What are your top 3 weightloss/fitness tips?



  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    My best tip would probably be.

    Set non-weight goals for yourself. And to set short, medium, and long term goals.
  • Philllbis
    Philllbis Posts: 801 Member
    Set small goals for yourself. When you reach that goal set another.

    Log everything you eat and be mindful of what you;re eating.

    Exercise - Find something you can live with but push yourself.
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    Just Eat Real Food (fish vs fish fingers, to take a random example)

    Don't over-exercise

    Food is to be enjoyed, calories are not the enemy
  • dr3wman
    dr3wman Posts: 205
    1. Move More
    2. Eat the same
    3. Pick things up and put them down
  • dbarchus
    dbarchus Posts: 42
    only one.

    1. Burn more than you put in...the END

    The rest is all hype, marketing, branding, pseudo science, people trying to sound smart etc etc etc.

    Good luck

  • HypersonicFitNess
    HypersonicFitNess Posts: 1,219 Member
    Lots of excellent tips; here are mine:

    #1 - Calories Burned - Calories In MUST = deficit otherwise you gain end of story

    #2 - Plan ahead (prepare your "on plan" healthy meals (I eat three meals plus two snacks; you may need three meals + three snacks...you have to find the right formula for you); but they have to be healthy (lots of fresh, organic raw vegetables (green leafy, don't feel up on starchy vegetables), low glycemic fruits, lean meats, nuts/seeds, (minimal dairy).

    #3 - Register for a race or Challenge (I signed up for the Warrior Dash last year and this year even though I'd never, even ran a race before); this gives you a REAL goal to work toward in your workouts. I still do this. I don't know if I'll ever be ready to run the Tough Mudder, but I am training for it by doing their training. I started with their quiz which put me in the "Maybe Mudder" category and I did the Maybe Mudder bootcamp 3x per week for the month of July; I have since moved up to their Tough Mudder Boot Camp for the month of August and I while I previously ran 3-4 miles 2x during the week and 5-6 on the weekend; I have pumped that up to 5-7 2x during the week and 6-8 on the weekends. I will try to kick the weekend up again next month. I still have to get up to a 10 mile run and I've never done that before; but I know I can challenge myself to do it!!

    Here's the link to the Tough Mudder Quiz:


    And the link to the Tough Mudder Boot Camps; there are three levels (they're in pdf, so you can print or just download them) -- also remember if you aren't ready for even the beginner; you can modify any exercise to your ability until you are able to perform it as directed:


    Good Luck!!!
  • Sox90716
    Sox90716 Posts: 976 Member
    Be consistent.
    Be honest about your logging.
    Sweat doing something you like.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    1) Eat lots of protein and cut down on carbs.
    2) Mix up your exercise, don't always do the same things.
    3) Go by measurements rather than the scales
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    1. Do something you enjoy
    2. Push yourself a little harder than yesterday
    3. Take rest days - they are important!
  • fit_librarian
    fit_librarian Posts: 242 Member
    1) Watch your sugar/salt intake. Keep those fairly low.
    2) Moderation is key! If you want a piece of cake, have some cake. Just make sure it's a SMALL piece.
    3) Exercise how you want. Do something you enjoy and challenge yourself. If you jumping jacks do mountain climbers. If you hate running, swim! There are so many choices.
  • Lula16
    Lula16 Posts: 628 Member
    I think I need to take on new advice to try and shift my last bit of weight.

    4 months weighing exactly the same so I definately need to shake it up a little, so what are your top 3 tips you give to anyone that asks for advice?

    I hear ya! my weight always stalls for 3 months and then boom I lose few pounds for few weeks consecutive and then it will stop again and I wont lose for another 3 months. so my advice:
    1. stay consistant with exercise and clean eating
    2. drink water all day everyday
    3. relax your mind from constantly thinking of losing. Get out and do something fun.
  • ChrisRS87
    ChrisRS87 Posts: 781 Member
    Don't listen to most of the advice found on this website, research and back up every claim you read with studies and articles from reputable sources.
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    1. Make it a lifestyle choice. Don't work to get to some magic weight value. Change you life and live healthier.
    2. Be active! Make it as important as your job.
    3. Be curious and try new things. There is no one best method of anything and as we progress our body and mind changes. Don't be afraid of giving new things a try.

    Lastly, have fun! Because what is the point of being healthy and fit if it is not to enjoy life!
  • LERadicalDreamer
    LERadicalDreamer Posts: 61 Member
    Definitely reevaluate your breakfast. 2 Pop Tarts are 400 calories... I don't even eat that for dinner these days, and I can guarantee you they are not good calories, being all sugar and no protein. I ate them pretty often after college, and then I realized I was gaining weight. Same with sugary cereals.

    Have you tried overnight oatmeal? I take a 1/4c of old fashioned oats, 1/2c of skim milk, 1tsp of chia or ground flax seeds (a healthy fat), then add some banana and blueberries to it, shake it up, stick it in the fridge overnight, and then I microwave it on low for 2 minutes to heat it up in the morning. Tasty, healthy breakfast!
  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    Log everything you eat as accurately as possible
    Invest in an HRM.. it is a great tool to know your calories burned, most effective exercises, and to push yourself higher
    Lift weights, check out cross fit, mix up your exercise, try new things.

    This is so not boring..

  • bodyjammin85
    bodyjammin85 Posts: 34 Member
    Eat enough food to fuel your body, cutting calories just doesn't work. I'd say never go below 1400 for women/1600 for men.
    Quality foods are more important and you can eat more of them as they aren't as calorie dense but are full of nutrients, so stuff your face with good veggies til you're too full to eat junk food.
    Workouts should be short and tough, not long and low intensity. Lifting weights is always recommended as it builds more muscle which inturn burns more fat.
  • Sublog
    Sublog Posts: 1,296 Member
    I think I need to take on new advice to try and shift my last bit of weight.

    4 months weighing exactly the same so I definately need to shake it up a little, so what are your top 3 tips you give to anyone that asks for advice?

    Learn how to use a food scale.
    Count calories and macros
    Reduce calories to lose weight.
  • linz1125
    linz1125 Posts: 441 Member
    You're making the first step...recognizing that something needs to change to get you through this, so that's good.

    1. Eat food in its most natural state
    2. Cut back on processed/refined sugars
    3. Lift weights - and not the 3lb barbie weights. Maybe pick up a copy of New Lifting Rules for Women. It has really given me a new perspective.
  • bodyjammin85
    bodyjammin85 Posts: 34 Member
    And read the book, 'the science of slim'. This will dispell the idea that its cals in vs cals out. Not all cals are the same and not all foods are equal. Eat unprocessed food which our ancestors ate and our bodies are designed to process properly.
  • squishycow7
    squishycow7 Posts: 820 Member
    1. Measure your food. Portion sizes might be different than you think.

    2. Don't skip weight training!!!!!!!

    3. The quality of food matters, not just quantity!
