
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Happy Friday, Dear Ladies!

    It is sunny and nice here and even with this head cold (I think that is what it has become) I had a nice walk this morning...too nice to stay inside...and it did make me feel better:bigsmile: I just didn't walk at quite the pace that I normally try to.

    Cathy: Migraines. :sick: :sick: :sick: I am so sorry! I have not suffered from those but I feel for you. I have a good friend who did and tracked everything she ate along with when she got the migraines and found some foods that, if not causing them, were making them worse. Worth a try? Take care! I got a laugh out of your rant about spreading hips...it is just a bit too true to be really funny though!:angry::angry:

    Fitness Barbie: Good for you on your morning mile! that is a wonderful habit and helps burn some calories all day, I am sure!:flowerforyou:

    Benji: Regarding menopause: You are doing all the right things to PREVENT the weight gain, so keep up the good work!

    Laura: I am so sorry to hear about your tough year and especially about your Mom. I hope that 2012 is a much kinder year to you and your family. take care:flowerforyou:

    etremol: It is a bummer that we have to reduce our caloric intake as we age isn't it? I think the only remedy is to up our exercise...not always easy! It is nice to have a group who share the same issues here and can offer tips AND sympathy!

    Jeannie: Good to see your smiling face again and good for you for the resolution regarding the elevator....that should be a great way to add some exercise during the day!:flowerforyou:

    Michelle: Regarding gadgets and miles per hour walking, I am not a great gadget person but I do wear a pedometer every day and when I go for my "walk", it records the time and the distance and then I know how fast I was walking. I think someone else already mentioned this?? Anyway, good luck! It is a good way to motivate you to go further or faster each day. (Not that you have that problem, girl!!!)

    genealace: SNOW??? Where are you? I know even in the rockies there is not much snow this year. We head to MT next month to ski so I am hoping the snow hits that area more often.

    Regarding 17 day diet: I am doing it now and am on day 6. It has been super easy SO FAR and it certainly helped me curtail the cravings that I developed during the holidays for sweet and starchy things. It has helped me drop the weight that I gained during that time, which normally takes WEEKS. I bought the book online, but in a nutshell: you can eat eggs or yogurt for breakfast, lots of veggies and 2 servings of fruit (key for me...I can't live without my fruit), chicken and turkey for your meats and you don't have simple carbs during the first 17 days. Then you alternate a day WITH some complex carbs added in and a day without, so that you are mixing things up a bit. Then the next 17 days you add more. I am just taking it one day at a time to see how it works for me. So far, so good:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I am so happy not to have guests in the house for the next couple of days. It helps me so much to stay on track when it is just the 2 of us. We DO have dear friends coming Sunday for the night and then we all go to mutual friends for a LARGE get together overnight. I am planning in my little head how I WILL plan this better than usual!!!!!!!! I will, I will, I will!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Have a wonderful weekend! :heart: :heart: :heart: kackie
  • topaz2986
    topaz2986 Posts: 92 Member
    It's a wonderful thing! All the new faces, all the great successes! I haven't logged on in a couple of days...other (less fun) parts of life got in the way. I think I hit a smooth patch for a while. I'm sending that to the Universe..Please can I have some peace and quiet???:flowerforyou:

    Welcome to all the new ladies. I think I'll have to give up trying to address everyone like I used to..we are a very large group and I can't keep it all straight in my head:embarassed: . Just know that I applaud all your accomplishments, wish you all the best of health..and love reading each and every one of your posts. And thanks for all the info and tips for better healthy eating.:drinker:

    I haven't been doing horrible...but haven't logged my food either. Guess that's kinda horrible in itself. It should only take a couple of minutes to do...but.....I'll do better.

    Why is it so easy to put ourselves at the bottom of the list of "things to do and take care of"?

    I hope everyone is having a good day. Friday's are always one of my favs. I'll check in later...I might even have some exercise and food to log!!!!!:drinker:

  • deb_rn
    deb_rn Posts: 144 Member
    Can someone give me a quick version of how this works? 54 yr old here, would love to participate!
  • yellowrose5321
    yellowrose5321 Posts: 111 Member
    . . . can't really track the last 2 days. Wed night was spent going up and down stairs getting son ready to go back to uni. 14 stairs down/14 up x about a gizillion! Yesterday we had sewer backup at work and I had to move filing boxes and clean and wash and it was not pleasant - did remember to lift with my legs not my back though! :bigsmile:
    You should get a pedometer! Last year, when my son got out of the army and moved back home, I went to help him move out of his apt. The apt was 2-story, but started on the 2nd level of the 3-story apt complex. Even taking out the 5-hour round trip from Ft Worth to Ft Sill (Okla) that I was sitting in the car, I got over 20,000 steps that day (roughly the equivalent of 10 miles) -- and the majority of that was up and down the stairs! Normally, I'm doing good to get the 10,000 I should be getting.

    I have a Omron-303 pedometer. Only $20 at Academy (sporting goods store) -- I think Walmart carries them too. It tracks my total steps for the day, how many were aerobic, calories burned (based on my weight which is entered during set-up), and miles (has to be calibrated to your step length for accurate measurement, but the instructions for calibration are easy to understand and the process isn't difficult). It also stores 7 days worth of data, so I can look back and check for progress, etc.
  • yellowrose5321
    yellowrose5321 Posts: 111 Member
    @etremoi ("It's me"?? -- trying to remember the one year of French I took in high school lol)

    Having to cut back on calories as we age can be depressing, but there are ways that you can at least reduce the number of calories you have to cut back. Of course, as the food diary here reminds us, the more activity you do, the more calories you can consume. Also, the main reason our bodies use less calories as we age is because we lose about 1% of our lean muscle tissue every year after about age 40. Having less muscle mass slows down our metabolism. However, we can counteract that by adding strength training exercises to our workouts. It doesn't have to be a lot -- you can pretty much cover all the major muscle groups with 5-6 exercises and about 10-15 mins -- but it can make a huge difference in terms of weight loss (or preventing weight gain).

    Welcome to the group!
  • @ Cathy, just read your post and remember Dr.Oz recommending Feverfew for migraine a couple of days ago!
    I googled it and there is a lot of info!! Maybe it's something you can try and hopefully it will help you!!:smile:
    Good luck,
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Kakie - I'm in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada and we haven't had a lot of snow yet. The snowbanks are only about 2ft high. Didn't have much overnight, but there is a forecast for more tonight.

    deb_rn - not sure what you mean, but I'm assuming that you want to know how to join the group. Well, by posting you have joined. Just tell us a little bit about yourself, your goals, your aspirations etc and if you have questions on how to lose, what to eat just ask. There is a lot of help available. Someone usually knows the answer.

    I need to get off my ever widening rear end and leave the computer screen alone for a while and go and look at my treadmill.
  • Hi Everyone: I'll be 50 this coming March. May I join in with you?
  • Susanpv
    Susanpv Posts: 37 Member
    TGIF...Since I've retired, everyday is Friday.:laugh: With the economy the way it is, I wish I was still working.
    I was soooo very good yesterday with logging and exercise. I was proud to be under in my calories, and then it struck!!! While watching Grey's Anatomy....the ole ice cream in the freezer started calling:devil: ...I succumbed and ate a very large bowl. Instead of the 3 mile walk I did, it should have been a 10 mile hike uphill to cover all the excess calories. So far today, I have been good. It's the after dinner and watching TV that gets me. Need to work harder in that area.
    I really am enjoying reading all the posts. It's nice to be able to relate with mature women:drinker: :drinker:
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    TGIF...Since I've retired, everyday is Friday.:laugh: With the economy the way it is, I wish I was still working.
    I was soooo very good yesterday with logging and exercise. I was proud to be under in my calories, and then it struck!!! While watching Grey's Anatomy....the ole ice cream in the freezer started calling:devil: ...I succumbed and ate a very large bowl. Instead of the 3 mile walk I did, it should have been a 10 mile hike uphill to cover all the excess calories. So far today, I have been good. It's the after dinner and watching TV that gets me. Need to work harder in that area.
    I really am enjoying reading all the posts. It's nice to be able to relate with mature women:drinker: :drinker:

    the after dinner time is the worst for me too...at times i give in, i find that if i brush my teeth right after dinner i do so much better...tomorrow is another day, you'll do better...good luck:flowerforyou:
  • karenlesley47
    karenlesley47 Posts: 36 Member
    Well my first 2 days as a MFP member have been really good, at the moment im 'in the zone' but know full well it wont be that way every day & weekends are definitely my hardest time to get through but i have decided im just going to try & do my best. :happy:
    Im really looking forward to getting to know new people who have the same goal in mind.
    Have a great weekend everyone :flowerforyou:
    Take care.

  • cindyw7
    cindyw7 Posts: 29 Member
    Hi Folks - Day 3 for me. I'm walking around feeling like I could gnaw on my arm I'm so hungry. But then I drink some water and it gets easier. Doing great logging my food. No as good exercising, but I'm trying! God bless all of you. You are all in my prayers not only for your weight loss but for the other things you all mentioned - financial, illness in family, job loss, pet problems, etc. Cindy:explode:
  • afwg1979
    afwg1979 Posts: 170 Member

    I've been reading through this group's posts for the past two hours -- wow -- what an amazing collection of women! So much information, so much wisdom!

    I'm 57 years old, 5'3", and would like to lose 77 pounds (goal weight: 125). I live in southeast Idaho; specifically, Idaho Falls.

    I joined MFP in July 2011 and had terrific success during the warm months, but as soon as the weather turned frigid (in November), my progress slowed. I had hoped to be under 200 by January 1st, but that did not happen. I've been maintaining at 202 pounds. (My cravings for carbs are higher than anticipated, and sometimes I succumb to said cravings.) I'm cutting myself some slack because of the depressive bouts with my Seasonal Affective Disorder. As a proactive measure, I've been reading inspirational and uplifting material to keep from sinking lower -- this has helped. Spending more time on MFP also helps, especially being interactive.

    I work full time (office desk job). I'm divorced (since 1992) and mother of two young men. There's only me and my little dog at home. My gym time takes a big chunk of my day (two-to-three hours) -- my actual exercising lasts anywhere from 60-to-120 minutes, depending upon my schedule and/or mood. I can't say that I love to exercise, because I don't, but I am extremely grateful that I am physicaly healthy and able to exercise, so I know better than to complain about the small stuff.

    I want to lose this excess weight for health reasons. Being healthy and fit is very important to me. In September, I was diagnosed as being prediabetic, a condition that is totally reversible. I have not taken any prescription medicine in nearly two years and I mean to keep it that way. (I was on antidepressants for 21 years.)

    I plan to retire on December 31, 2016. I will then work on selling my house and moving to Page, Arizona, where the weather is better and not too far from my sons and grandchildren. No more home ownership, either, because I want to travel -- not abroad -- there's so many places and experiences right here in America Although I've always had a desire to travel to the southern seacoast of Portugal, to visit the small fishing villages. (That's the only foreign place that ever caught my fancy.)

    I know that I am strong enough to lose this weight on my own; however, I realize that the process will be easier via the support of this web site, particularly with women my age or older.

    I hope to find some new friends here,
    -Magda :flowerforyou:

    PS: My first grandchild - a girl (8lbs. 10ozs.) was born this morning! I can't wait to see her! :heart:
  • westernjoy
    westernjoy Posts: 175 Member

    I've been reading through this group's posts for the past two hours -- wow -- what an amazing collection of women! So much information, so much wisdom!

    I'm 57 years old, 5'3", and would like to lose 77 pounds (goal weight: 125). I live in southeast Idaho; specifically, Idaho Falls.

    I joined MFP in July 2011 and had terrific success during the warm months, but as soon as the weather turned frigid (in November), my progress slowed. I had hoped to be under 200 by January 1st, but that did not happen. I've been maintaining at 202 pounds. (My cravings for carbs are higher than anticipated, and sometimes I succumb to said cravings.) I'm cutting myself some slack because of the depressive bouts with my Seasonal Affective Disorder. As a proactive measure, I've been reading inspirational and uplifting material to keep from sinking lower -- this has helped. Spending more time on MFP also helps, especially being interactive.

    I work full time (office desk job). I'm divorced (since 1992) and mother of two young men. There's only me and my little dog at home. My gym time takes a big chunk of my day (two-to-three hours) -- my actual exercising lasts anywhere from 60-to-120 minutes, depending upon my schedule and/or mood. I can't say that I love to exercise, because I don't, but I am extremely grateful that I am physicaly healthy and able to exercise, so I know better than to complain about the small stuff.

    I want to lose this excess weight for health reasons. Being healthy and fit is very important to me. In September, I was diagnosed as being prediabetic, a condition that is totally reversible. I have not taken any prescription medicine in nearly two years and I mean to keep it that way. (I was on antidepressants for 21 years.)

    I plan to retire on December 31, 2016. I will then work on selling my house and moving to Page, Arizona, where the weather is better and not too far from my sons and grandchildren. No more home ownership, either, because I want to travel -- not abroad -- there's so many places and experiences right here in America Although I've always had a desire to travel to the southern seacoast of Portugal, to visit the small fishing villages. (That's the only foreign place that ever caught my fancy.)

    I know that I am strong enough to lose this weight on my own; however, I realize that the process will be easier via the support of this web site, particularly with women my age or older.

    I hope to find some new friends here,
    -Magda :flowerforyou:

    PS: My first grandchild - a girl (8lbs. 10ozs.) was born this morning! I can't wait to see her! :heart:
    Contgrats on the new granddaughter.
  • yellowrose5321
    yellowrose5321 Posts: 111 Member
    It's the after dinner and watching TV that gets me. Need to work harder in that area.
    This is my worst time too. And since my DH works nights, leaving the house around 5 pm, there's no one here I have to answer to if I decide to pig out. :ohwell:
  • yellowrose5321
    yellowrose5321 Posts: 111 Member
    @Magda - Wow! That's a good-sized little girl. Congratulations!!
  • Benji49
    Benji49 Posts: 419 Member
    Was just looking at the number of posts that mention how many of us there are now and how hard it is to reply to everyone.

    Just a suggestion - don't shoot the messenger please - would it be easier if we made this a group? The one group that I do belong to is for people with MS and you are able to post a topic and then whoever wants to respond to that topic can. It's not out there in the general message boards, it's for members of the group (although I believe anyone can go and look if they are so inclined).

    It seems to be just like this with the added benefit of having the topics broken out a little - and I don't think you have to restart the thread when it reaches a certain number (may be wrong).

    Any thoughts?:flowerforyou:
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Wow!Love reading the posts.We had a high of 58 today.Got out for a walk.Having trouble with my left knee.dr is talking about a mri.So sick of tests.This accident has really frustrated me.
    Magda-Congrats on your new gran baby.
    keep up the good work and no it`s 1 day at a time.Small changes,will turn things around.
    Glad to be part of this awesome group.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    OMG I can't believe all the posts just because I missed one day. The interviews went well. I would really like one of the jobs but now I will just have to put it out of my mind and wait and see what happens. We are starting our search for a new puppy. I would kind of like a chocolate lab. there are some over in Port Orchard we may try to go see this weekend if we can. Have a great weekend all.

    welcome to all of the newcomers. This is an awesome group of women.

    Robin and the Bodi Boy
  • mixdouble
    mixdouble Posts: 41 Member
    Yes Brad's book is Assault on Lake Cassitas. I have an autographed copy. Met him at a national event. What a pleasant person. Treated this short old matron like a fellow athlete. Libraries sometimes do exchanges an I know the book floats up in the second hand bookstores occassionally.