
  • mixdouble
    mixdouble Posts: 41 Member
    Congratulations Virginia. :glasses:

    Twin sister and I celebrated our 66th birthday on MLK day and toasted the Social Security Admin. Both of us are still working full time but that extra can pay down debts so we really can retire. Yippee!

    Re Heart Rate Monitor; I have used a polar monitor for several years and now my DH is using it too.

    What a weekend, including Friday. Had my usual breakfast at work on Friday and never got lunch. Took mom to Dr. to have lump examined. She has had breast cancer so we watch closely. Dr. took out one lymph gland for a biopsy. The location is right near 2 stents from previous dialysis proceedures, so there is a strong possibility that the swelling was due to irritation/trauma, not cancer. We'll know later this week. What a woman. 89 and on dialysis 3 times a week. Still goes to the gym at her apt. bldg and walks the treadmill for 20 minutes 3 times a week. She also watches her diet very carefully. We are so lucky to have her still with us and she is such an inspiration.

    Saturday was all shopping for my family and for my mom. Then took sis out for a celebration dinner. My little sister moved in with us in August and has finally gotten a job. Our hope is that she can be self sufficient in a couple of months and start looking for a place of her own. Having her living with us has been wonderful, but we are all looking for normality to return.

    Sunday had brunch with a long time friend who was in town briefly, went to a rowing club annual meeting and followed with dinner at old neighbors house.

    All great fun, but have to return to work to rest.:yawn: Back to logging exercise and food. Trying to remember everything I ate and drank is rather in-exact:embarassed:
  • cathys01
    cathys01 Posts: 221
    Hello My Dear Friends:

    I tell you, one cannot miss even one day of posts or you get hopelessly behind, which is where I am right now!!! There are so many posts that I cannot reply to them all, I am sorry about that.

    A few warrant special mention though...

    Susan - congrats on becoming a Gramma :flowerforyou: You will love it, it is so special.

    Virginia - you are such an inspiration, reaching below your goal, WOW :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Sissy - I have to say, I always wondered what that dress looked like, cause I thought it sounded kind of neat when you were describing it, and I love it and you 2 look lovely together :love:

    To all the Newcomers - Welcome. You will love it here, a terrific group of ladies are here.

    To those of you facing challenges; may you find the inner strength to deal with and face those challenges head on and conquer them :smile:

    To those of you who had losses of pounds or inches. Congrats :drinker: :drinker:

    Well, I best get back to work and I will try not to get so far behind next time :happy:

    Take care, Everyone.

    Love, Cathy xx
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    @barbie, thank you for the book recommendation...i have audible.com and heard the first 90minutes today...i love the part that he said about you having a history with food...wont be able to get back to it until friday, looking forward to the rest...thanks again:flowerforyou:
  • Hello everyone, :flowerforyou:

    been gone for a few days and can not believe all the new posts !!!:wink:

    Today I walked 15 miles !!! :tongue: I was trying for 20, to see if I could make a Susan G. Komen walk - 60 miles in 3 days - :tongue: :tongue: , but my bum right foot went on strike !! :grumble:
    Oh, well, I tried and I'll just keep on walking my daily 5 miles !! :laugh:

    Hope everybody has a wonderful evening!!! :flowerforyou:
  • chicletgirl21
    chicletgirl21 Posts: 99 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hello everyone!

    Despite the rain today, (which we need badly here in Calif) I feel so good today!:happy: Could it be because I spent half the day yesterday with my guy? Probably. We haven't been able to spend this much time together in a long time. (That's why I am looking forward to him moving in. He will be coming home to me!:love:) Anyway we had such a nice time just 'hanging' with each other and listening to music and drinking some wine(and doing other things I won't mention, but you get the drift:wink: ) and finally watching a DVD. The really nice thing about being with him is that I don't need to go someplace fancy or expensive to have a good time with him. I feel so relaxed and happy when he is with me. He takes away all my stress. I really hope this all works out in the end. Still, I am going slowly and TRYING not to get too carried away with him just in case. But it is getting gets harder and harder everyday.....

    I know you wrote this a long time ago, but I just caught up on the posts today. What a great teacher you are! What grade do you teach? I wish I had had a teacher like you. Heck, I wish I my son had had one like you. I love the fact that you are so creative with your lessons and how you involve your children in the decisions of the day. If more teachers were like you, school would be fun and enjoyable again. Have you ever thought of suggesting to other teachers your ideas at teacher meetings to open their eyes???
    My son hated school. The only reason he "put up with it" was because he was involved in swimming. The main reason he disliked it?......rules and respect issues. School is nothing like when I grew up. Nowadays there are so many rules and regulations that hinder both teacher and students, that it is just a battle to get through the day. Teachers like you are rare and hardly exist anymore. I would say 95% of the teachers I interacted with wth my son were just going through the motions until they reached their tenure and then just didn't give a damm after that. All in all, kids, no matter what age, want to feel important AND respected. THEN, they in turn give respect back to the teacher. I noticed that the teachers demanded and expected respect from the getgo. But kids are like mini-adults.They want (and need) to be seen and heard. What adult meets someone for the first time and automatically does whatever that person wants them to do out of respect? Respect is earned and it should go both ways. You, do that with your students. I suspect you teach young children. But even still you are allowing them to be independent, yet work as a group with being able to make decisions for the class. Doing that makes them feel important, respected for their opinons, and they end up respecting you! Sometimes I think all the rules and guidelines that are in place now "for their own good" are really destroying what school is all about. The way you teach is what it should be like. The school my son grew up with didn't have them work as a group, but ended up alienating all of them and have them think about themselves first above all else. Not in a selfish way, but to protect themsleves, because they felt alone and knew no one would be able to help them. I am just glad that my son had me in his life and trusted me enough while growing up to help guide him. So many kids are on their own, because parents aren't being parents, when they need them the most. Don't even get me started on how parenting has gone wayward!
    At any rate, I didn't mean to rant and rave, but wanted to congratulate you on a great job you are doing and wanted to tell you I appreciate everything you do for those kids. I wish all teacher were like you.:drinker:
    As for the gifts....the person who reconmended the oriental trading group was a good suggestion. They have neat little things and they are inexpensive. In my office I had a toy chext that we gave to patients that did well. The kids loved that. It had all kinds of things in it. Rings, bracelets, stickers, pencils, toys, all kinds of stuff. They liked that more than school supplies. It was like going through a treasure box.

    What have you heard from the vet? My dog had seizures. They would occur for no reason, but eventually worsened and became more frequent. My vet told me that every time they happened it damaged a part of his brain. My dog would become overheated because of them. It was horrible to go through and eventually I put him to sleep, because he was suffering so much. It wasn't epilepsy, there was just something wrong with his brain that couldn't be controlled with medication. His body would stiffen and his eyes would blink rapidly and he would make coughing sounds. When they were over he would walk funny for a few minutes. They really affected him badly. As for why he had them, I had no answer. He wasn't exposed to any chemicals. Primarily because I am a lousy housekeeper. (Okay I am not proud of it, but I am being truthful :laugh: ) I hope all goes well for your baby.

    Cool avatar!:glasses:

  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Welcome New Members….glad that you are here!
    I had a slight gain today. I do weigh in everyday---it is something that just works for me. It’s just one piece of information. I think the 17 Day Diet has been a good focus for me. I am in the 2nd cycle now and I am really being more on target with it this time than I did when I was on it right before Christmas. I can really feel a difference in my body with adding just a couple of starches per day. I blew off the gym today and I am mad at myself for doing it. Right before I was going, I checked the mail and got a bill from Blue Cross (we have had many “surprise” medical bills for tests lately and it’s a pain to figure out is this covered, part of the deductible, or co-pay). I spoke to a very nice rep but still didn’t get a definite answer. I don’t like feeling there are more bills over my head. I was in such a mood….and I didn’t eat…but I took a nap (another common reaction for me). Yuk!! As I read through the posts here, I think I need to get some DVD’s for exercise as a back -up for times when I stay home…I probably could have done a lot of exercise while I was on hold getting through all the depts. I needed to speak with today!
    Virginia….Congrats on making your goal!!! How cool!!! What a great accomplishment; definitely time for a happy dance. I like Wyman’s frozen mixed berries or Wyman’s blueberries with my oats. If I feel I need a little more protein, I add ½ serving of a plain greek yogurt.
    Realpure….I use a protein powder on days when I have longer stretches between meals in my schedule and it really helps.
    Sissy…so glad that you had a great cruise. I think that new jacket sounds wonderful. Love the color!
    Mary…that muffin on the go sounds like a good idea. I made some “Omelet” muffins in cupcake tins for my early mornings this week….used eggs, eggbeaters, roasted cauliflower and fat free mozzarella. I hope they are good. I am going to have that and an orange tomorrow.
    Genelace…what a stressful time you are having. Glad that things seem to be getting better. I hope your DBF recovers quickly.
    Sue….Good for you with handling the meeting and having a loss!
    Mixdouble…Happy Birthday! Your mom truly sounds like an inspiration! What a weekend you had!!
    Desiree… 5 miles a day is incredible. I hope your foot feels better!
    Chicklet.... So great to hear about you enjoying just where you are with your relationship...Enjoy!

    Have a good night,
  • Nice site. Good to read all the positive things. Started my journey about 5 days ago and am feeling good.:happy:
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Perhaps someone can give me some guidance - I have read that lots of people are on or have been on the 17-day diet with great success. I looked at the book at the store the other day and read the first few days of meals.

    If you don't eat the things they recommend do they give substitutes? So many of the meals have at least one thing that I can't eat because of allergies. I am very, very allergic to flax seed and have to be careful of multigrain breads. It is such a 'good' food and soooo good for you that they are putting it in more and more things. Great except if you are allergic to it. I can't eat nuts, peppers, onions, spicy things, etc, etc.

    If I just ignore the items I can't eat will I be deficient in some thing that is essential - protein, vitamins etc, etc.

    Thanks for your opinions.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Olivia Jeannette Roberts 7lbs 10oz, 20.5 inches long and mother and she are doing well. All I can say is Wow! I feel so much unfamiliar emotion.
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    Olivia Jeannette Roberts 7lbs 10oz, 20.5 inches long and mother and she are doing well. All I can say is Wow! I feel so much unfamiliar emotion.

  • kckramp
    kckramp Posts: 112 Member
    Wow I guess today is good news.
    Virginia: Happy happy Joy Joy Reaching goal is such an accomplishment.
    rjadams: Congratulations on Olivia Jeanette.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Virginia - I have resistance band with the handles, so that'll work. Now to find that DVD, hopefully without the band. Or if worse comes to worse, if I can find it on sale at a good price, I'll buy it with the band and then donate the band. I have a set of the kind with the handles and Vince has one of the ones that's just a piece of thick elastic (ya know what I mean?) that he used when he had pt for his tibial plateau fracture.

    Did an hour of the extremepump class. This afternoon I bowled 5 practice games. Tomorrow I'll do a DVD that I got for Christmas, it's a step DVD. I really need to check these DVD's out in case there's a problem I can return them. Normally, I wouldn't do step so soon after having done it (I think I did it like 2 weeks ago) but I want to check out this DVD.

    Oh yea -- one of the Y's by us has one Stairmaster, there's been a sign on it that it was broken. Hope it's truly been fixed because I'd like to use it.

    kackie - thanks for your concern, that means a lot to me. Yea, I really do think that the overload of refined carbs did me in. I really indulged in comfort foods, I was so worried about Loki. You know, even if he does have another seizure, I don't think I'm going to be falling into the "comfort foods" pit again, I do think I'll be able to handle it better the next time (which hopefully there won't be) that happens. Loved reading all about your college friends. That oyster roast/shrimp boil sounds really neat

    Virginia - CONGRATULATIONS! CONGRATULATIONS! and let me say CONGRATULATIONS! Loved your post, especially the part about considering a back flip but deciding against it as rehab would take too long. barbie suggest applesauce, so I add some of that to my steel cut oats sometimes. Also, sometimes I add cottage cheese just to balance out the protein/carbs. I've also put frozen fruits in it, as the fruits defrost they leave behind a syrup that I mix up with the oats. Sometimes the oats can be somewhat "bland" so I'm always looking for ways to "perk them up", too.

    sissy - let us know what you decide on your trip. All your suggestions sound wonderful!

    Mary - I'm like you, I have to plan out my breakfast the night before. If I don't one of two things will happen -- I'll eat junk because that's easiest and I don't want to think early in the a.m. or else I'll just go without breakfast.

    Welcome cgcotten! Congrats on being a grannie and going to be again! Awesome!

    A hearty welcome to normajean also. You've come to the right place for constant support and inspiration. You CAN do this!

    mixdouble - NOW I totally understand your screen name! Happy birthday! What an inspiration your mother is! I loved reading what you had to say about how she lives her life. that's fantastic! During the day I jot down on a piece of paper what I had to eat. Otherwise, I KNOW that I'd forget things and not log them in. It has already happened where when I've gone to log in my food, I've said "did I have THAT today?"

    Pam - I do the same things -- get my books from audible and then listen to them while I'm at the gym. Usually, tho, I am increasing speed/incline so I do need to keep an eye on the time, otherwise I'm afraid I'd get so immersed in the book that I'd go at a slower pace. Therefore, sometimes I have to listen to a book 3 or 4 times to get the whole thing. Not that that's a bad thing.

    Desiree - what happened to your foot? Hope it's nothing real serious.

    chicklet - you sound so very very happy, and I'm happy for you :) You deserve all the happiness possible

    chicklet - the vet took blood and urine samples, everything was fine with them. I guess you can look at it positive in that we know that there isn't any kidney or liver disease. He's taking more of a "wait and see" attitude. If the seizure were to happen again, we'd certainly tell him and I have no idea what he's going to do after that. Hopefully, there won't be any more incidents. You know, I just thought of something. Vince likes to feed the cats a bit of "people" food, well, our food has all these chemicals and additives. I'm going to suggest that he not give the cats any "people" food (or at least not Loki) and see if there are any more seizures or not.

    That d*** Wii little Mi is still saying "you're overweight". How I hate that. Can't wait until he no longer says it. I know it's not that I'm terribly overweight, but I just don't like when he says that. It bothers me, even tho I know that my weight isn't bad and my clothes feel good. Last year at the holiday season some of my pants were a bit tight, but it wasn't that way this holiday season. I just don't like when that little guy says that!

    Sally - while you're on hold, why not do one of the Leslie Sansone walking DVD's? A lot of the time when I'm on hold is when I clean my cabainets (the outside)....lol sometimes even the floor (not vacuum)

    Welcome susankaye!

    Robin - CONGRATS to you!

    Remember we were talking about the "Master Your Metabolism" book? I was listening to Chris Powell and he seems to be of about the same mindset

    Better go empty the dishwasher, then get ready for beddybye. Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • justkate2
    justkate2 Posts: 33 Member
    Congratulations Grandma!!!! I told you the wait would be worth it. I love her name.. :flowerforyou:
  • vypeters
    vypeters Posts: 475 Member
    Olivia Jeannette Roberts 7lbs 10oz, 20.5 inches long and mother and she are doing well. All I can say is Wow! I feel so much unfamiliar emotion.

    Congratulations, Grandma!!!! She will wrap you around her teeny-tiny pinky I predict.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Congratulations Grandma!!!! I told you the wait would be worth it. I love her name.. :flowerforyou:

    Thanks. my mother's name was Jeannette so I am so touched that my daughter chose that name.
  • NorthwestLadybug
    NorthwestLadybug Posts: 32 Member
    Hello ladies. Can I play? :-) I've been looking for an active, friendly, supportive board with people I can relate to and who can relate to me. By jove, I think I might have found it! ;-)

    I'm Carol. I'm 55 years old -- which feels really awkward to mention because I definitely don't feel like what I used to regard 55 as: old. I'm not sure where the years have gone, probably because I was so busy LIVING them. I won't give a full life story here, but suffice it to say that my husband and I live near Seattle (though both of us grew up in California), have been married for almost 30 years, and we have four fabulous adult kids. I'm an Educational Media Specialist and a Project Manager, though I recently started my own business (www.sandcastleeducationalconsulting.com).

    I'm ashamed to say that, in the 8 years since my mother died, I have really "let myself go." (I have a feeling the two are related...) I guess I just stopped caring about moving and being fit. I trained for and completed the Seattle Danskin Triathlon for the past two years, but always walked the last part because (I told myself), the ankle I broke in 2009 hadn't healed yet. This year I am finished making excuses. I am determined to get my health back -- not because I want to be that cute, petite cheerleader of yesteryear (those days are loooong over!), but because I want to be healthy enough to meet my future grandchildern (and my kids are all so independent, there's no telling when THAT will be!) and because I want to finally travel with my husband after raising four kids and putting them all through college. (This is our 10th straight year of paying college expenses for at least one and up to three kids!) Now it's about simply being healthy and having more energy.

    I've kept a blog for the past few years and you'll learn more about me there than you might ever want to know: www.northwestladybug.com. :-)

    Please feel free to friend me... but do leave a note mentioning that you're from this board, please.


  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :smile: :flowerforyou: Monday is over, and I hope all of you had a good day

    CONGRATS:flowerforyou: Virginia....What a milestone:smile:

    rjadams - Welcome to your new little one:flowerforyou: was that a female name??? It seems that in our family boys are all we have....:sad: we are hoping that DIL #2 (expecting grandchild #3) will show us some pink this time:wink:

    Welcome to the newbies, you will find a world of encouragement here:drinker:

    Yesterday hubby and I went to the movies (twice), saw Joyful Noise ...ahhh the music was wonderful. And then went back in the evening to see War Horse, it was a very good movie and I loved the scenery of the English country side.

    Well I'm off for tonight, don't know if I will be able to get on here until I get home from work again. I have a Labor and Employment Audit tomorrow afternoon:grumble: and am NOT looking forward to that. I can only hope it goes smoothly.

    Tomorrow is my weigh in day and I'm hoping for the scale to move:ohwell:

    Keep drinking your water:drinker: and moving that body:happy:

  • cindyw7
    cindyw7 Posts: 29 Member
    Hello Ladies -

    Thanks everyone for the prayers and well wishes for my brother Don. I will let you know when we find out how the biopsy went. I spoke with my youngest brother, Joe today and found out that his girlfriend Elaine has an aggressive form of breast cancer. He is devastated. When it rain it pours!!

    On a brighter and much more trivial side, I went shopping at Costco today and purchased some jeans size 14! Usually I have to buy jeans one or two sizes larger than my regular size. So that was a good sign.

    Michelle - we are going to Leesburg where we both have family. Then we go on a cruise. Later in the month we will go to the Gulf side to visit other family members.

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Virginia - SUPER DUPER CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU!!! WHAT A FANTASTIC ACCOMPLISHMENT. GOD BLESS YOU!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    msh05430 - Thanks for the mug muffin recipe. I will have to get some flaxseed and give it a try!

    Genealace - So glad to hear DBF is home. praying for a full recovery. Try sending a text message to a bunch of folks at once. It saves time and energy. Be kind to yourself. I'm convinced it's harder on the caretaker than it is on the patient.

    Suelegal - thanks for the tip about Sensato & Dixie Diner. I'll look for them.

    Mix double - Happy Birthday. Are you identical twins?

    Susan Kaye - welcome to the group.

    rjadams - Congratulatiosn on the new grand daughter. May she be showered with blessings!
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Congrat`s grandma.Love the name.Enjoy every minute you can.They grow up so fast.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    :bigsmile: Somebody asked where I get the motivation do so much exercise…..here’s an example. Today while I was walking the dogs I saw two couples in cars come up the two block dead end street to the clubhouse to play cards. Three days ago I talked to my 80+ year old neighbor who was shoveling her driveway and she told me that she leaves her house at 4:45 AM every day to go to the community pool to swim. I am active today so I can be like my neighbor, not like the people who drive two blocks to spend the afternoon sitting.

    :flowerforyou: And for further inspiration, I found these two quotes:

    “No matter how slow you go, you are still lapping everyone on the couch.”

    “You will never have the butt you want as long as you are sitting on the one you have.”

    :flowerforyou: It was icy again this morning so I had to stay close to home and walk in the meadow behind the house and the grassy area across the street. There is still a lot of snow on the ground but the warm afternoons (40 degrees) are melting it. We saw a lot of tree limbs that came down during the wind yesterday but no serious damage in our neighborhood.

    :flowerforyou: Jake took the dogs with him when he went to do some errands this afternoon so I did yoga thinking I wouldn’t be disturbed…….but Bernie the cat wanted to bite my fingers while I was doing twists and downward facing dog. Just about the time I thought I’d have to stop and lock him in another room, he moved to the chair and lay there and watched me the rest of the time.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Virginia, congratulations on your loss…..you are an inspiration to all of us.............I raised some 5 pound dumbbells overhead in your honor…..we have steel cut oats about once a week for dinner…..we add some combination of walnuts, raisins, chopped dates, applesauce, chopped apple, and gomasio (sesame salt).

    :flowerforyou: Nancy, I gave away most of my baking pans and all my baking ingredients about two years ago……I decided that I don’t have to famous for my chocolate chip cookies and pumpkin pies anymore……I have other talents.

    :bigsmile: Desiree, wow, walking 15 miles in a day……I’ll bet with the right motivation from the others in the walk that you’ll be able to do it.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Robin, congratulations on your new granddaughter

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    January goals:
    *keep walking the dogs for an hour or more every morning no matter how cold, wet, or snowy.
    * do yoga three days a week
    *100 squats a day