

  • I want to do one alternate exercise to running every week to try to break my plateau. Maybe some yoga or the elliptical.
  • I'm on a little plateau right now, myself. I started like you, though. I lost a couple pounds at first and then gained them back with a couple more as I was working out 5 or 6 days per week. After a little less than a month it all started to work itself out. I lot a couple of pounds a week for a couple of weeks and then…
  • MFP! To me, it's easier and obviously much cheaper. I love this site.
  • I drank a ton of Coke when my twins were little because I was getting so little sleep that I'd do anything to try to stay awake. I went half and half w/diet and still drink one or two diets a day, plus my morning coffee when I decided to quit. For me, the coke draw isn't the caffeine as much as the cool, crisp carbonation.…
  • You're doing great! It takes time for your body to adjust. I was at the same point a few months ago. Just keep with your schedule and add a couple of minutes to your jog every couple of days. You'll be running your 5k easily. One thing I did start doing, however, was taking more rest days to let my muscles recover. When I…
  • I think in the morning because you get it done and don't have to plan around it later, but I have no idea about the calorie thing. Good luck!
  • I started watching it at Netflix yesterday, but didn't get to finish. It's still there for those interested. Sooooo disturbing. Makes me want to grow my own food exclusively and forget the grocery store. Wish I could fit a cow and some chickens on the porch of my apartment . . .
  • I agree! my husband started bringing almonds home a few months ago, and I eat a handful every couple of days. I'm just addicted to something all the time and right now, happens to be ice-coffee. LOL Thanks for the tip . . .
  • Well we don't eat many happy meals these days, but I am guilty of drinking a sugar-free ice-coffee 3 or 4 days a week. No idea what chemicals or preservatives might be in that, but it keeps me going around 3 o'clock when I'm ready to keel over. I let my kids eat a chocolate chip cookie, too, when they finish their homework…
  • Sounds crazy and ridiculous. I'd stick to MFP guidelines and be patient.
  • Hi! I'm a third grade teacher, been teaching 14 years, and have twin 7 year-olds. Since I've been back at school this year, I just get up a half hour early. I run so I can burn the calories I need to in less time. Sometimes I only run 20 minutes during the week, and then 45 min to an hour on the weekends. I'm way too tired…
  • Been there! I think the last post's advice is important, plus to even cut back a tad on working out. Enough to keep seeing the difference in toning will keep you motivated, but not so much that you feel like your punishing yourself. You can start now with the measurements to see your progress better too. I lost an inch off…
  • That's a great idea! You may need to check the size though, because a 30 inch waist is usually a 10. Good luck in achieving your goal!!
  • I didn't look at your food, but are you getting enough iron? I have to remind myself to take in iron or I get tired, cold, etc.
  • I've had the same problem. I luckily found a high school track right next to a playground with tennis courts. My kids are 7. They bring toys, balls, scooters, etc. and I can see them while I jog and they play. I also get up before them and jog around our complex. It's beautiful here and plenty big enough if I wind through…
  • Chocolate cake with chocolate frosting. I could eat it 3 meals and day.
  • Thanks you guys! Appreciate your ideas and will try them. :0)
  • Cake is one of my biggest weaknesses, so I totally feel for you! Tonight I was dying for chocolate, so I made a sliced banana with chocolate sauce and fat free whip cream sprinkled with a few walnut pieces. Totally satifies those kind of cravings for me and much less calories/fat than cake, brownies, cookies and the other…
  • I'm always over too. I wish there was a way to separate the natural from refined sugars here so that I could keep a better eye on the later by itself. It's my downfall! All nutritional advice I've ever read encourages eating fruit, however, so I wouldn't try to limit that.
  • Thanks for the tips. Food Lovers sounds interesting. I'll have to look into it. I'm just getting impatient because I've never been a "healthy" weight loser. When I've gained weight, I get angry at myself and restrict my calories like crazy and workout. Weight comes on pretty fast that way, but then creeps back up on me.…
  • The name isn't indicative of the focus of the program. It's not a fad diet. It's a way of eating permanently that bans sugar, processed foods and encourages eating protien, good carbs, and a certain amount of fat. It is supposed to improve your body's ability to metabolize food for fat loss. It's against calorie counting,…
  • Whole wheat pasta with sauce from a jar is low cal. You can add parm and still be under 400.
  • ?? Says she's 19 . . .
  • If you're at home, I like the Trader Joe's blue corn, low-fat chips. I had a chips and salsa problem at night in front of the t.v. and that helped a little. I've since given them up for ONLY when I go out. I love salsa too, like one of the other respondents, so I could eat a cereal bowl full of it and not even notice.
  • Thank you so much for all the great replies. I think what I'm hearing overall is that it's to a degree individual and to trust what's going on with your body. I want to make sure I'm feeding myself enough to stay energetic, but not reducing the benefit of working out by overdoing it. I think for me I need the carrot…
  • Wow Itsmenatalie (sorry, don't know your real name LOL)! I am so impressed and inspired! It sounds like this website has really helped you. Any special tips you'd want to share??
  • For me I have to weigh myself at least every couple of days. I took my scale to my classroom for a math unit I was teaching. It ended up there for over a month and I ended up with 5 extra pounds. If I don't see the number, I convince myself it's my imagination! Plus, if I'm checking it regularly, before I started MFP, then…
  • Sounds like a great plan! I'd love to join. SW: 150 CW:147 GW: 135