OVER my sugar and protein level....help?



  • sweetoblivion314
    Disregard it if your only concern is maintaing or losing weight you can be over any of the "suggested" macronutrients and it will make no difference so long as you don't exceed your daily maintenance or deficit levels for calories.

    Sugar doesn't make you fat, eating too many calories makes you fat. Plain and simple.

    Not entirely true. Due to hormones activated (namely insulin) by the intake of sugar (fructose excluded, which has been shown to control insulin) it can easily cause your body to deposit calories into fat cells as opposed to using them or storing them in the liver or muscle glycogen. This is where the glycemic index emerges from.
    Personally I avoid simple sugars (even fruit) 6 out of 7 days of the week. I get all of my carbs from very low glycemic sources, mainly legumes.

    The glycemic index is completely irrelevant do some real research not information found off google.

    My information comes from books and articles published by respected authors and health professionals.
    And you have not given me any evidence to establish your point so hence it is a worthless statement.