2600 calorie diet???

Has anyone figured out a healthy way to eat 2600 calories without over-doing the basic no-no's like salt and sugar. I would greatly appreciate the diet if anyone has made one. I would have to eat a whole lot of vegtables and fruit to make 2600 calories. Then if I eat too much fruit the sugar goes way over. Too many leafy greens and the fiber goes way over. To many nuts and the fats go over. I can seem to find a reasonable solution. Please help


  • kickitlarson
    kickitlarson Posts: 204 Member
    going over with fiber can't be a bad thing!! Fruit sugars are different than processed sugars. Fruit sugars enter the bloodstream and leave quickly unless there is too much fat to slow it down. Processed sugars are more like a drug and are treated like toxins. I would say eat as much fruit & veggies you like then figure out what you need from there. Beans & quinoa would be the next source I would look too. so many people are afraid of fruit & veggies but you really can't get enough of these in your diet - we were made to eat these foods and can survive off plant based diets better than any other.
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    Has anyone figured out a healthy way to eat 2600 calories without over-doing the basic no-no's like salt and sugar. I would greatly appreciate the diet if anyone has made one. I would have to eat a whole lot of vegtables and fruit to make 2600 calories. Then if I eat too much fruit the sugar goes way over. Too many leafy greens and the fiber goes way over. To many nuts and the fats go over. I can seem to find a reasonable solution. Please help
    Well if your cals are to be 2600, then your proteins, carbs and fiber would raise as well. The sodium is the one you'd not want to go higher than say 2400-2500 tops!

    Here's a few examples (plus if you Google I bet you could even find sample meals for 2600 cals a day, definitely worth a Google) of a variety of food that is calorie dense but healthy.

    Nut Butters (PB, Almond butter etc)
    Mixed Nuts (you can buy them in bulk, raw and unsalted)
    Raw/unsalted almonds
    dried fruit
    olives (watch the sodium)
    olive oil for cooking or as part of any salad dressing
    whole milk products

    Keep it healthy but calorie dense. Olive oil, etc.

    Try not to go low fat, no sugar route as you drop one and they add chemicals or more of the other. Sometimes it's best to eat a regular yogurt than no fat yogurt if you're looking at your sugars (always good for us all to keep an eye on labels)

    It's late I probably didn't cover near as much as if I could earlier in the day but hope I gave you some hope that it can be done. :)

    Cereal is something that can be added in as a snack. If you set your meals up to be 5-6 mini meals it helps spread your eating out a bit throughout the day.

    The best to you:drinker:
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Send SHBoss1673 an IM ... he's eating about that much and watches his sugars and fat.
  • Ryhenblue
    Ryhenblue Posts: 390 Member
    2600 calories is a lot of food when you're eating healthy. I know a lot of people on here myself included don't track our sugar because we go over because of the fruit. I do keep tabs on sugar from processed foods. MFP has the daily fiber set too low. Males should have around 30g and females 25g so going over isn't a big deal. If I was trying to get 2600 calories a day I'd eat lots of lean meats, eggs, beans, fruits, vegetables, some kind of dairy, pasta or another starch, a serving of nuts, maybe even a protein shake. The most important things not go over are the calories, carbs, fat, and sodium. Hope this helps.
  • leanmass24
    leanmass24 Posts: 304 Member
    I have been eating chicken breast, brown rice,asparagus, peas, green beans, corn. barilla mutligrain pasta, apples. cherries, bananas, egg beaters, wheat toast, lowest sodium soup I can find. I am always going over on the sodium cause of the canned veggies. I guess i need to but fresh vegables intead of canned, but I dont really have time to prepare them I am already only getting 6 hours of sleep cause I have to wake up early to cook and go to the gym. I work 12 hour shifts over night with an hour drive each way so my days are a full 18 hours if not more. Are there any low sodium alternatives? My sugars are always over to but it is usually from fruit.

  • SouthernBell86
    SouthernBell86 Posts: 275 Member
    If you are trying to make low sodium soup I really recommend you find some quick and easy soup recipes and make your own. You can get swanson's low sodium chicken broth for a base (or switch it up to beef broth if you feel like it).

    Maybe you could try using a crock pot to make big portions of soup once a week. Toss in some beans, meat, rice, spices and other favorites and don't add any extra salt. Try googling crock pot recipes for that. Then store your leftovers in individual servings that are easy for you to heat up.

    6 hours is enough time for a crock pot to do it's magic for most things, so you could get some cooking done while you sleep. If you don't have a crock pot I really think you should invest. I got a big one at Big Lots for $20 so not bad for something that might do half your work for you!

    Other things I have made in my crock pot are brisket, roast, baked chicken...well the list goes on. It can really do a lot with very little effort, and can definitely improve on your canned food situation.

    If you are really concerned about your high sugars from fruit, then try substituting some of your fruit for carrot sticks. Carrots have some sugar, but not as much as most fruit, and if you get the big carrots (not baby ones) they are easy to munch on while you do other things. You could also try eating peanut butter and raisins on celery sticks, or just adding peanut butter to your apple.

    Anyway, I hope that all this works out for you!
  • recipe4success
    recipe4success Posts: 469 Member
    You can check out my diary if you like...i am not eating 2600 calories but tend to be around 1900-2300 calories most days.
  • leanmass24
    leanmass24 Posts: 304 Member
    I guess I need to get a crock pot. I have been eating celery with PB and carrots too. I forgot to add that in. I still cant see getting the 2600 calories in unless i double the meats and add in nuts, but then the fats will go up also which I have been good on so far. I think that my calories will stay about the same when I do get down to my goal weight cause the exercise will go up and I plan on going back into the army when I lose enough weight .Thanks for all the suggestions so far.
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    I have been eating chicken breast, brown rice,asparagus, peas, green beans, corn. barilla mutligrain pasta, apples. cherries, bananas, egg beaters, wheat toast, lowest sodium soup I can find. I am always going over on the sodium cause of the canned veggies. I guess i need to but fresh vegables intead of canned, but I dont really have time to prepare them I am already only getting 6 hours of sleep cause I have to wake up early to cook and go to the gym. I work 12 hour shifts over night with an hour drive each way so my days are a full 18 hours if not more. Are there any low sodium alternatives? My sugars are always over to but it is usually from fruit.

    Instead of fresh, often frozen are even better, they are frozen fresh, where as fresh are sometimes picked and flown or driven long distances so by the time you get them,......they aren't fresh anymore. lol Frozen veggies in the microwave taken only a few minutes, so while you're fixing the plate of chicken and rice you can be warming up your veggies in the microwave. Better yet, or maybe you already do this? Cook up all your chicken and rice and veggies for the week and put them in the fridge and just pull them out for each meal. Makes lunches so much easier and meals on the go. I store my brown rice in a Gallon size Ziploc Bag and same with my Chicken breasts. The veggies I store in a 2 quart container I cook them in the microwave in and then just put the lid on them.

    Simple is good, quick is good, healthy, simple, quick = sticking to healthy eating :)

    Not eating canned veggies will REALLY make a huge dent in your sodium content in your diary, you'll be amazed! As quick as it is to heat a can you can nuke some frozen ones.

    Take care and the best to you:drinker:

    Edit: Legumes are a great protein source and are also considered a carb, but a very slow acting one so a very healthy one. I buy black beans in bulk, rinse and pick thru them then put them in a pot, stick the pot in the fridge, rinse and repeat several times and then cook them up, takes about 45 minutes. They are great with a bit of Salsa (which you can make or buy with no salt), and eat them that way. Or I often use a 1/2 pita pocket or a tortilla, sprinkle a bit of cheese on that and poof, another meal. If you need more protein then simple eat more beans with that meal.

    You can use the beans all week as well, toss in your salads for protein, toss them in your soups, the sky is the limit with turtle beans:love: !
  • leanmass24
    leanmass24 Posts: 304 Member
    I just made my diary public so everyone can check it out and make suggestions... I will try to add more protein and nuts and see where that gets me. thanks for all the help
  • recipe4success
    recipe4success Posts: 469 Member
    I have been eating chicken breast, brown rice,asparagus, peas, green beans, corn. barilla mutligrain pasta, apples. cherries, bananas, egg beaters, wheat toast, lowest sodium soup I can find. I am always going over on the sodium cause of the canned veggies. I guess i need to but fresh vegables intead of canned, but I dont really have time to prepare them I am already only getting 6 hours of sleep cause I have to wake up early to cook and go to the gym. I work 12 hour shifts over night with an hour drive each way so my days are a full 18 hours if not more. Are there any low sodium alternatives? My sugars are always over to but it is usually from fruit.

    Instead of fresh, often frozen are even better, they are frozen fresh, where as fresh are sometimes picked and flown or driven long distances so by the time you get them,......they aren't fresh anymore. lol Frozen veggies in the microwave taken only a few minutes, so while you're fixing the plate of chicken and rice you can be warming up your veggies in the microwave. Better yet, or maybe you already do this? Cook up all your chicken and rice and veggies for the week and put them in the fridge and just pull them out for each meal. Makes lunches so much easier and meals on the go. I store my brown rice in a Gallon size Ziploc Bag and same with my Chicken breasts. The veggies I store in a 2 quart container I cook them in the microwave in and then just put the lid on them.

    Simple is good, quick is good, healthy, simple, quick = sticking to healthy eating :)

    Not eating canned veggies will REALLY make a huge dent in your sodium content in your diary, you'll be amazed! As quick as it is to heat a can you can nuke some frozen ones.

    Take care and the best to you:drinker:

    Microwaving veggies will zap out all the nutrients from them :)
  • lee112780
    lee112780 Posts: 419 Member
    Frozen veggies....no salt...and doesn't take long to make. You can microwave with plastic on top. Sometimes, I just put them in the pan and bake them with my chicken or pork, when the chicken is just about done. Tastes good!
  • leanmass24
    leanmass24 Posts: 304 Member
    thanks, I didnt even think of the frozen veggies... my freezer is pretty empty too...lol.. I do fix my meals a few days in advance sometimes when I have time. I dont usually use the microwave. either a pot or a pan with a little olive oil does wonders.
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    I have been eating chicken breast, brown rice,asparagus, peas, green beans, corn. barilla mutligrain pasta, apples. cherries, bananas, egg beaters, wheat toast, lowest sodium soup I can find. I am always going over on the sodium cause of the canned veggies. I guess i need to but fresh vegables intead of canned, but I dont really have time to prepare them I am already only getting 6 hours of sleep cause I have to wake up early to cook and go to the gym. I work 12 hour shifts over night with an hour drive each way so my days are a full 18 hours if not more. Are there any low sodium alternatives? My sugars are always over to but it is usually from fruit.

    Instead of fresh, often frozen are even better, they are frozen fresh, where as fresh are sometimes picked and flown or driven long distances so by the time you get them,......they aren't fresh anymore. lol Frozen veggies in the microwave taken only a few minutes, so while you're fixing the plate of chicken and rice you can be warming up your veggies in the microwave. Better yet, or maybe you already do this? Cook up all your chicken and rice and veggies for the week and put them in the fridge and just pull them out for each meal. Makes lunches so much easier and meals on the go. I store my brown rice in a Gallon size Ziploc Bag and same with my Chicken breasts. The veggies I store in a 2 quart container I cook them in the microwave in and then just put the lid on them.

    Simple is good, quick is good, healthy, simple, quick = sticking to healthy eating :)

    Not eating canned veggies will REALLY make a huge dent in your sodium content in your diary, you'll be amazed! As quick as it is to heat a can you can nuke some frozen ones.

    Take care and the best to you:drinker:

    Edit: Some pick one day a week to cook that might work for you and then you can even divide up for your lunchs so you don't have to wake up earlier like you shared to cook before work and the gym. Just trying to think of more ways to help you short cut and get enough sleep, which is definitely VERY VERY important as well. As important as eating healthy and working out are. It's such a delicate balance, I think you're doing great looking for ideas to balance your days out!:drinker: :wink:
  • recipe4success
    recipe4success Posts: 469 Member
    you can also freeze meals in large ziploc bags (or containers) and take them out the day before you want to use them and simply reheat ...keeps longer than in the fridge so you can do it more in advance when you have time :)
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Just a note on the fat content from nuts. Yes they are high fat and calorie dense but they are medium chain fatty acids (good type) as opposed to long chain (bad type) so if you go over a bit on fat content from a few extra nuts then I think you'll be fine. I prefer to go over on fats rather than carbs if I know that I have been eating healthy fats like nuts, avocado, coconut oil etc.

    I would recommend checking out some bodybuilding websites as well for sample meals as 2600 is a pretty regular number for guys. I am low 2000's. You can check my diary and add another meal if you want :)
  • SouthernBell86
    SouthernBell86 Posts: 275 Member
    Okay, so I just looked at your food diary for today, and I have a couple of feedback points. First of all, I think that MFP tends to be too low on the fiber. Honestly you really don't have too much fiber unless you just start having to go to the bathroom way too much/often. And with as much protein and fats you are consuming, you definitely need to increase fiber.

    How about instead of white bread, you try to find Ezekial Bread? It comes in the frozen food aisle. It is a whole wheat bread, and the grains are sprouted before used, so more of the nutrients are unlocked, easier to digest. Also, it is 80 calories a slice, so two of those for breakfast will be 160 calories instead of 110. Next, why not use real eggs instead of egg beaters? Real, fresh eggs will be a better source for all the great nutrients they have for you, and will have more calories.

    As for your chicken, why don't you try spicing your chicken up a bit with some sauces, or chopping it up and cooking it into a tomato sauce and eating it over brown rice?

    Also, for an idea of what you can do with a slow cooker here you go, a lady has blogged her way through hundreds of crock pot dishes, and we are all the more fortunate for it! http://crockpot365.blogspot.com/ I personally don't use the microwave, but even if you do like using it, it and nothing else can't get the same taste results that a slow cooker can. The meat will come out tender, and vegetables flavorful. Best of all, it will happen in your sleep!

    Maybe also try mixing together some cold salads, like coleslaw, at home that will have lots of veggies (cabbage, carrots, etc). Put raisins, cranberries and nuts in there and it will up the calories for you! I have really gotten into these, since I don't normally like cabbage and a few of the other ingredients, but mixed together with other tasty things I eat the healthy stuff right up!
  • leanmass24
    leanmass24 Posts: 304 Member
    The bread i ate today was a whole wheat bread and the calories was for 2 slices. I usually eat a mutli grain bread but they were out of it last time I went shopping. I do spice the chicken with some select ingredients, it is not in there though. they dont add to the calories and i dont add salt to anything. I try to stay away from salad cause I dont like any of the dressings that are good for you(so no temptation) i just try to subsitute more veggies in my meals.

    Never was a fan of cole slaw especially with raisins..... ewww

    I always loved slow cooked food... dont know why Ihavent gotten a crockpot before now.

    Whole eggs have lots of cholesterol and fat... some say they are good for you some say it is bad... but everyone agrees that egg protein is the best... It is used as the measure for all other protiens.
  • sweetoblivion314
    Looking at your diary you are consistently under on carbs by about 100g. All you have to do is add some pasta or oatmeal or more bread. 1 cup of old fashioned oatmeal is 54g of carbs. Also judging from the calorie deficit you are under on fat as well. go ahead and toss in the egg yolks and eat some more nuts like others have been saying.
  • leanmass24
    leanmass24 Posts: 304 Member
    Yeah I bought oatmeal I keep forgetting to eat it though..lol. I had pasta 2 days last week the barilla mutligrain... it is soo good... I just need to go buy some more next trip to the store.