Digestive issues



  • Jackie9950
    Jackie9950 Posts: 374 Member
    Are you tracking your fiber on your diary? You might add it and see where you sit, because a deficit in fiber can cause a lot of digestive issues!
  • Are you tracking your fiber on your diary? You might add it and see where you sit, because a deficit in fiber can cause a lot of digestive issues!

    I typically get 30-40 g fiber per day.. definitely never less than 25 g
  • After replying to you this morning it prompted me to go looking up gastroparthesis and losing weight ...sites to which I
    haven't looked at for years. Athough losing weight unplanned is one of the symptoms .....one site lead to another and I found
    many spots where people discuss gastroparthesis and weight gain or trouble losing weight. It is not uncommon to gain weight
    plus have the other symptoms. I believe when you have this issue you also have times that your stomach empties faster than
    other times and times where it doesn't empty....hence it's confusing to even explain to others or even your doctor what you are
    talking about. Small meals 6 times a day was suggested and liquid replacement meals were suggested when it's really bad. Which wouldn't be too bad if it was tequilla...lol ..you should check out those sites, just google it.
    As I said this morning the radio active egg test is the best way to find out and that was mention on every site.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    i had similar symptoms , along with random itchy skin rashes and minor throat constriction that caused wheezing and coughing and turns out it was gluten. once i cut it out i never had those symptoms again. plus now when i do get them, i can immediately tell it's because i ate something with gluten.. turns out gluten is in way more things than I expected. :cry:
  • phinners
    phinners Posts: 524 Member
    Why are they making you wait so long for the U.S report? Surely as they image it they can tell you their finding? Are the gall stones present, is the gall bladder swollen or inflammed or opaque etc etc. Why the flip are they making you wait so long? I had mine scanned in Aug, the consultant told me there any then what he could see - there were gall stones present and my pancreas was opaque suggestive of infection.

    Is everyone going to read the lady's posts, especially the ones where she says she has been tested for gluten intolerance and it isnt that? Therefore you can all stop banging on about bloody gluten. That is not her condition.

    And celiac disease is an auto immune condition/intolerance it is not the same as a gluten allergy. Yes it is a reacting to the wheat proteins but it is different from an allergy.

    I'm not even going to talk about the antibodies and serum blood tests because so far no one seems to want to read any actual medical sense.
  • deedster_a
    deedster_a Posts: 91 Member
    Your symptoms sound so familiar. I also have Gastroparesis. It took about 5 months to get a diagnosis because it is rare. After being put on meds, I am so much better. I still have to watch my diet really closely. I am also one of those who does not lose weight with this condition. After joining MFP and tracking my food, I am finally losing some weight, but slowly.
  • Are you tracking your fiber on your diary? You might add it and see where you sit, because a deficit in fiber can cause a lot of digestive issues!

    I typically get 30-40 g fiber per day.. definitely never less than 25 g

    I agree with all of the people saying to go see a doctor.
    However, I just wanted to bring up my own experience with high fiber diets. At one point I was eating a high protein high fiber diet (over 40g of fiber daily) and this caused me terrible bloating constipation and gas. Almost all of my fiber was coming from beans and cooked vegetables. The diet was working but I couldn't deal with the constant discomfort.
    I have since switched to a mostly raw diet full of fruit and vegetables with a little cooked protein in the form of a few eggs and some meat a day. I have never had better running bowels in my life. I used to suffer from hemorrhoids, gas and constipation constantly but now everything is super smooth.
    I believe that it is not only about how much fiber you are getting but also about where the fiber is coming from that affects your digestion and bowels.