desirae500 Member


  • LOL! I have to say scrub pants! Elastic waist or tie - they can continue to fit past their prime!
  • @metalvegan - thanks! I like the Youtube Fitness Blender channel. @plates 559 - Congrats! Keep up your good work!
  • Your body is probably going through an adjustment phase. Are you still losing inches? I've been at the same weight for 2 months but still lost another dress size. I did this same plateau thing last year but stuck to my good nutrition plan and changed up my exercise routine and it finally broke. I still am not losing weight…
  • I've lost 50 lbs over 18 months. Feels pretty slow to me but I know it is a good loss and I've kept it off. I've been at the same weight 162 for about 2 months now but I still have lost inches. (now heading into size 8's). Just keep on going! Experiment with all different food types and exercise routines! You will do it!
  • Mixed veggies + onions + spaghetti sauce = mix together and put in a casserole dish. Sprinkle with a little cheese. Bake at 325 for about 30-40 minutes. Enjoy over rice or as is!
  • I have the same problem at times. I alternate going to the gym with workouts at home. At home I really try to change up what I do. I have exercise DVDs and "games" on both the Wii and PS3 (EA Sports and Boxing/kickboxing). I have a bowflex, free weights and a treadmill! I have also found a free app on my Samsung pad…
  • 53 y/o with a fitbit and I love it. I have an irregular heartbeat and take meds so heart rate monitors do not work well for me. I love looking at how high I climbed and how far I walked after a day in the hospital with the nursing students. The average is 3.5 miles and the height of the Statue of Liberty!
  • I agree - you have lots of good basics there. I guess I saw chips, cupcakes, wings, pizza, potato skins, etc. Plus, unfortunately, alcohol add lots of (sugar) calories - and I love my sangria spritzers! My hubby loves to eat out, so we are are 3-4 meals per week (breakfast, lunch or dinner). We often find we can order one…
  • First, congrats on inches! My weight has been steady for many months but 3 dress sizes are gone! I do think you need to really re-think what you put in your mouth. Lots of "junk" food in your diary. I don't think anything is really off limits but daily doses (double and triple) are not good. (Your splurges seem to be…
  • The moving comfort bras are very supportive. If there is a running store near you, try and get fitted or try a bra on there. You can always surf Amazon and ebay once you know the size to save some $$$! That's what I have done!
  • Don't give up. Stick with your original goal of healthy. I have been at a plateau for about 2 months now but continue to lose inches and I still feel better! It will happen but not overnight! Take care!
  • thanks for the help! I do have a fan on the window ledge near the bed! I'll check out the website! Congrats on being a survivor!
  • My back expands as I work out because my lats (back muscles) get toned up! I say - have the dress altered! You are rocking the weight loss!
  • I don't go home after work. I go to the gym! On the weekends I workout and clean like mad all morning then fun, fun, fun the rest of the time!
  • I've never weighed more than my hubby but I was creeping up! When I hit 200 (he was 250), I decided - enough! Now I am almost 100 pounds lighter than him and feeling strong. You can do it!
  • If you are comfortable, wear them! I wear spandex shorts or capri's. I even have a couple of skorts - which I love!. My thighs ain't the prettiest, but who cares!
  • Have to agree with other posters. Do what you love - whether it is weightlifting or walking in the park. If you have a lot of changes to make (i.e., change diet, add exercise, quit smoking, etc.). Try to do one thing at a time. I started with working on my diet. Just learning to eat breakfast took at least 2 weeks! After…
  • YES! I am a little chubby still but have lost 50 lbs. Some days I just feel ENORMOUS! I find that I buy clothes to fit the old me (size 16) not the new me (size 10)! On days I feel big - I wear my cutest most flattering outfit to work and to the gym. Have a great day!:flowerforyou:
  • Secondhand and consignment shops baby! I have cleaned out my closets and all under the bed containers of clothes that "I will lose weight and wear." I have a pile of clothes on the bedroom floor to donate, my friend who is a little larger than me took a bunch and my closet is getting bare.....I'm heading to the secondhand…
  • Yes! My sister called (long-distance) to ask me what I thought of a bump on her daughter's arm - sent me a pic over the phone! She did that with a rash once - I did recognize fifth's disease! But I do find that in casual conversation people will ask the weirdest health questions.
  • I always count vacuuming and mopping! Oh, and scrubbing the tubs!
  • God bless you and your family.
  • I suggest a hobby - something involving building something. Models, dollhouses, dioramas, etc. Build a deck! Create a garden! Or painting, sculpture, origami! Or write a book, start a blog. Check with your city to see what volunteer opportunities there are for you. Now that summer is coming, maybe parks and rec could use…
  • Today I did a full body workout on the Bowflex.
  • I have to agree with most of the posters. Burn calories with some type of aerobic/cardio exercise for overall fat loss and add working out with weights for those beautiful back muscles. I actually went up in bra band size as I went down in cup size because I was losing weight but expanding the lat muscles! Plus, working my…
  • It is hard to do absolutely nothing! I feel restless and unsettled when I just sit around. So, a walk and housework sound good. I think the point is not so much to just sit around but to just live your life - and give your muscles a chance to rest. In the summer I swim almost everyday but some afternoons I just float on…
  • Hula hoop is a great idea!
  • Sounds like lots of good advice already. Track food, walk, do a little more each day. You will see steady improvement!:flowerforyou:
  • Yes! Yes! Yes! I have really had to keep reminding myself that it is not only all about the numbers on the scale. Last year I went from 210 to around 185 - and kept it off. This year (so far) I have gone from 185 to 164. My weight has been stalled or creeping through the 160's but I lost 3 dress sizes (inches)! So, color…