Something to make you think twice about eating McDonalds!



  • lalouli
    lalouli Posts: 41
    I agree! my husband started bringing almonds home a few months ago, and I eat a handful every couple of days. I'm just addicted to something all the time and right now, happens to be ice-coffee. LOL Thanks for the tip . . .
  • lalouli
    lalouli Posts: 41
    I started watching it at Netflix yesterday, but didn't get to finish. It's still there for those interested. Sooooo disturbing. Makes me want to grow my own food exclusively and forget the grocery store. Wish I could fit a cow and some chickens on the porch of my apartment . . .
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    I've never really liked anything from McDonalds except their fries...I'm sorry, but they have the best salty goodness french fries around (well if we are just talking fast food). I haven't had any in weeks...feels like
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    I haven't ate anything at McDonald's except Apple Walnut Snacks, in 7 years. My husband eats there, my children eat there and my grandchildren eat there. However, I have read factual articles and heard reports of what is in the food and preparation of the food that made me decide not to put those things in my body. I am very "choosy" about where I eat. It's not just McDonalds. They, along, with all fast food stores, do research to target who to sale to and how. They, along with many, put preservatives in their food to make it last and food enhancers to make you want to eat more. That is a fact. Do your research. My family chooses to eat there as well as most of the people in the US, etc... Just drive up in the parking lot of a MickyD's or any of the outlets and watch the people who come and go. All the things in our food is a scary thought. If you are going to eat there, they do have some choices that if you look at calorie content you can get by. You can make it. I do. It isn't easy to eat Apple Walnut Snacks and smell french fries, nuggets etc...If you aren't careful you will feel sorry for yourself. I had a doctor friend to tell me to feel sorry for everyone else, not myself. This probably won't go over well either. but here goes.....:tongue:
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    One other addition to my reply. You don't have to believe me that's okay. I have a farmer friend who had a cow that had mastitis. (i hope that is spelled correctly) They had given her large doses of antibiotics to try to help her. The vet told them they needed to sell her to a meat company because she wasn't going to get any better. They did and they sold her to a company that sells to McD's.
    Yes, I have toured their local stores with some local officials, especially during grand openings, I don't doubt the majority are clean but that doesn't control what is in the food.
    Since that time (re: my friend's cow), I just can't bring myself to eat their burgers. My son says that we can't worry about all that. It just won't leave my head...:noway:
  • In my opinion there is probably something "bad" in more foods than we can think of but McDonalds and other fast food places get the most criticism. McDonalds obviously isn't the healthiest choice but I see nothing wrong with it as a treat every few weeks/months.
    I like the taste of McDonalds so it doesn't really bother me what people say is in it, as the taste is nice so it wouldn't put me off.
    If I avoided McDonalds at all costs and made my own beef burgers and fries, it still wouldn't be good for me to have on a regular basis.
    To me weight loss is about changing your diet for the long term and I couldn't live the rest of my life on low fat food 24/7. I need to have a treat every now and again to keep me motivated. If this means having a McDonalds or a takeaway then I will.
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