Sin foods - give them up or change/reduce them?



  • rockinright
    rockinright Posts: 241
    Seems we all share a common theme but have our own ways. Some of us just cut everything down, maybe knock out the really bad junk, others completely change everything, some cut out meat, some just reduce it. Am I the only HFCS-phobic one here?
  • mooz
    mooz Posts: 101
    I've reduced some and gave up some altogether. I decided that nothing was "off limits" because I didn't want this to feel like a diet that restricted what I could and couldn't eat.

    What I gave up completely was diet soda and juices. I only drink water. I also gave up my fast food burgers and fries. If we go to a fast food place I check online for healthier options and if there aren't any, I'll either wait and eat at home or go someplace else. In my neighbourhood we have a McDonalds right next to a Japanese restaurant. Many times I've opted for Japanese food while my family chomped down on Big Macs.

    I've given up my white pasta. I found a whole wheat egg white pasta that is just fantastic! I can get my pasta fix without all the calories. 1 cup of this pasta has only 155 calories.
  • Mirlyn
    Mirlyn Posts: 256
    Quick survey-type post w/comments welcome. Do you have foods you completely gave up? Or have you simply changed them to make them healthier and/or reduced the quantity and frequency at which you eat them?

    For me, the only thing I have (tried) to mostly eliminate is anything with high-fructose corn syrup. And for that I usually just try to find a Splenda or real sugar version of the same food. I've probably cut my HFCS by 80% since I've been aware of it.

    My wife and I are both losing weight. We still have pizza - but I'll have one or two slices (if I have the calories) instead of the half-pizza (or more) I used to eat. Steak - same thing - I eat a 4 or 6 oz instead of a 16 oz Porterhouse.

    I'll even do box mac n cheese, but I use Annie's instead of Kraft, which is slightly lower in fat and calories, and has none of the artifical crap Kraft has. Also no more eating a full box by myself in one sitting!

    I do turkey burgers instead of beef. I do eat beef, but I save beef for the really good stuff - such as steak, or, as a small part of a larger dish (say, a steak fajita). We (my wife and I) use a lot of turkey products - turkey sausages, turkey burgers, ground turkey. Of course sticking with breast and/or 93/7 lean turkey--if you use high-fat ground turkey might as well just use a leaner beef and get the real thing!

    For desserts I've been enjoying Skinny Cow products and just smaller quantities of other things I like.

    I find myself going way over on sodium even while staying at or under the other goals each day.

    We still rely too much on prepared/box foods, but have been making much better choices in that regard (thank you Eat This Not That). The second wave will be cooking more at home and trying to reduce sodium.

    What does everyone here do?

    I've given up some, changed some, and reduced some. I have given up diet soda completely. I take that back, I've had maybe 3 sodas since April 2nd and all 3 were due to migraines, caffeine in soda just cures a migraine better than caffeine in medication. We now eat organic mac n cheese instead of blue box kraft and I eat MUCH less of it than I used to limited myself to 1 serving or less instead of splitting a box between my husband and I down the middle. We keep a gourmet dark chocolate bar in the house at all times and eat 1 piece when we want a chocolate fix instead of a whole candy bar. We eat pasta but we buy whole grain now and I actually measure out how much sauce I'm pouring in the pot to exactly 2 and 1/4 portions (1/4 for my son's dinner.) We sub turkey in for beef in tacos and burgers. We eat low sodium turkey bacon. 97% fat free hot dogs or premium turkey dogs. Oh and I get my salad dressing on the side and dip my fork. I no longer salt everything as I'm cooking, only certain veggies get a light salting, the rest get Mrs. Dash.
  • rockinright
    rockinright Posts: 241
    I do eat Ronzoni pasta which is white but enriched. What pasta are you using, Mooz?

    I have done away with most soda and even diet soda as I discovered by accident that too much aspartame causes me to feel tingly in my hands and feet, and sore all over. It's weird, but it really does. If I crave soda I buy Mexican (real sugar) coke at Costco and stick to a single one. Juices too - although I will have one glass once in a while.

    I want to enjoy eating but feel better and be healthier. I swear some people restrict themselves so much they find eating to be a chore - I don't want to be like that.
  • lilac67
    lilac67 Posts: 311
    I try to "healthify" some recipes. I use Barilla plus pasta and Ragu no sugar added sauce, Sometimes I replace the pasta w/ zucchini. I eat egg white instead of whole eggs. I oven fry chicken. I make stir frys, fajitas. I've even made veggie burgers. If I want pizza I make it on whole wheat english muffins or pitas, or even Pizza Hut for the veggie lover on thin crust. I have 1-2 peices and a salad. If no one is up for veggie, I eat 1 regular peice with a bigger salad. I use vinegar or lemon juice on salad.
    But if I want something, even if it's bad I have it. Just one, or one serving. Like one peice of cheesecake, or a brownie. I never buy a whole one or a package. If I make it at home I send the leftovers home with someone. I don't make those things low fat usually because I'm not incorporating them into my everyday menu, it's just a treat.
  • rockinright
    rockinright Posts: 241

    I've given up some, changed some, and reduced some. I have given up diet soda completely. I take that back, I've had maybe 3 sodas since April 2nd and all 3 were due to migraines, caffeine in soda just cures a migraine better than caffeine in medication. We now eat organic mac n cheese instead of blue box kraft and I eat MUCH less of it than I used to limited myself to 1 serving or less instead of splitting a box between my husband and I down the middle. We keep a gourmet dark chocolate bar in the house at all times and eat 1 piece when we want a chocolate fix instead of a whole candy bar. We eat pasta but we buy whole grain now and I actually measure out how much sauce I'm pouring in the pot to exactly 2 and 1/4 portions (1/4 for my son's dinner.) We sub turkey in for beef in tacos and burgers. We eat low sodium turkey bacon. 97% fat free hot dogs or premium turkey dogs. Oh and I get my salad dressing on the side and dip my fork. I no longer salt everything as I'm cooking, only certain veggies get a light salting, the rest get Mrs. Dash.

    Sounds similar to us. We don't salt our food much ourselves, but still use too many box dinners even if they're better box dinners than we used to. I also eat lots of Healthy choice soups for lunch - calorie-wise they're fine, but way too much salt in them.

    We both work and have a son (16 mos)- I get home around 5 and my wife around 7:30 each evening...we actually feed our son a bit better than ourselves at this point. It's hard to cook in that situation. It's just easier to heat up a small piece of chicken and some veggies for him than a full meal for us. He's easier to please than we are, LOL...
  • rockinright
    rockinright Posts: 241
    BTW - regarding hot dogs:

    Believe it or not, Hebrew National beef hot dogs are only 45 calories - I was shocked by that.
  • flannan
    flannan Posts: 45 Member
    Lke LotusFlower I 'm a choco-addict. It would make me feel like crap after eating multiple candies,cake, cookies and cokes. I have headaches if I dont have coke by 11:30 exactly. no joke.
    I must have had the metabolism from heaven because I've always eaten like that. However, since the menopause i started to gain a belly from it. More than that I know it's not healthy or right. Im not a kid anymore and i have to get control of myself.
    its only my first week here and im still drinking a 90 calorie coke a day. better than 2-3 regular cokes.
    baby steps :-)
  • BlueLikeJazz
    BlueLikeJazz Posts: 219 Member
    The only things I have completely given up are meat (in any form, fishies included) and alcohol.

    I also eat probably what amounts to less than 1-2 servings of dairy/egg a week. I don't eat either of these straight up, but have trace amounts in certain things I still eat, like certain veggie burgers, salad dressings, things like that.

    I always strive to make/have healthier, low-cal, high-veggie versions of my old favorite foods like pizza, curry, or pasta. I make mini-pizzas on low-carb tortillas now, make my curry meat-free with extra veggies, and substitute spaghetti squash for pasta. Pasta is one thing I have a really hard time eating the proper portion of, so it's something I rarely eat now.

    I eat dark chocolate (70% or higher) now, that helps me avoid the milk and some of the sugar that's in the regular stuff.

    My once-a-week guilty pleasure is Pepperidge Farm cookies. I save up some calories during the week to have them on the weekend, but am going to try making my own vegan low-sugar cookies now because I always feel truly guilty and gross after I see a couple of those empty fluted cookie cups in the package lol.

    Great thread, it was interesting to see where others are cutting back too.
  • rockinright
    rockinright Posts: 241
    The only things I have completely given up are meat (in any form, fishies included) and alcohol.

    I also eat probably what amounts to less than 1-2 servings of dairy/egg a week. I don't eat either of these straight up, but have trace amounts in certain things I still eat, like certain veggie burgers, salad dressings, things like that.

    I always strive to make/have healthier, low-cal, high-veggie versions of my old favorite foods like pizza, curry, or pasta. I make mini-pizzas on low-carb tortillas now, make my curry meat-free with extra veggies, and substitute spaghetti squash for pasta. Pasta is one thing I have a really hard time eating the proper portion of, so it's something I rarely eat now.

    I eat dark chocolate (70% or higher) now, that helps me avoid the milk and some of the sugar that's in the regular stuff.

    My once-a-week guilty pleasure is Pepperidge Farm cookies. I save up some calories during the week to have them on the weekend, but am going to try making my own vegan low-sugar cookies now because I always feel truly guilty and gross after I see a couple of those empty fluted cookie cups in the package lol.

    Great thread, it was interesting to see where others are cutting back too.

    Well (for me anyway) that's a pretty big thing! Sounds like you have a great plan in place. Keep it up!
  • lds25
    lds25 Posts: 68
    I have done both. All the fast foods are at the wayside! I have increased the amounts of whole grains and have changed a few things. I read labels now, I drink more water, I indulge occassionally but I watch what is going in b/c I know that my life will change the next day if i over indulge. Its all about moderation.
  • a1schwei
    a1schwei Posts: 617 Member

    I want to learn to eat healthy for life... not just until I loose weight so I figure i need to learn to eat those "yummy" things too just in moderation and maybe changing them up a bit to be better for me.

    I agree :) I still have way more of a sweet tooth than I know I should, but I am trying hard for moderation :) I know that I won't stick to the plan if I feel deprived of the things that I love....healthy or instead I try for smaller portions and increased workouts when I know that I am going to indulge a bit :)
  • junebug523
    junebug523 Posts: 196
    For me, it's mainly a matter of reducing my servings or eating the indulgence foods less frequently. I've been pretty consistent with a 9/10 rule (i.e. 9 times out of 10 I make a good choice, and then the last one is up to me!). I simply will not cut certain things out of my diet, if I know I can eat them more moderately or even rarely and not feel like my whole world is going to end.

    I dislike reduced-fat or fat-free cheese. So, when I do eat cheese, I just eat less of it. I'm not afraid of a little fat, and I'm much happier when I have my cheese. In fact, most days, I can eat peanut butter and cheese, and still be under my fat quota. It's just a matter of finding a good balance.

    The main thing I've been trying to cut down on has been sodium. I think I've only gone over 2500 mg twice this month, and I've been very consistent at staying at or below 2000 mg. That's a huge achievement for me!

    I've already been eating mainly whole grain/whole wheat breads and pastas for years, now I'm trying to make even better choices--like searching for lower-sodium versions of those items.

    I hardly ever drink soda. I went off it when I was a teenager, and I've never really gotten back into it. On rare occasions, I enjoy a few sips, but that's it.

    I started drinking my coffee black when I was in college, and now it's very rare for me to have anything else. I like it black.

    I still drink alcohol in moderation, but I try to plan my days so that I don't go way over on calories. Same thing with desserts. I earn it with exercise! Sometimes I'll go a couple of weeks without a real "dessert", and I don't even feel like I'm missing anything.

    One of the best things I have done has been to be more consistent in filling in the gaps with fruit and lots of veggies, partially because they're good for me, partially because then I eat less of the other stuff. It's especially fun right now, because our garden is practically exploding with lettuce, spinach, and snow peas! Soon we will also have tomatoes up to our eyeballs, and jalapenos too! Yummmm. I've had at least one huge salad every day for the past week, and I plan to continue this for as long as I can.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    I gave up nothing really.
    BUT the reality is that fortunately I never did eat a lot of the bad things anyways. I just always ate huge quantities.
    I don't like pop, fast food, although tasty, never was a big part of my eating. I genuinely like veggies, fruit & other healthy foods.

    I would say my biggest downfall was chocolate & ice cream. Those 2 I have geatly reduced the amounts I eat.
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    I don't eat fast food. This is like a huge no-no for me, partially because of healthy eating and partially because the stuff gives me AWFUL stomach issues. Even if friends or colleagues want to choose fast food joints as their lunch and I'm with them - I'll either find an alternative or avoid eating entirely (keeping almonds in my purse is seriously helpful in these situations).

    I don't drink diet or regular soda / pop / whateveryoucallit or sugary drinks. I've never been a fan of these anyway, so giving them up wasn't too hard.

    I rarely eat "white" starches (white potatoes, corn starch), breads, pizza, fries, whole grain breads, rice, pasta, etc etc. Just doesn't taste that great anymore. I will eat quinoa, sweet potatoes, wild rice, jicama, and parsnips in place of most grains and other starches.

    I rarely eat desserts. Maybe only if they're planned at special dinners or events. I've learned to take very small serving sizes and combine them with other things (i.e. fruit, light sorbet). I used to REALLY go to town on sugar and treats, and the more I stay away from the stuff, the better off I am.

    I WON'T give up coffee or tea. Try to take my daily cup of joe and I'll beat you down!

    I eat MORE red meat. Oh yeahhhhhh.
  • susiespin
    susiespin Posts: 10
    Given up red meat eating fish instead
    Only have cheese (1 oz) on a Monday as a start of the week treat
    Swaped crisp (chips) for 83 cal per pack maze based snack (need my daily crunch savory snack of I would go mad)
    Don't go near vending machines
    Make my own lunch instead of canteen dinners
    Go walking at lunch time instead of sitting in the canteen
  • rockinright
    rockinright Posts: 241
    Given up red meat eating fish instead
    Only have cheese (1 oz) on a Monday as a start of the week treat
    Swaped crisp (chips) for 83 cal per pack maze based snack (need my daily crunch savory snack of I would go mad)
    Don't go near vending machines
    Make my own lunch instead of canteen dinners
    Go walking at lunch time instead of sitting in the canteen

    I've replaced a lot of red meat with turkey - like ground turkey and turkey sausage instead of beef and pork. I do still have a steak once in a while, but keep it small.

    I just don't like matter how hard I try to.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I stopped eating fast food, any drinks other than water/milk/coffee/lemonade, no processed carbs (white pasta, rice, bread, sugary stuff), refuse to buy or eat anything with MSG, HFCS, or artifical flavorings/colorings or preservatives. This includes I buy nitrite free, no antibiotics, and free range dairy and meat. Once I cut out all the above, I found that almost all the problematic stuff was gone.

    I make my own pizzas, desserts, foccacia, protein bars, pancakes/waffles, and ice cream/smoothies, etc.. Otherwise, we eat burgers, fried chicken, and (sweet potato) fries...we just make them from scratch and control the ingredients and fat.

    We limit butter and oil, but haven't banished them.

    I eat a frozen juice pop along with 1-3 pieces of Dove dark chocolate for dessert at night, if I'm craving sweets. It's budgeted for in my goals and keeps me satisfied.

    On the other hand, if we want to eat out at a sit-down restaurant, we do so. We just do our research so we know what the dishes consist of and what our best choices will be.

    I find that I don't miss out on anything at all.
  • jennk221
    jennk221 Posts: 85 Member
    This is what I do as well...I eat what I want in moderation. I eat healthy meals and snacks, but if I am craving something I let myself have it and I do not beat myself up over it or go nuts restricting myself after I eat it. I know that for the most part I am doing what I need to and making good choices, so if I want an ice cream cone with my kids or a piece of cake for dessert, I have one. I just have a small one.
    Just a s a side note everyone is different...but if I didn't allow myself to have some treats now and then I would binge and god knows that is not good!
    Good luck!
  • Cathy_5011
    Cathy_5011 Posts: 78
    I tried giving my favorite bad things up like burgers and pasta but it never last long. I would have weak moments and give into my cravings and then say oh I will be good next week. That lasted a few months. Now I still have my favorite thing but I modify. I won’t have burgers and pasta and cake in the same week. I give myself one cheat meal (not a day because that can be a disaster :laugh: )

    Now that I found this site it has really help. I feel like someone is holding me accountable. I was using it on my iphone for a few months but didn’t stick to it. I happen to stumble upon this site and now I am in love. I got back on the wagon July 12 and haven’t looked back since.