Calling all moms....

This is my problem: From the time i get home, to the time the kids go to bed, I am cooking.

I cook one meal for the kids...sometimes two because my oldest is vegetarian (since birth and is very healthy) and the baby is not (yet).

Then my husband comes home around 7:30 and I cook for him.

I found that i would pick all night.

I did have a conversation with him just now about me not being in the kitchen as much. This will help.

How do you manage that? I found that when I was childless, it was MUCH easier to not think about food. Now, it's all my kids talk about LOL!


  • BlondeNklutzi
    BlondeNklutzi Posts: 25 Member
    Ooh, good question! I have found that I have this issue too. Plus when I'm feeding my son, I often have a peek through the cabinets just to see if i see something that would make a good new finger food for him! Then I tend to find something that looks yummy! Or, if I'm feeding him, I tend to eat along with him. Btw, Gerber Yogurt Melts are yummy! My husband doesn't get home from work until almost 11, so I cook supper for him much later.

    Will be interesting to see if anyone has any ideas. The only thing I've started doing is logging everything religiously. It helps me SEE what I'm doing.
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    YES! I end up 'eating' with them and then eating my meal and then picking at my husband's meal!

    It's gotta stop!
  • ashley0616
    ashley0616 Posts: 579 Member
    Well, for us I generally either feed the kids the same thing we eat, or if that is not an option I always have steamed veggies, chopped fruit, yogurt, and fast cook pasta (like mini bowties) on hand for a quick meal. That way 1. if I do pick, it's healthy and 2. I can usually make single-serving meals for them and there's not anything leftover for me to munch on. My kids are 2 1/2 and 11 months though, so that might be different. I think it would be worth trying, though.
  • BlondeNklutzi
    BlondeNklutzi Posts: 25 Member
    Lol, I catch myself cleaning the high chair tray a lot! Just for laughs I tried to log some Gerber food today...much to my shock it was there! Apparently I'm not the only one that eats baby snacks with my little one!
  • ashley0616
    ashley0616 Posts: 579 Member
    I noticed that too, I once had to eat a medication mixed into yogurt and all I had were YoBaby so I looked and they were there! So was the puree I mixed in! Too funny.
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Make a mini goal for yourself that you only eat when sitting down. As mom's we tend to run while taking a bite here and there but always multitask. I know it is hard but try to slow down and give yourself the time you need to sit down and eat your meals. If you don't let yourself eat unless you are at the table you can't pick all night.
  • fitmom125
    Since I became aware and have started to evaluate what I eat. I recently realized that I am in the kitchen alot too. My kids eat all day. I'm learning the strength of my will power.
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    Make a mini goal for yourself that you only eat when sitting down. As mom's we tend to run while taking a bite here and there but always multitask. I know it is hard but try to slow down and give yourself the time you need to sit down and eat your meals. If you don't let yourself eat unless you are at the table you can't pick all night.

    This is a great idea. I need this type of discipline. After 30 days, it becomes a habit :)
  • NoelleW
    NoelleW Posts: 30 Member
    HA!! I totally fought this battle for a long time. Here is what works for me :) Once a week(or as needed) I prepare a container full of healthy vegetables, cut up and ready to be snacked on. When I start cokking for the evening out comes the celery, brocolli, peppers, etc. These are healthy, happy calories! Three great things happen as a result.

    1. I get to snack all evening and not do any harm.
    2. I eat less of the "tastes great but isn't so great for ya" food available at dinner because I am half full already.
    3. I get to teach my kids the value of family time and healthy eating all at once.

    In the same way you redirect the unwanted behaviors of a child you can redirect snacking during meal preparation. If your crawling child tries over and over to grab another child's toy, your first response will be to give your child a toy of his own and change his focus...instead of sampling the shredded cheese for the lasagna munch away on that celery to your hearts content!!

    One more thing...less likely to be well received...why are you preparing 3 meals????? You have 1 family so make one dinner with healthy options for all. Well rested and well cared for Mom's are the best and you can't possibly care for yourself if you are making 3 dinners, there simply isn't that much time in a day hunnie :)
  • asm12707
    i have a newborn she is 2 months and a 31/2 yr old, put it this way if one isnt hungry the other one is, there is always something for me to do. when im not cooking, im cleaning, or feeding someone. its hard, the only thing that has helped me is planning my meals the day before. i log them in the day before to make sure i am under my calories, and that way i eat healthy. for me it works because i dont have to figure out what to eat, it saves me a few mins lol.
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    Yea, I shouldn't be cooking 3 meals. I just like lean things, the kids want their things (healthy but not what I like) and my husband eats meat.

    That being said, it's about three meals.