
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Nancy, I just read that you're going down "south" to Sandpoint today.....I lived in a log cabin in Sandpoint for 12 years until 1995. I played music in all of the clubs, worked as a signpainter, did lots of camping and canoeing, loved it there! I remember shopping at Yokes, and I hear there's now even a Home Depot and Walmart. Great little town.
    As far as bean salad goes, yeah, you're drifting off into Mexi-bean-salad, lol. Sounds like it might be great!
    Congrats on getting compliments last week, too! Sure feels nice when someone notices.
    Have fun.

    :^) jb
  • Frustration Frustation Frustration. I weight myself and actually GAINED one pound despite keeping well under my calorie count
  • Yeah, I found part 3 !!!! :laugh:

    Happy Saturday to everyone, :flowerforyou:

    Had a great 5 mile walk this morning and soon I'll tally my miles for January!!:smile:
    DD#1 and I went to the Dallas yesterday to see the " Jean Paul Gaultier " exhibit at the museum and it was spectacular!! She is a costume designer in her spare time and was really fascinated by all the designs we saw!!
    Afterwards lunch at the "Hard Rock Cafe" and a bit of shopping for new lingerie (a size smaller!!!) :bigsmile:
    It was a fun day!! :happy:

    Hope everybody has a great weekend, :flowerforyou:
  • megathome111
    megathome111 Posts: 58 Member
    Good Saturday afternoon ladies...is there room for one more in this group. It looks like my age group, and my kind of people...dog lovers / pet lovers!

    I am Mary-Ellen Gregory...they call me MEG. I joined this site on January 17th, and have lost 3.6 pounds since doing so. I love the accountability that it gives me. I started out the New Year by joining an event called Shedding Pounds for Hounds that was put together by some dog-rescue friends. About 24 people solicited pledges from people for $$ per pound. The proceeds go to one of 3 different rescue groups in our area. I am working for a group called the Grey Muzzle Organization .. specializing in the rescue & placement of senior dogs. I started out the program with that nasty cabbage soup diet for a week...which helped me lose a 7 pounds...of which, of course, I gained 3 back almost immediately after going off of it. Until I joined Myfitness Pal...I was getting pretty frustrated with the lack of loss. I am now back on target, and down a total of 9 pounds out of the 25 pounds I set as my goal for this Doggie Fundraiser.

    Your successes at weight loss are amazing and motivating! I hope to be posting the numbers that you gals are in the future.

    Hoping all are having a great day!

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Thanks Barbie for,the help.Could`nt figure how to get to part 3.
    Hope everyone is enjoying their sat.
    Just found out today,the place we are staying,my girlfriend is loosing her home,so we may have to move in 2 weeks.
    Hubby lost his temp job,no income,no savings.No where to go except to move in with my son,his wife,my other son and my grand daughter.They have a small house and I know we will be on top of each other.The other alternative is a shelter.'
    Who would think it would come to this,when hubby lost is great job.Lost our home of 17 years,now our 4 precious cats.
    Maybe some of you could pray for us,if you believe in that.
  • vypeters
    vypeters Posts: 475 Member
    Hi everyone, and Happy Saturday.

    Today, DH and I went for a walk. A long walk. 284 minutes (without stopping) long and 30,487 steps according to my pedometer. I wore my new Polar heart rate monitor and it said I burned 1285 calories...astonishingly, that's within 50 calories of what I get when I use the MFP numbers. Who knew?

    Anyway, a lovely walk but my calves are aching a little. That's the farthest I've ever walked at one time in my life.

    Exermom: I'm never amazed anymore by what has high calories. I was disillusioned a decade or more ago when I learned the chef's salad is usually one of the highest calorie items on many restaurants' menus.

    Genealace: Glad DBF is well enough to be out of intensive care. Hope he continues to be better every day.

    jb_2011: I just love this, "Tried on my outfit for tonight and I must say I was very pleased with how I looked - I don't think I've been able to say that for many, many, many years." Congratulations!! And your dog is adorable. What's his name?

    1960lisa: Curly is one handsome dude! The big pic just lets us see him in all his glory, so no worries!

    Davetecsgirl & Megathome111: Welcome! The more the merrier!

    jaks97: Do measure. It's encouraging sometimes when the scale isn't moving to realize the tape measure is, if you know what I mean. Sounds like you're definitely making good progress.

    Kleinbuenstor: Cannot WAIT to hear your January miles. I was so proud of my hike today but you put me to shame!

    Janemartin02: I am so sorry to hear how you're struggling. {{Hugs}} Will keep you in prayers. Times have gotten so tough for so many people, my heart goes out to you.

    Tomorrow is an off day for me exercise-wise.

    Have a wonderful rest of the weekend all!

  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Glad to find the new thread and see everyone tonight. I've been wiped out the past two days...wondering where my energy went!

    I know I need to get back into the swing of things. I am struggling with exercise; trying to get a handle on do I listen to my body or do I push through and work out. I think I need to find a happy medium.

    I'll be back soon!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Virginia - I didn't realize that you were so young!!! Of course, your picture shows it now that I look closely. Wow! What a wonderful feeling to not have to check the strap! Good for you.

    kc - congratulations! August will be here before you know it. I have no idea where January went to! How old are the kids on your robotics team? When Bryan was little, he was CONSTANTLY playing with Legos. Some of the things he would do just amazed me!

    Weighed in. The Wii says I gained from yesterday, but the scale says I lost a pound from last week. I knew that I would have a gain, we had dinner late in the evening. That's a sure fire way for me to show a gain!

    Did an hour of a yoga DVD today. It's supposed to be by this woman but she is doing the exercises while this guy leads you. But it's still good. Tomorrow I'll do a pilates DVD

    Welcome davetecsgrl - glad to have ya.

    Sherry - when I first got my Wii, my body age was something in the 70's too. Now it's usually in the 30's. You'll get there, if I can do it -- ANYONE can

    Jackie - so glad you caught that mouse! They sure can be frustrating things, can't they??

    Laura - have a nice time at the "b&b"

    Meg - there's ALWAYS room for one or more! So glad you found us. What a great incentive to lose weight you have!

    jane - my heart is breaking for you. I just can't imagine how you're feeling. Of course, prayers and more prayers from NC

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • cindyw7
    cindyw7 Posts: 29 Member
    We had a great evening. We went to the home and builders show at the expo center. They have lots of vendors and stuff to look at regarding ways to improve your home. Did lots of drooling and wishful thinking! We went with some really good friends and had fun. Was very bad at dinner though. I don't seem to be very successful at staying on track lately. I think I need a new attitude!

    JB_2011, I tried your muffin recipe but used raspberries instead of blue berries. It was wonderful! Thanks for sharing it with us.

    Jane - I am so very sorry for your plight. I can't imagine what you must be going through. You are in my prayers.

    I loved the pictures of the dogs. They are adorable. A greyhound rescue had some animals at the show today. One was a small brindle that I loved but DH kept ignoring my hints. Sigh....

    Praying for all of you especially those who are coping with difficulties.

    Good night! Cindy
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Back at it, ladies. Lost weight on my vacation, instead of gaining. Unfortunately being sick was not how I had wanted to lose the pounds. Starting to feel better, although still very weak. Just prior to our leaving for Mexico, we had had a ton of snow, and had contemplated cancelling, wondering if we could actually make it out to the airport. But eventually we did and the flights back and forth were very smooth. Puerto Vallarta also vastly improved their airport, which made me a much happier traveler. While we were away (and yes it was only 1 week) our alarm went off twice thanks to wind storms and power outages. What a week to be away.

    When we arrived home, our daughter delighted us by posting a wonderful video of our little grandson, trying out his first "solid food". He was very interested in the bowl :smile: :smile: We love him so much.

    I have started to log my food on MFP again. That's a good sign, right?! Hopefully February will see me getting healthier - one day at a time - after all the busy time and stupid dental problems and lack of energy.

    I also wanted to get this post in still in January so I could find you all back in a couple of days, i.e. February!

    Much love :heart: :heart:
  • 1960lisa:flowerforyou:
    How lucky your dog is to be adopted! He is so cute and HUGE! He just looks like he is a fun, fur ball! He actually seems to be smiling at you. Thank goodness for people like you that will adopt an older dog. They usually have their own baggage, but all in all just want to be loved!:heart:

  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Good evening, Dear Friends,

    Read all the posts to catch up and I send my best to everyone...but must say a special hello and thinking of you to:

    JaneMartin...I am so, so sorry for what you are going through. I send all good energy, kind thoughts, a big hug and prayers for you and your family. You have such a good attitude...I just know that has to help you all get to a better place soon. Know that we are here for you please. And take care.

    Talk to you all soon. :heart: :heart: Kackie
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    :flowerforyou: Lisa, your dog looks like you would want to sit and snuggle with him all day.

    :flowerforyou: Pam, I have my copy of “The Thin Commandments” in the bathroom so I can go back and reread some of the best parts before I put it away or give it away….I read about the Olivia method and it makes sense….good luck to you.

    :flowerforyou: Virginia, your weight loss and inches loss is an inspiration…..I am so glad you joined us on this thread….you have added so much to my life…..that is an amazing walk…..are there rest rooms along your route?

    :flowerforyou: Genealace, if DBF wants his toothbrush and is complaining about the food, then he is definitely headed toward recovery.

    :flowerforyou: Jb, congrats on a successful concert and on your weight loss and the responses from others. I had the experience of seeing a group of friends who hadn’t seen me since I lost weight and they commented on my new hairstyle.

    :flowerforyou: Nancy, when I started with my pedometer it was a challenge to get to 10,000 steps, but now that I don’t work and I walk the frisky poodles, the numbers are much higher…..the highest numbers are on the Wednesdays that I meet a friend for a four mile walk in the afternoon after having walked the dogs for two hours in the morning and gone to a two hour line dance class…….my old pedometer couldn’t tell the difference between walking and riding an exercise bike so that made a difference in my step count.

    :flowerforyou: Debsgallery, be sure you are giving your body enough nourishment, especially when you are active.

    :flowerforyou: Jane, I will be thinking positive thoughts for you……your great attitude has been an inspiration for me…..I wish you better times.

    :bigsmile: We’ve had a day of walking, yoga, and working on financial paperwork……will it ever end?????

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    January goals:
    *keep walking the dogs for an hour or more every morning no matter how cold, wet, or snowy.
    * do yoga three days a week
    *100 squats a day
  • msqdpie
    msqdpie Posts: 92 Member
  • Good Morning. Changed my profile picture so that you can all meet my little Scarlett Victoria. That's some serious love there. Today is my day to go back home. It's going to be tough. We're heading to the hospital with some breakfast for us grownups then we have to hit the road. But in 2 weeks I get to come and spend 9 whole days here. Yay.
  • cindyw7
    cindyw7 Posts: 29 Member
    I just found this at http://www.merckengage.com/common/article.aspx?ID=49. I try to avoid fast food places but we are driving to FL in a few days and I know they will be in my future. I hope this helps. Got to go get ready for choir practice and church!

    If you're looking for fast food that's
    (less than 350 calories)

    Arby's :

    Ham and Swiss Melt Sandwich Calories 300
    Kids Meal—Popcorn Chicken Calories 260
    Kids Meal—Jr. Roast Beef Sandwich Calories 200
    Chopped Farmhouse Salad—Turkey and Ham Calories 250

    Burger King

    Chicken Tenders (4 pieces) Calories 180
    Tendergrill Chicken Garden Salad without dressing Calories 230
    Cheeseburger Calories 310

    BK: Veggie Burger without mayo Calories 320


    Toasted Wrap with Tender Roast Filet Calories 310
    Kids Meal—Popcorn Chicken Calories 290
    KFC Snacker, Fish Calories 320
    Honey BBQ Sandwich Calories 300

    Chicken McNuggets (4 pieces) Calories 190
    Premium Caesar Salad with Grilled Chicken Calories 220
    Hamburger Calories 250
    Cheeseburger Calories 300

    Pizza Hut
    Veggie Lover's Pizza—12-inch Medium Thin 'N Crispy (1 slice) Calories 180
    Fit 'n Delicious 12-inch Pizza—green pepper, red onion, and diced red tomato (1 slice) Calories 150
    Pepperoni 12-inch Medium Hand-Tossed Style Pizza (1 slice) Calories 230
    Veggie Lover's Pizza—14-inch Large Stuffed Crust (1 slice) Calories 330

    Kids Meal Turkey Breast Sandwich (on 9-grain wheat bread with lettuce, tomatoes, onions, green peppers, and cucumbers) Calories 190
    Tomato Garden Vegetable With Rotini Soup Calories 90
    Subway Club Salad (without dressing or croutons) Calories 140
    6-inch Veggie Delite Sandwich (on 9-grain wheat bread with lettuce, tomatoes, onions, green peppers, and cucumbers) Calories 230

    Taco Bell
    Fresco Crunchy Taco Calories 150
    Crunchy Taco Calories 170
    Fresco Grilled Steak Soft Taco Calories 160
    Fresco Ranchero Chicken Soft Taco Calories 170

    Caesar Side Salad Calories 60
    Small Chili Calories 220
    Junior Hamburger Calories 230

    Plain Baked Potato

    Calories 270

    The nutrition information is from the respective restaurant Web sites. Please refer to their nutrition guides for more information. Accessed July 13, 2010.

    And do not forget, when you're choosing your meal by the calorie count, the condiments, sauces, and dressings can add a lot. When in doubt, order it plain.

    Always be sure to talk with your health care professional before making any changes to your diet.

    God bless you! Cindy
  • ddmjwm29
    ddmjwm29 Posts: 5 Member
    Just came accross these postings. I'm glad to see there are other members like me (in the 50s crowd)!
  • Good morning everyone,Today is a beautiful Sunday Morning, cant wait to get on my treadmill, lol did I say that, cant wait? I have a friend that ran a 26 mile marathon in January in Disney World. She just started training in March 2011, never ran before. So now Im scared of the commitment but I would like to train for the half marathon.. Yikes. But so excited. She gave me a training program to follow. If your in good health it can be done. By the way the pic of the airdale is sooo cute. My mother use to have one they are adorable...
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    Thanks Barbie for,the help.Could`nt figure how to get to part 3.
    Hope everyone is enjoying their sat.
    Just found out today,the place we are staying,my girlfriend is loosing her home,so we may have to move in 2 weeks.
    Hubby lost his temp job,no income,no savings.No where to go except to move in with my son,his wife,my other son and my grand daughter.They have a small house and I know we will be on top of each other.The other alternative is a shelter.'
    Who would think it would come to this,when hubby lost is great job.Lost our home of 17 years,now our 4 precious cats.
    Maybe some of you could pray for us,if you believe in that.

    jane i am so sorry for what you and your family are going through, i will pray for you....please take care