
  • JipsyJudy
    JipsyJudy Posts: 268 Member
    Hello to all the new people today. I'm fairly new here myself. This is a fabulous group. Just reading the posts and knowing that there are all these wonderful 50+ women doing the same thing I'm doing is fantastic motivation.
  • cindyw7
    cindyw7 Posts: 29 Member
    Hi Folks - we went for Chinese food and I only ate 1/2 the meal. I thought I had chosen a safer meal until I got home and logged my food intake. Sigh...

    This is my first week. I am doing well on logging, reasonably good on the food (excluding today) but need to get more motivated when it comes to the exercise.

    purk59, that's a great goal! Keep up the good work.

    Januarygal - good luck with all of those goals! They sound fun.

    tiarapants, I am SO impressed with your weight loss. God bless you!

    jaks97, I feel and share your pain. But we have all taken the first step to having the body we want to have.

    topaz - those foods you described soudnd wonderful. It's great when technology works in your favor!

    Many blessings to all of you! Cindy
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member

    Meet my new son Ritter. It is the name of a German chocolate company and it also mean "Knight" and since this young man is very honorable and wise I thought it fit. Bodi can't wait for him to get bigger so he can play tug of war. He seems very fond of the little fellow.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Welcome to all the new members….many of you have asked for suggestions, so I have a few.

    :flowerforyou: I just read this in a mailing from AARP and wanted to share it with you. This is excerpts from the article.

    :flowerforyou: “Stop sitting so much, you’ll live longer……Mounting evidence suggests that sitting for long periods increases the risk of obesity, diabetes, cancer, and early death, even for people who exercise regularly….Prolonged sitting appears to have powerful metabolic consequences, disrupting processes that break down fats and sugars in the blood…..sitting makes the blood vessels less elastic…..”

    :flowerforyou: Maybe this will be useful for those of you who exercise regularly but still don’t seem to be losing weight.

    :flowerforyou: Another helpful idea is to make your food/exercise diary public and log your food and exercise every day. When someone asks for suggestions, it helps if we can see what you are already eating and what your exercise looks like before suggesting things that you’re already doing. Also, if your food diary is public, you might think twice about a day with 1200 calories that includes 400 calories from wine and 400 calories from candy.

    :flowerforyou: Add a new exercise once a week or so, rather than going crazy and gung-ho all at once and then quitting everything or getting overwhelmed. And always consider walking an additional 5 minutes each week or two…….it will surprise you when the minutes add up and you’re walking for an hour and don’t even realize how you got there.

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: Robin, I love your new dog already.......I am so happy for both of you and your hubby and Bodi.:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    January goals:
    *keep walking the dogs for an hour or more every morning no matter how cold, wet, or snowy.
    * do yoga three days a week
    *100 squats a day

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."

    "The temptation to quit will be greatest just before you are about to succeed."
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Today was a great day. I got a lot accomplished. My godchild backed up my computer on an external hard drive so I am not as nervous that it is going to crash and I would have nothing backed up. I went grocery shopping and feel ready for the week with a plan. I got up late but I made it to my strength training class...phew! I feel so much better when I have a day like this.

    Robin.... I love the pictures of your new addition....I wish you great joy!

  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300

    Meet my new son Ritter. It is the name of a German chocolate company and it also mean "Knight" and since this young man is very honorable and wise I thought it fit. Bodi can't wait for him to get bigger so he can play tug of war. He seems very fond of the little fellow.

    I love chocolate labs! How adorable. I have a black lab named Missy. We love her too! congrats on the new family member!

  • theface.jpg

    Meet my new son Ritter. It is the name of a German chocolate company and it also mean "Knight" and since this young man is very honorable and wise I thought it fit. Bodi can't wait for him to get bigger so he can play tug of war. He seems very fond of the little fellow.

    OMG!!! He is so very very very cute!!!

  • Just beginning my journey, like others turning 50 is sort of a wake up and I need to get "healthy" hope this will help. :smile:
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member

    Meet my new son Ritter. It is the name of a German chocolate company and it also mean "Knight" and since this young man is very honorable and wise I thought it fit. Bodi can't wait for him to get bigger so he can play tug of war. He seems very fond of the little fellow.

  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    I too like this format better than a group Barb,

    I Lost 38 pounds 12 years ago on Herbal One. It took me 10 years to gain it all back. I am reluctant to spend the money for a regain, I am going to try to do it myself. I this is for the Medifast girls - I share your pain about the return of the weight!

    I walked the dog for two days this weekend - nice weather here in Ontario. 2 miles each day. so I feel good tonight. We will see if the scales reward me tomorrow. I am almost 58 only five feet tall and weigh 151.8 about 25 too much!

    Good evening all
  • Bump Bump - Love this thread. I'll caught up on the post tomorrow! I am 55 and would love to have friends 50 and over to share food ideas. THANKS
  • jaks97
    jaks97 Posts: 179 Member
    Does anyone have suggestions. I can go without eating, which has stopped my metabolism. I did WW a few years back and had a hard time eating all the points, I do eat breakfast M-F on my way to work, and during the weekend I can go a long time without food, how can I work more food into my day while working 8 hours. Looking at my counts this weekend I have gone over the 1200 calories l listed should I change my goals or????Any help is appreciated

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • heartbeatoz
    heartbeatoz Posts: 14 Member
    Hi Ladies I'm Jacki 53 living in Adelaide South Australia and need to lose weight for my Heart but I am finding it difficult trying to lose it alone. I've joined a few challenges over at the Jillian Michael's site so I want to make 2012 my Year of change.

    Cheers from Jacki in OZ
  • topaz2986
    topaz2986 Posts: 92 Member
    Hi Ladies..

    My vote would be to keep our format instead of becoming a group. I like reading all of the posts, too.:bigsmile:

    amckenna....Vitamuffins sound yummy. Right now I usually eat an apple w/a bit of peanut butter but I like new things especially something that travels to work...and Target is right around the corner.

    Robin...Ritter is tooooo cute. I'm sure he'll be one loved n spoiled pup. And Bodi has a new best friend!:heart:

    Hi to all the new ladies.:drinker: This is a great group. So many ideas and thoughts are shared here. It's a blessing. I'm thankful for everyone here.

    Everyone have a good week. I can't believe my weekend flew by so quickly. I am sooo not ready to go to work tomorrow! :noway:

  • raanmorton
    raanmorton Posts: 2 Member
    I just joined. 5 days into it for the new year. I usually fizzle out too, but not this year. I hope to be healthier and happier this year. I am hoping to lose 50 lbs. Having a little trouble. I am getting my water in, trying to get 2 fruits and 3-4 vegatables a day, protein at each meal. I'm not sure what the best daily calorie should be? How have you ladies determined what your calorie count would be forre each day?
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    Does anyone have suggestions. I can go without eating, which has stopped my metabolism. I did WW a few years back and had a hard time eating all the points, I do eat breakfast M-F on my way to work, and during the weekend I can go a long time without food, how can I work more food into my day while working 8 hours. Looking at my counts this weekend I have gone over the 1200 calories l listed should I change my goals or????Any help is appreciated

    since going without food hasn't worked for you, try something different
    following an eating plan......try something like the South Beach Diet or the 17 Day Diet or the DASH diet or the Flat Belly diet and follow their meal plans exactly so you can learn how to eat healthy. Stay with a plan for a few weeks----don't bounce around. Add exercise a little at a time......read what others are doing and get some ideas.

    :bigsmile: and never, never, never give up
  • maryjay51
    maryjay51 Posts: 742
    i need to get the rest of this weight off of me and someone told me about this webstie..i lost 80 lbs already but not from being on here.. since i started on here its helped me to get back on track and be more accountable for my food and exercise.. going to be 52 next month and am looking forward to being in a specific dress for my birthday.. got asked out on two dates this past week so finally im getting my social life back..im too young to be old which is why i started dieting in the first place.. when i turned 50 i just had it with myself .. man oh man what a change i have made since!!! cant wait to show before and after pics when the day comes
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    I just joined. 5 days into it for the new year. I usually fizzle out too, but not this year. I hope to be healthier and happier this year. I am hoping to lose 50 lbs. Having a little trouble. I am getting my water in, trying to get 2 fruits and 3-4 vegatables a day, protein at each meal. I'm not sure what the best daily calorie should be? How have you ladies determined what your calorie count would be for each day?

    :bigsmile: the best place to start would be to let MFP set the calorie goal and stick with that for awhile......on your home page, there is a tab that says "Goals" Click on that and follow the directions for guided goals.

    :bigsmile: Everything I've done on MFP has been by starting small and making small changes, taking baby steps as a learn new things. If you keep coming back every day, you'll learn more about good choices, protein, carbs, nutrition, exercise, and all the building blocks for a successful weight loss journey.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: we welcome you
  • goingmodern
    goingmodern Posts: 25 Member
    It's been almost 2 months since I've posted anything, but I so enjoy the stories, comments and encouragement from this group. You're a great group of gals!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    So if you are curious, Ritter is just 7 weeks old. Bodi is completely smitten. It is so fun to watch them together. My heart is just filled with total joy and happiness. I am sure that Kiera is pleased.
