NoelleW Member


  • So excited to join this challenge! Good luck all Name: Noelle Age: 35 Height: 5'8" Start Weight (Dec 29): 146 Goal Weight (1st February):140 1st January: 8th January: 15th January: 22nd January: 29th January: 1st February: Weight lost/gained this week: Weight lost/gained this month:
  • Hello all, I've been on MFP for years but in the last year lost motivation and activity. Figure I better start this thing anew and look for some buddies and supportas well. Happy to meet new folks and find new health.
  • Jump on the MFP bandwagon fellow financial worker. :) I've lost almost 25lbs and lovvvvve MFP.
  • OH MY HECK!!!!! You look awesome, keep it up!
  • HA! I had to relearn situps after an injury and I could only do them at first with assistance (like a yoga band or a helpful friend) and by lowering with control from the top down. After a few weeks of working every day I could finally, with assistance, make my way up. Good luck!!!!
  • Ick that is lame:( Question she a super sarcastic person? I posted something once on a friends wall that read: Dude...if you don't stop talking about all your Fashion Week escapades I am going to unfriend you"...SHE UNFRIENDED ME. She was in New York having a blast and I was only meaining to say that it looked…
  • HI there!!!! I have been hiking Piestewa forever and honestly, I just use the "hiking, cross country" found in the database. I am sure it is inaccurate since Piestewa is a pretty good climb. If you are looking for really accurate a HRM would be your best bet. It'll be interesting to see if anybody has already done the…
  • I am with the other folks on here. If you are exercising daily you need to be eating more. I plateaued a few months back and couldn't get my scale to move until I added food. And alot of food. Be intentional though. Getting Protein and fiber at breakfast will help alot. Don't be afraid of strong grains either. You can have…
  • Welcome to my fitness pal. This site has successfully helped me drop about 20lbs so far and I love it! I am also a Phoenix kid. Glad to hear that ya'll survived that battle, must have been so so hard. Keep posting and you'll do great.
  • I always drop 2 to 6 pounds when I take out dairy 100% . It contributes to water weight and bloating. It can seriously help :) Best of luck.
  • Consider also that dairy often contributes to serious bloating and weight retention. Try totally taking dairy out for a week or so just to test it. You may process lactose very well and it may not be an issue...or you may be like me and drop 6 pounds in water weight and bloating. Yeah I am so not kidding. :) Best of luck!
  • Wow! Thanks My Fitness Pal folks. I love all the different perspectives available. It's hard eating right/well in America and hard to teach what was never taught to me. I think it is great advice to have "always" and "sometimes" foods. It affords freedom and responsibilty all at once. God did make m&m's - - -there is…
  • Thanks for the feedback my fitness pals! I am glad to hear I am on the right track. I think you are right that I will need to add to the dialogue as they get older.
  • She is right...your mom does not need to make the appointment. Just schedule an annual physical with your primary care and when you are there tell him that you have an eating disorder and need a referral. If you don't have a primary but you have a gyno you can ask her. That way you have a "cover" and some help. The only…
  • Hi there! Welcome back!!!!!
  • Hi! Best of luck! So the late night snacking thing has always been my struggle too. This last year I finally broke the habit. Guess how? I had to figure out why I was doing it. Am I hungry - Nope Am I moody - NOPE - Well not every night, and I still wanna eat every night. Am I just tired - Could be Am I bored - Sometimes…
  • Welcome!!! With every new member the world we live in changes just a little for the better :) I mean it. This site will help. Be honest, track all of your food (I mean all of it, every table spoon of butter and handful of M&M's). The only way to know how to change your behavior is to know what your behavior is now....and…
  • Well Good LUCK!! It's good to hear that you haven't always been unhealthy. It means hopefully you remember what it feels like to feel good :) Remember and run with it...heck run toward it. Losing weight is one of the most difficult and rewarding things you can do it, share the experience and Love Yourself for…
  • Dang I was in the process of posting and saw that she skipped out already. What a bummer...cuz I was about to say that many dietary "aides" which result in dramatic weightloss can also result in dramatic mood swings :( Come back...there is a difference between enabling and supportive. The latter is the long term better of…
  • Wish I knew what to say to that but I am in the same boat. Maybe it is just that time of year. I think I have officially fallen off the wagon, well the weightloss wagon that is. Spent May to December of last year working hard and got to my goal weight in time for my 30th birthday. Started out the new year right by training…
  • HA!! I totally fought this battle for a long time. Here is what works for me :) Once a week(or as needed) I prepare a container full of healthy vegetables, cut up and ready to be snacked on. When I start cokking for the evening out comes the celery, brocolli, peppers, etc. These are healthy, happy calories! Three great…
  • SIngapore? Seriously? What a challenge but how did you end up there?
  • Tuesday, October 26, 2010 CHOCOLICKKYSS - 26 Lana - 23 Jill - 22 Skinnyack - 16 Robin - 11 Diana (hessond) - 22 Mya - 12 (haven't logged in all week =/) Dawn - 1 Cnbethea - 22 Mia - 18 Anu_6986 - 12 RoJo40 - 23 Amie - 10 Elyse - 2 Linda - 17 kizzy - 7 sundinsgurl - 12 Brooke46 - 2 betterchoices - 4 bk120 -16…
  • CHOCOLICKKYSS - 11 Lana - 10 Jill - 10 Skinnyack - 7 Robin - 7 Diana (hessond) - 10 Mya - 5 Dawn - 1 Cnbethea - 9 Mia - 5 Anu_6986 - 6 rojo40 - 5 Amie - 3 Elyse - 2 Linda - 10 kizzy - 6 sundinsgurl - 7 Brooke46 - 2 betterchoices - 4 bk120 - 6 dorothymantooth - 3 Dounia - 8 Lyssa - 6 Julia - 8 loveme445 ~ 5 Noelle - 4
  • CHOCOLICKKYSS - 9 Lana - 9 Jill - 8 Skinnyack - 5 Robin - 5 Diana (hessond) - 9 Mya - 5 Dawn - 1 Cnbethea - 7 Mia - 5 Anu_6986 - 6 rojo40 - 5 Amie - 3 Elyse - 2 Linda - 8 kizzy - 6 sundinsgurl - 7 Brooke46 - 2 betterchoices - 4 bk120 - 6 dorothymantooth - 3 Dounia - 7 Lyssa - 6 Julia - 6 loveme445-4 Noelle - 3
  • I am a little late but so IN!
  • Holy Cow Kiddo!! Seriously nice work. I have been thinkin about doin the whole P90X thing and you just sold me! Be proud, you are remarkable :)