flannan Member


  • To return to the size I've been my entire life-up to age 46. I am not comfortable in my skin at this higher weight. I have already gone up one size and had to buy all new pants and refuse to buy more
  • I'm fat because of menopause, raging sweet tooth, and no excercise. I was thin my whole life up until 2 years ago. I never did a single thing to stay thin. Never excercised. never played sports. My family is all thin. I also have an out of control sweet tooth. Dessert larger than dinner. I ate anything I wanted too and way…
  • I hear you. It's almost like I'm another person when I reach for the sweets. I ate good all day. Then one minute Im thinking "ive got to lose this weight, the next I am already chewing a cookie or brownie or whatever. It's almost like I'm not even there or thinking when I pick it up. As Im chewing I start to rationalize it…
  • Coke junkie too! I tried Diet and Zero but always come back to real Coke. What I have been able to do is wean from several full size cans to 2 of the newer 7.5 oz cans per day. Now I don't even finish those! It avoids cravings and headaches for me. I've been able to cut waaaay down on what I consumed before.
  • Glad to see this thread again. The link below is from within 'asjerven's link. i think it really interesting and it's definitely me and it sounds like a lot of you guys too. It's titled "Thin on the Outside, Obese On the Inside". I was always around 111 but even when I was 12 yrs old had a bit of jiggle on my thighs & butt…
  • I'm having the same sugar problem with cereals/granola. i spent 30 minutes going over all the granola at the store last week and didn't find any that were so much better than the Aurora granola I'm eating. As I am trying to kill my 'bad sugar' addiction, i think the granola is better than Fruit Loops, my old cereal lol.…
  • NO! I hovered around 108-115 in highschool. At 45, I am 130, trying to go to 124. At times in my life when i got that low I would feel like crap. have never tried to actively diet but in times of stress weight used to just fall off me. Obviously I was not healthy at those low weights but was too dumb to realize it. Worst…
  • I hear you all! I used to joke that I was a sweets addict...til I actually tried to stop. It's no joke. I am typically an analytical, logical, reasonable person; when it comes to sugar snacks it's like a can't control my own mind. I start off telling myself I dont need it, but then all the stinkin' thinkin' starts (which…
    in Withdrawl Comment by flannan August 2010
  • i am not only trying to lose some weight, i am trying to get a handle on my sugar addiction and eat healthier in general. I consider it cheating when I am eating 'straight sugar', even if I am under my calories. Example: today .....LOL I am under my cals but still managed to include some Hershey's Special Dark candy bar.…
  • It's on the Style Network. It is tough to watch some of it but these kids have so much heart and courage.
  • Thanks! This looks like a big help to me. I am new at this and have no idea how to cook meals that will help me achieve my goals, but satisfy Hubby and my Dad at the same time.
  • I was put on very low dose of Effexor for,believe it or not, out of control menopause symptoms. I gained almost 10 lbs in a 3 month period. I can't tell if I was eating more due to the meds or it was my metabolism slowing due to the menopause. Either way, it was time to change my habits. Just a word about Effexor for…
  • I went over by like 1000 one day this week and logged it and everyone can view it lol. Im not going to fool myself by not posting. Plus logging it helped me say" i wont do that again- lets move on" instead of " oh well, i went off the diet, might as well keep snacking".
  • I think we basically know there is no reality on any reality show. Some people are not there just to lose weight. They could do that in their private lives. They are there to be on tv and will subject themselves to any humiliation possible to be the "lucky one" who gets to stay. I don't watch any more anyway. I love Dance…
  • The morning after: I don't feel as bad as I thought I would! My lumbar spine is a mess from an accident years ago and thought I wouldn't be able to get out of bed this morning, but not so! Legs are very sore this morning to the point I wore flats instead of heels However, I plan on walking from work to my car instead of…
  • Thanks Ladies! That makes me feel better. I thought the way everyone talks about it, everyone was able to do it right off. Not to be self defeating, but I can already tell that there is no way I can do this again tomorrow. i just tried to get up from the couch and almost fell over and crushed the dog. I'm going to try & do…
  • As someone totally new to counting calories I am just getting more and more confused. I started with the 1200 according to MFP. Then I did another calculator on another site that gave me 1000. Then there is talk about not eating enough calories. I am only trying to lose about 7 pounds. I lost 3 in the first 2 weeks,…
  • Accept it girl, you're well fit! And when you think about it, 200 days is such a short period to accomplish so much!
    in I'm fit! Comment by flannan July 2010
  • You look a lot different! Way to Go! ...and those are 2 different girls in the pics right? ;-)
  • As a Newbie, I'm a bit confused but think there's good advice on both sides. I've worked in Healthcare for years and can tell you from experience: some professionals are truly great, some just talk garbage. Md's are like any other profession. Listen to your Md, but if you are hearing way too many conflicting messagesfrom…
  • I'm a Coke junkie too. Before I started here i tried quitting. I was miserable. I've quit a lot of things in my life but can't seem to get past this. Even after the headaches,etc stopped I was still miserable. The lack of Coke seemed to make my craving for all sugary snacks ( my other addiction) worse. I tried the Coke…
  • Keep it! You deserve a reward! And heels are def excercise iny book. I wear 3 in. every day and if nothing else my calves look good!
  • Whaaaaaat????? I can still have meatloaf?????? I Love you!!!!!!!! Am doing these 'muffins" this weekend!!!
  • You rock. i would love to see that passing by! I bet the majority of those staring haven't done anything for their health today. The sign is food for their brain! It would be nice if your message stuck and maybe next time they'll examine themselves instead!
  • Lke LotusFlower I 'm a choco-addict. It would make me feel like crap after eating multiple candies,cake, cookies and cokes. I have headaches if I dont have coke by 11:30 exactly. no joke. I must have had the metabolism from heaven because I've always eaten like that. However, since the menopause i started to gain a belly…
  • YAY YOU!!!
  • I started last week too. I've never read labels or thought about portions or knew anything about calories/carbs/etc. I've learned so much in just a week! I guess that's why MFP works: it makes people conscious of what they're eating.. A big eye opener for me too!. Tonite I specifically chose a smaller bowl than the ones I…
  • I am having a hard time with the water. If I understand the recommendation is 8 8oz glasses a day? I barely finish 24 oz if i'm really trying, plus spendign all my time funning to the loo. I feel like I'm drowning. How people here drink all your water? Sip thru the day or try to sit and chug down 8 ozs at a time??
  • i have heard all my life larger people/friends say they were 'jealous' because i ate anything and they thought i was thin. I would tell them I only look thin in clothes ;-). It true. While I've always had a smaller frame like you (5'5" reg weight 110-115) even when I was a teen I've always had fat on my thighs, cellulite,…
  • i had an older digital scale that was doing that. i changed the batteries but it would still give me varying weights. i bought a new one this weekend and it gives steady weights. It also weighs me as almost 2 lbs less than the old one! so for my first week here i don't know if i actually lost any weight or its just the…