Too much sugar & no control!?

Hello Beautiful people!

I need a bit of advice on Sugar!!

I wouldn’t say I eat badly, I mean especially in the last month I’ve tried REALLY hard and to be fair I’ve managed to stayed within my daily calorie allowance but I seem to be always consuming too much sugar! The thing is, I wouldn’t say I physically consume too much sugar knowingly, I just don’t know how to cut it down but Still eat the things I want. Key – I don’t physically use sugar on anything/in anything!

For example, I’ve tried exchanging certain light sweet snacks/cereal bars for fruit instead (as it figures... fruit is obviously better for you) But fruit contains a massive amount of natural sugar levels, thus going over my daily sugar allowance in a jiffy!
Also, I love having a yogurt a day as a late morning snack or for a light after lunch dessert. I even aim to purchase the ‘low fat/fewer than 110 calorie’ pots... But yet again, it seems that they all contain a lot of sugar/artificial sweeteners contributing to going over my sugar levels!

Another sugar problem is Cereal! I don’t add sugar to my cereal, none (and most people do) but it seems even when I choose the healthier cereal type (high in fibre & low in calories) they still contain a large amount of sugar!
Please, is there any advice you can give to help me stay within my daily sugar allowance it would be much appreciated.

Do you know if there are any Fruits that are lower in natural sugars?
Do you know if there are any healthy cereal or yogurt brands that are low
in calorie AND low in sugar levels?
UK Brands only please, I shop at Tesco :)

Thanks so much friends x

(whooohh... did you notice I said the word ‘sugar’ 13 times in that!! I feel a bit sick now ha ha)


  • stringcheeze
    The sugar to track is refined sugar, not from fruit. Your body metabolizes fruit in a completely different (healthier) way than it does the sugar that's in manufactured goods.

    If you're trying to make sensible choices in regards to refined sugars (ie, have a piece of fruit instead of a biscuit), then you're fine. I take my over all sugar intake for the day and subtract the total sugars from fruits and veg -- if the resulting number isn't in the red, then I know I've been good on not consuming a lot of refined sugar.

    P.S. A word on yogurt -- try to buy plain low fat yogurt. The flavored ones are usually loaded with excess sugar. You can make your own flavored kind by adding cinnamon, vanilla extract, fruit, etc, and save yourself the sugar.
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Well, I do low-carb diet stuff (when I actually diet), so I know all about cutting out sugar! lol I can't help with some of it, but for cereal, or breakfast bars, look at diebetic products. Some of them are pretty good.
  • frabjak
    frabjak Posts: 16
    Sugar in fruit is completely different, the only fruit I tend to avoid are large bananas. But as limiting fruit sugars...this really shouldn't be a concern. I don't think I know anyone who got fat off of grapes...

    However, your sugar problem is in cereal and yogurt. These may be low calorie options, but the majority of calories are coming from sugar. Easy fix, plain fat free yogurt. No fat, no sugar. I usually get the greek plain no fat, mix in some berries or stevia and it's a great healthy snack. As far as cereal, I tend to avoid it because of sugars and basicly, it doesn't hold me over. But if you are a cereal person stick to something like fiber one, shredded wheat (the plain kind), or possibly wheat chex. Again, add berries or fruit if you need it sweeter.
  • noble1987
    noble1987 Posts: 132
    The sugar to track is refined sugar, not from fruit. Your body metabolizes fruit in a completely different (healthier) way than it does the sugar that's in manufactured goods.

    If you're trying to make sensible choices in regards to refined sugars (ie, have a piece of fruit instead of a biscuit), then you're fine. I take my over all sugar intake for the day and subtract the total sugars from fruits and veg -- if the resulting number isn't in the red, then I know I've been good on not consuming a lot of refined sugar.

    P.S. A word on yogurt -- try to buy plain low fat yogurt. The flavored ones are usually loaded with excess sugar. You can make your own flavored kind by adding cinnamon, vanilla extract, fruit, etc, and save yourself the sugar.

    Thanks stingcheeze < (best user name I've seen yet lol BTW).

    Do you know if you can you physically subtract the sugar levels from your fruit to show the difference on your Food chart though??? I know it seems silly, but I hate seing a Red minus number under my sugar intake every day if a % of it is only contributed from natural sugar in fruits that I eat?!

    Claire x
  • noble1987
    noble1987 Posts: 132
    Sugar in fruit is completely different, the only fruit I tend to avoid are large bananas. But as limiting fruit sugars...this really shouldn't be a concern. I don't think I know anyone who got fat off of grapes...

    However, your sugar problem is in cereal and yogurt. These may be low calorie options, but the majority of calories are coming from sugar. Easy fix, plain fat free yogurt. No fat, no sugar. I usually get the greek plain no fat, mix in some berries or stevia and it's a great healthy snack. As far as cereal, I tend to avoid it because of sugars and basicly, it doesn't hold me over. But if you are a cereal person stick to something like fiber one, shredded wheat (the plain kind), or possibly wheat chex. Again, add berries or fruit if you need it sweeter.

    Thanks for this advice, was great help!

  • jaylu
    jaylu Posts: 158
    i would try onken fat free natural yogurt its so nice, i used to eat flavored yogurt all the time but i couldnt go back to it now, they all taste too sweet and fake! it takes a few days to get used to the natural but in the end its so much better esp with fruit added. and have you ever had porridge for breakfast? its nice to have something warm in the morning i also add fruit to this - its so filling and no sugar apart from the natural sugar from the fruit. hope this helps.
  • lisajuly
    lisajuly Posts: 240 Member

    Do you know if you can you physically subtract the sugar levels from your fruit to show the difference on your Food chart though??? I know it seems silly, but I hate seing a Red minus number under my sugar intake every day if a % of it is only contributed from natural sugar in fruits that I eat?!

    Claire x

    For what it's worth, i didn't like the red numbers either. In my goals, I changed my sugar to 75g (which i'm almost always under), so that way even with fruit, i don't go over. Each day before i close out for the day, i check just to make sure that i'm still good. Also, fwiw, dairy items also contain lactose which is a naturally occurring sugar also. I subtract those out, unless they are from a yogurt that has added sugar.
  • weelissa
    weelissa Posts: 89 Member
    I have the exact same sugar problem *cries*

    As has been said, breakfast cereals are the worst- even bran flakes have high sugar contents.

    A good way to cut down at breakfast is to have porridge. I know, I know... loads of folk hate it but there are things you can do to make it delicious and, best of all, there's no sugar in it! It is also really filling and I can guarantee it will fill you up til lunch.

    I use 30-40g of rough milled Scotts porridge oats and cook it in 250ml of water (or half water and half milk- Kara coconut milk is great and only has 27cals per 100ml).

    Just before serving I mix it with a teaspoon (about 10g is 28 cals) of St Dalfour raspberry jam. St Dalfour jams are delicious and have no sugar in them at all.However they are sweetened with grape juice so don't overdo it.

    Mix it all together and sprinkle with flaxseed. It tastes like a dessert! Yum!

    To make it even healthier mix blackberries through it instead of jam. It's not as sweet but it's still delicious.
  • noble1987
    noble1987 Posts: 132
    I have the exact same sugar problem *cries*

    As has been said, breakfast cereals are the worst- even bran flakes have high sugar contents.

    A good way to cut down at breakfast is to have porridge. I know, I know... loads of folk hate it but there are things you can do to make it delicious and, best of all, there's no sugar in it! It is also really filling and I can guarantee it will fill you up til lunch.

    I use 30-40g of rough milled Scotts porridge oats and cook it in 250ml of water (or half water and half milk- Kara coconut milk is great and only has 27cals per 100ml).

    Just before serving I mix it with a teaspoon (about 10g is 28 cals) of St Dalfour raspberry jam. St Dalfour jams are delicious and have no sugar in them at all.However they are sweetened with grape juice so don't overdo it.

    Mix it all together and sprinkle with flaxseed. It tastes like a dessert! Yum!

    To make it even healthier mix blackberries through it instead of jam. It's not as sweet but it's still delicious.

    Weelissa - Thanks so much for your suggestions! I am definately going to try this for breakky :) xXx
  • flannan
    flannan Posts: 45 Member
    I'm having the same sugar problem with cereals/granola. i spent 30 minutes going over all the granola at the store last week and didn't find any that were so much better than the Aurora granola I'm eating. As I am trying to kill my 'bad sugar' addiction, i think the granola is better than Fruit Loops, my old cereal lol. But not much better : - O
    btw i cant even swallow plain yougurt. blech. lol
  • starheart24
    I have the same problem. Sometimes I go over with bad sugar but I have noticed that the fruits I like are high in sugar. I also need ideas on how to cut out the sugar...