Teachers: when do you workout?

125again Posts: 28
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
I'm a first year special education teacher working with an at risk population. I love my job but can barely keep my eyes open when I get home. I workout on the weekends but I'm too exhausted during the week. I want to add 2 workouts a week to my routine. What is working for you?



  • jencam
    jencam Posts: 1 Member
    I've been teaching for 3 years and I find it exceedingly hard as well. I try to get to school early to get things done and the days I workout I make myself leave as soon as I can. The other days I just stay a little later to get those things done I haven't gotten to. You just have to stay motivated and like I said MAKE yourself leave, otherwise some of us might just as well sleep at school!
  • rachel512
    rachel512 Posts: 38 Member
    I am in the same position! First year in special ed..it is the most exhausting job in the world! Im sure of it! Lol, but it is great...I actually started running in the morning to wake myself up, get my workout over with, and it helps me have more patience with the kids too. It is a major adjustment if youre not a morning person but I find that I have zero energy by 3 o'clock. Hope this helps!
  • sroseber
    sroseber Posts: 197 Member
    I'm not a teacher but I'm a mom of two and I work full time over 30 minutes from home. I feel the same way when I get home. I have an elliptical machine in my living room that I used to use while watching my evening tv shows. Seems if I'm distracted from the fact that I'm exercising then I'll do it more/longer. Lol! I also used to get up a little early ( before my girls were up and do Jillian's 30 day shred. I say "used" to because I've gotten away from my old routine but I'm hoping to get back into it soon. Another thing I remember from the old routine...it's hard to get started when you're tired but you have more energy when you done and everyday gets better. I keep telling myself I just need to do it today and get through it. Then deal with tomorrow, tomorrow. Good luck, and even though I'm not a teacher I hope I helped. :)
  • thanks guys. I think I'll make a goal to leave work asap and do some 30 day shred at least 2 week days. I'm hoping I'll get some more energy too.
  • well I am a childcare provider, and I provide the only 24 hour round the clock care on our military base so I know what you are dealing with. As the other younglady said you have to be motivated enough to put in extra time to finish up what you can, and get out of there as soon as you have a chance. Somedays as soon as one group of kids leave, another group is coming until the next morning, so for me I have to make myself get up @ 445am to get a workout in before I get the first group of kids up (along with my two teenagers) to go home, and receive the other group. Also, if you have recess & weather permits, or facilities (like a regular school gym) utilize it to your advantage with the kids by playing jumping games, running games, walking games, because hey all kids like competition. Just try to reevaluate your daily work week, find a window of free time & make a plan on when to workout. Believe me eventually it will become so natural that you don't even have to make a note to do it...Best of wishes on your journey
  • When do u wake up. Shoot I am barley on time. I thought about it but then I get sleepy from thinking abotu wakimg up early
  • Hi! I'm a third grade teacher, been teaching 14 years, and have twin 7 year-olds. Since I've been back at school this year, I just get up a half hour early. I run so I can burn the calories I need to in less time. Sometimes I only run 20 minutes during the week, and then 45 min to an hour on the weekends. I'm way too tired after school and have too much to do after dinner, so this is the only thing that works for me. I love it, though. The early morning is very peaceful and quiet around my house, and it's nice and cool outside. Good luck!
  • I'm in my seventh year teaching - and it's just as exhausting as my first. I teach mostly at-risk students grade 9-12. It's fun but exhausting. I get up at 5:15 twice a week to do an hour workout. I run two days a week immediately after work with a colleague (we go right from school), and then I try to fit in two sessions at home after work during the week - but I don't stress out as much about being certain to do those ones; if I'm tired or need to do some prep work I skip them. Other than that team sports keep me active, as I feel I have to show up to them. During the school year I sign up for at least two hockey teams, a recreational volleyball league and a roller derby team. The teams sports really save me from not getting enough exercise.

    Good luck and have a fantastic first year. Enjoy your students, but don't forget to make time in your schedule just to relax!
  • kfoley2
    kfoley2 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm in my 8th year teaching at a D school 9-12. Between everything I do plus throw in all the meetings with the state and district it gets to be very time consuming. I found that I keep my motivation when I'm registered for an event. I'm running a 1/2 marathon. I do the 30-Day Shred most mornings before work at 5:15am then run 3 days a week at the park my son has football practice and I cycle 3 days a week at the gym (having a group of others around me keeps me going on those nights my body won't do it on it's own). I'm an exercise junky and I happen to have an athlete-type boss.

    Try signing up for a local 5K or something similar to give you that extra kick. Plus, I keep little reminders around that the holidays aren't going to wait for my workouts so if I want to eat all the candy, cookies, and fudge that's waiting just around the corner I can't afford to skip my workouts. Then there are some nights when I put my sneakers on and will not take them off until I finish a walk or something to get my heart going a little bit.
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    I keep my gym bag packed and in the back seat of my car. When I leave at the end of the day, I see it when I climb in and it's a visual reminder to get my butt to the gym. It is tough.... I teach high school and I often feel mentally taxed by the end of the day, but if I can get myself there, that's my main battle. I generally feel better afterwards.

    If I can't make it, because I have papers to grade, I try to do a workout DVD or the Wii Fit, for at least a half an hour. If I just can't bring myself to do it, then I skip a workout. I figure as long as am eating well and working out 3-5 days a week, then I'm doing a pretty good job.

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