barbcouperus Member


  • I just started spinning a few weeks ago and LOVE it. Can you have a look at my diary for today (this is a high burn day for me). I've entered all the food I had planned to eat today. These are all my meals and snacks and pre-workout food. I'm netting 1082, so I should still find another approximately 600 cals to squeeze in…
  • thanks! glad I realized my error before I gained too much weight!!
  • When I did my numbers initially, I chose moderate as my exercise level (desk job and workout 5 days per week). So if I'm reading your reply correctly, I should be trying to get to 2194 under the "Food" category and not the "net" category. I should only look at the "net" if I am under my BMR. Right?
  • so even if my lifting routines are all upper body and not lower body? I really don't want to give up the kickboxing (it's a great stress relief to hit that bag!) I've been reading online and there are some convincing articles saying it can actually help if you do weights after a cardio session on the same day (but not vice…
  • I started week 8, day 1 today... I'm running for 28 minutes in a ROW!! It's amazing to me considering a few weeks ago, I struggled with 5 minutes of running. I'm not very fast, but I'm doing it and that's what's important I think.
  • feel free to add me as well.
  • personally I think the protein levels MFP gives are way too low...the kinds of protein you're eating are lean, so I think it's fine to go over the amount. I think the numbers that you really need to pay attention to are the sugars and sodium...not protein, especially when you're getting in the lean forms that you are. You…
  • you can add me as well! I like to eat!!!:bigsmile:
  • are you eating anything before you run? I've found the best thing to eat before cardio is a banana and a bit of natural peanut butter....the carbs fuel the run and the protein helps sustain you. It sounds like you might be getting some lactic acid build up too and the extra potassium from the banana should help. Also, yes,…
  • One more question...should I set my calorie goals at my BMR or at TDEE?
  • Yeah, I'm always leary of the amount of calories they say I burn, so I even tend to downplay the length of time that I do an exercise..for my kickboxing, the class is actual an hour, but I usually input in MFP only for 45-50 minutes because it seems really high. I guess my next investment in the weight loss extravaganza is…
  • thank you!!!!! I can't really cut back on the cardio, I'm training for a 5K. So I will give the higher cals a go, maybe add on them on slowly to start with. Hopefully this works! I've been hearing about this forever and finally am willing to give it a go. thanks for the support.
  • Thank you! So the 2194 that my net calories or total calories for the day? Yesterday...I ate 1975, but because my exercise was so high, my net was 1136...I think that's what is confusing me so much. It's the net vs. actual food intake...if I'm reading what you wrote correctly, because I only ate a NET of 1136…
  • In just started it last week and so far so good...there's a group on here for C25K enthusiasists, so you might want to search that one out for support/tips/motivation etc...
  • Judging by your diary, you are not eating anywhere near NEED minimum 1200 cals per day just to keep breathing. You really need to log everything. there were some days you only a scoop of protein powder for breakfast? did you mix that with anything?? You didn't have dinner one day either and no logging at all…
  • I've actually just switched up my cardio days (ie:C25K)...I'm now doing 2 days of the running program, 3 days of strength training (2 workouts on Tuesday, running in the AM and a kickboxing class in the evening). Rest on the weekends...very important to have rest days in there, or days with just a light stretching DVD or a…
  • I did week 1 day 2 yesterday in the 100 degree heat and it was sllooowwww...but I did it! I use an app on my iphone called has built workouts and the C25K was one of them. You can play your own music as you run and it talks to you and lets you know when to warmup/cooldown and walk/jog. It records the…
  • [ There is a "strength training" entry under the cardio exercise to count the calories. [/quote] thanks!
  • Hi! I'm Barb, I'm running for health and weight loss. I'm also training for a 5K obstacle race in September...oh and I did I mention I'll be chased by zombies at the same time? ( if anyone is interested! :bigsmile: ) ANYWAY, I'm coming back from injury, so I'll be a slow pacer, but the idea is to…
  • Just joining your group today...I started week 1, day 1 this past Monday the 18th, today will be day 2. A little freaked out with the weather's going to be 44 Celsius with the humidity (111 Farenheit for the non-metric peeps :smile: ) and I've never exercised outdoors when it's that hot...
  • Welcome! I joined mfp in january, but only recently have I been frequenting the message boards...lots of help and support here!
  • thanks...I didn't think the 1% switch would make that much of a difference! I do drink a ton of water ( a pitcher a day at work, 2 glasses first thing in the morning, and at least 2 more glasses at night). I'm not of the mind that I should give up on a beverage or food group completely, it's just not realistic and it's not…
  • thanks so much, I'm going to check out that TDEE thing...
  • thank you so much, I really, really appreciate it.
  • Yeah, I always wonder about the calories they say I burn for things like the kickboxing seems really high. I often even put in that the class was only 45 minutes instead of the full hour because I don't believe the calories burnt is correct. I still don't eat over the baseline of calories that MFP gives me…
  • thanks and WOW on your weight loss!! I'm always hesitant to try eating goes against years of being told to eat less to lose weight, but I've heard that a few times now...
  • thanks everyone... this is the consensus I get from all the comments: 1-eat less carbs 2-eat more protein 3-eat more of my exercise calories back 4-get an HR monitor 5-track the weekends too I'll keep plugging away and try and get this thing right. :drinker: