Sin foods - give them up or change/reduce them?

Quick survey-type post w/comments welcome. Do you have foods you completely gave up? Or have you simply changed them to make them healthier and/or reduced the quantity and frequency at which you eat them?

For me, the only thing I have (tried) to mostly eliminate is anything with high-fructose corn syrup. And for that I usually just try to find a Splenda or real sugar version of the same food. I've probably cut my HFCS by 80% since I've been aware of it.

My wife and I are both losing weight. We still have pizza - but I'll have one or two slices (if I have the calories) instead of the half-pizza (or more) I used to eat. Steak - same thing - I eat a 4 or 6 oz instead of a 16 oz Porterhouse.

I'll even do box mac n cheese, but I use Annie's instead of Kraft, which is slightly lower in fat and calories, and has none of the artifical crap Kraft has. Also no more eating a full box by myself in one sitting!

I do turkey burgers instead of beef. I do eat beef, but I save beef for the really good stuff - such as steak, or, as a small part of a larger dish (say, a steak fajita). We (my wife and I) use a lot of turkey products - turkey sausages, turkey burgers, ground turkey. Of course sticking with breast and/or 93/7 lean turkey--if you use high-fat ground turkey might as well just use a leaner beef and get the real thing!

For desserts I've been enjoying Skinny Cow products and just smaller quantities of other things I like.

I find myself going way over on sodium even while staying at or under the other goals each day.

We still rely too much on prepared/box foods, but have been making much better choices in that regard (thank you Eat This Not That). The second wave will be cooking more at home and trying to reduce sodium.

What does everyone here do?


  • Joscelle
    Joscelle Posts: 93
    Change/Reduce! Diet Dr. Pepper for regular Dr. Pepper.
  • bellanean
    bellanean Posts: 220
    My diet has to be pretty on point in order for me to lose weight, so unlike you I dont have that choice to still eat the bad stuff, but better then the worse stuff, if that makes sense!

    I do treat myself every 2-3 weeks because I think its nesscary. Your doing great!
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    If I Dont eat foods I want I wont be able to stick to eating like I do, I ALWAYS try to find better and heathier ways to make some of my favorite foods and sometimes splurge to something I dont eat all the time.
  • Galathea
    Galathea Posts: 420 Member
    It wasn't planned, but I reduced meat a lot. Have it only once a week now. And I haven't had chocolate in an eternity. Can't even remember how it tastes anymore. LOL
  • rockinright
    rockinright Posts: 241
    It seems that for some people it is just about calories - reduce calories and lose weight.

    For others, I think they have to change their entire metabolism by eliminating certain foods and adding others - something we all benefit from, but some respond better than others to a simple calorie reduction. I am also working on this part but it's more of a "phase 2" for me.

    My main problem was simply that I ate WAY TOO MUCH in portions. I was always thin as a kid.
  • Punktorian
    Punktorian Posts: 224 Member
    I no longer eat beef or pork. Just stick to lean chicken or turkey. Most everything else I have just reduced and/or modified the recipe.
  • sweetbn
    sweetbn Posts: 318
    I eat less of them. Like you said, one to two slices of pizza instead of 4, 1/16 of a cake instead of 1/4... this is life! I can't go the rest of my life without pizza. :)

    Sounds like you're doing great keep it up!
  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    Reduce! I just bought a bag of Dove Dark Chocolates with Almonds! :love: They're small, individual pieces, 42 calories each, and it fixes my chocolate cravings. Plus, almonds! Yum!

    I have noticed that I tend to eat a lot more chicken than beef now (and without the breading too!) and I stopped adding salt to everything while I cook! :blushing: I can't help it, I'm Southern!
  • jdsouthernbelle
    I have reduced the amount of red meat I eat & I gave up pop tarts completely!
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    Quick survey-type post w/comments welcome. Do you have foods you completely gave up? Or have you simply changed them to make them healthier and/or reduced the quantity and frequency at which you eat them?

    For me, the only thing I have (tried) to mostly eliminate is anything with high-fructose corn syrup. And for that I usually just try to find a Splenda or real sugar version of the same food. I've probably cut my HFCS by 80% since I've been aware of it.

    My wife and I are both losing weight. We still have pizza - but I'll have one or two slices (if I have the calories) instead of the half-pizza (or more) I used to eat. Steak - same thing - I eat a 4 or 6 oz instead of a 16 oz Porterhouse.

    I'll even do box mac n cheese, but I use Annie's instead of Kraft, which is slightly lower in fat and calories, and has none of the artifical crap Kraft has. Also no more eating a full box by myself in one sitting!

    I do turkey burgers instead of beef. I do eat beef, but I save beef for the really good stuff - such as steak, or, as a small part of a larger dish (say, a steak fajita). We (my wife and I) use a lot of turkey products - turkey sausages, turkey burgers, ground turkey. Of course sticking with breast and/or 93/7 lean turkey--if you use high-fat ground turkey might as well just use a leaner beef and get the real thing!

    For desserts I've been enjoying Skinny Cow products and just smaller quantities of other things I like.

    I find myself going way over on sodium even while staying at or under the other goals each day.

    We still rely too much on prepared/box foods, but have been making much better choices in that regard (thank you Eat This Not That). The second wave will be cooking more at home and trying to reduce sodium.

    What does everyone here do?

    Yes, I have completely given up chocolate. Not because I am frightened of it and are avoiding it, but because I used to eat tons of the stuff and by that, I mean TONS, sometimes 6, 7, 8 bars of choccie per day. The more I ate the more I wanted, it was a vicious circle and almost impossible to stop. I say ALMOST, because I actually succeeded in not eating it for a few days when I first went on this eating plan and then after a few days, I stopped thinking of it and then after a few weeks, I no longer cared whether I had it or not and now after eight weeks, I really do not want any!

    I put this down to upping my protein so that I feel full most of the time, before my weight loss programme, I would stuff myself full of carbs and the more carbs I ate the more I wanted.
  • Allibaba
    Allibaba Posts: 457 Member
    I have given up on some and I have reduced others. I haven't eaten beef all year, recently I decided to stop eating pork. I rarely eat any meat at all now, but that is just a personal choice and I don't think that it is affecting my losses since I have replaced the meat with raw nuts so I am still getting lots of protein.

    I have mostly eliminated the candy I was eating. I was a sugar addict and so I try to eat as little sugar as possible. I have decreased my pizza habit to once every 2 weeks when my bf and I go to half price pizza and pints night at the local pub but it is a thin crust pizza and we get it with chicken or just cheese. I also gave up my 1-2+ glasses of wine each night, I have the previously mentioned pint and sometimes 1 or 2 servings of booze on the weekends.

    I have eliminated most processed foods and now my sodium is under control, I am now trying to do the same with sugar and carbs. It is considerably harder than the salt for me as I love sugar and carbs!
  • Dreaj79
    Dreaj79 Posts: 212
    I have one day a week where I let myself have one thing that I'm craving. I don't have a big no holds barred calorie bonanza, but if I've been ready to kill for an ice cream cone, I'll go get one. Some things I've changed. For example, I made my own pizza tonight instead of ordering out. It still satisfied my pizza craving, but I was able to control the calories, sodium and so on. You just have to find out how this works for you. Good luck! :smile:
  • oxFaithxo
    oxFaithxo Posts: 160 Member
    It seems that for some people it is just about calories - reduce calories and lose weight.

    For others, I think they have to change their entire metabolism by eliminating certain foods and adding others - something we all benefit from, but some respond better than others to a simple calorie reduction. I am also working on this part but it's more of a "phase 2" for me.

    My main problem was simply that I ate WAY TOO MUCH in portions. I was always thin as a kid.

    ooh i have the same problem i gorge my food down... but when i was younger (i mean i am only 26 BUT when i was in my teens and early 20's) i was able to eat what ever, whenever and however much i wanted...

    JUSTFORME2010 Posts: 125 Member
    I have decided that I eat what I want and add the calories. The one thing i did stop eating is OJ for breakfast. 2oz was 110 calories which was just way too much I couldnt keep up with that. And if I want a snack I try to eat reduced calorie snack.
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    I have done my best to give up white flour and white sugar (done my best means that I have not always been successful but doing pretty darn good at it!).
  • kspeach
    kspeach Posts: 179 Member
    I gave up fast food for over a month when I started my diet.

    I also gave up Pepsi, and very rarely do I even have a diet soda. It's a special treat if I have a coke or Pepsi.

    I think it's made a huge difference. My stomach was immediately less bloated, and my fingers are as well. Even at this weight some years back, I was still drinking Pepsi, and my wedding rings were still tight, especially in the summer. Now, they are usually about ready to fall off!

    Everything else is in moderation!
  • khk2010
    khk2010 Posts: 451 Member
    I eliminated things that are not healthful and good for me. I gave up alcohol, juice, margarine, white and most processed foods, and junk food. Replaced them with whole grains, lots of fruit and veggies, fish, lots of turkey here too. I will still have anything I really want though and fit in the calories. I have my treats like a piece of chocolate or weight watchers fudge bar. Got to have some goodies—right? I hate to feel deprived.
  • StaceG1986
    StaceG1986 Posts: 350
    What everyone else said - change to healthier versions or reduce the amount of bad stuff by a great amount
  • fchopin42
    fchopin42 Posts: 51
    I do a bit of modifying and reducing...

    LOVE pizza so I make my own with thin crust and light on the cheese so it isn't as unhealthy...
    LOVE ice cream.... I still have it... just less of it. I can't go without ice cream


    I want to learn to eat healthy for life... not just until I loose weight so I figure i need to learn to eat those "yummy" things too just in moderation and maybe changing them up a bit to be better for me.

    Several years ago I became vegetarian for health reasons. Now that I have done more research i am vegetarian for both health reasons as well as moral reasons.

    Have a great day!
  • 4myheartnsoul
    I gave them up. I was a sweet junkie. It was easy for me, partly because I found out I can no longer eat gluten, but once I dedicated to lose weight, and began eating healthy, I don't want it. I eat yogurt and fruit now.