always so tired!

ugh im so tired of being tired! i dont know why im so tired but I am! I have an 8m old and wake up several times throughout the night with him, to nurse. but it's never bothered me so much before. now i take atleast a few hour nap every day! today i tried taking two but couldnt fall asleep the second time-couldnt get comfy. and still am ready for bed by 8-9pm!

i drank a lot of dr pepper before. maybe thats why. i never thought it kept me so awake but maybe i was wrong. but still....should i be THIS tired????!!!


  • suzi67
    suzi67 Posts: 162 Member
    Get your thyroid levels checked, mine went out of whack after I had my first child. With the tiredness, I was also cold, but even if you don't have that symptom, still get checked out.
  • lisalynn35
    lisalynn35 Posts: 250 Member
    I don't know if it's the DP. I used to drink a lot of soda, I don't drink any now and I feel that my energy has increased. I think getting up to nurse several time a night has a lot to do with it. I took the liberty of checking out your food diary and you have been really good about staying under you calorie goal (great work) but you don't seem to be eating the kinds of food that would give you that good energy. More fresh fruits and veggies would help immensely as would cutting out fried foods and extra sodium. Are you taking any vitamins? Adding a B complex or even just B-12 would also increase you energy. Changing up you cardio routine would help too. Walk one day and the next go for a bike ride or get on a stationary bike then the next day use a DVD. Our bodies like variety so when you do many kinds for exercises our bodies feel better.

    I know that was a lot to take in and process but I think if you try some of it you will see increased energy. Once you're feeling more energetic you could incorporate more in to your day to day life. Baby steps my friend, slow and steady wins the race. If you need me I'm here for you. We can go over meal plans together, exercise routines anything you need.

    Have a wonderful evening beautiful,
  • Hughes39
    I don't know if it's the DP. I used to drink a lot of soda, I don't drink any now and I feel that my energy has increased. I think getting up to nurse several time a night has a lot to do with it. I took the liberty of checking out your food diary and you have been really good about staying under you calorie goal (great work) but you don't seem to be eating the kinds of food that would give you that good energy. More fresh fruits and veggies would help immensely as would cutting out fried foods and extra sodium. Are you taking any vitamins? Adding a B complex or even just B-12 would also increase you energy. Changing up you cardio routine would help too. Walk one day and the next go for a bike ride or get on a stationary bike then the next day use a DVD. Our bodies like variety so when you do many kinds for exercises our bodies feel better.

    I know that was a lot to take in and process but I think if you try some of it you will see increased energy. Once you're feeling more energetic you could incorporate more in to your day to day life. Baby steps my friend, slow and steady wins the race. If you need me I'm here for you. We can go over meal plans together, exercise routines anything you need.

    Have a wonderful evening beautiful,
    my meals have been horrid i know. but we life in BFE (bum F*** eqypt) and cant get to a grocery store like we could if we lived in the city. so a week or so ago, whenever it was, that i started this, i started it knowing i had to deal with what food we had until we could go shopping. boyfriend went today and got lots of fruits, veggies, and more healthier foods. so itll all be better starting tomorrow. i still take my prenatal vitamins, but not regularly. i forget quite often. maybe I should set them somewhere more obvious.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    Glad you found this site, it is a great site and will help you alot. You should get your thyroid checked. My thyroid went out and I was exhausted all the time. It could be just being a mom but better to get it checked out. Your children are adorable. You can do this , just dont give up. It is easier when you have alot to lose to break it down into smaller goals. I also have alot to lose but I am just concentrating on losing 20 lbs at a time, it doesnt seem so overwhelming
  • DKWaggoner
    Being tired can be a number of things..Anemia,Low or high blood sugar or having the broken sleep pattern ...Maybe let your doc know how your feeling..
  • lalouli
    I didn't look at your food, but are you getting enough iron? I have to remind myself to take in iron or I get tired, cold, etc.
  • Squash97
    It is probably a number of things contributing to it, such as middle of the night wake-ups, and being a tired mommy, but as a mommy of three (one of which is only 13 months so I've been there recently), I would check a couple of things...

    Have your doctor do a full blood work-up, including thyroid, iron, and a pregnancy test. If everything is fine, then it could easily be your hormones because after having a baby it's up and down for a while. I would look into it with the dr first just to make sure that there isn't anything medical going on. I hope that you feel better soon!
  • pilotgirl2007
    pilotgirl2007 Posts: 368 Member
    Not eating enough calories can also cause fatigue. So if you have been really restrictive with your caloric intake that could be one of the contributing factors.
  • diet45
    diet45 Posts: 392 Member
    I was really tired all the time about 8 years ago. I went to my general dr. and he checked my thyroid. It was a bit off, so he just told me I was tired because I was an overweight mom. Well, I ended up getting a goiter (enlarged thyroid w/ nodules). I found out that your thyroid fluctuates during the day, so basically when I had the test done it was low. I had to have major surgery. They took 1/2 my thryoid. My OB Dr. also looked into my blood work because something wasn't right about my iron levels. I had to go to the cancer center (scary) to a hematologist. My grandfather has pernicious anemia and I asked to be checked for this disease (you stomach doesn't absorb B12), so basically you have to have B12 injections for the rest of your life. The Dr. finally checked me for it and sure enough I had it. They couldn't believe it because it is like an old man's disease, but the second test proved that I also had it. I have know taken Synthroid and B12 shots for the last 8 years and feel like a normal person. I tell you my story not because I think you have a thyroid condition or pernicious anemia, but you know your body. I knew I shouldn't want to take a nap at 9:00 in the morning. I was overweight, but I wasn't tired because of that. If you don't feel normal, please continue to get your Dr. to search out what is wrong with you. I also have a friend that takes B12 shots to give her energy at a local weight loss clinic.
  • BigGail
    BigGail Posts: 465 Member
    Have you set your calories to show that you are breast feeding? Breast feeding burns plenty calories so you need to allow for that, also, bit of an obvious one here, but have you tried going to bed earlier? I know from personal experience that rhe temptation is to stay up until "normal time", but maybe a couple of early nights a week would do the world of good. Lots of fresh air too will help. Could your hubby maybe do the first night feed so you at least get a good few hours unbroken? I used to express first thing in the morning and hubby would do the feed at about midnight, so I could sleep from 10-2. My Medela electric breat pump was worth every penny!
    If you've done all that (and I don't mean to be teaching Grandma to suck eggs) then yeah, go to the docs. Good luck hunny x