Hello from sunny Arizona!

Hi, thought I'd join in the fun and say hello to everyone - been using the iPhone app for a little bit and started with the website tonight. I start my program tomorrow with a trainer so I'm going to be actively tracking my progress towards my goal - losing 25 pounds by my 40th birthday in August. I've been in decent shape in the past, did a triathlon once out here and used to do 5k races in my youth (never really fast, just for fun really, 25-30 minute 5k). I started getting out of shape and losing focus about 2 years ago as my wife and I battled breast cancer (she did the heavy lifting with chemo and stuff, I tried to keep the kids sane and do whatever I could to survive the year). She's a survivor now, but I've had a hard time, kind of readjusting after the stress of that year. I let a few things go, and next thing you know I'm breaking 200 lbs for the first time, and continuing to climb. I think the stress from that experience, coupled with poor eating and lack of exercise (using that stress as an excuse, of course), has put me in the low-metabolism high-cholesterol situation I'm in currently, and frankly, it was time for me to kick myself in the butt and get back into it.

So, hi to everyone, wish me luck, and I'd love to hear back from anyone who might be in the Phoenix area or has made it through similar situations to the other side for some encouragement.



  • NoelleW
    NoelleW Posts: 30 Member
    Welcome to my fitness pal. This site has successfully helped me drop about 20lbs so far and I love it! I am also a Phoenix kid. Glad to hear that ya'll survived that battle, must have been so so hard. Keep posting and you'll do great.