Cheating or indulging????



  • jrsmithne
    jrsmithne Posts: 124
    I am fairly new to MFP, when I first started logging my foods, I dont think I really tried that hard to log everything. The past couple of weeks I have been logging everything that goes in my mouth. Like today I had a bag of M&Ms. I really dont feel too bad about it, I have been eating much better lately and exercizing everyday. Sometimes walking in the evening also. I am shooting for a goal of 150 to start out, then reevalutate once I get there. My husband is supportive, but really does not think I will get there. I will do it just to spite him. :angry:

    That is quite a ways away, I weighed in yesterday at 192. So like I said, I have a long way to go.
  • servingthealiens
    servingthealiens Posts: 144 Member
    I allow myself one MAJOR indulgence a week, usually on the weekend. During the week, I keep to my calorie goal or just under (we're talking 10 calories or less under). If I do go over, I try to do at least enough exercise to make up for it, and it's never, ever, EVER an unhealthy choice that lead me to go over. I probably just got hungrier than I thought I would due to not making a smart/filling enough choice earlier in the day, or being a little more active. But if I am hungry, it's always a healthy food that I pick.

    I do log my weekend indulgences, though. To me, I don't see the point of not logging "bad" foods or not signing in when you eat them. You still ate it, didn't you? :drinker:

    ETA: I should add that I do eat some unhealthy foods during the week. For example, dessert last night was half of a giant vanilla Tootsie Roll. But, I always keep to at or under my calorie goal, even if I do eat "bad" foods. If I want extra, and it'll put me over, it's always something good, not candy, cookies, or chips. I'll usually eat an extra helping of whatever I had for my meal, or if it's between meals, I'll pick a protein bar or some fresh or dried fruit.
  • flannan
    flannan Posts: 45 Member
    I went over by like 1000 one day this week and logged it and everyone can view it lol. Im not going to fool myself by not posting.
    Plus logging it helped me say" i wont do that again- lets move on" instead of " oh well, i went off the diet, might as well keep snacking".
  • purpleprose
    purpleprose Posts: 650
    I have logged every little thing that has gone into my mouth for the past month.

    Not posting it isn't going to hide the fact that I ate badly one day, because I'll still know that I've done it and there's no point in lying to myself. Not posting is only lying to yourself and not taking accountability for your actions, good or bad.

    Indulging is okay, so why not record it?
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    This is a life time journey so try not to think of it as cheating. Indulge yes, but cheat no. You made a decision to have something that was not planned. Consistency not perfection is key.

    To get off the soap box now. I log it all. If I am tempted to not log it, it is because my diary is open for my friends to see. When I don't want them to see how aweful I have been, I make it private for a while.

    When you don't log it you are only hurting yourself. See it all so you will know how to make better choices the next time you are presented with a tempting situation.
  • metizzy2
    metizzy2 Posts: 122
    I think it's important to log EVERYTHING you eat, even if you go over your calorie intake. It really does hold you accountable, which is the biggest reason I love this site so much! I puts things into perspective and if you go over one day, you know NOT to do the same thing the next.
  • kittytrix
    kittytrix Posts: 557 Member
    I try to always post unless I'm away. But when I indulge I also try to get in a little extra workout.

    Keep track. It keeps you honest. Not posting it doesn't mean you messed up, it means you are looking at what you did and the next day you will do better.
  • metizzy2
    metizzy2 Posts: 122
    *IT puts things into perspective*
  • Sharont213
    Sharont213 Posts: 323 Member
    This is so funny because I knew I was going to be over a little today so while I was making dinner, I was thinking "should I log or not".. and tehn I thought to myself - if I don't log, the only person I am hurting is me. I need to keep myself honest. It's okay to go over as long as I don't make it a habit. And even if I did go over, I am still going to lose weight - just not quite as fast.

    So I say - yes, log the indulgences and remember, you are building good habits, not hiding bad ones. :wink:
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