Did God make it? Then you can eat it!

So I am a pretty well educated novice with respect to nutrition. To clarify, I understand the basics of carb, protein, vegetarian options, etc...though I am not so deeply interested to understand say the chemistry and complexity of it all. I do not buy into any of the yo yo diet fads and find myself an almost vegetarian. Not for moral reasons but because of the results it lends.

Here is the question, or the scenario I am interested in:

I have two children. 6 & 7. I am trying to teach them about nutrition. Of course the best way is by example and that part is handled. However, "teach a man to fish..." You catch my drift. I want them to learn to make healthy choices on their own.

Recently my frustrated son asked, "But Mom, how can I know easily if something is ok to eat? aren't there any easy ways to know"?

To which I responded, "If God made it, then you can eat". We talked a little more and of course there are some exceptions but he seemed to accept the answer and now he says all the time things like "Nabisco made that, probably not a good choice". or, "I am sure glad God made blueberries cuz I love em"!

So here is the question...what do you all think? Am I right? Am I wrong? Am I misleading him with a too simple answer? Or do you think that it is a basically accuarate and age appropriate answer?


  • Leigh_D
    Leigh_D Posts: 356 Member

    Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery ... I'm totally going to steal that! :wink:
  • chefswife1975
    chefswife1975 Posts: 75 Member
    Basically, you don't want your kids to want or eat processed foods, so you're on the right track. If things start getting a little tough when you want to give them something that is pre-prepared by someone other than you, but is not filled with preservatives tell them that someone else took all the good and natural and put them together to make this for us to eat. Get them involved when you are cooking at home so you can let them know that it's just like that when you give them something that is already prepared.

    I hope that helps!
  • BlessedMamatoBoys
    Aww, I think that is awesome and the PERFECT way to explain it! Especially for a little one to understand. Plus, we should all eat the way God designed us to. Like veges, fruits and all that. My mom always says that if it was good enough for Jesus, then it is good enough for us....such as things as our meals!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    It's a good one!
    I've been passing my food philosophy onto my elderly dad - my basic are that if there are lots and lots of ingredients in a simple food like yoghurt or bread, then it's probably not good for you. And that things with lots of health claims in big letters probably have something to hide :)
    But, I'm going to tell him your theory too, he will like that.
  • TrinityPixie4
    That is a great answer. We should all eat like that.
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    Its a wonderful answer...just be careful with your wording....because God also created things that are extreamly harmful....some mushrooms, naturally occuring alcohols, weed...ect.

    As a vegetarian...I'll also offer this insight....just because it's processed doesn't mean it's fully harmful either. Look for the simplest ingredients. Tofu for exaple is wonderful...but highly processed soy nuggets should be a rare treat.

    They are still quite young and I think that the question that was asked was answered with a great response....you may have to modify it as they age, but it's pretty straight forward. Well done!
  • NoelleW
    NoelleW Posts: 30 Member
    Thanks for the feedback my fitness pals! I am glad to hear I am on the right track. I think you are right that I will need to add to the dialogue as they get older.
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    Well, I know for a fact that God made M&Ms. Don't ask how I know ;)
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Well, I know for a fact that God made M&Ms. Don't ask how I know ;)

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Seriously, though, I LOVE that answer! I've always told others that when I go grocery shopping, I stay at the edges of the supermarket because that's where the fruits, veggies, and lean meats are. If I go in the aisles for things other than spices, I stare at the labels and try to make the best decisions that I can concerning things like pasta or bread. I don't have them often, but always read the labels to make sure the company didn't inject sodium, sugar, or something you can't pronounce into what should be just a couple of ingredients.
  • mamawildbear
    mamawildbear Posts: 93 Member
    I have given the same answer to my kids except I phrase it, "If it comes from nature, it's a better choice than if it came from a factory." However, I have mentioned natural poisonous things as well because it drives me crazy when people think that everything natural is good for you.
  • amycal
    amycal Posts: 646 Member
    I think this is an excellent guideline! You can also include the foods mom makes from the food God has made are good to eat too!

    A local naturopath doctor at a seminar on healthy eating said "eat plants, not food made in plants." I thought that was another good guideline.
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    I do think it's good in general, but it's also important to let them know that if they do eat food, "not made by God" that aren't being bad or even worse have "sinned". Or telling others that they are. Because our food issues get complicated enough.
  • Cina04
    Cina04 Posts: 609
    Luckily your kids are young!

    I can only imagine what a teenager would say, " Well God made people and those people invented different foods and God made the materials for them to create different foods"

    My daughter is almost 3yrs and when she ask for something and I tell her no than she asks why, I just simple tell her that it's not good for you to eat. I also don't banish "junk" food because when my kids do get older, I want to teach them how to enjoy the "not so good" food in moderation.

    I know once I finally moved out and was living on my own, I went food crazy and ate whatever my mom said no we couldn't get.

    I'm here eating Girl Scout cookies and still losing weight. Before I could eat a whole box within 10 mins and now I know my know body limit when it comes to sweets and I know when to stop. We have 8 boxes of Girl Scout Cookies in our house (long story lol) but they have been lasting for days!
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    If I told my 15 year old that he would ask if it was ok to eat people then..lol
  • leavinglasvegas
    I completely agree and I have taught my daughter quite the same. She is 11 so I have gone as far as including that food from God should be treated with respect and be appreciated. She eats meat sometimes and I am Vegan, so she knows to lean towards local, humanely raised, and organic. I try to be very gentle with these things, but also very honest. With the decisions left to her choosing, she has age appropriate knowledge and control of her life. We also use the terms "always/anytime" foods and "sometimes" foods to differentiate when wanting to stray. We have no such thing as a "never" food. She gets to go shopping with me and make desisions on what we will eat. If she makes choices that are not the greatest, she has learned not from me telling her it was a bad choice, but from the feeling that is left behind. So far, so good. I think you are doing a good thing:drinker:
  • JHoersten2
    JHoersten2 Posts: 44 Member
    "A natural flavor is not necessarily healthier or purer than an artificial one. When almond flavor (benzaldehyde) is derived from natural sources, such as peach and apricot pits, it contains traces of hydrogen cyanide, a deadly poison. Benzaldehyde derived through a different process - by mixing oil of clove and the banana flavour, amyl acetate - does not contain any cyanide. Nevertheless, it is legally considered an artificial flavor and sells at a much lower price." pg. 126

    -Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser

    Sometimes man-made is a healthier choice. :D
  • chefswife1975
    chefswife1975 Posts: 75 Member
    I completely agree and I have taught my daughter quite the same. She is 11 so I have gone as far as including that food from God should be treated with respect and be appreciated. She eats meat sometimes and I am Vegan, so she knows to lean towards local, humanely raised, and organic. I try to be very gentle with these things, but also very honest. With the decisions left to her choosing, she has age appropriate knowledge and control of her life. We also use the terms "always/anytime" foods and "sometimes" foods to differentiate when wanting to stray. We have no such thing as a "never" food. She gets to go shopping with me and make desisions on what we will eat. If she makes choices that are not the greatest, she has learned not from me telling her it was a bad choice, but from the feeling that is left behind. So far, so good. I think you are doing a good thing:drinker:

    I think it's great that your choices about eating don't have to be your daughter's choices about eating. I also really like the "always/anytime" and "sometimes" approach to food. It really sets kids up to think about things in a healthy way. Parents who totally deprive their kids of any sugar at home will find them climbing the walls when they pick them up from a birthday party, but teaching them it's okay to indulge on occasion teaches them to have some self-control.
  • NoelleW
    NoelleW Posts: 30 Member
    Wow! Thanks My Fitness Pal folks. I love all the different perspectives available. It's hard eating right/well in America and hard to teach what was never taught to me.

    I think it is great advice to have "always" and "sometimes" foods. It affords freedom and responsibilty all at once.

    God did make m&m's - - -there is simply no way he didn't :)
  • autumn13
    autumn13 Posts: 295
    I always say if u can grow or kill it don't eat it lol But i love this tooo....Will be using it!