bodyjammin85 Member


  • The best things to do are - Set a few small goals for this time next week. Use things like, 'eat a healthy breakfast every day', 'go for a long walk daily', 'get a skipping rope and do 5 mins of skipping everyday', 'clean out the cupboards of all junk', 'log my food every day' etc. Make it small and manageable. Don't go in…
  • Sounds like you've had a tough time. At least you are here looking for assistance now. What i think you need to do it gain a bit of muscle. Losing weight through severe calorie deficit generally means the muscle you had has been used as fuel. Muscle is what burns calories, so that is why your metabolism has crashed, you…
  • The first Saw movie. I get nightmares and a horrible feeling of dread anytime it's mentioned, pictured, ads on TV, and almost any other horror movie since. Even a scene in the last season of Dexter gave me the feeling again. I hate you, i hate you so much!!
  • How much do you spend on other things? I mean internet, cellphone, other food, video games, dvds, any other expenditures. How is it expensive to eat right? If you don't spend the money on junk, you will have some money to buy veg, even if you can't buy organic, you can buy the regular stuff. Don't buy soda, drink water…
  • And read the book, 'the science of slim'. This will dispell the idea that its cals in vs cals out. Not all cals are the same and not all foods are equal. Eat unprocessed food which our ancestors ate and our bodies are designed to process properly.
  • Eat enough food to fuel your body, cutting calories just doesn't work. I'd say never go below 1400 for women/1600 for men. Quality foods are more important and you can eat more of them as they aren't as calorie dense but are full of nutrients, so stuff your face with good veggies til you're too full to eat junk food.…
  • First, don't weigh yourself every day. You couldn't gain 5lbs of muscle or fat in 1 day so it'll just be water weight. Lifting is one of the most effective ways to burn fat but keep lean muscle. Lift heavy and have a good rest afterwards. Don't work the same muscle group more than twice in one week. One pound of muscle…
  • Use the MFP tools to calculate your BMR then x by 1.2 if you are sedentary, by 1.375 if you are lightly active (exercise 1-3 day a week), 1.55 for moderately active (exercise 3-5 days a week). This number is your maintainence number, as in how much calories you need to eat to maintain your weight. Then simply take away…
  • P90X - best home programme for lean muscle and fat burning!
  • I resisted Pizza Hut delivery when my son and hubby indulged. I ate turkey steak with veg instead! Pizza is my biggest stumbling block so the fact i didn't even have a tiny bit means i've come a long way! Very proud of myself!
  • Swingers is awesome! 40 Year Old Virgin as it fits with the others you've seen. In Bruges is a black comedy with some laugh out loud moments.
  • I agree, as long as you feel the burn in the last 3 reps then you're fine. Remember to stick to 12-15 reps for lean definition instead of size which is 8-10 reps. If you can do 15 reps and could go more then up the weight. If you can't make it to 12 then lower the weight. Listen to Tony - Don't let your ego get in the way!…
  • I wouldn't cut carbs completely but you can change some of the ones you do have. Change everything to the brown alternative - wholewheat pasta, brown bread, brown rice etc. Change potatoes for sweet potatoes. They fill you up better for longer. On MFP settings change your % settings to 40% carbs 40% protein and 20% fat, or…
  • Check this link. It's an easy to understand document. The research done on the marathon runner is all you should need to understand why its important not to undereat!
  • I think you're not eating enough. 1200 cals should be net intake, not 1200 total. Eat you exercise cals back.
  • A couple of people have touched on it. You need to eat more 1200 is the bare minimum that scientists say your body can function on. Calculate your BMR (use the calculator on MFP tools) and stick to that then add extra for calories burned during exercise. BMR is the cals your body needs if you just lay in bed all day. Your…
  • Protein shakes are a good way of keeping intake of cals and protein high but will take a minute or two to make and drink and also if you don't feel hungry but you need to eat more they don't feel like such a burden to consume compared to a sandwich or an omlette. Your body needs a certain amount of calories just to…
  • In a nutshell, eat more food but less fruit! Eating lots of fruit can be a negative thing, especially the high sugar ones like bananas and grapes. I am a weightwatchers patron and fruit is also zero points but it's not to replace meals, just to curb cravings and as a healthier alternative to chocolate. Choose low GI carbs…
  • Clear your cupboards of all of the junk food. If it's not there, it can't tempt you. Get yourself some healthy snacks and leave them in plain view. I'm a stay at home mum too and my partner is away for up to 3 weeks at a time so i know how it feels. I carry around a big bottle of water with a little bit of sugar-free…
  • Every other day is recommended. You don't (or shouldn't!) exercise any other muscle group every day, so why should the abs be any different. After resistance training your muscles take up to 3 days to repair themselves and during this time they are burning fat and calories, this is called afterburn. With abs training, it…
  • 10% carbs isn't enough unless you're doing atkins. Carbs are essential for your body and especially if you're working out, you need the energy to get through it. If the exercise is hardcore and you are really eating clean you can do a 40/40/20 ratio which is 40% carbs, 40% protein, 20% fat. You can set these ratios in mfp…
  • sorry but you cant know without a hrm. you can buy one from £30, just a basic one will do. Polar ft1 is a good starter for about £35.
  • I'm assuming Lean Cuisine is a ready meal, right? They are not the way to go. Too high in salt (as someone said already) and they are just not a clean way of eating. If it's a shortage of time, i'd make large amounts of the same thing and freeze in individual portions ready to heat up when needed. Also, look at foods that…
  • I've tried them all and this is what i found - Kinect version is fun and breaks everything down but there is very little 'cues' to whats going to happen next so you may take a little second to adjust to the next move. Once you memorise them its ok. As for the game rating how well you are doing the moves, it's very poor and…
  • This is bugging me so much, i love movie trivia so much that i hate it sometimes!! I thought of inception, the one and time machine as well as a few others already said. Please find this out and please tell us all, for our sanitys sake!
  • You need to have an overall 1200 for your body to lose weight safely and not stop your metabolism based on your everyday living, not exercise. If you exercise you are burning extra calories thus leaving your body coping with less calories to get it through the day. 1200 is already a deficit so creating a bigger one will…
  • Dead on! Just as i said! If you have only a 10 minute attention span when it comes to exercise, try Tony Hortons 10 minute trainer. The results you can get off of that are amazing. Check it out on youtube.
  • I'm writing to give you a kick up the backside because as much as your friends love you, they won't be as harsh as is needed. Running - boring+ on your own Yoga - boring + on your own Pilates - boring +on your own Home DVDs - on your own Gym machines - on your own bike at home - On your own Do you see a recurring theme?…