
  • mixdouble
    mixdouble Posts: 41 Member
    Hey Susan,
    Try reading instead of watching TV. It truely is more interactive and the food calling from the fridge has to shout much louder. Good luck!
  • WSEvans1957
    WSEvans1957 Posts: 3 Member
    :smile: Hello Ladies,

    I'm new to all this. I've been using myfitnesspal for about a month. My trainer told me about it. I'm 54 and I just don't seem to be able to get the weight off. So I started with a trainer at the beginning of December. I was doing well, losing about 1 lb a week but got sick over Christmas break and put it all back on. ARGHH!!!!!
    So January, here I come...I just wish I was feeling better, This bug just won't leave! I have no energy...Anybody have any suggestions? My metabolism is slow .. I look at food and gain weight!
    Back to the gym tomorrow to see what I have the energy to do - I will beat this!

  • vypeters
    vypeters Posts: 475 Member
    Just checking in and my head was spinning reading all the posts!

    Magda, congrats on the new granddaughter. How exciting! :flowerforyou:

    Doing OK this month, so far the anxiety meds haven't caused me to gain weight, I'm down 2 lbs with only 5 to go to my goal. Man it looked so far away when I started.

    Hugs to all - I look forward to getting to know you better!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Boy, every time I log in, there's at least two pages of notes from people.

    Question: when I log in, it says something like "page 1, 2, 3 and then there are a series of ...... and then the last two numbers of pages". Is there any way that I can change that so that maybe the last 3 or 4 page numbers would show?

    Harmony - good luck on the new job! My prayers for you and your family in this trying time.

    yellowrose, yes, I have an iPod. I understand what you are saying about the time/distance relationship. The reason I was asking if there is a device which monitors your speed is because I've notice that outdoors without something telling me that I need to go faster, I will many times "smell the roses", and that's NOT what I want to do. Will have to check iTunes. I remember there being a program on the computer (did I see it at Livestrong??? Not sure) where you can map out your route and it will give you the distance before you leave. Like I know that around our culdesac, I have to go up and down the road into the development and down my road and that is one full mile.

    Welcome tabwrm, etremoi, deb_rn, magnolia, karen, magda, wendy, and any other newcomer that I may have missed. This is a truly awesome group,

    lisa - that app looks good, only I have a droid, so I don't think it would work :)

    Benj - ". Do you mean to tell me that on top of everything I'm going to gain weight????? " Welcome to menopause!

    cathy - while I've never had a migraine, I remember reading that having (get this) ice cream helps. Evidentally, the ice cream causes "brain freeze". Who would have thunk???? A lady that I play bunco with told me that for her chocolate brings on a migraine

    Robin - so glad things went so well for you. You deserve it!

    Did an hour of deep water aaerobics today, then played mahjongg. I missed calling a tile that I could have maj'd on, for some reason I was thinking that you couldn't call a tile if it was a pair, but I forgot that you can call it if it's to maj. Oh well...... Tomorrow, yoga

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    I hope to find some new friends here,
    -Magda :flowerforyou:

    PS: My first grandchild - a girl (8lbs. 10ozs.) was born this morning! I can't wait to see her! :heart:

    how wonderful congratulations....:flowerforyou:
  • amflautist
    amflautist Posts: 941 Member
    Yes Brad's book is Assault on Lake Cassitas. I have an autographed copy. Met him at a national event. What a pleasant person. Treated this short old matron like a fellow athlete. Libraries sometimes do exchanges an I know the book floats up in the second hand bookstores occassionally.

    I am presuming that the workouts you are following are from his new book that describes his Olympic training program?
  • cindyw7
    cindyw7 Posts: 29 Member
    What an inspiration you! You must be extremely proud of yourself for losing that much weight. May God bless you with continue success and the will power to keep it off permanently and with peace, joy, good health and prosperity.
  • yellowrose5321
    yellowrose5321 Posts: 111 Member
    @exermom - I just tried out the Runkeeper app for my iphone this afternoon. Uses the phone's gps to track your distance, speed, miles, etc. Also has a "coaching" feature that will give you updates about how you're doing at certain intervals (which you can set). You can also use the coaching for interval programs to alert you when it's time to change pace.

    I'd have to go back and look at it again, but I think it said that you could enter the pace/speed you wanted to keep, the the coach would tell you when you were dropping below it.

    The app is free and I really liked the features that I used. I wasn't that carried away by the website that accompanies the app, but since I'll be doing all my tracking here, I really don't need it.
  • Patchworkperson
    Patchworkperson Posts: 151 Member
    Hello again ladies. I've been without my laptop since early December. I think its ok now - fingers crossed. I hope you had a fantastic holiday period however you may celebrate it. I also hope that 2012 will be a year of peace & happiness for all.

    My logging went out the door when I couldn't access the site. A very poor excuse but I'm starting over tomorrow with a weigh-in & editing my ticker. I received a wonderful veg cookbook from my Daughter in Law so I look forward to using it.

    I also had good news from from my cardiologist - he now believes my breathlessness & palpitations are entirely down to my high blood pressure. I know HBP isn't great but at least that is something I can work on with exercise & healthy eating.

    So I'm looking forward to catching up with January's posts & getting to know you all again.

    Take care.
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Question: when I log in, it says something like "page 1, 2, 3 and then there are a series of ...... and then the last two numbers of pages". Is there any way that I can change that so that maybe the last 3 or 4 page numbers would show?

    I think the answer is Yes, I hope! Try doing this:

    Go to "Community", then click on "My Topics", then over at the far right of "Women Ages 50+ For January 2012" it shows the person's name who posted most recently. Right next to their name there's little blue "View". Clicking on that will take you to the most recent postings page and you can go backwards through the pages from there.

    The page numbers at the bottom should then read "1, 2 ...... 9, 10, 11, 12, 13"
  • yellowrose5321
    yellowrose5321 Posts: 111 Member
    Good morning, ladies!

    Day 6, and all is well! lol DH wanted pizza last night. One of my favorite foods, but I was good -- limited myself to 2 slices of thin-crust tuscan six-cheese and had a big chopped veggie salad to go with it. Stayed under my goals on calories and all the nutrients.

    Off to walk for a while, then take down the rest of the Christmas decorations lol! Hope everyone has a great day!!
  • kckramp
    kckramp Posts: 112 Member
    Well I went back to school this week, so my eating was more normal and I was able to lose almost all of my Christmas weight. 1/2 pound to go and I will be back on track. Exercise was more of a problem, Junior high schools can really be exhausting. I got the xbox kinnect for Christmas with Your shape evolved and have really enjoyed working out to that. I also started the 30 day shred. So all in all I am on the right track. I really enjoy reading everyone posts even tho I do not post very often, I just sneak in a couple minutes here or there for a quick read. I am glad I found this, it helps reading about people facing similar problems and successes.
  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    I have been so tired for so long with my new job. yesterday was a good day. I fell asleep at ten last night and woke up at ten this morning feeling so refreshed. I must have needed that. I lost my holiday weight but still need to lose 25 more pounds. I made a mini goal. I am going on holiday Feb 23 and want to lose 12 pounds by then. I think that is doable because that is only 2 pounds per week. I went for a long walk with my heavy boots and dog this morning and will do some weight training this afternoon. I signed up for rumba so am looking forward to this

    I CAN WILL do this! When I see the massive amounts of weight others have lost I am telling my slow metabolism and family trend of obesity that it cannot have me!!

  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Oh jolly weekend, I love Saturdays, the one day a week when I have no scheduled events or commitments.

    It's a very different winter here this year, usually it's cloudy and grey for weeks, but we're getting days of lovely sunshine and crisp clear air. I can see down the valley, all the mountains are shining back at me. There's something inspiring about that.

    Curling is a very frustrating sport. Yes, it's a sport. I curled on Thursday. Six ends, and I did not place a single rock where it was called. To make matters worse, we were a player short so I was curling three rocks each end. Tried to make up for it with very strong sweeping, using those new muscles I've built up with strength training upstairs in the gym. It was, however, my worst game this season. The other team won by 2 points, and they were the high school girls. I taught the skip when she was six years old! She was afraid to speak to me for the first half of the game - I suppose I am still carry a little of the "school principal" around in her eyes. Probably the only good thing was that we decided not to go up to the bar for a post-game drink because the other team were all to young to join us! C'est la vie, non?

    Oh well, the good part is I limited my Friday night treats to one slice of pizza and half a bottle of wine and a toasted cheese sandwich (I love cheese almost as much as I love red wine). I bought a very nice bottle of red from the Okanagan and shared it with my DH. Somehow when it's really good wine I'm less inclined to drink it thoughtlessly.

    Today I am off to the gym again, taking J'boy with me. He's promised to teach me how to use the bench press machine. I am going to see what I can lift, scary little old lady style.

    First i have to plan the menus for next week and get the grocery shopping done.

    Salad sistah's - I'll be including roast garbanzo beans/chick peas, sunflower seeds, dried cranberries and a few other treats for variety.

    Hasta pronto,

  • ngags
    ngags Posts: 9
    :flowerforyou: I had a breast reduction on November 29th. Went from a DD to a C. My back feels great so now I'm working on the rest of my body. This is my first week of tracking so far so good. Will do my first weigh in on Monday. I had to wait to start excercising but I started doing my elliptical machine 10 to 15 minutes twice a day. I'm hoping this will help me lose. Gradually I will increase the time. Don't want to do to much at once. I have done Weight Watchers online in the past and this site is simular. I really like it here and hope to see some progress. It is encouraging to see so many woman in here who have lost weight with this site. Any suggestions to help the weight loss would be greatly apprieciated. Have a great weekend all! :smooched:
  • ngags
    ngags Posts: 9
    Congratulations Pam! Granchildren are awesome!
  • janbal
    janbal Posts: 1
    Hi, I could use friends for support. I'm 53 and trying to lose 40 pounds. I don't know how to go about adding people or joining groups. I would appreciate any help.
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Nancy (Mazaron): Oh, a good red from Okanagan is awesome! I wish that I could buys some down here, but so far, no one carries that region. When DH and I went on a bit of a road trip last September, we drove from Vancouver East to Jasper and then down through the Canadian Rockies...spectacular drive! While staying in Victoria, we chose a Pinot Noir from that region and ordered it everywhere we were able on our trip. Once we got further East it was not available, even in BC! Have you visited that area? We are thinking that would be a nice road trip next time we head that way!!!

    I am taking a break from all wine for a while :cry: :cry: :cry: to help me lose some weight more quickly, but oh, how I love a good red:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Take care, Kackie
  • Susan0816
    Susan0816 Posts: 41 Member
    Hello everyone,

    It's been a while since I've reply, ashamed of myself. With the Holidays and the fighting amongst family members I just wanted to hide in a corner. Now that the New Year is hear, I'm praying it will be a much better year. I gained 3 lbs the week between Christmas and New Year and another lb this past week

    I am confident in my self that I will loose 2 lb this next week. I will be playing nurse maid to my husband. Having another surgery Monday, coming home Thursday. I have a plan of attack that I will not eat in the hospital cafeteria. taking a insulated bag with everything I need and eating just what I take.

    Everyone keep up your good work!!!!

  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    Hello everyone,

    It's been a while since I've reply, ashamed of myself. With the Holidays and the fighting amongst family members I just wanted to hide in a corner. Now that the New Year is hear, I'm praying it will be a much better year. I gained 3 lbs the week between Christmas and New Year and another lb this past week

    I am confident in my self that I will loose 2 lb this next week. I will be playing nurse maid to my husband. Having another surgery Monday, coming home Thursday. I have a plan of attack that I will not eat in the hospital cafeteria. taking a insulated bag with everything I need and eating just what I take.

    Everyone keep up your good work!!!!


    good luck with your DH surgery...great plan to take your foods with you:flowerforyou: