
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Light the lights...that’s what we did at school today! We’re learning about electricity so I had the grade 6’s building electric quiz games. If they wire their boards the right way light will come on when they match a question with the correct answer. It was fun, and as I talk about it I realize how easy it’s going to be to mark. If the light doesn’t come on, I’ll know the wiring is faulty. :noway: Hah. Busted! Back to work, child.

    We have a guest teacher for PE for the next two weeks: gymnastics. Wowza, that’s a workout! If I could take the class with the students I wouldn’t have to go to the Rec Center after school. Trouble is, I have to stay on “guard duty” and help organize. :ohwell: Super fun, though.

    Genealace: I’m praying for you and your DBF. Hang on there in cold Ottawa and take care of yourself. :flowerforyou:

    Pam 3: I’m right there with you, love the feeling after a good weight training day.

    Jeannie: Sorry you hear you are cold, and worrying about money. :indifferent: Try porridge! The food of the Scots, how could you loose? Woops, I mean yes, you probably will loose, but you’ll win in terms of cheap, nutritious and warm!

    Slow and slower: Hello Terri, :grumble: I’ve been counting the calories and hitting the gym hard for the last 20 weeks and I’ve lost 16 pounds. It’s frustrating for sure, but I remind myself that the slow and steady path is better in the long run. Keep logging and keep moving and those fractions will add up!

    Salad Sistas: left over roasted broccoli, mixed greens, raw sunflower seeds, balsamic vinegar and a tiny, tiny bit of blue cheese. Amazing! Have you ever tried adding paprika (the Spanish kind) or other herbs/spices? Could be a good hit of flavour. Hmmm…

    To weigh or not to weigh?:smile: Realpure, I alternate between ignoring the scale and weighing often. Weighing often keeps me super conscious of my progress but it can be discouraging. I’ll be looking forward to hearing your 3 week results.

    Daughters! :cry: Oh, Amanda, I’m sorry you’ve had so much sadness with your daughter. It’s a cliché, but isn’t it true, all you can do is make sure she knows you always love her and your heart is always open for her. And then there’s the demon that tempts us to fill the empty spaces that sorrow leaves with food….bubble baths must be better in the long run but it’s hard.

    Olivia Jeannette Roberts is a vision of beauty and potential. :flowerforyou:

    FitnessBarbie – take care, keep smiling. I hope Target did the trick. :bigsmile:

    Valarie, the idea of visualizing is interesting. Can you tell me more about it?

    Hey! :bigsmile: The boys had chicken fingers, oven baked french fries and broccoli-slaw for supper. What did I have? Two hard-boiled eggs, broccoli slaw, steamed peas & corn. Hah! :laugh: First time in my life I've passed up the chance to eat a potato! I stuffed the left-overs into J'boy's lunch box as soon as we were done so I won't be tempted to snack-while-cleaning. Feeling strong tonight!

    Hasta pronto,

  • jaks97
    jaks97 Posts: 179 Member
    20 hours old and pratically perfect in everyway.:wink:


    precious, enjoy being a Grandma
  • deb_rn
    deb_rn Posts: 144 Member
    Hello everyone,
    Congratulations on the beautiful grandchildren. My daughter texted me to say that my grandson started crawling, popped out two new teeth and is pulling up on the furniture, all since I was there last weekend!
    I agree about the insane price of groceries. Healthy eating is not cheap!!
    I went off of maintenance calories and back to 1200 a day. I have a few pounds from the holidays that won't go away. I went to the gym tonight and did cardio but still have not incorporated any strength training, I have definite bat wings going on since I have lost weight!
    Hope that everyone has a great Wednesday!
  • cindyw7
    cindyw7 Posts: 29 Member
    Hello Friends - My brother's girl friend, Elaine saw the surgeon today. They can do an immediate lumpectomy or they can wait a couple of weeks for the results of a test they took to determine if she has some kinds of gene. If she does have the gene they will want to do a double mastectomy on her. Then they sent her right over to the reconstructive surgeons office. They plunked her in an office with a video to watch about the the reconstruction process. Poor gal got unglued and my brother took her right out of there and said they could deal with it later if it was necessary.

    Thanks everyone for the prayers and well wishes for Elaine and for my other brother, Don who is having his biopsy on Thursday.

    Genealace, I'm so sorry that I misunderstood about DBF condition. I will be praying!

    Jeannie, I've been anemic for a couple of years and am constantly freezing too. It's not much fun. I'm sorry about the financial situation. May you have an unexpected windfall that helps you out.

    Terri, It does get harder to drop the weight as we mature and our metabolism slows down. Don't give up. It's possible!

    Jb-2011 - I'm looking forward to the blueberry muffin recipe!

    Suegal - Beef takes longer to break down and digest than other forms of protien. The weight should go away.

    Amanda, I'll be praying for your daughter. It must be very difficult for her to see her sibling have a child when she has struggled so long and hard to have one. Let SIL know he is loved and keep the doors open. You never know what a little time and space might bring about. It will be very difficult to have her so far away! My daughter moved from Michigan to Vegas about 5 years ago. I hate it!

    Virginia - We are going to the Bahamas - Freeport & Naussau.

    Fitness Barbie, I hope DH's mood improved by the time you got home. Love my guy dearly but when he gets moody I too find escaping for awhile to be the best way to handle it.

    Desiree - 15 miles! I can't even begin to imagine that. I'm still struggling with making myself get seriously involved in some sort of physical activity. I all but put garlic on a string around my throat to repel the nasty stuff. Sigh

    Rjadams - What a BEAUTIFUL baby. Thanks for sharing. Jealous!!!!

    Jane - praying for you and your knee! May the surgeon find a minimally invasive way of repairing the damages.

    Nancy - you are always so full of helping hints & great food ideas. Thanks for sharing so openly with us!

    Debbie, If you find a way to get rid of those bat wings, please share it. I need to get rid of mine too!

    Good night and blessings to all of you! Cindy
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Good evening, Dear Ladies!

    I had a good day back on track after 2 or 3 bumpy ones. Feels good to feel in control again. It is never a straight line, but I have to keep heading in the right direction:tongue:

    Robin: Olivia is absolutely beautiful:love::love: :love: I know you are counting down the days until you can get there and get your hands on her:love::love: :love:

    Genealace: Good for you on your loss! Every little bit is good!

    Jeannie: I am so sorry that you are cold and your cupboards are getting bare. Take care of yourself

    Nancy: I love to hear your teaching stories. I can tell that you are a very good and caring teacher and your students are fortunate to have you!

    Jackie: We are glad to have you back here. I miss hearing your tales!:flowerforyou:

    Jane Martin: I hope you find some help for your pain now that the MRI is done. Thinking of you and sending all good thoughts your way:flowerforyou:

    Valerie: Yes, I am interested in your "visualization" techniques too!

    Need to get my achy body on the floor for some good stretching before heading to bed. I have to be back out clipping and trimming in the morning on some community property that I help take care of for our Garden Club.
    Everyone take care:flowerforyou: Kackie
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    :heart: :heart: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I am bonkers after an evening of financial paperwork on and off the computer interrupted once by demanding dogs who wanted to go out.......DH has gone for his evening of meditation so I have a rare evening alone (with dogs and cat)

    :flowerforyou: Jane, I am sending good wishes for a speedy solution to your knee problems.:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Robin, how could your granddaughter not be beautiful with you as her grandmother.:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Virginia, maintenance is a challenge---add calories gradually, and don't think you can ever stop being vigilant

    :flowerforyou: Jeannie, someone told me today that she uses a heating pad to help her stay warm........I use blankets along with all my extra layers of clothing.

    :flowerforyou: I am reminded today that this is My Fitness Pal......not........My Weight Watching Pal........staying focused on fitness (healthy eating and enough exercise to improve health) will eventually result in the weight loss and the long term health we all want.

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :love: :love: :love: :love: hugs to all of you.....:heart: you light up my life :bigsmile: :smile:
  • westernjoy
    westernjoy Posts: 175 Member

    Olivia Jeannette Roberts. My baby made a beautiful baby:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter.
    Congrats on the newest addition to your family. Enjoy every moment with that beautiful baby.
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Just a quick check in before I go to bed. DBF was quite sedated this evening but overall had made some progress during the day. He had been sat up to dangle his legs over the side of the bed again, and some more chest x-rays with a view to perhaps removing his breathing tube tomorrow. He is sedated so much because he keeps trying to take the tube out.

    But the fluid is still draining well, and he looked a little less puffy.

    I think I might try to go to my aquafit class tomorrow morning - didn't go last week because of furnace and DBF problems, so I need to get back to some activity as I've done virtually nothing this week except going to and from the hospital.

    Only 1 student this afternoon. Others had problems of conflicting appointments or being unwell. The one who was there needed a bit of help, so I didn't feel that my time was wasted.

    And so to bed.......