

  • My structure is more like Robert Mitchum http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_pNc5ILnrFTI/TE4lXC0rmfI/AAAAAAAADuA/fjB2-lUkdVs/s640/MitchumGunChest.jpg
  • No modern celebrity has my bone structure. I'm barrel chested (my rib cage is super deep and expands like crazy) and that isn't common. I look more like the old school Edwardian Strongmen. People Like Arthur Saxon and Eugene Sandow. http://www.usawa.com/USAWA%20Uploads/2011/01/Position2.jpg…
  • If your knees hurt then you are doing it wrong. Most likely you are landing on your heel, like you would while walking. Try landing on the mid to front of your foot.
  • Talk to your dietitian about the "Slow Carb" diet from Tim Ferriss' book "The 4 hour body." It works really well if your only goal is to loose fat. At under 15% BF I was loosing about 1.5 lbs a week. At higher BF ranges people have been shown to loose significantly more per week.
  • I agree with all of the people saying to go see a doctor. However, I just wanted to bring up my own experience with high fiber diets. At one point I was eating a high protein high fiber diet (over 40g of fiber daily) and this caused me terrible bloating constipation and gas. Almost all of my fiber was coming from beans and…
  • You won't gain tons of muscle just from eating lots of protein. Unless you subscribe to lifting extremely heavy weights (I'm talking iron that weighs more then your body weight) and constantly stuffing your face with food you probably won't gain any muscle. That's the body builder prescription. Some body builders eat so…
  • Not enough calories in general, but also you eat almost no whole, non-processed foods. Try replacing all of the processed sugar and flour in your diet with whole fresh fruits and vegetables. They will be much more filling and the sugars in them will help to level your insulin and mood.
  • This is where I am at right now. I need to gain muscle but there is a part of my brain that is so scared that if I eat too much or eat the wrong things I will become fat again. It is hard to get past it some days. And other days I have to force myself past and I end up eating way to much. It helped me to put away the scale…
  • For a barbell set, just get a cheap used Ivanko Olympic set. Those things are made of steal and cast iron, they will last longer then you do if they aren't rusted. or are you referring to dumbbells?
  • Instead of arguing over sugar vs HFCS, we shoudl just be limiting our exposure to both of them. A family friend of mine is a diabetes researcher and once told me that the human body is not designed to process sugar (cane, processed white, HFCS, etc), It is a major cause of disease. We should be getting our sugars from…
  • I only have 1 tip. Because all the methods in the world wont work with this one factor. 1.) DESIRE You need to make yourself want this fat-loss more then you have ever wanted anything in your life. More then the donuts. More then the fast food. More then sleep. More then everything else. Where food before may have been an…
  • This all depends on what you are eating. Under eating combined with a low fat and low cholesterol intake will definitely hamper your libido heavily. Combine that with the loss of minerals from under eating such as zinc, magnesium and selenium, which all aid in male hormone production, and you have a powerful libido poison…
  • Green Tea has antioxidants that lower the risks of cancer and other diseases. It aids in weight loss and increases metabolism. There is also research coming out that shows it may be one of the only foods that actually aids in killing fat cells (fat cells typically just get smaller and don't die). The caffeine in Green tea…
  • Old Fashioned Rolled oats Blueberries bananas apples oranges raw walnuts raw milk raw brazil nuts kale spinach peppers onions kimchi hemp seeds ground flax seeds pumpkin seeds extra virgin olive oil coconut oil Real peanut butter (only ingredient: peanuts) eggs
  • Liquid egg whites are great for protein, but they have almost no nutritional value beyond that. You may as well just be drinking protein powder. Whole eggs, however, contain tons of vitamins and nutrients and are extremely healthy. The yolk is where the developing fetus gets all of its nutrition. It has also been shown…
  • I would recommend that you switch to a peanut butter that has only one ingredient: peanuts. Jif Natural, while supposedly healthier then normal hydrogenated and heavily salted peanut spreads, still contains extra sugar and salt. Real peanut butters such as Adams or the kind that you get from the grinder at Whole Foods,…
  • I think everyone needs to stop being so tied down to the idea of a calorie. Our bodies don't work like bomb-calorimeters.
  • Failing to get the girl far too many times. Kevin bodyspeechmind.com
  • My information comes from books and articles published by respected authors and health professionals. And you have not given me any evidence to establish your point so hence it is a worthless statement.
  • Not entirely true. Due to hormones activated (namely insulin) by the intake of sugar (fructose excluded, which has been shown to control insulin) it can easily cause your body to deposit calories into fat cells as opposed to using them or storing them in the liver or muscle glycogen. This is where the glycemic index…
  • There have been studies done that show that nut's in moderation contribute to accelerated weight loss. In one study a group was given 2oz of nuts to eat each day and lost more weight then the control group with no other variance in diet or exercise habits.
  • I went through a similar things but I changed it in one significant way. Before I started my weight loss I didn't care about my physical appearance at all. I was indifferent to it, but indifference is very far from happiness. As I started the journey I needed to use negative feelings to stimulate me to continue. But I had…
  • yes i have. I lost an entire shoe size since i started losing weight.
  • I hate subway. The calories are a good number but they are entirely empty. I am always starving after eating it.
  • welcome :) This place will definitely help you reach your goals!
  • Thanks guys! It feels amazing. I really have transformed myself and that includes much more then just my body. It's time to start toning and bulking :) I can't wait to get to the physic that i dream of!
  • you should follow it with protein and carbs to replenish what your body lost during the workout. Lately I have been reading that chocolate milk is one of the best post workout drinks due to the type and ballance of protein it contains.
  • No dairy, No eggs, No red meat, no caffeine, no bread, no pasta, no flour, no processed food for the whole month. Also gonna get strict about my calorie intake. I will get this last 15 lbs off now!
  • Looking at your diary you are consistently under on carbs by about 100g. All you have to do is add some pasta or oatmeal or more bread. 1 cup of old fashioned oatmeal is 54g of carbs. Also judging from the calorie deficit you are under on fat as well. go ahead and toss in the egg yolks and eat some more nuts like others…
  • This is totally normal, and actually it is a big problem a lot of body builders and gym goers have. In order to even out each of your sides there are a few things you can do that involve resistance training. First - always use machines or weights that are separate for each side. for example: instead of barbell curl do…